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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
award of the Degree of




Under the guidance of

Associate Professor




Batch: 2016-18

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
award of the Degree of




Under the guidance of

Associate Professor


Batch: 2016-18


This is to certify that the project titled “STRATEGIC RECRUITMENT AND

is an original work of ABHILASH THANKACHAN bearing Reg. No.
16B6CMD005 and is being submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of the
Master’s Degree in Business Administration of Bangalore University. The
report has not been submitted earlier either to this University /Institution or any
other institution for the fulfilment of the requirement of a course of study.


PLACE: ------------------------

DATE: --------------------------


I do hereby declare that the Project report entitled “STRATEGIC

AEGIS LIMITED,BANGLORE” submitted to Bangalore University in the
partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of
Business Administration is a record of bonafide and independent internship
report carried out by me. This report does not form part of any previous reports
submitted to this university or any other university for the award of any degree/
diploma/ associate ship or other similar title.

REG No.16B6CMA005


I proudly utilize the opportunity to express my heart full thanks to Dr.

SURESH NAGPAL, Chairman of Krupanidhi Group of Institutions,
Bangalore and Prof. JACOB ALEXANDER, Director, Department of
Management Studies for their valuable advice and encouragement for
carrying out this project.

My special thanks to faculty guide, Dr. SHAGUFTA SHOWKAT, Associate

Professor, Department of Management Studies, who guided me with full
support in completing my project through her constant encouragement and

I thank all other Faculty members of Department of management studies for

their continuous support in carrying out this project.

I also express my gratitude and sincere thanks to Mr. ABHILASH NAIR,

Deputy Manager, Human Resource, for providing me an opportunity with
necessary facilities for completing the project work.

I offer my humble and sincere thanks to my beloved parents who are the
never ending source of inspiration to me.




1 Introduction 1-28

2 Review of literature and Research design 29-36

3 Profile of the /Business/Selected Organization/ 38-47


4 Data Analysis and Interpretation 49-62

5 Findings, conclusions and Recommendations 64-66

Bibliography 67

Annexure 68


Recruitment alludes to the general procedure of drawing in, short posting, choosing and
selecting appropriate possibility for occupations inside an organization.[1] Recruitment can
likewise allude to forms associated with picking people for unpaid parts. Directors, human
asset generalists and enrolment experts might be entrusted with doing enlistment, however
now and again open division business offices, business enlistment offices, or authority look
consultancies are utilized to embrace parts of the procedure. Web based advancements to help
all parts of enlistment have turned out to be far reaching.

Selection includes the arrangement of ventures by which the competitors are screened for
picking the most appropriate people for empty posts. Choice outcomes in an agreement of
administration between the business and the chose representative.

Taking care of the requests of the present changing business condition requires building a
proficient staff. For high development associations, drawing in, procuring and holding the
correct hopeful is basic. By adding the correct players to the group it will have a wellspring
of upper hand. Drawing in the wrong hopeful will experience issues in meeting the vital
objectives and goals. The primary test is to create a Labor pool that is sufficiently expansive
for the organization to draw on while hunting down best ability. The second is to build up a
powerful procedure for screening and choosing the best possibility for various occupations.
Yet, finding and holding quality workers can represent a test. It is troublesome for the
organizations to locate countless competitors and pull in them to apply for employments.

Recruitment Selection

Recruitment is defined as the Selection is defined as the process

process of identifying and making of choosing the right candidates
the potential candidates to apply for for the vacant positions.
the jobs.

Recruitment is called as a positive Selection is called as a negative

process with its approach of process with its elimination or
attracting as many candidates as rejection of as many candidates
possible for the vacant jobs as possible for identifying the
right candidate for the position.


Generally, outsourcing has its foundations in the 'upper hand' hypothesis spread by Adam
Smith in the abundance of countries distributed in 1776. The cause of the BPO business in
India returns to the mid-1980's.Several European aircrafts began utilizing New Delhi as a
base for their back office activities, British Airways (BA) being one of them. The BA hostage
was at long last spun off as a different association called WNS, which is today one of the
biggest outsider BPO player in the keeping money, back, security and protection (BFSI) and
travel segments.

In the second half of the 1980's, AMEX merged its Japan-Asia Pacific (JAPAC) back office
task in New Delhi. This centre was going by Raman Roy and a few driving name of the BPO
business have been related with it sooner or later in their vocations. GE and the vision of Jack
Welsh has been one of the key drivers of the worldwide outsourcing industry. Jack
recommended that seventy for each penny of all IT/BPO work in GE must be outsourced. Out
of this 70 for each penny must be outsourced to creating nations and 70 for every penny of
this must be outsourced to India. This theory has been followed in soul and in real life. GE's
prosperity has prompted different organizations copying it (Anandkumar V and Subhasish
Biswas, 2008).

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a wide term alluding to outsourcing in all fields. A
BPO separates itself by either putting in new innovation or applying existing innovation
recently to enhance a procedure.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the assignment of at least one IT-concentrated

business procedures to an outer supplier that thusly possesses controls and deals with the
chose procedure in light of characterized and quantifiable execution criteria. Business Process
Outsourcing (BPO) is one of the quickest developing fragments of the Information
Technology Enabled Services (ITES) industry.

Few of the motivation factors as to why BPO is gaining ground are:

 Factor Cost Advantage

 Economy of Scale

 Business Risk Mitigation

 Superior Competency

 Utilization Improvement

By and large outsourcing can be characterized as - An association going into an agreement

with another association to work and oversee at least one of its business forms.


The term Business Process Outsourcing or BPO as it is famously known, alludes to

outsourcing in all fields. A BPO specialist organization normally controls and deals with a
specific business process for another organization. BPOs either utilize new innovation or
apply a current innovation recently to enhance a specific business process. India is at present
the main goal for business process outsourcing, as most organizations in the US and UK
outsource IT-related business procedures to Indian specialist organizations

In India, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the quickest developing section of the ITES
(Information Technology Enabled Services) industry. Factors, for example, economy of
scale, business hazard relief, cost advantage, usage change and better competency have all
lead than the development of the Indian BPO industry. Business process outsourcing in India,
which began around the mid-90s, has now developed significantly.

India is presently the world's favored market for BPO organizations, among different
contenders, for example, Australia, China, Philippines and Ireland. The BPO blast in India is
credited to shoddy work expenses and India's tremendous ability pool of gifted, English-
talking experts. Research by the National Association of Software Services and Companies
(NASSCOM) has uncovered that quality introduction among driving BPO organizations, all
day, every day benefits, India's interesting geographic area and the financial specialist
benevolent expense structure in India have all made the BPO business in India extremely


The BPO functions that are outsourced can be divided into horizontal services and vertical
services. Horizontal services and Vertical services have been explained under separate titles
as given below

Horizontal Services: These cover an extensive variety of administrations like Human
Resource (HR), Finance and Accounting and CRM, which are normal to all businesses.
Outsourcing is more typical in these procedures as they are commonly back-office forms and
don't offer much upper hands to the outsourcer. The services under horizontal services group
can be portrayed as takes after:

 Finance and Accounting: Run of the mill exercises around there incorporate
administration of records payable/receivable, bank compromise, settled resource
administration, money administration, budgetary detailing, and hazard administration.
The fund and bookkeeping outsourcing market is worth $15 billion and is relied upon
to enrol a development rate of 13% every year.
 Customer Services: This includes offering help for advertising, specialized help,
guidance or dispensing data. Contact focuses are for the most part furnished with
cutting edge telecom foundation, prepared specialists, and access to required
databases, web and other online data assets. These focuses give client benefit
consistently, regularly 24 hours per day, 7 days seven days. As a rule, the merchant
bargains straightforwardly with the customer's client, requiring a more noteworthy
level of development of the seller and staff.
 Transaction Processing: Exchange handling exercises that are typically outsourced
incorporate preparing of offers arrange section, claims, advances, check, applications,
MasterCard and compromise.
 Human Resources: Human asset outsourcing includes exercises identifying with
finance, benefits organization, preparing, enrolment, cost administration, and travel
and worker records administration. Finance administrations envelop taking care of
finance proclamations, rewards, commissions, assess instalments, and so on.
Representative records administration incorporates staff frames, approaches, methods,
and execution administration records. The seller is likewise accountable for agreeing
to state and government laws. All around, HR is a standout amongst the most
generally outsourced business forms.
 ` Content Development: Content improvement exercises that are generally being
outsourced are liveliness, plan administrations, interactive media CD and DVD
composing, web advancement administrations, improvement and upkeep of e-learning
innovations, for example, learning administration frameworks (LMSs), content
administration frameworks (CMSs) and writing stages, and so on.

 Financial Research: This is another territory in the field of outsourcing and
incorporates exercises, for example, information upkeep, essential money related
investigation, examine, budgetary displaying and so forth. This empowers senior
expert at the home area to centre around customer cooperation’s and other esteem
included exercises. Cases of organizations that have received this incorporate JP
Morgan, Citigroup and Morgan Stanley which have set up tasks in India for this very
 High-end Engineering: This incorporates exercises, for example, plan, innovative
work and top of the line designing. These are, by and large, key to the organization's
business and require work force with high aptitude levels. Greater part of these
capacities is normally out sourced/off shored to hostage setups.

