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The History Of PLTA Karacak Bogor

Lutfiana Laraswati1, Putri Dewi Melia Aulia 2

English Education Departement of STKIP Muhammadiyah Bogor

email-lutfianalaraswati06@gmail.com,2 putridewi0150@gmail.com


The Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) located in Kracak Village, Leuwiliang District, Bogor
Regency was built in 1921 by the Dutch and started operating in 1926. Hydroelectric power plant
(PLTA) is an electrical energy generation system that utilizes water as a source of energy. . One of
the hydroelectric power plants in Bogor is the Kracak PLTA. The Kracak hydropower plant utilizes
water flow from the Cianten and Cikuluwung rivers. This hydropower plant has an actual power
potential of 18.9 MW. The purpose of this study was to find out about the conditions (physical
condition of the building, architectural layout, and local natural conditions). The method used in this
study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results of the study are that the Kracak
hydropower plant is an educational and historical tourist destination and has benefits for the

Keywords: Tourism, PLTA Kracak, historic tourism, Bogor.


The city of Bogor always offers endless natural beauty, one of which is the Kracak PLTA area. PLTA
Kracak is an educational and historical tourist destination that is very interesting to visit. Besides
being useful for the community, this hydropower plant offers a beauty that is different from other
hydropower plants. A number of power plants in West Java, inherited from the Dutch, are almost a
century old. One of them is the Kracak Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) in Kracak Village,
Leuwiliang, Bogor Regency, West Java.

PLTA Kracak itself is a hydroelectric power plant that was built by the Dutch in 1921 and started
operating in 1926. Although it is quite old, the building is still operating today. The Hydroelectric
Power Plant (PLTA) located in Kracak Village, Leuwiliang District, Bogor Regency was built in
1921 by the Dutch and started operating in 1926. The Kracak PLTA is a Semi Run-Off River type
hydropower, which uses a daily storage pond (KTH). ) namely Gunung Bubut Reservoir which is a
sub-unit of the Kracak hydropower plant and is used to accommodate the discharge of two rivers at
once, namely the Cianten River and the Cikuluwung River. At the beginning of the new Kracak
PLTA, it had two generating engines with an installed power of 6,475 MW each. The electricity
generated from the Kracak PLTA is distributed through a 70 kV transmission network to the Kedung
Badak Substation (GI) in Bogor and the Bunar GI in Rangkasbitung. Then from these two
substations, electricity is channeled back into the Java-Bali electricity system

Electrical energy from the generator is regulated and transferred by the main transformer to match the
transmission line capacity (power voltage). After that, the electrical energy produced can be directly
transmitted for cables on electricity poles to consumers' homes.

Hydroelectric power plants in principle take advantage of the difference in height and the amount of
water discharge per second that exists in the flow of irrigation water, rivers or waterfalls, the
development of flowing hydropower depends first, on the volume of flow, and second on the height
that may be available. In principle, hydropower plants convert the potential energy of water into
kinetic energy in the presence of a head, then this kinetic energy turns into mechanical energy with
the flow of water that drives the turbine, then this mechanical energy turns into electrical energy
through the rotation of the rotor on the generator. The amount of electrical energy that can be
generated by water resources depends on two things, namely the distance of the water height (head)
and how much water flows (discharge).

The rate q at which water falls from an effective height h depends on the size of the cross-sectional
area of the canal. If the cross-sectional area of the channel is too small, the output power will be less
than the optimal power because the water rate q can be larger. On the other hand, the size of the canal
cannot be made large arbitrarily because the rate of water q passing through the canal depends on the
rate of filling of the water in the water reservoir behind the dam. The volume of water in the reservoir
and the height h concerned, depends on the rate of water entering the reservoir. During the dry
season, the water level in the reservoir can decrease because the amount of water in the reservoir is
less. During the rainy season, the height can rise again due to water entering from various streams
that fill the dam. Hydroelectricity facilities must be designed to balance the flow of water used to
generate electricity and the amount of water that fills the reservoir through natural sources such as
rainfall, snow, and other water flows.

1. THEORY BASIS – Generator

AC or alternating current generator (also called synchronous generator or alternator) is the main
source of all electrical energy that we use. The machine is a converter greatest energy in the world.
Generators are machines which uses magnets to change mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Principle generator is simply said that voltage is induced in the conductor when conductor is moved
in a magnetic field so it cuts the line of style. Generator driven by several mechanical engines
(steam, water turbine, gasoline engine or electric motor). AC generators require mechanical energy
to the operation.

2. Definition of Power
In an electric power system, power is the amount of electrical energy used by the business. For the
use of a three-phase Ae current system,Known 3 powers, namely:
1. Apparent power (apparent power) Apparent power is the product of the sumvectoristically
between the active power and the power reactive.
2. Active power (active power) Active power is electric power that used which can be
converted into powerdirect-use thermal and mechanical by consumers who need units is Watt
(W) Kilo Watt (KW) Mega Watt (MW), and so on. Active Power for three-phase system
are:=x (W………………… (1)
3. Reactive power (reactive power) Reactive power is the required power by a magnetizing
circuit for a electrical equipment and not directly used but only for magnetization only. Its

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unit is Volt-ampere-reactive (var), Kilovolt-ampere-reactive (kvar), Megavoltampere-reactive


1. Place, Time and Research Subject

The research was conducted at the Kracak Hydropower Plant Sub-Unit, Leuwiliang District,
Bogor Regency. Data collection was carried out on November 18, 2021. The research subject
that will be discussed is knowing the historical information on the establishment of the
Kracak Hydroelectric Power Plant.

