On Average: N, From, or Connected To Other Countries, Especially Across The Sea.' (ES Exterior)

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on average

on average (Idiom) 'typically or usually'. We spend 200€ on Christmas on average. [ES de media]

one-way street
one-way street (n.) /ˌwʌnˈweɪ striːt/ 'a usually paved public road that allows movement in one direction only'. He got on a one way-street. [ES calle de
sentido único]

online shopping
online shopping (i) (n) /ɒnˈ ʃɒpɪŋ/ 'The action or activity of buying goods or services over the Internet.' Broadband makes online shopping easier.[ES: compras online ]


Open an account (phrase):/ˈəʊpən ən əˈkaʊnt/. 'To start an account at a bank or other financial organization by putting money into it'. Only 1 pound is
needed to open an account. [ES: Abrir una cuenta (bancaria)]

opposite/ˈɒpəzɪt/ (adj.)Situated on the other or further side when seen from a specified or implicit viewpoint; facing. 'A crowd gathered on the
opposite side of the street'. [ES opuesto, contrario]

Opulence (mass noun.) /ˈɒpjʊl(ə)ns/ 'Great wealth or luxuriousness'. Rooms of spectacular opulence. [ES de gran riqueza, lujo]

orchestra(n.) 'a group of instrumentalists, especially one combining string, woodwind, brass, and percussion sections and playing classical
music'. The result is not the sound of a piano but the sound of a whole percussion orchestra. [ES orquesta]

Ordinary (adj.) /ˈɔːrdənərɪ/ 'not unusual or different in any way'. 'It was and ordinary day. Alice went to work, had dinner and watched TV;
nothing unusual happened'. [Es corriente, normal].

organic (adj.) /ɔːˈ
ɡanɪk/ 1.'relating to or derived from living matter'. Nature is a process of organic evolution.
2.'(of food or farming methods) produced or involving production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial chemicals'. They
like to buy organic food. [ES orgánico, ecológico]

Out of favour
OUT OF FAVOUR (phrase) /aʊtˌskɜː(r)ts/. Having lost approval. 'they were out of favour with the party'. [ES: en contra]

(n.) /ˈaʊtfɪt/ 'a set of clothes and other items worn together as an ensemble' That models are wearing a new spring outfit. [ES vestimenta, ropa,

Outlook (n.) /ˈaʊtlʊk/ 1 'A person's point of view or general attitude to life'. He had a practical outlook on life.2 'A view'. The pleasant outlook from the
club window. [ES punto de vista, panorama, perspectiva, vista...]

Outskirts (plural noun) /ˈaʊtskəːts/ 'the outer parts of a town or city'. He built a new factory on the outskirts of Birmingham. [ES afueras,


Overcrowding (i)/ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdɪŋ/ 'the situation when there are too many people or things in one place' New York City is insufferable because of the
overcrowding. [ES aglomeración]

Overseas(adj. adv.) /ˌəʊ.vəˈsiːz/ 'In, from, or connected to other countries, especially across the sea.' We need to open up
overseas markets.' [ES exterior]

Overworked(adj) /əʊvəˈ
wɜːkt/ 'Exhaust with too much work.' 'Make excessive use of. '.our lifts are overworked. The overworked teachers went on strike. [ES saturado]

PACKET (n.) [ˈpækɪt]A paper or cardboard container, typically one in which goods are sold. 'One man was fined £ 25 for dropping a crisp packet from his car window'. [ES paquete].

Paddle(n.) /ˈpæd.əl/ 'a shortpole with a wide, flatpart at one end or both ends, used for moving a smallboat or canoe through the water' We rode
through the water with the help of the paddles [ES remo]

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