Vertical Services These services are specific to certain industries, for example, claims
processing is specific to the Insurance sector. Industries that have taken the lead in
outsourcing and dominate vertical focused services are financial services, insurance,
healthcare, and securities. The vertical services mentioned above are explained as follows:

 Healthcare: health care industry is required to be one of the greatest recipients of

outsourcing. Opportune execution of procedures and decreased costs help the
medicinal services suppliers enhance their administration levels and contain their
increasing expenses. A portion of the procedures ordinarily outsourced in social
insurance administrations are restorative charging, claims mediation, cashless
hospitalization administrations, therapeutic translation and IT.
 Financial Services: Money related foundations and banks have been pioneers in
outsourcing business forms. Client care and exchange handling are the most
usually outsourced capacities. A portion of alternate capacities that are outsourced
are assess preparing, resource administration, human asset, credit and home loan
handling. In any case, there is currently a moving to outsourcing centre exercises
like treasury and speculation keeping money exercises like research bolster and so
 Insurance: insurance has been a late participant to the universe of outsourcing.
Expanded rivalry and unstable monetary and political scene has incited insurance
agencies to take a gander at outsourcing to enhance effectiveness and lessen cost.

Outsourcing in insurance agencies is required to demonstrate a twofold digit
development. Insurance agencies have outsourced forms like application handling,
guaranteeing, claims arbitration and client mind.
 Airlines: airlines have been heralds in the field of outsourcing, client mind,
information administrations, steadfastness programs, income bookkeeping, load
support and income recuperation forms have been ordinarily outsourced around


The Outsourcing business has grown manifold primarily because it’s major benefits (drivers).
The significant BPO drivers are listed and explained as follows:

Cost Reduction

Cost reserve funds are acknowledged because of economies of scale, nonstop upgrades in
procedures and low wage rates in creating nations. Off shoring presents an extraordinary
chance to decrease costs. Work frames a critical piece of the costs structure as these
procedures are overwhelmingly work escalated. In an aggressive market, organizations need
to take a gander at lessening their expenses with a specific end goal to remain focused. Rate
of settled cost for owning the procedure lies with the organization. For instance, if an
organization claims a call focus, it needs to cause set expenses for setting it up in addition to
the running expenses of the call focus. This situation can be maintained a strategic distance
from if organization outsources call focus tasks, changing over the settled expenses into
variable expenses. The merchant will be in charge of the capital costs associated with setting
up the middle while outsourcer will be Chapter-II 72 charged just on the off chance that he
utilizes the administration. This will empower the organization to deal with its assets
adequately as a rare asset like capital is liberated for different purposes. While outsourcing
inside a nation can bring down costs, moving procedures to a seaward area decreases costs
significantly. For instance, moving the procedure to a minimal effort area like India would
bring about common cost funds of 40-50 percent. Given the most outsourced forms are to a
great extent institutionalized; investment funds are straightforwardly relative to size of work
seaward. For representation, Citibank spares around $75 million every year by outsourcing its
back-office activities to India.

Focus on Core Operations

Seaward outsourcing is unequivocally impacted by requirement for concentrating on center

exercises. Outsourcing forms authorizes administration time and capital and empowers best
usage of the two. Once the center procedures are distinguished, the organization should focus
to outsource fringe/bolster business forms. Outsourcing these business procedures will enable
administration to focus on center exercises, accordingly empowering the organization to
fortify its situation in the market. Advantages of outsourcing are additionally showed in
fringe forms, as non-center to the organization is center to the outsourcing supplier.
Consequently, non-center procedures will get more prominent consideration from the
supplier than it would have gotten from the organization's administration. Most sellers
endeavor to meet quality guidelines like Six Sigma and CMM SEI, bringing about sensational
changes in quality. As the mistake and revamp is decreased, cost of running a procedure falls.
Consequently, outsourcing benefits both the merchant and the outsourcer.

Shared Infrastructure

An individual organization, as a rule, has constrained capacity to expand the usage of

framework resources (offices, organizing, PC hardware, bolster staff, and administration) past
its own motivations. Outsourcing empowers various organizations to part the foundation
costs with different organizations in this manner, bringing down their cost. Another
measurement of seaward BPO is that back-office and call focus work can be performed from
a similar work stations at exchange times exploiting time zone contrasts

Improvements in Service Level

Non-center for the outsourcer is center for the merchant. Seller centers around re-building
and running the procedures productively. Since, it is a center action for the seller; he would
endeavor to realize changes in the process outsourced and convey predominant quality
principles. There are various cases to outline this advantage. For instance, Amex experienced
higher first call resolutions and less mistake work in its hostage units in India. Thus, Dell saw
almost 40% change in their outsourced specialized help work area execution regarding the
main call determination.

Access to Large Talent Pool

Nations like US encounter deficiency of experts, which brings about organizations paying a
premium for benefiting their administrations. They additionally need to pay for holding that
ability. The expenses for enlisting and retraining new staff are additionally higher, in the
event that a worker chooses to stop for better paying occupations. Be that as it may, nations
like India where work pool is substantial and assorted give a plentiful supply of experts.
Moving procedures to these nations will empower the organization to get to extensive ability
pool at a small amount of cost in their nation. Likewise the employments, which are viewed
as low end in created nations, are evaluated high in the creating scene. Henceforth, the
outsourcer would approach huge pool of qualified work force in these nations.

Process and Product Innovation

On the off chance that the procedure is a non-center action for the organization, keeping up
best frameworks and practice for executing the procedure takes a rearward sitting
arrangement. Be that as it may, if the procedure is outsourced, the merchant tries to join best
accessible frameworks. Consequently, the seller has a substantial ordeal base empowering
him to use his learning and utilize best practices to wipe out, rearrange, and justify steps and
expenses in the business procedure to the advantage of the customers. Also, BPO firms are
typically persuaded to enhance the procedure to expand their efficiencies so as to decrease the
expenses since they are paid for finished work at contracted administration levels.

Leveraging Multiple Time Zones

In the event that the capacities are off shored to India, outsourcer can use diverse time zones.
Distinction in time zone empowers speedier improvement cycles. Some piece of the
procedure can be executed in the US in the daytime and after that exchanged to India. This
will empower the organization to work 24 x 7. The seller can use the work environment for
call focus action in the evenings and preparing or non-voice work amid the day. This
empowers better usage of assets and diminishes cost per action (Alpesh.B.Patel, Hemendra
Aran, 2005).

Changing Customer Needs

Outsourcing furnishes administration with adaptable and versatile administrations to meet

their clients' evolving prerequisites. On the other hand, the organization would need to put
resources into frequently redesigning its frameworks and labor abilities to keep in accordance

with clients' prerequisites. Outsourcing exchanges the onus of putting resources into
redesigning foundations and worker abilities to the seller.

Improving the Bottom-line

According to McKinsey study (2007), off shoring can result in a savings of 40-50% cost
savings, which has a potential of being increased to 60-70% through reengineering and task
level improvements like training, etc. The study also states that off shoring and reengineering
a contact center service process will have a positive impact of 40-50% on the bottom-line.

Business Risk Mitigation

There are strategic benefits from business process outsourcing- such as improved
performance, profitability and shareholder value.

Keep up Competitive Edge

It empowers to center around building a more aggressive business, and give the supporting
frameworks and administrations to enable organizations to contend all the more adequately in
the worldwide commercial center.

Acquire Outside Expertise

Merchant company's best business, industry and specialized masters give administration
important direction and abilities which are their center capabilities and which the
organization may have not had in-house.

Access propelled Technology

Merchant's outlines and execute driving edge venture frameworks to help the business
procedure thus deal with the innovation foundation with bring down capital speculations and
preparing costs.

Make Continuous Improvements in Process

Merchant's plans manufacture and deal with the business procedures to work better, quicker
and more affordable and work with customers to make persistent upgrades in process
viability and effectiveness.

Accomplish World-class Standards/Benchmarks

Merchants re-build business procedures to join the best-in-class practices of the world's
driving organizations and utilize the execution measures and benchmarking to enhance
execution and expenses.

Increase Greater Internal Flexibility

Through Outsourcing administration can center around more key issues and other vital
organization activities and has greater adaptability to appoint staff and designate assets to
higher-esteem ventures which will fluctuate from client to client and industry to industry.
(Nakkiran S; John Franklin D, 2005).


Outsourcing has given the worldwide IT and ITES Industry various profitable points of
interest which enabled the part to keep up their initiative even in the circumstances like
ongoing monetary subsidence. Regardless of the tremendous advantages of outsourcing, there
are inhibitors or constraints for outsourcing. They are recorded and clarified as takes after:

Service quality

The seaward BPO industry isn't as developed as IT administrations. This may influence the
administration quality at times. The organization should remember the development of sellers
before outsourcing. It is smarter to set up hostage activities if the merchants need aptitude in
executing the procedure to be outsourced. The outsourcer should consider ramifications of
merchant's inability to give to perform on his business.

Data Security

The most clear dangers in BPO spin around the entrance, stockpiling and exchange of
information. Consistence with controls and US protection laws – that require money related
administrations organizations to ensure the protection of client information and disallows
them from offering it to different elements without authorization are driving authoritative
endeavors to secure their information. Nations like India don't have hearty information
security laws. This might involve worry to outsourcing organizations, as the seller may

approach some touchy data. To alleviate this issue, outsourcers have a tendency to lean
toward top BPO merchants, as Infosys, Wipro, and so forth.

Staff Redeployment Issue

Off shoring has been one of the real reasons that reason work misfortunes in America.
Despite the fact that the activity misfortunes are more so because of the monetary downturn
than off shoring, it has contributed its offer to American laborer's hardships. Because of this,
numerous states in US have found a way to counter seaward outsourcing. The social cost of
outsourcing is too substantial for any organization to overlook. Aftermath of outsourcing is
loss of altruism and low spirit of existing staff. The organization may have the capacity to
relieve the issue to some degree by putting resources into staff retraining and redeployment to
the degree conceivable.

