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Student Name: Zhanli Zhu GE1000 Sec W37

Student Name: Zhanli Zhu

GE1000 Sec _______W37_____
Lifelong Learning Characteristics Self-Assessment
Behavioral Indicators Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. I feel others are in a better position
than I am to evaluate my success as a √
student. [单选题] *
2. It is my responsibility to make sense
of what I learn at school. [单选题] * √
3. I often find it difficult to locate
information when I need it. [单选题] * √
4. I prefer problems which there is one
answer. [单选题] * √

5. I can deal with the unexpected and √

solve problems as they arise. [单选题]
6. I feel uncomfortable under
conditions of uncertainty. [单选题] * √
7. I prefer others to plan my learning. [
单选题] * √
8. I seldom think about my own
learning and how to improve it. [单选 √
题] *
9. I feel I am a self-directed learner.
[单选题] * √
10. I love learning for its own sake. [单
选题] * √
11. When I learn something new I try to
focus on the details rather than on the √
"big picture". [单选题] *
12. I am able to impose meaning upon
what others see as disorder. [单选题] * √

13. I try to relate academic learning to √

practical issues. [单选题] *

14. When I approach new material, I try √

to relate it to what I already know. [单
选题] *
Survey instrument obtained from the study of T. Subahan Mohd Meerah*, Denise Koh Choon
Lian, Kamisah Osman, Effandi Zakaria, Zanaton Haji Iksan & Tuan Mastura Tuan Soh (2010)

By filling in this form, I realized my shortcomings and strengths in learning. Although

learning is our own business, our learning is basically planned by ourselves, but sometimes
learning also needs the help and advice of others. My learning strength is that I can self-
discipline and study myself, but my weakness is that it is not easy to listen to other people's
suggestions when studying, and I am susceptible to external factors.
First of all, my strength is to study independently. I usually arrange my own time to
study reasonably. Always our study time is scattered, and we need to plan and manage our
time ourselves. Arrange your study time and rest time reasonably to achieve the most
efficient study. For example, I usually concentrate my study time in the morning or noon, so
that I can have enough managers and a clear head to complete my homework. This way I
have time to relax and do what I like in the evening. At the same time, I will also compare and
integrate the new learning content with the previous learning materials, so that I can better
understand the new knowledge I have learned and absorb new theories faster.
Secondly,weakness is that it is easy to receive interference from the outside world
and not easy to listen to other people's suggestions. When I study, I like to learn in my own
way, rather than following the methods of others. I know that this is not good because a
single learning method can easily make me tired and tired of learning, which will reduce the
interest and efficiency of learning. The best way is to combine the opinions or methods of
others to improve and innovate after having your own core method of learning. There are
also external interference factors. I am easily attracted by other people's voices or interesting
things, such as other people playing games, singing, or my mobile phone ringing. These
factors will affect my learning efficiency. The solution I came up with was to put myself in a
quieter place, then distance myself from mobile phones and computers, and allow myself to
concentrate on my studies.
Finally, I think my learning method is good and bad. First of all, I will plan my time and
concentrate my time for efficient learning. The second point is that I will improve my learning
methods in the future, adopt other people's opinions and combine them to reduce external
interference factors. All of these are for better and efficient learning, making learning more
meaningful and effective.

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