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Painful (Adj) /ˈpeɪnfʊl/ 1.(of a part of the body) affected with pain. 'her ankle was very painful' 1.1 Causing distress or trouble. 'a painful
experience' [ES doloroso, difícil]

Parade (noun) /pəˈreɪd/ 'a public procession, especially one celebrating a special day or event'. The festival began with a parade of the competitors.
[ES desfile, procesión].

Paraglider (i) /ˈparəɡlʌɪdə/ 'A wide canopy resembling a parachute that is attached to a person's body by a harness in order to allow them to glide
through the air after jumping from or being hauled to a height.' A person flying a paraglider.[ES Parapente]

Paragliding [n.] /ˈparəɡlʌɪdɪŋ/ 'a sport in which a wide canopy resembling a parachute is attached to a person's body by a harness in order to allow
them to glide through the air after jumping from or being lifted to a height'. With the addition of parachutes, the sport of paragliding was born,
giving gliders not only safety but also grace. [ES parapente]

party (n.) /ˈpɑːti/ 'a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment'. Sometimes, caterers serving at parties
and social gatherings order large quantities. [ES fiesta]

Pass (v.) /pɑːs/
1. Move or cause to move in a specified direction. 'A plane was passing lazily overhead.'
2. Go past or across; leave behind or on one side in proceeding. 'On the way to the station she passed a cinema.'
[ES pasar]

Path (n.) /pɑːθ/ 1. 'A way or track laid down for walking or made by continual treading'. The path continues alongside the river for half a mile. 1.1 ' The course or direction in which a
person or thing is moving'. The missile traced a fiery path in the sky. 1.2 'A course of action or way of achieving a specified result'. A chosen career path 1.3 'A schedule available for
allocation to an individual railway train over a given route'. Meanwhile, we are talking to Network Rail about train paths to Leeds. 1.4 'Computing: A definition of the order in which an
operating system or program searches for a file or executable program'. Highlight the complete path and file name using your mouse. [ES camino, senda, trayecto, recorrido ...]


Pathetic (adj.) /pəˈθɛtɪk / 'Arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness.''she looked so pathetic that I bent down to comfort her'. [ES

patience (n.) /ˈpeɪʃ(ə)ns/ ˈThe capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxiousˈ. I have run out of
patience with her. [ES paciencia].

Patron (n.) /ˈpeɪtrən/ 'a person who gives money and support to artists and writers'. Cosimo the Elder was the patron of many artists such as
Donatello and Fra Angelico. 1.1 'a famous person who supports an organization such as a charity and whose name is used in the advertisements, etc.
for the organization'. The Princess Royal is a well-known patron of several charities. 2. 'a person who uses a particular shop/store, restaurant, etc.'
Patrons are requested not to smoke. [ES mecenas, patrocinador, cliente]

Pay (v.) /peɪ/ Give (someone) money that is due for work done, goods received, or a debt incurred. ' The traveller paid a guide to show him across'. [ES pagar]
pay a bill
pay a bill (n.) /ˈpeɪ ə ˈbɪl/: To make a payment for a statement. The first time I got in contact was when we had to pay a bill. [ES pagar una factura]

Pay off (phr. verb) /peɪ/ 'If something you have done pays off, it is successful'. All her hard workpaid off and she passed the exam. [ES dar buenos

peanut (n.) /ˈpiːnʌt/ 1.' The oval seed of a tropical South American plant, often roasted and salted and eaten as a snack or used to make oil or animal
feed'. A bag of dry-roasted peanuts. [ES cacahuete, maní]. 2.' A very small or inadequate sum of money'. He pays peanuts. [ES monedas].

penalty (noun): /ˈpɛn(ə)lti/ 1. 'A punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract'. The charge carries a maximum penalty of ten years' imprisonment. [ES castigo,
sanción]. 2. (in sports and games) 'a handicap imposed on a player or team for infringement of rules'. People talk about the penalty that settled the game. [ES penalti]

ə r
Pensioner (n.) /ˈpɛnʃ nə / 'a person who receives or lives on a pension.' My granddad is a pensioner. [ES pensionista, jubilado/a]

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