Geopolitical Risks

Before wandering seaward, the organization ought to analyze fringe agitation, religious
texture of the nation, government approaches, psychological oppression, and so forth. With
psychological militant movement on the ascent, the organization should survey such dangers
previously going into a concurrence with the merchant.

Cultural Differences

Cultural differences should be adequately overseen through trade programs and via preparing
the underlying workforce at local offices. In any case, a few organizations may incline toward
outsourcing to areas having social vicinity to its nation of origin.

Regulatory issues concerning off shoring

A few states in the US have presented laws forbidding organizations performing state
contacts from off shoring their work to minimal effort areas or subcontracting the work to
abroad organizations. New Jersey was the first to an outsourcing of state contracts to
organizations utilizing abroad work. In spite of the fact that, this enactment does not appear
to largely affect India, what the Indian organizations should be worried about is the level of
information insurance and protection laws winning in the nation. A portion of the
approaching bills require stringent information insurance and security conditions to be
considered before off shoring forms.

Financial problems with the Vendor

The company that outsourcers can get into serious trouble if the service provider refuses to
provide business due to bankruptcy, lack of funds, labour etc.

Loss of Control

Outsourcing requires the control of the process being outsourced transferred to the service
provider. Thus the company may lose control over its process (Alpesh B Patel; Hemendra
Aran, 2005).


Globally, India has been considered as the most preferred destination for BPO companies.
The key growth drivers of Indian ITES-BPO can be stated as follows:

1. Abundant talent

2. Sustained cost competitiveness

3. Continued focus on quality

4. World class information security environment

5. Rapid growth in key business infrastructure

6. Enabling business policy and regulatory environment

The above 6 key growth drivers are instrumental in promoting India as the most preferred
BPO destination. Following gives the description of the factors:

Abundant Talent:

Statistic profile is an innate preferred standpoint supplemented by a scholastic foundation that

produces a huge pool of English talking logical and specialized ability with space aptitude in
particular territories. Ability reasonableness concerns are being tended to through a blend of
government, the scholarly community and industry drove activities. These activities
incorporate national rollout of expertise affirmation through NAC (NASSCOM Assessment

of Competence), setting up completing schools in relationship with MHRD to supplement
graduate instruction with preparing in particular innovation zones and delicate abilities and
Moue's with training offices like UGC and AICTE to encourage industry contributions on
educational programs and instructing and create staff advancement program.

Sustained cost competitiveness: India has a solid reputation of conveying a huge cost
advantage, with customers' consistently revealing funds of 25-50 percent over the first cost
base. The capacity to accomplish such large amounts of cost advantage by sourcing
administrations from India is driven fundamentally by the capacity to get to profoundly gifted
ability at altogether bring down wage rates and the resultant efficiency increases got from
having an extremely capable representative base. This is additionally supplemented by
relative focal points in different components of the cost structure (e.g. telecom) that add to
India's cost aggressiveness – notwithstanding when contrasted with other ease goals.

Continued focus on quality:

Shown process quality and aptitude in benefit conveyance has been a key factor driving
India's managed administration in worldwide Chapter-II 84 benefit conveyance. Since the
commencement of the business in India, players inside the nation have been concentrating on
quality activities, to adjust themselves to worldwide norms. Throughout the years, the
industry has fabricated powerful procedures and techniques to offer world class IT
programming and innovation related administrations. In excess of 200 organizations are
quality licensed and serve more than 255 Fortune 500 organizations.

World class information security environment:

Partners of Indian BPO perceive idiot proof security as an essential component of worldwide
administration conveyance. Singular firm level endeavors are supplemented by an exhaustive
approach structure set up by Indian specialists, which has assembled a solid establishment for
an 'information secure' condition in the nation. These incorporate fortifying the administrative
system through proposed corrections to additionally reinforce the IT Act 2000, scaling up the
digital lab activity, scaling up the National Skills Registry (NSR) and setting up a self
administrative association.

Rapid growth in key business infrastructure:

Brilliant telecom foundation and quick development in key business framework has
guaranteed unhindered development and extension of this part. The BPO area has been a key
recipient with the cost of worldwide network declining quickly and benefit level enhancing
essentially. The development is occurring in existing urban focuses as well as progressively
in satellite towns and littler urban areas. Basic business framework, for example, telecom and
business land is well set up; enhancing other supporting foundation a key need for the
administration. STPI framework accessible the nation over and great strong controls
alongside size of ventures demonstrates government support to the business.

Enabling business policy and regulatory environment:

The empowering strategy condition in India was instrumental in catalyzing the early periods
of development in this part. Arrangement creators in India have laid extraordinary
accentuation on empowering remote support in many parts of the economy, perceiving its
significance as a wellspring of money related capital as well as a facilitator of information
and innovation exchange. The Indian ITES-BPO segment has profited from Investor
agreeable approaches of Indian Government. The taking part firms appreciate insignificant
administrative and arrangement confinements alongside an expansive scope of financial and
procedural motivating forces.


Enlistment and determination is the way toward distinguishing the requirement for an
occupation, characterizing the prerequisites of the position and the activity holder,
publicizing the position and picking the most fitting individual for the activity. Undertaking
this procedure is one of the principle goals of administration. In fact, the achievement of any
business depends to a huge degree on the nature of its staff. Enlisting representatives with the
right abilities can increase the value of a business and enrolling specialists at a wage or pay
that the business can bear, will lessen costs.

Employees should therefore be carefully selected, managed and retained, just like any other

Manpower Requisition Form

Recruitment Plan



Selection Process


Post Recruitment Data Updating


There are a number of possible reasons as to why a business may have to recruit more

 Business is expanding due to:

 Increasing sales of existing products

 Developing new products

 Entering new markets

 Existing employees leaving to work with competitors or other local employers

 Existing employees leaving due to factors such as retirement, sick leave, maternity

 Business needs employees with new skills

 Business is relocating – and not all the existing workforce wants to move to the new

 In each of these circumstances a business will normally carry out Workforce

Planning to find out how many workers and what types of workers are required. The
workforce plan will establish what vacancies exist and managers then need to draw up
job description and job specification for each post.

 A job description is a detailed explanation of the roles and responsibilities of the post
advertised. Most applicants will ask for this before applying for the job. It refers to the
post available rather than the person.

 A job specification is drawn up by the business and sets out the kind of
qualifications, skills, experience and personal attributes a successful candidate should
possess. It is a vital tool in assessing the suitability of job applicants and refers to the
person rather than the post.

 These documents are an important part of the recruitment and selection process and
provide the basis as to where the job may be advertised and whether an applicant is
suitable for the post. They also help provide a framework for questions to be asked at
an interview

Importance of Job Analysis

• Job Analysis is a precise investigation, study and recording the obligations,

obligations, aptitudes, accountabilities, workplace and capacity prerequisites of a
particular occupation.

• The subtle elements gathered by leading employment examination assume a critical

part in controlling the yield of the specific occupation. Deciding the accomplishment of
occupation relies upon the fair, appropriate and intensive employment investigation. It
likewise helps in selecting the perfect individuals for a specific employment. The primary
reason for leading this entire procedure is to make and build up an ideal fit between the
activity and the worker.

• Job investigation likewise helps HR directors in choosing the pay bundle and extra
livens and motivations for a specific occupation position. It adequately contributes in
evaluating the preparation needs and execution of the current workers. The procedure
shapes the premise to outline and build up the systems and arrangements to satisfy
hierarchical objectives and targets.


The methods of recruitment open to a business are often categorized into:


Internal Recruitment is a recruitment which takes place within the concern or organization.
Internal sources of recruitment are readily available to an organization. Internal sources are
primarily three - Transfers, promotions and Re-employment of ex-employees. Re-
employment of ex-employees is one of the internal sources of recruitment in which
employees can be invited and appointed to fill vacancies in the concern. There are situations
when ex-employees provide unsolicited applications also.

Internal recruitment may lead to increase in employee’s productivity as their motivation level
increases. It also saves time, money and efforts. But a drawback of internal recruitment is that
it refrains the organization from new blood. Also, not all the manpower requirements can be
met through internal recruitment. Hiring from outside has to be done.

Internal sources are primarily 3:

a. Transfers
b. Promotions (through Internal Job Postings) and
c. Re-employment of ex-employees - Re-employment of ex-employees is one of
the internal sources of recruitment in which employees can be invited and
appointed to fill vacancies in the concern. There are situations when ex-
employees provide unsolicited applications also.

External Recruitment:

External sources of recruitment have to be solicited from outside the organization. External
sources are external to a concern. But it involves lot of time and money. The external sources
of recruitment include - Employment at factory gate, advertisements, employment exchanges,
employment agencies, educational institutes, lab -our contractors, recommendations etc.

Employment at Factory Level - This a wellspring of outer enrolment in which the
applications for opportunities are displayed on notice sheets outside the Factory or at the
Gate. This sort of enlistment is appropriate for the most part where assembly line labourers
are to be selected. There are individuals who continue requesting occupations starting with
one place then onto the next. These candidates are called as spontaneous candidates. These
sorts of specialists apply without anyone else for their activity. For this sort of enrolment
specialists tend to move starting with one manufacturing plant then onto the next and
consequently they are called as "badli" labourers..

Advertisement - It is an outside source which has a vital place in enlistment system. The
greatest preferred standpoint of ad is that it covers a wide region of market and scattered
candidates can get data from commercials. Medium utilized is Newspapers and Television.

Employment Exchanges - There are sure Employment trades which are controlled by
government. A large portion of the administration endeavours and concerns utilize
individuals through such trades. Presently a-days enlistment in government organizations has
turned out to be obligatory through business trade.

