Play It Safe: /PƏ Li S Steɪ Ʃ N

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play it safe (Idiom) 'to be careful and not take risks'. Kid, play it safe and study for the exam. Don't be silly. [ES ir sobre seguro]

Player (n.) /ˈ
pleɪə/ A person taking part in a sport or game. 'Most times, revenge in sports motivates a player for a few minutes or maybe a game.' [ES jugador/a]

Playground (n) /ˈpleɪɡraʊnd/

1. outdoor area provided for children to play in, especially at a school or public park. 'I was playing football in the playground'
ES [patio, parque infantil]

Playgroup (n.) /ˈpleɪɡruːp/ 'a regular meeting of a group of preschool children at a particular place, organized by parents for their children to take part
in supervised creative and social play'. In the playgroup, the children sang songs all morning. [ES guardería]

Pleasure (n.) /ˈplɛʒə/ A feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment. 'She smiled with pleasure at being praised' [ES placer]

PLENTY (pron.) [ˈ
plɛnti] A large or sufficient amount or quantity; more than enough . ' I would have plenty of time to get home before my parents arrived' [ES suficiente]

Pocket (n.) /ˈpɒkɪt/A small bag sewn into or on clothing so as to form part of it, used for carrying small articles. 'She fished for her door key in her coat pocket.' [ES bolsillo]


police (i) /pəˈliːs/ 'An official organization whose job is to make people obey the law and to prevent and solve crime; the people who work for this organization'. 1. Get out of the house or I'll call the
police. 2. A man was arrested by the police and held for questioning.[ES policía].

Police station
Police station (n.) /pəˈliːs ˌsteɪ·ʃən/

The office or headquarters of a local police force. Ex: 'There were sporadic attacks on police stations' [ES: Comisaría de Policía]

policeman(noun) /pəˈliːsmən/ 'a male member of a police force'. The policeman helped me find my way. [ES policia, agente]

Polished (adj.) /ˈpɒlɪʃt/ 1. Shiny as a result of being rubbed. 'A polished mahogany table'. [ES: pulido]. 1.1 Accomplished and skilful. 'His polished
performance in the film'. [ES: pulido, impecable].1.2 Refined, sophisticated, or elegant. 'He was polished and charming'. [ES: refinado].


politician (n.) /pɒlɪˈtɪʃ(ə)n/ 'a person who is professionally involved in politics,
especially as a holder of an elected office'. Politicians steal a lot of money in
Spain. [ES político]

Poll (n.) /ˈpəʊl/ 'a sampling of opinions on a subject, taken from a group of people, as for analysis.' The opinion polls show great interest in the
economy. [ES encuesta]

Pollution (noun): /pəˈluːʃn/ 'the process of making air, water, soil, etc. dirty; the state of being dirty' [ES: Polución, contaminación]

Polo (i) /ˈpəʊləʊ/ 'A game of Eastern origin resembling hockey, played on horseback with a long-handled mallet.' he is teaching me to play
polo [ES Polo]

Pompous (iii)/ˈpɒmpəs/ 'showing that you think you are more important than other people, especially by using long and formal words'. His speech
sounded very pompous and self-congratulatory. [ES pomposo, pretencioso]


popularity (n.) /pɒpjʊˈlarəti/ 'the state or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by many people'. The popularity of Hallowe'en is growing
in this country and it can be a time of fun for children. [ES popularidad]

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