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MDCAT English

43 – 63

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Q/A from instructors Live Sessions

Instructor: Ammar A. Ayub

‫میں مجبور تھا کہ اس کی سیگریٹ نوشی کی‬
‫عادت پر اس سے سامنا کرتا۔‬
‫سامنا کرنا‬

Synonyms: Challenge, square up to, collar,

braving, oppose, resist, defy, tackle, waylay,
assault, halt, approach, face up to, come
face to face with, stand up to, detain, tell
off, accost, take aside, halt, nobble, scorn,
withstand, go one-on-one, beard, affront,
flout, smite, harrow, blight, exasperate,
bedevil, grapple with, antagonizing, rack.
Synonyms: Bulldoze, coerce, constrain,
enforce, hustle, shotgun, squeeze, oblige,
dragoon, crack down, driven, forcible, urge,
farfetched, hypnotized, nagged, daunted,
mesmerized, mandated, necessitated,
thrust, accountable, unavoidable, roped,
slung, prompted, commanded, overlooked,
pitched, galvanized.
I was compelled to confront him
about his smoking habit.
‫سامنا کرنا‬
Antonyms: Dodge, evade, elude, kowtow
to, circumvent, abstain, retreat from, filch,
concede, shun, shirk, negotiate, sidestep.

Sentence: The soldiers are confronting the

terrorists across the borders.
Antonyms: Autonomous, detached, willy,
deterred, volunteered, complimentary,
debonair, impeded, blocked, volitional.

Sentence: Palwasha was compelled to

give up her job due to her illness.
‫سی‪-‬عی‪-‬او نے مزید وضاحت کی کہ ان کے مستقبل‬
‫کے لیۓ مقاصد مقررہیں۔‬

Synonyms: Audible, bold, categorical,

clean-out, clear-cut, defined, crisp,
downright, graphic, incisive, not vague,
palpable, severe, ringing, silhouetted,
well-grounded, pronounced, forthright,
straightforward, tangible, unambiguous,
indubitable, unequivocal.

Synonyms: Busy, complex, complicated,

decorated, prodigious, posh, embellished,
extensive, extravagant, fussy, garnished, hi
tech, highly wrought, studied, imposing,
knotty, labored, plush, minute, labyrinthine,
luxurious, many-faceted, ornamented,
ornate, ostentatious, overdone, painstaking,
The CEO further elaborated that they
had definite plans for future.

Antonyms: Ambiguous, imprecise,

obscure, indefinite, inexact, undefined,
vague, indistinct.

Sentence: Sarah has no definite plans

for her future.

Antonyms: Stark, uninvolved, facile,

uncultured, uncomplicated, plain,
unsophisticated, unusual.

Sentence: Ms. Sadia has prepared a very

elaborate dinner for her guests.
‫شہر سے دور ایک ٹوٹا پھوٹا گھر افسردگی کا‬
‫منظر پیش کئے کھڑا ہے۔‬
‫ٹوٹا پھوٹا‬

Synonyms: Blemish, contort, damage,

deform, demolish, destroy, dilapidate,
disfigure, distort, foul up, gum up, hash
up, impair, injure, louse up, mangle,
mar, mess up, misshape, much up,
obliterate, ruin, scratch, screw up, spoil,
sully, tarnish, trash, vandalize, wreck.

Synonyms: Bad, black, cheerless, cold,

comfortless, cracked up, crestfallen,
crushed, cut up, woebegone, dejected,
woeful, depressed, desolate, despairing,
torn up, dispirited, distressed, doleful,
somber, ripped, downcast, wretched,
downhearted, dreary, forlorn, grief-
A dilapidated house stands
disconsolately away from the city.
‫ٹوٹا پھوٹا‬

Antonyms: Adorn, beautify, deck, mend,

decorate, fix, freshen, repair, restore.

Sentence: Mr. Mansoor’s sons have

dilapidated his whole business.

Antonyms: Cheerful, euphoric, happy,

joyous, consolable, blithe, gladsome,
jovial, merry.

Sentence: Sarah is wandering

disconsolately around the garden.
‫ایسا بہت کم ہوتا ہے کہ وہ اپنی شان کے‬
‫خالف ہم سے ملنے آتی ہے۔‬

Synonyms: Accommodate, accord,

acquiesce, agree, be courteous, bend,
comply, concede, degrade oneself, deign,
demean oneself, descend, favor, grant,
humble oneself, lower oneself, oblige,
submit, unbend, vouchsafe, yield, think
fit, patronize, be snobbish to, deign.
‫بہت کم‬

Synonyms: Almost never, barely, seldom,

exceptionally, extraordinary, little, extremely,
hardly ever, infrequently, notably, finely,
remarkably, scarcely ever, evermore, extra,
singularity, uncommon, uncommonly, rarer,
unfrequently, unusually, scarcely, almost
never, hardly, on rare occasions, eternally,
It rarely happens that she
condescends to accompany us.
‫شان کے خالف‬
Antonyms: Respect, rise above, deny,
hinder, dissent, disallow, deferential,
earthy, unpretentious, docile.