Employment Agencies - There are sure expert associations which look towards enlistment
and work of individuals, i.e. these private organizations keep running by private people
supply expected labour to penniless concerns.

Educational Institutions - There are sure expert Institutions which fill in as an outside
hotspot for selecting new alumni from these organizations. This sort of enlistment done
through such instructive foundations is called as Campus Recruitment. They have unique
enlistment cells which help in giving occupations to new competitors.

Recommendations - There are sure individuals who have involvement in a specific region.
They appreciate generosity and a remain in the organization. There are sure opportunities
which are filled by proposals of such individuals. The greatest disadvantage of this source is
that the organization needs to depend absolutely on such individuals which can later on turn
out to be wasteful.

Labour Contractors: These are the specialist people who supply manpower to the Factory
or Manufacturing plants. Through these contractors, workers are appointed on contract basis,

i.e. for a particular time period. Under conditions when these contractors leave the
organization, such people who are appointed have to also leave the concern.

Source Advantages Disadvantages

Internal Cheaper and quicker to recruit Limits the number of potential

Recruitment applicants

People already familiar with the No new ideas can be

business and how it operates introduced from outside the

Provides opportunities for May cause resentment

promotion with in the business – amongst candidates not
can be motivating appointed

Business already knows the Creates another vacancy

which needs to be filled
strengths and weaknesses of

External Outside people bring in new ideas Longer process

Larger pool of workers from which More expensive process due
to find the best candidate to advertisements and
interviews required

People have a wider range of Selection process may not be

experience effective enough to reveal the
best candidate


Worker Selection is the way toward putting right men on right occupation. It is a technique of
coordinating authoritative necessities with the aptitudes and capabilities of individuals.
Successful choice should be possible just when there is compelling coordinating. By
choosing best contender for the required activity, the association will get quality execution of
workers. Additionally, association will confront less of truancy and representative turnover
issues. By choosing right contender for the required activity, association will likewise spare
time and cash. Legitimate screening of hopefuls happens amid determination methodology.
All the potential applicants who apply for the given occupation are tried.

Yet, determination must be separated from enrollment, however these are two periods of
business process. Enrollment is thought to be a positive procedure as it persuades a greater
amount of possibility to apply for the activity. It makes a pool of candidates. It is simply
sourcing of information. While determination is a negative procedure as the unseemly
hopefuls are dismissed here. Enrollment goes before choice in staffing process. Choice
includes picking the best hopeful with best capacities, aptitudes and learning for the required

The Employee determination Process happens in following request

i. Preliminary Interviews-It is utilized to dispose of those applicants who don't meet the
base qualification criteria set around the association. The abilities, scholarly and family
foundation, skills and interests of the competitor are analyzed amid preparatory meeting.
Preparatory meetings are less formalized and arranged than the last meetings. The
competitors are surrendered a brief about the organization and the activity profile; and it is
likewise analyzed how much the hopeful thinks about the organization. Preparatory meetings
are likewise called screening interviews.

ii. Application spaces The applicants who clear the preparatory meeting are required to
fill application clear. It contains information record of the hopefuls, for example, insights
about age, capabilities, explanation behind leaving past occupation, encounter, and so forth.

iii. Written Tests-Various composed tests led amid determination methodology are bent
test, knowledge test, thinking test, identity test, and so on. These tests are utilized to equitably
evaluate the potential competitor. They ought not be one-sided.

iv. Employment Interviews-It is a coordinated association between the questioner and the
potential competitor. It is utilized to discover whether the applicant is most appropriate for
the required activity or not. Be that as it may, such meetings expend time and cash both. Also
the skills of the applicant can't be judged. Such meetings might be one-sided on occasion.
Such meetings ought to be directed appropriately. No diversions ought to be there in room.
There ought to be a genuine correspondence amongst applicant and questioner.

v. Medical examination-Medical tests are led to guarantee physical wellness of the

potential representative. It will diminish odds of representative non-appearance.

vi. Appointment Letter-A reference check is made about the competitor chose and after
that at long last he is named by giving a formal arrangement letter.

Those to reject Candidates may be rejected because they may not meet
the standards set out in the job specification such as
wrong qualifications or insufficient experience or they may
not have completed the application form to a satisfactory

Those to place on a Often comprises 3-10 of the best candidates who are asked
short list to interview

Those to place on a A business will not normally reject all other candidates
long list immediately but keep some on a long list in case those on
the short list drop out or do not appear suitable during
interview. The business would not want to incur costs
putting them through the selection process.


An interview is the most common form of selection and it serves a very useful purpose for
both employer and job candidate. The main benefits of an interview include:
For the Employer:

 Information that cannot be obtained on paper from a CV or application form

 Conversational ability - often known as people skills
 Natural enthusiasm or manner of applicant
 See how applicant reacts under pressure
 Queries or extra details missing from CV or application form

For the Candidate

 Whether job or business is right for them

 What the culture of company is like
 Exact details of job

There are however different types of choice tests that can be utilized as a part of expansion to
a meeting to help choose the best candidate. The fundamental meeting can be temperamental
as candidates can perform well at meet yet not have the characteristics or abilities required
for the activity.

Other determination tests can build the odds of picking the best candidate thus limit the high
expenses of enrolling the wrong individuals. Cases of these tests are bent tests, insight tests
and psychometric tests (to uncover the identity of a hopeful).

Once the best hopeful has been chosen and consented to take up the post, the new
representative must be given a business contract. This is a critical authoritative archive that
portrays the commitments of the representative and boss to each other (terms and conditions)
and also the underlying compensation bundle and various other vital points of interest.


The enlistment capacity of the associations is influenced and administered by a blend of

different inner and outer powers. The inside powers or factors are the components that can be
controlled by the association. What's more, the outside components are those elements which
can't be controlled by the association. The inner and outer powers influencing enlistment
capacity of an association are:

Internal Factors Affecting Recruitment

The internal forces i.e. the factors which can be controlled by the organization are:

i. Recruitment Policy: The enlistment arrangement of an association determines the

destinations of enrollment and gives a structure to usage of enrollment program me. It might
include authoritative framework to be created for actualizing enlistment software engineers
and methodology by topping off opportunities with best qualified individuals. Elements
influencing enlistment process:

• Organizational goals

• Personnel approaches of the association and its rivals

• Government approaches on reservations.

• Preferred wellsprings of enrollment.

• Need of the association.

• Recruitment costs and monetary ramifications.

ii. Human Resource Planning: Effective human asset arranging helps in deciding the
holes show in the current labor of the association. It additionally helps in deciding the
quantity of workers to be enrolled and what capability they should have.

iii. Size of the Firm: The extent of the firm is a vital factor in enrollment process. In the
event that the association is intending to build its activities and extend its business, it will
consider procuring more faculty, which will deal with its tasks.

iv. Cost: Recruitment bring about cost to the business, accordingly, associations endeavor
to utilize that wellspring of enlistment which will bear a lower cost of enrollment to the
association for every hopeful.

v. Growth and Expansion: Organization will utilize or consider utilizing more faculty on
the off chance that it is extending its activities.

External Factors Affecting Recruitment

The external forces are the forces which cannot be controlled by the organization. The
major external forces are:

i. Supply And Demand: The accessibility of labor both inside and outside the
association is an imperative determinant in the enrollment procedure. On the off chance that
the organization has an interest for more experts and there is restricted supply in the market
for the experts requested by the organization, at that point the organization should rely on
inner sources by giving them uncommon preparing and improvement programs.

ii. Labour Market: Employment conditions in the group where the association is found
will impact the enlisting endeavors of the association. On the off chance that there is excess
of labor at the season of enlistment, even casual endeavors at the season of selecting like

notice sheets show of the order or declaration in the gathering and so forth will pull in all that
anyone could need candidates.

iii. Image/Goodwill: Image of the business can fill in as a potential imperative for
enlistment. An association with positive picture and altruism as a business thinks that its less
demanding to pull in and hold representatives than an association with negative picture.
Picture of an organization depends on what association does and influenced by industry. For
instance back was taken up by fresher MBA's when numerous fund organizations were
coming up.

iv. Political-Social-Legal Environment: Various government controls forbidding

segregation in enlisting and work have coordinate effect on enrollment rehearses. For
instance, Government of India has presented enactment for reservation in work for planned
stations, booked clans, physically disabled and so on. Likewise, exchange associations
assume essential part in enrollment. This confines administration opportunity to choose those
people who it accepts would be the best entertainers. In the event that the applicant can't meet
criteria stipulated by the association yet association controls can limit enlistment sources.

v. Unemployment Rate: One of the components that impact the accessibility of

candidates is the development of the economy (regardless of whether economy is developing
or not and its rate). At the point when the organization isn't making new employments, there
is regularly oversupply of qualified Labor which thusly prompts joblessness.

vi. Competitors: The enrollment approaches of the contenders additionally influence the
enlistment capacity of the associations. To confront the opposition, numerous a times the
associations need to change their enlistment arrangements as indicated by the approaches
being trailed by the contenders.


Securing and holding amazing ability is basic to an association's prosperity. As the activity
showcase turns out to be progressively aggressive and the accessible aptitudes develop more
various, enrollment specialists should be more specific in their decisions, since poor enlisting
choices can deliver long haul negative impacts, among them high preparing and improvement
expenses to limit the rate of poor execution and high turnover which, thusly, affect staff

confidence, the generation of astounding products and ventures and the maintenance of
authoritative memory. Even under the least favorable conditions, the association can neglect
to accomplish its targets in this manner losing its aggressive edge and its offer of the market.
Human asset office assumes a pivotal part in this procedure. The foundation of any effective
organization is the HR division, and without a capable gathering of individuals to contract,
culture, and advise workers, the organization is bound for disappointment. Human asset is
most significant resources in the association. Benefit of the association relies upon its usage.
In the event that there use is done legitimately will make benefit else it will make misfortune.
To secure right man at opportune place in ideal time, some data with respect to work.

This data is gotten through occupation examination, work description and work
determination. Without these enlistment will be unsuccessful. An all around arranged and
very much oversaw enlistment will bring about brilliant candidates for the organization. The
enlistment procedure ought to educate qualified people about business openings, make a
constructive picture of the organization, give enough data of the occupations so candidates
can make examination with their capabilities and interests and produce eagerness among the
best applicants so they will apply for empty positions. What recognizes a fruitful organization
from unsuccessful one is the nature of labor. The part of administration is to streamline the
utilization of asset accessible to it. The part of HR is to join the arranging and control of labor
asset into the corporate level designs with the goal that all assets are utilized together in the
most ideal mix.


As an entrepreneur, you need a group that you can rely on to take care of business while you
center around different things. Administration of any substantial enterprise will reveal to you
that discovering great, steadfast ability is hard. Set aside the opportunity to build up an
enlisting procedure that is always searching for individuals with the abilities you require and
the inspiration to work for you. A decent procedure discovers incredible workers as well as
spares you time and cash on supplanting and preparing new individuals.

Having great quality workers is the main objective for any business. Building up an expected
set of responsibilities and promoting in places where you know you will have the capacity to
pull in individuals with the correct arrangement of aptitudes is the initial step. It's essential to
distinguish what undertakings you require the enlist to finish and regardless of whether you

are equipped for preparing them. For instance, a handyman employing a clerk wouldn't have
any desire to prepare an accountant on the most proficient method to carry out his activity.

Research how contenders pay for a similar activity and what benefits are advertised.
Numerous great representatives will really work for a business paying somewhat less if there
are advantages, for example, wellbeing or retirement designs. Figure out the market, set up a
financial plan and look for a hopeful that meets the aptitude prerequisites for the activity and
pay them appropriately.

Experience a methodical arrangement of inquiries and even abilities tests to decide whether
applicants can satisfy the activity needs. This builds up trust in realizing that you have
coherently experienced an enrolling procedure and pick individuals in light of characterized
measurements as opposed to hunches. When you do this, you increment your odds of having
somebody prevail in the activity.

On the off chance that you don't have to always supplant individuals, you will spare time and
cash on the enlisting and preparing of new hopefuls. Comprehend that downtime could
adversely influence your business incomes in the event that you turn out to be short-staffed;
keeping turnover low is vital. There are expenses and time spent putting out occupation
promotions, meetings and preparing new individuals. Setting aside the opportunity to pick
appropriately the first run through mitigates this.

When you have a deliberate procedure set up that you take after for each hopeful, you
decrease the odds of winding up in business related legitimate issues. Managers can get sued
for predisposition if a competitor feels there was some level of segregation that brought about
not landing the position. Keeping inquiries questions proficient and not making individual
inquiries is imperative to keep any confusions. Giving similar abilities tests to all applicants
implies that nobody was given special treatment. Managers are not permitted to segregate in
view of age, sex, religion or inabilities.


Work by Burack (1985):

As appeared by the Burack (1985) selection premise are completely associated with the
dependable developments as execution of authoritative body, representative income,
specialist fulfillment, operator needs and the responsibility of the inclusion (Burack, 1980).

Work by Hiltrop (1996):

Hiltrop (1996) was useful in survey the association among the HRM sharpen, HRM-
definitive methods and various leveled affecting. He coordinated his hypothesis test on HR
manager in addition to companions controls that be of 319 associations in Europe as for HR
practices and plans of their substance associations and found that work wellbeing, get ready
and improvement venture, staffing and reason, joint effort, specialist cooperation, taking
everything into account, personnel orchestrate are the most basic practices (Hiltrop 1999).

Work by Bratton and Gold (1999)

work of Bratton and Gold (1999) recommend that affiliations are at introduce making model
of the types of assembly they need in transit for enroll, and to see how far hopefuls advise to
their models by techniques for strong and generous systems of alternative. Regardless, the
masters have in addition watched that such models, as it were, got from competency
structures, develop quality in associations by making the appropriate learning against which
the movement searchers can be assessed. Regardless, enlistment and decision are moreover
the hidden periods of a discussion among applications and the association that shapes the
work relationship (Bratton and Gold 1999).

Work by Jackson et al. (2009) and Bratton and Gold (1999):

As discuss by Jackson et al. (2009), Human resource organization approaches in any business
affiliation are made to accumulate amass targets and type of enter plans by methods for
getting ready and change of staff to accomplish an authoritative goal of improving
dependable usage and in addition benefits. The possibility of enrollment and decision for an
association that is searching for after HRM approach is affected by the state of the work stage
and their perfection inside it. Also, it is essential for such associations to screen how the state

of function feature interfaces with potential enrolled individuals from side to side the rack of
a photo which will affect and sustain candidate wants.

Work by Huselid(1999)

Any affiliation is desire to movement steady enlistment framework that must endeavor to
create a lake of fittingly able and particularly experienced subjects to satisfactorily begin the
decision philosophies and decisions. In a general sense, the inactive applications are
encouraged to apply for the open opportunity and likewise the huge divisions can participate
in enroll the best chosen one to refresh the workplace's completing (Taher et al. 2000).

Work by Taher et al. (2000):

on the road to that end Taher et al. (2000) done an investigation to examine the good opinion
included and non-esteem workout in an enlistment and resolve process. The key labor arrange
of an organization, prepare and improvement program, effecting evaluation, remunerate
frame and up to date relations, was also duly laid out in the examination. This search
depended on the way that fruitful HR arranging is a material of association attainment, ,which
stream normally into envoy enrollment and option (Taher et al. 2000).

Work by (Cappelli, 2001):

In reality, the fundamental piece of HR is to make, control, coordinate, instigate, and realize
the devotion of the delegates. The revelation of (Cappelli, 2001) exertion moreover checked
that particularly conditioning decidedly influences various leveled completing, and in this
way gives a giving sensible keen to heads and the framework included. well beyond,
induction and decision remains to be a territory of liberal interest.

Work by M.Smith, 2001:

It is of most extraordinary centrality for a business to be thoroughly clear on what they

envision that a delegate will be. The capacities required for the action should be indicated as
precisely as could be permitted. Transferable capacities which the association could use
moreover justify a determine. So the chances of concentrating in on the right candidate
augment uncommonly if the opening advanced is very sure with respect to the necessities. In
case enlistment office advantage is settled on by the business, the association or the master

should get to a great degree correct headings from the business. It is essential that a right
framework for short posting contender for an opening is itemized early. This is the
underlying advance of the decision and selection process. This includes the organizations are
clear as for what sort of capacities and experience they would like to see on the CV of the
potential specialist.

Work by Korsten (2003) and Jones et al. (2006):

As appeared by Korsten (2003) and Jones et al. (2006), Human Resource Management
speculations underline on frameworks of enrollment and confirmation and plan the upsides of
social events, appraisal and psychometric examinations as expert choice process. They
furthermore communicated that enlistment system may be internal or outside or may
moreover be driven on the web. Reliably, this system relies on the levels of decision
approachs, work postings and purposes behind enthusiasm, publicizing, work application and
meeting process, assessment, important association, formal affirmation and masterminding
(Korsten 2003).

Work by John (2003):

Any organization strategy turns around selection and frustration in enlistment may provoke
inconveniences and unwanted obstacles for any association, including untoward outcomes for
its productivity and wrong degrees of staffing or laborer aptitudes. In additional, insufficient
enlistment may come to fruition into nonattendance of livelihood or preventions in
organization fundamental initiative, and the general selection process would itself have the
capacity to be advanced and remedied by meeting the prerequisites to organization
speculation. According to these theories, the enlistment technique can be, all things
considered, predominant by strategies for Rodgers seven point plan, Munro-Frasers five-
cover assessing structure, singular gatherings, and what's more mental tests.

Work by Jones et al. (2006):

He future that instances of enlistment courses of action in the therapeutic administrations,

exchange or programmed territory may introduce bit of data into the techniques related with
setting up selection approaches and describing accounting objectives. Productive induction
systems incorporate a sharp examination of the action, the work push
circumstance/conditions and meets, and psychometric tests with a particular ultimate

objective to find the conceivable outcomes of business searchers. Plus, little and medium
estimated wanders lay their hands on gatherings and assessment with lead concern related to
work request, enthusiastic information in natural occupation searchers, and corporate social
commitment. added way to deal with determination delineated by Jones et al. (2006)
incorporate a few sorts of meetings, pretend, amass contemplating and aggregate errands, et

Work by (Gusdorf, 2008).

As demonstrated by SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) says that 15% took
part in the affiliations are setting false resume. A segment of the organizations select the
hopefuls with partition shouldn't be done in the affiliations.

Work by Fomunjong, (2009):

through draft and assurance trial for capable secure decisions, high performing expressions
associations are well on the system to put supplementary vitality in giving getting ready
particularly on messages and joint effort capacities. In figuring the finding that there is an
empowering affiliation existing among firm presentation and getting ready is sensible with
the human capital pinnacle of view. in this manner, he prescribes the administrators call for to
make HR practices to encourage are more focused in the request of getting ready to do
cantered points of interest.