Sentence: Ali condescends to all his

‫بہت کم‬

Antonyms: Frequently, often, once

again, constantly, continually, defo,
repeatedly, customarily, oftentimes.

Sentence: Ms. Shaista rarely allows her

children to go out.
‫جس طرح وہ میز پر ڈھول بجا رہی تھی ‪ ،‬وہ‬
‫برداشت سے باہر تھا۔‬
‫ڈھول بجانا‬

Synonyms: Boom, pulsate, rap, baffled,

reverberate, roar, strum, tattoo, throb,
thrum, thunder, deported, kicked out,
voted out, barreled, expel, thrummed,
rattled, banished, cast out, ejected, fire,
evicted, tamboured, rumbled, throbbed,
fired, expulsion, dismissal, thrown,
cylindered, have instilled.
‫برداشت سے باہر‬

Synonyms: Excruciating, extreme,

impossible, insufferable, awful, heavy,
appalling, harrowing, odious, terrible,
vile, monstrous, unendurable, heinous,
disgusting, rotten, nasty, untenable,
insupportable, last straw, offensive,
painful, too much, unbearable,
The way she drummed on the desk
was intolerable.
‫ڈھول بجانا‬

Antonyms: Hide, keep secret, suicide

silence, deafening silence, minute’s
silence, absolute silence.

Sentence: The rain drummed against

windows of the bus.
‫برداشت سے باہر‬

Antonyms: Bearable, tolerable, hygge,

acceptable, adequate, endurable, alco,
sufferable, admissible, okey-dokey.

Sentence: The weather of Bahawalpur

was intolerable.
‫اس نے مجھے ہاتھ سے اشارہ کیا کہ سارہ‬
‫اسے نقصان پہنچانے کا ارادہ رکھتی تھی۔‬
‫ارادہ رکھنا‬

Synonyms: Absorbed, alert, attending,

attentive, bent, bound, committed, rapt,
concentrated, concentrating, decided,
decisive, deep, eager, earnest, engaged,
engrossed, enthusiasm, firm, fixed, hell-
bent, immersed, industrious, intense,
minding, occupied, piercing, preoccupied,
‫اشارہ کرنا‬
Synonyms: Allude, ascribe, connote,
imply, impute, indicate, intimate, refer,
mention, propose, purport, signify, libel,
prompt, suggest, inject, imply, infiltrate,
infuse, allude, signify, interject, pop in,
insinuates, adumbrate, impute, pierce,
instill, creep, instill, implant, foist, worm,
drop a hint, ascribe, edge in.
She insinuate to me that Sarah
intended to damage her.
‫ارادہ رکھنا‬
Antonyms: Doubt, be surprised, rickety,
unorganized, accident, distracted, lazy,
absentminded, remote, feeble, at sea,
inattentive, pain point, sick to death.

Sentence: Amna is intended for the

medical profession.
‫اشارہ کرنا‬

Antonyms: Advertise, keep quit, keep

secret, declare, leave alone, firmly
believe, withhold, be pretty sure.

Sentence: Umair tried to insinuate

himself into the teacher’s favor.
‫وہ ہمیشہ سنی سنائی باتوں کی بنیاد پر‬
‫لوگوں کے بارے میں تاثر قائم کرتی ہے۔‬

Synonyms: Unfailingly, continually,

unvarying, bar none, without exception,
incessantly, steadily, would necessarily,
inevitable, habitually, perennially, static,
inherent, evermore, unalterably, rigidly,
customarily, stably, systematically, hourly,
ineluctably, irrevocably, indefatigably.
‫سنی سنائی باتیں‬

Synonyms: Rumor, gossip, scuttlebutt,

rumor mill, bruit, by hearsay, fame, tattle,
canard, scuttle-butt, flying rumor, news
stirring, murmur, guesswork, leak, bruit,
Tittle-tattle, whispering, gossiping, heard
rumors, natter, collateral, repute, prattle,
evidence, idea afloat, chitchat.
Synonyms: Verdict, opinion, discretion,
sagacity, prudence, reach a verdict, trials,
shutoff, perspicacity, reckoning, shutoff,
court judgment, trial process, in the
judgment, percipience, measurement,
conviction, decision in the court, savvy,
doomsday, hearing, provision, acumen,
She almost invariably forms her
judgment about people on the
basis of hearsay.