Work by Fomunjong, (2009):

This connection being the essence of an association's exertion change, vulnerability to

perceive the outcome of choosing want in the midst of enlistment and decision can provoke
the loss of splendid movement searchers and take the center period of the business
relationship so behind as to make the coming to of appealing HRM comes about incredibly

Work by Silzer et al (2010):

be that as it may, the course of selection does not end with utilization of use and assurance of
the fitting cheerful, so far incorporate running and property the staff that are picked, as talked
by Silzer et al. (2010).According to Silzer et al (2010), that was a center trial in setting up

limit systems, stand up to the affiliation and amidst the higher-positioning organization. The
key reaction for resolve the stress of achieve profitable office organization was by in receipt
of absolutely executable enrollment technique.

Work by G.R.French (2012):

French says that the noteworthiness of certain decision and enrollment practices in the
affiliations (G.R.French, 2012). In the finish of selection and decision rehearses are crucial
characteristics of a talk driven by "front-end" stack activities to develop the group
relationship among applicant and an association. In this connection, the two social occasions
settle on decisions all through the enrollment and option and it would be major for an
association to comprehend that choice work searchers, pulled by their perspective of the
affiliation, might be lost at any plane unless application are oblige down to earth contribution
and what's more work confession In perspective of Jackson et al. (2009) and Bratton and
Gold (1999) competitor have a specific perspective of suppositions about how the association
will treat them; enrollment and backbone goes about as a chance to clear up this view. in
addition, 0ne system of working up the view, longed for by Bratton and Gold (1999), are
convenient occupation sneak looks or RJPs that potentially will show up as logical
examination of gathering with their general work and experience, the score to "cover" a fat
cat at exertion, work tests and recording. The administer focus of RJPs is to take into
benevolence the wants of vocation searchers to end out of bed more balanced and sensible.


Recruitment is the way toward recognizing the requirement for an occupation, characterizing
the necessities of the position and the activity holder, publicizing the position and picking the
most suitable individual for the activity. Undertaking this procedure is one of the fundamental
targets of administration. To be sure, the achievement of any business depends to an
expansive degree on the nature of its staff. Enlisting representatives with the right abilities
can increase the value of a business and enrolling labourers at a wage or pay that the business
can bear, will lessen costs.

Workers ought to in this manner be precisely chosen, oversaw and held, much the same as
some other asset. This examination is an endeavour to think about and dissect what are the

procedures and determination process adjusted and current difficulties looked by enrolment
specialists in the organization.


This study helps in understanding how the strategic recruitment and selection
process takes place in the HR department often in hiring the suitable employees.


 To identify the most effective source of recruitment.

 To evaluate whether the employees in the organization are satisfied

with the present recruitment and selection process or not.

 To provide suitable recommendations to the organization for further

improvisation of the recruitment and selection process.

 Analyse how effectively the recruiters can implement recruitment

policies and selection process in the company.


The study will be descriptive and exploratory in nature.


The sample for the study would be limited to 50 respondents.


For this study the respondents will be the recruiters who is carrying out the recruitment
and selection process


Convenience sampling method will be used for the study.


Primary data:

Primary data will be collected using a structured questionnaire as well as personal

interview method.

Secondary data:

The secondary data for this work will be obtained from company magazines and
brochures, website, newspapers, internet, text books, reports.


The data collected from various sources will be tabulated and represented using the
percentage and ranking method. Graphical tools like bar diagrams, pie charts etc., will be
used to illustrate the tabulated data pictorially. Inferences and interpretation of the data will
be done on the basis of tabulated data.


I. Bias of the respondents is another problem as they did not reveal their
real feelings.

II. The busy schedule of the management staff and was operatives
another reason which hampered data collection.

III. Time constraints being one of the major limitations.

IV. More information could not be collected due to confidentiality.

V. Availability of sample size was very less.


Built up pretty much 30 yeas earlier in the US, Aegis is an overall huge business
organizations and experience organization association that empowers overall brands to pass
on improved client experiences. Throughout the latest three decades, Aegis has extended its
game plan of answers for centre around the broad assortment of huge business and customer

With a closeness in 12 countries, 50 zones, and with more than 55,000 labourers, Aegis
manages over a billion customer correspondences reliably for in excess of 300 clients across
finished verticals, for instance, BFSI, Telecom, ,Healthcare, Travel and Hospitality,
Consumer Goods, Retail, and Technology. Aegis manages, engages, expands, and redesigns
business experiences for its clients and their customers transversely finished guiding,
advancement, outsourcing,, planning and direction.

In affirmation of its three numerous times of expert and fitness, Aegis has won various
respects, including the "Best Contact Centre Services Provider" by Frost and Sullivan
(APAC), "Top Global BPO" by Global Services, and "Best Employer Award" by Aon
Hewitt. The association in like manner continues being situated among best five providers of
industry benefits in various positioning everywhere throughout the world.


Aegis Limited is a multinational outsourcing association that gives customer lifecycle

organization organizations, advancement plans, Finance and HR outsourcing organizations,
interpretation and subtitling, and back office support. Headquartered in Mumbai, India, the
association serves more than 150 clients in a grouping of endeavors, for instance, travel and
warmth, cash related organizations, advancement, communicate interchanges, purchaser
things, human administrations and insurance, fervor and direction, and law approval.

Aegis is a world-driving outsourcing organizations accessory for more than 150 clients, with
in excess of two numerous times of activity in total customer lifecycle organization. The
association has more than 55,000 agents transversely more than 50 regions, with a closeness
in 12 countries, serving verticals, for instance, BFSI, telecom, social protection, travel and
neighbourliness, client items, retail, and development. The association speaks to impressive
expert in exceptionally made courses of action

That cover the entire range 0f customer and exchange experiences transversely finished
industry getting ready, advancement, shared organizations, examination, and advising and
offers changed responsibility models to furthermore support the effortlessness of cooperating.


Board of Directors : Sanjay Chakraborthy

: MukeshSharda

: BharatRao

Chairman : Aparup Sengupta

Global Chief Executive Officer & : Sandip Sen

Executive Director

ChiefPeople Officer : S M Gupta

VicePresident- : Saubhik Mallik

Operations (Back Office Services)

Sr. Vice President – : Millind Joshi

IT Shared Services

Chief Financial Officer : Ramesh Kamath


“At Aegis we envision to constantly innovate in order to have superior execution for our
clients, thereby creating wealth for all the stakeholders.”

This vision is additionally explained through the acronym VIEW, which

manages the contemplations, plans and activities, a reason for the productivity
and client centre and a trademark from the earliest starting point.

At Aegis, the vision, VIEW, provides a framework for operations. To achieve goals this
company vision with the mantra — happy employees, happy customers and happy

 Happy employees

Provide progressive opportunities and platforms that nurture people to participate, learn and
unleash prosperity through constant and relevant engagement.

 Happy customers

Co-create with customers and provide them superior value through global delivery platform
and a class of service that is customized and innovative to meet and exceed their

 Happy shareholders

Provide shareholders an institution that creates sustainable economic value by efficiently

managing all classes of assets.


 Passionate
 Responsive
 Inspiring
 Innovative
 Honest
 Focused
 Energetic
 Committed

In the present centered world the customer's measure among you and an alternative is quality.
Give reliable help, brisk response and additional headways with our Proprietary Quality
approach made in conjunction with COPC, which has 15 years of authority and 1,300
evaluations across finished contact centers in 60 countries. Our exhibited approach is an ideal
route for your invigorative drive.

We also apply the Net Promoter score (NPS) model to help peak your adequacy in customer
dependability and fuel your advantage engines. We use the showed NPS metric to empower
you to take a gander at, light up and cost the subtleties and estimations of your industry force
and potential. It fills in as a vital gauge to raise your execution bar, develop related customer
choices and deliver unbelievable advancement.


The service profile of Aegis Limited can be grouped into Solutions and Verticals.

Solutions: Arrangements are cantered around overseeing, empowering, and broadening

client's customer servicing experience.

 Managing background — Business process outsourcing:

Aegis oversees involvement through its business procedure outsourcing advertising. Their
business procedure administrations envelop the regions of customer relationship
administration, preparing, medicinal services, building, receivables administration and voice-
to-content arrangements.

 Enabling background — People, process, innovation:

Aegis has created its business-empowering answers for guarantee a predictable involvement
in benefit conveyance over its kin, procedures, and advances signifying a stage that
empowers a typical business encounter for all customers and clients.

 Extending knowledge — Enterprise worldwide shared administrations:

Aegis expands the experience by increasing conventional BPO benefits by giving acquisition
administration administrations and adaptable spend administration arrangements extending
from piecemeal administrations to transformational outsourcing.


Aegis has tweaked answers for the saving money, budgetary administrations, protection and
vitality and utility verticals.

i. Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance:

Thorough suite of arrangements that incorporate multi-lingual client bolster and concentrated
procedures for changed position levels, normal adjust size, and accessibility of information
make us a pioneer in money related administration administrations.

ii. Energy and Utilities:

It use its broad experience of overseeing three million exchanges in the vitality and utilities
industry to offer finish answers for its customers.

iii. Travel and Hospitality:

Suite of administrations for the Travel and Hospitality industry run from deals, reservation
and client care to ticketing and air satisfaction administrations.

iv. Auto and Manufacturing

Aegis with its four years of involvement in Auto and Manufacturing industry creates
arrangement particular to the difficulties looked by the car business.

v. Telecom

Aegis gives a thorough scope of answers for the telecom business, serving purchasers and
corporate clients, and in addition merchants and retailers.

vi. Publishing and Media

Aegis has broad involvement in the Publication and Media industry, overhauling a portion of
the greatest names in this space.

vii. Technology

Aegis has more than nine years of involvement in the innovation business and handles in
excess of 5.3 million exchanges every year.

viii. Retail

Aegis has more than six years of broad involvement in the retail business, with more than 700
FTEs adjusting clients over the globe.

ix. Healthcare

Aegis has profound area ability in the social insurance industry, overseeing in excess of 30
million exchanges every year.


Aegis Limited is an overall business outsourcing association. Its undertakings are spread over
the globe in 50 territories with closeness in 12 countries and are supported by a workforce of
at least 55,000 delegates. The corporate headquarters is arranged in Mumbai, India.


 internal call center technologies.

 SAP for all processing.
 UNIX and Windows production servers with geo-clustering and replication
 Data mart application, which is a Decision Support System (DSS) that provides a
centralized reporting source.
 Highly redundant VoIP-enabled Avaya ACDs with Enterprise Survivable
 Apex Omni View IVR platform.
 Cisco core network routers and LAN switches.
 HA clustered Linux Web servers.
 Variant Data and Voice Recording Platform with Intelli-coach and Intelli-miner
 Aspect e-Workforce Management platform with Real-time observance module.
 Aegis punctuality solutions.
 HA IBM SAN st0rage systems.
 Aegis CTI application.


The following are the companies that are in competition with Aegis Limited:


Intelenet Global Services is a Global Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and contact focus
supplier firm headquartered in Mumbai, India, sponsored by Blackstone Group.

The organization offers every minute of every day administrations for contact focus
arrangements, exchange handling, back and bookkeeping, HRO and IT answers for Fortune
500 organizations in the UK, US, Australia, and India. Sponsored by The Blackstone Group,
a main Global Private Equity player, Intelenet is a 55,000 people association spread
crosswise over 70 worldwide conveyance focuses crosswise over North and Central America,
UK, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East; supporting 110+ customers in more than 50
dialects. The firm is going by the CEO Bhupinder Singh and Susir Kumar fills in as the
Executive Chairman.

Beginning tasks in November 2001, Intelenet today bolsters 110+ customers in 50 dialects
crosswise over Banking and Financial Institutions, Healthcare, Travel and Hospitality,
Telecom, Retail, Manufacturing, and Information Technology (IT) verticals.

As of now checking in the income of more than USD$420 million, the firm goes for
intersection US$1 billion by 2020.


Vertex is a call focus administrator that additionally offers an assortment of different business
process outsourcing (BPO) and client administration outsourcing administrations. Initially the
back office benefit work inside UK service organization United Utilities, Vertex was spun out
as a different organization in 1996. In 2007, United Utilities sold Vertex to a consortium of
speculators (Oak Hill Capital, GenNx360, Knox Lawrence International) for £217m.

Vertex administrations include:

• Business process outsourcing

• Customer Management

• Finance and Accounting

• HR Outsourcing

• Software

• Off shoring

• Debt Management

• Telecom

Spice Global is an Indian combination headquartered in Singapore. The organization works

in the areas of telecom, fund, amusement and innovation. They work globally in Los Angeles,
New York, Kuala Lumpur, London, Dubai, Nepal, Bangladesh, Uganda, Tanzania,
Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka and Shenzen.

In 2014, the organization's accumulated resources totalled US$2 billion with more than
10,000 representatives around the world. Zest Global is wanting to offer undeniable
managing an account benefit, with center around shrewd keeping money, which is
demonstrating a 227% yearly development, to its clients. It has connected to the Reserve
Bank of India (RBI) for a permit. The organization is as of now offering money related
administrations through Wall Street Finance, which has 6,000 sub-operators crosswise over
India, including Vijay Bank, ICICI Bank and Kotak.

In 2014 the organization made a forceful offer to obtain the American business magazine
Forbes Media, from the Forbes family and the private value aggregate Elevation Partners. Ozi
Amanat esteemed the organization and obtaining at $300– $500m and cited it as one of the
world's most splendid brands. The offer for Forbes was short recorded as the 3 top bidders for
procurement, beating Time Inc, Fox, Bloomberg, Warren Buffett and other real financial

Other competitors are,

 Sparsh BPO Services Limited

 Netambit
 Andromeda


 Parent company brand name-ESSAR GROUP

 Aggressive acquisition strategy.
 Uniform quality policy.
 Location of the company.
 Emphasis on cost reduction.
 Leader in domestic call center industry with more than 40 clients.
 Part-time opportunities in the company.
 Diversification of business.

 Employee turnover.
 Emphasis on cost cutting.
 Relatively lesser salaries offered compared to other competitors.

 Promising development procedure and execution of the organization.
 Stability and structure for key acquisitions and coordination.
 spotlight on administrations, for example, Analytics .Career escalation
opportunities and interior Job Postings.
 Effective cost administration

 3 new entrants (Serco, Allsec, and Kochar InfoTech) to domestic call center

 Higher salaries offered by the competitors.
 High attrition rate.


The market is having bigger growth, when it comes to innovation. telecom, Banking, Finance
and Insurance (BFSI); Retail; Manufacturing and Healthcare verticals is causing several
service providers to set their sights on home turf.

Since 2008, Indian firms,, like their global contemporaries, have been gone pressure to attain
new clients, maintain presented ones, improve output and work at enhancing the experience
of their customers. The centre of attention on achieving purchaser closeness, through better
user feedback, has further spurred companies to computerize certain processes and even gain
greater mind and market share.


Table 1: Best source of recruitment and selection

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid internal 20 40 40 40

consultants 11 22 22 62

Print media 9 18 18 80

10 20 20 100

Total 50 100 100

Graph 1: Best source of recruitment and selection


Print media

20.0% Electronic




Analysis: From the above table and graph, we can understand that majority of the
respondents considers internal source to be the best source of recruitment and selection,
followed by other sources such as direct walk-ins, print media and electronic media.

Inference: Thus, we can infer that the best source of recruitment and selection at Aegis
Limited is internal sources such as employee referrals, transfer, promotions etc. internal
source of recruitment holds several advantages which helps to make the work easier.

Table 2: Dependency of recruitment and selection process on the source of recruitment

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly agree 22 44 44 44
Agree 17 34 34 78
Neither agree nor
11 22 22 100

Total 50 100 100

Graph 2: Dependency of recruitment and selection process on the source of recruitment

Dependency of recruitment and selection process

on the source of recruitment
22.0% Neither agree
nor disagree


Analysis: From the above table and graph, majority of the respondents are of the view that
staffing and choice process based on the sources of staffing.

Inference: Since none of the recruiters believe that the staffing and choice process are
undependable in the association. Somewhat it would be related to any source of recruitment.
Whether it is internal or external.

Table 3: Achievement of better results of recruitment and selection due to recruitment

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly agree 11 22 22 22
Agree 22 44 44 66
Neither agree nor
10 20 20 86

Disagree 7 14 14 100
Total 50 100 100

Graph 3: Achievement of better results of recruitment and selection due to recruitment


Achievement of better results of

recruitment and selection due to
recruitment sources
14.0% Agree
22.0% Neither
agree nor
20.0% Disagree


Analysis: From the above table and graph, majority of the respondents are of the opinion that
improved results of the recruitment and selection be able to achieved through better resource
of recruitment.

Inference: as the above diagram says the better the sources of recruitment, the better the
results. Hence we can conclude the sources specially, the internal sources give the right way
to get the best candidates and these people are the strength of the organization and hence
better results are achieved.

Table 4: Alignment of the recruitment and selection process with the organizational

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly agree 20 40 40 40
Agree 12 24 24 64
Neither agree nor
12 24 24 88
Disagree 6 12 12 100
Total 50 100 100

Graph 4: Alignment of the recruitment and selection process with the organizational

Alignment of the recruitment and selection process with the

organizational objectives

Strongly agree
Neither agree
nor disagree




Analysis: on top of table , bulk of the respondents agrees that the recruitment and selection
process is in alignment with the organizational objectives.

Inference: They have a sound recruitment policy which has been linked to the organizational
objectives like; vision, execution, innovation and wealth.

Table 5: Reduction of attrition rate through efficient recruitment and selection process

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly agree 28 56 56 56
Agree 14 28 28 84
Strongly disagree 8 16 16 100
Total 50 100 100

Graph 5: Reduction of attrition rate through efficient recruitment and selection process

Reduction of attrition rate through efficient recruitment and

selection process
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree



Analysis: From the above table and graph, majority of the respondents strongly agrees that
the attrition can be controlled through more efficient recruitment process.

Inference: Aegis has been adopted such a great policy which helps to retain the employees
by fair treatment during the recruitment process which makes the employee happy.

Table 6: Dependency of recruitment and selection process on interviews

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly agree 20 40 40 40
Agree 20 40 40 80
Neither agree nor
10 20 20 100

Total 50 100 100

Graph 6: Dependency of recruitment and selection process on interviews

Dependency of recruitment and selection

process on interviews

agree nor



Analysis: From the above table and graph, 80% of the respondents be of the same opinion
that the recruitment and selection process lying on the interviews conducted.

Inference: The interviews are the finals stage which gives a picture of the candidate entirely.
Thus, we can infer that the recruiters at Aegis Limited are of the opinion that their
recruitment and selection process lying on interview.

Table 7: Interviews are the basic filters of the recruitment and selection process

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly agree 23 46 46 46
Agree 13 26 26 72
Neither agree nor
8 16 16 88

Strongly disagree 6 12 12 100

Total 50 100 100

Graph 7: Interviews are the basic filters of the recruitment and selection process

Interviews are the basic filters of the

recruitment and selection process
agree nor
16.0% disagree


Analysis: as of the above table and graph, 60% of the respondents agrees that interviews are
the basic filters of the recruitment and selection process.