Antonyms: Changeably, awhile, fitfully,

customarily, steadily, bar none, rarely,
immutably, changelessly, invariant.

Sentence: Mr. Mahmood invariably help

the poor and needy people.
‫سنی سنائی باتیں‬

Antonyms: Firsthand, testimony, snort,

opprobrium, anonymity, cackle, giggle,
guffaw, hoot, snicker, appurtenances.

Sentence: Court doesn’t accept the

hearsay as evidence.
Antonyms: Paranoia, indiscreetness,
reprieve, surmise, fish tale, pish posh,
claptrap, abracadabra, shitheadedness.

Sentence: Ms. Aroona has a reputation

for rigorous proficient judgement.
‫اسکی آنکھیں آنسوؤں سے چمک رہی تھیں جب‬
‫میں نے خوابوں کو پورا کرنے کے لیۓ اس کی‬
‫حوصلہ افزائی کی۔‬
‫حوصلہ افزائی کرنا‬

Synonyms: Urge, support, boost, incite,

cheer, assist, inspire, spur, inspirit, drive,
hearten, rouse, prod, reassure, endorse,
console, embolden, fortify, revitalize,
enliven, foment, impel, press, aimed at
promoting, bolster, countenance, give a
boost, buck up, gladden, foster.
Synonyms: Lustrous, shimmering, waxy,
gleaming, twinkling, glossy, brilliant, glow,
dazzling, beaming, polished, coruscating,
flashing, sheeny, fresh, effulgent, vivid,
shimmery, glistering, glassy, glazed, slick,
scintillation, gleamed, lucent, alight, silky,
shone, resplendent, refulgent, lambent,
Her eyes were glistening with tears
when I encouraged her to follow her
‫حوصلہ افزائی کرنا‬

Antonyms: Stifle, annoy, arrest, curb,

dissuade, deter, dishearten, baffle, gall,
daunt, constrain, disconcert, enfeeble

Sentence: The Professor encourages the

research skills of his students.
Antonyms: Blackness, bland, dreary,
cloudy, dismal, inactive, drab, dimness,
lackluster, etiolated, inert, obtuse, slack.

Sentence: Ahmad’s face was glistening

with sweat.
‫اپنے قدرتی مسکن میں پرندے خوشی سے اپنے‬
‫پروں کو پھڑپھڑا رہے تھے۔ ً‬

Synonyms: Territory, site, abode, haunt,

environs, terrain, milieu, digs, ambiance,
berth, dwelling, ambient, caisson, living
spaces, granger, turf, ecology, stamping
ground, lodging, roost, residency, uptick,
retreat, vicinity, niche, resort, clime, crib,
contexture, lumpectomy, condominium.

Synonyms: Waving, flapping, quivering,

flutter, wavering, trembling, flitting,
unsteady, drifting, blowing, flashing,
flittering, hovering, glinting, palpating,
static, flap, bickering, flurrying, flaps,
gliding, flopping, vacillating, clobbering,
dithering, drubbing, flared, fussing.
In their habitat, the birds were happy
and fluttering their wings.

Antonyms: Unnatural surrounding,

public, no place, place of learning,

Sentence: Tall open eucalypt forests are

the habitat of Koala Bears.

Antonyms: Static, remain, soothe, stay,

steady, calm, dawdle, persuasiveness,
loiter, composure, equate, glibness, bide.

Sentence: Pigeons were fluttering in the

‫کارخانےکے اندر گرمی کی وجہ سے اسکا پسینا‬
‫نکلنے لگا۔‬
‫پسینا نکلنا‬

Synonyms: Ooze, emit, leak, seep, shed,

trickle, transude, excrete, sweat, bleed,
percolate, radiate, drip, eject, emanate,
perspire, effuse, reek, excrete, transpire,
evacuate, filter, strain, send forth, leach,
dribble, spout, spew, vent, escape, run,
disembogue, extrude.
Synonyms: Manufacturing, trade, toil,
enterprise, assiduity, effort, persistence,
manufacture, business sector, mains,
branch of activity, assiduousness, grind,
sectoral, companies, exertion, business
line, labor, public-private, econ, traffic,
sectorial, hustle, mining, commerce,
The hot environment of the industry
made him exude sweat.
‫پسینا نکلنا‬

Antonyms: Absorb, conceal, announce,

cascade, drizzle, seize, outdo, surmount,
outplay, outvote, subjugate, deprive.

Sentence: The hot weather made Sara

exude sweat.
Antonyms: Residence, carelessness,
lethargy, indolence, residence, vacay,
drowsiness, apathy, torpor, languor.

Sentence: Mr. Mansoor has the best

pension scheme in the industry.

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