Inference: As we said the interviews are the main part of the process the people who conduct
interview must show how much they are capable on it. At the same time their experience,
skill sets everything counts on it.

Table 8: Usage of different methods of interviews in the recruitment and selection

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly agree
25 50 50 50

25 50 50 100

50 100 100

Graph 8: Usage of different methods of interviews in the recruitment and selection


Usage of different methods of

interviews in the recruitment and
selection process Strongly

50.0% 50.0%

Analysis: From the above table and graph, majority of the respondents agrees that various
methods of interviews should be used in the recruitment and selection procedure.

Inference: the different methods of interviews like personal interviews, informal, phone
interviews though it holds so many drawbacks like time overriding in locate up, interview,
transcribe, analyze, response and exposure. And they can be expensive The information is
secured through interviews is likely correct compared to that secured through other

Table 9: Achievement of better results of recruitment and selection by interviews

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly agree 15 30 30 30

18 36 36 66

Neither agree nor

disagree 17 34 34 100

50 100 100

Graph 9: Achievement of better results of recruitment and selection by interviews

Achievement of better results of recruitment

and selection by interviews
34.0% 30.0% agree nor


Analysis: From the above table and graph, we can understand that majority of the
respondents agrees that better results of recruitment and selection can be achieved by
conducting better interviews.

Inference: Thus, we can infer that the recruiters at Aegis Limited are of the opinion that
better interviews can lead to betterment of their recruitment and selection process.

Table 10: Dependency of recruitment and selection process on recruiters

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly agree 10 20 20 20
Agree 18 36 36 56
Neither agree nor
15 30 30 86
Disagree 7 14 14 100
Total 50 100 100

Graph 10: Dependency of recruitment and selection process on recruiters

Dependency of recruitment and

selection process on recruiters

agree nor


Analysis: From the above table and graph, we can understand that 43% of the respondents be
in agreement that the recruitment and selection course depends on recruiters. However, 57%
of the respondents are indifferent in their opinion.

Inference: Thus, we can infer that the recruitment and selection process at Aegis Limited
depends on recruiters to some extent, but not entirely on them. There are other factors that are
affecting like candidate not happy with the salary, or with the kind of monotonous work they
are doing.

Table 11: End results of recruitment and selection may go wrong because of recruiters

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly agree 8 16 16 16
Agree 22 44 44 60
Neither agree nor
13 26 26 86

Disagree 7 14 14 100
Total 50 100 100

Graph 11: End results of recruitment and selection may go wrong because of recruiters

End results of recruitment and selection may

go wrong because of recruiters
14.0% 16.0%
agree nor
26.0% Disagree

Analysis: From the above table and graph, we can understand that majority of the
respondents are of neutral opinion that the conclusion outcome of recruitment and selection
course can go wrong due to recruiters. However, 57% of the respondents agree that the end
results of recruitment and selection process can go incorrect due to recruiters.

Inference: Thus, we can infer that the recruiter at Aegis Limited is of the opinion that ends
results of the recruitment and selection does not wholly depend on them.

Table 12: Preparation of job description/specification before the release of job

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Yes
50 100 100 100

Graph 12: Preparation of job description/specification before the release of job


Preparation of job description/specification

before the release of job advertisements


Analysis: From the above table and graph, we can state that majority of the respondents say
that they does job analysis prior to release of job advertisements.

Inference: Thus, we can infer that at Aegis Limited, job analysis is done prior to the
initiation of the recruitment and selection process.

Table 13: Elimination of applicants who are unsuitable

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Always 13 26 26 26
Frequently 26 52 52 78
Sometimes 11 22 22 100
Total 50 100 100

Graph 13: Elimination of applicants who are unsuitable

Elimination of applicants who are unsuitable



Analysis: From the above table and graph, we can understand that majority of respondents
said that they eliminate unsuitable applicants rarely.

Interpretation: Thus, we can infer that the process of recruitment and selection can be
improved by strict adherence to quality of the candidates.

Table 14: Rating of the present recruitment and selection policy (satisfaction level)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Highly satisfied 8 16 16 16

Satisfied 27 54 54 70

Dissatisfied 15 30 30 100

Total 50 100 100

Graph 14: Rating of the present recruitment and selection policy (satisfaction level)

Rating of the present recruitment and selection

policy (satisfaction level)




Analysis: From the above table and graph, we can understand that majority of respondents
had rated the present recruitment and selection policy as ‘good’, followed by ‘average’ and
‘excellent’ rating.

Inference: Thus, we can infer that the effectiveness of recruitment and selection process tells
through the satisfied employees. They are the strength and act as a pillar in an organization.
However, there is scope for improvement.



 Majority of the recruiters believe that the overall efficiency of recruitment and choice
process can be improved by better sources of enrolment and it decreases the attrition
rate in Aegis ltd.

 Majority of the recruiters are of the opinion that the internal source of recruitment is
the best source of recruitment and selection.

 The present recruitment and selection policies are in alignment with the objectives of
the organization.

 Majority of the recruiters believe that conducting different types of interviews can
also improve the recruitment and selection process like making use of telephonic

 Majority of the recruiters are of the opinion that the overall process of recruitment and
selection does not entirely depend on recruiters but there are other factors that are
affecting like candidate not happy with the salary, or with the kind of monotonous
work they are doing.

 Job analysis prior to the initiation of recruitment and selection course is evident. The
way used is Task inventory.

 Majority of the business clients are pleased with the current recruitment and selection


 The recruiters must have been trained at least once a year.

 This training helps to polish their skills and they get updated with the current scenario
in recruitment and selection procedures.

 The evaluation on the efficiency of recruiter’s performance should be done on a

timely basis.

 The strong human resource policies cause reduction in wrong human resource

 Make sure that the recruitment and selection course of action is aligned through the
organisational objectives.

 Make sure that all the recruiters are aware of the internal notifications issued by the


According to the survey, most of the recruitment executives were happy with the recruitment
and selection practice followed by the organization. Majority of the recruitment executives
stated that internal source of recruitment through employee referrals was the best, which is
followed by direct walk-ins.

Advantages of employee referral programs are recruiters can build up good prospects for
their family and friends by acquainting them with the reward of a job with the business,
furnish them with opening and cheering them to submit an application. This is a very
effective idea as many capable people can be reach at a very short cost to the corporation.
The other reward are that the human resources would carry only those referral that they think
would be able to fit in the association based on their own knowledge. The organization can be
guaranteed of the consistency and the nature of the referral. In this way, the union can also
complete communal obligation and generate goodwill.

from time to time, organization issues an internal announcement for the advantage of
presented employees. Most workers know from their own practice about the necessity of the
occupation and what nature of individual the company is look for. Often people have friends
or links who meet these necessities. Suitable persons are appointed at the vacant posts.
Overall, the profits of employee-referral programs positively compensate the potential
pitfalls. A well-made and highly visible employee-referral plan is a serious part of any
company’s recruitment tactic.

 Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations – P. Subba Rao
 Ray French and Sally Rumbles, recruitment and selection process.


Dear Sir / Madam,
I Abhilash Thankachan an MBA student studying in Krupanidhi School of Management
affiliated Bangalore university; have undertaken a project work as a part of the curriculum.
The study is on “Strategic Recruitment and Selection process in Aegis Limited, Bangalore”. I
kindly request you to fill this questionnaire which helps me in conducting useful study. The
information provided will be kept confidential and will be used for academic purpose only.

Personal details:







1. Which is the best source of recruitment and selection process?

a. Internal
b. Consultants
c. Print media
d. Electronic media
e. Others, Please specify _____________
2. Recruitment and selection process depends on the sources of recruitment.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Neither Agree nor Disagree
d. Disagree

e. Strongly Disagree
3. Better results of recruitment and selection can be achieved by recruitment sources.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Neither Agree nor Disagree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree
4. Recruitment and selection process in your company is aligned with the organizational
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Neither Agree nor Disagree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree
5. Effectiveness of recruitment and selection process will reduce the attrition rate?
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Neither Agree nor Disagree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree
6. Interviews are the basic filters of the recruitment and selection process.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Neither Agree nor Disagree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree
7. Different methods of interviews should be used.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Neither Agree nor Disagree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree
8. Better results of recruitment and selection can be achieved by interviews.
a. Strongly agree

b. Agree
c. Neither Agree nor Disagree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree
9. End results of recruitment and selection may go wrong because of recruiters.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Neither Agree nor Disagree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree
10. Do you prepare job description/specification before the release of job advertisements?
a. Yes
b. No

11. Do you eliminate applicants which are unsuitable and focus on promising candidates?
a. Always
b. Frequently
c. Sometimes
d. Never
12. How would you rate the present recruitment and selection policy in your company?
Are you satisfied?
a. Highly satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Dissatisfied
d. Highly dissatisfied
13. Is the organization doing timeliness recruitment and Selection process.
a. Yes
b. No
14. Rate the effectiveness of the interviewing process and other selection instruments, such
as testing?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent
15. Does the HR team act as a consultant to enhance the quality of the applicant pre-
screening process?

a. Yes
b. No
16. Does the organization clearly define the position objectives, requirements and candidate
specifications in the recruitment process ?
a. Yes
b. No
17. How well are the organization’s affirmative action needs clarified and supported in the
selection process?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent
18. Rate how well HR finds good candidates from non-traditional sources when Necessary?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent

19. What is the biggest challenge that you face in the whole process of recruitment?

20. What further changes would you like to inculcate to make the process more


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