2. Research methods;In this study using a descriptive quantitative approach.

3. The instrument; technique or method used in this research is;Unstructured interview

Unstructured interviews are free interviews in which the researcher does not use interview
guidelines that have been systematically arranged and complete for data collection. The
interview guide used is only an outline of the problems to be asked. The author conducted an
interview at the PLTA Kracak, Bogor.

1. Documentation;The documentation method is a tourist survey at the PLTA Kracak, Bogor.

2. Structured Observation;Structured Observations are observations that have been

systematically designed, about what will be observed, when and where it is. The author made
observations at the PLTA Kracak, Bogor.



Based on the results of observations and interviews that the PLTA Kracak there are several points of
information contained in the PLTA Kracak, namely:

a) History of PLTA Kracak Bogor

PLTA Kracak was built in ±1918 by the Dutch government and started operating to produce
electricity in 1926. PLTA Kracak has three generating engines with an installed capacity of 3
x 6,475 set at 6.3 MW (18.9 MW) As the main driver of the turbine using potential energy
water by utilizing two rivers, namely the Cianten River and the Cikuluwung River.
b) Conditions of buildings and nature at PLTA Kracak

PLTA Kracak is an educational and historical tourist destination that is very interesting to
visit. Besides being useful for the community, this hydropower plant offers a different beauty
from other hydropower plants. Because when we are here, we will be treated to a view of a
series of colorful stairs with a soothing background of rice fields.

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This colorful staircase is precisely located at Mount Bubut, PLTA Kracak, Leuwiliang,
Bogor. The length of these steps is approximately 200 meters and has been around since the
construction of the Kracak Bogor hydropower plant. Previously, these stairs were just
ordinary stairs used by pedestrians to get to the dam. But since it was repainted with bright
colors, many people came and took selfies here. To be able to take pictures on these colorful
stairs, you don't need to pay an entrance ticket.
c). Kracak hydropower system

• Dam
• Sedimentation Pool
• Open channel
• Daily Tando Pool
I. Rapid Pipa

Quantity: 2 pieces
Long :
1) Iron. P : 761.6 mConcrete P: 228.4 m
2) Iron. P : 394.63 mConcrete P: 595.37 m
Diameter :
1) 1,4 m
2) 2,3 m


Quantity : 2 pieces
Diameter : 0,51 m

High : 9,27


The Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) located in Kracak Village, Leuwiliang District, Bogor
Regency was built in 1921 by the Dutch and started operating in 1926. The Kracak PLTA is a Semi
Run-Off River type hydropower, which uses a daily storage pond (KTH). ) namely Gunung Bubut
Reservoir, which is a sub unit of the Kracak hydropower plant and is used to accommodate the
discharge of two rivers at once, namely the Cianten River and the Cikuluwung River. At the
beginning of the new Kracak PLTA it had two generating engines with an installed power of 6,475
MW each. The electricity generated from the Kracak PLTA is distributed through a 70 kV
transmission network to the Kedung Badak Substation (GI) in Bogor and the Bunar GI in
Rangkasbitung. Then from these two substations, electricity is redistributed to the Java-Bali
electricity system. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia, in 1958 added another engine kit
and until now the Kracak PLTA has three generating engines with an installed power of 3 x 6,475
MW (18.9 MW). PLN will continue to operate, maintain and care for the old Kracak hydropower
plant when viewed from the side of its operating period and also to other old hydropower plants
scattered throughout Indonesia. In addition to optimally utilizing the availability of cheap and
environmentally friendly new renewable energy potential, namely water which is so abundant in
Indonesia, it is also one of PLN's real efforts to increase the energy-fuel mix ratio.

The Kracak Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) located in Kracak, Bogor Regency, West Java, is one of
the Sub-Generation Units of the Saguling POMU which was built during the Dutch colonial period, to
be precise in 1926. The Kracak PLTA consists of three (3) generating units which with a total capacity
of 18.90 MW, of which units 1 and 2 were built in 1926 and unit 3 in 1958. The electricity generated
is distributed through the Kedung Badak High Voltage Substation (GITT) and Bunar High Voltage
Substation (GITT). In addition, the Kracak hydropower plant, which is located in the highlands, has its
own charm, the article is that to get to the Kracak hydropower power house, the Kracak hydropower
sub-unit officers must descend using a lorry tied with steel ropes or by descending 276 stairs to
arrive at the power house. When descending the stairs, guests or visitors will be presented with the
green environment around the hydropower plant and the swift water of the Cianten river which
refreshes the eyes of visitors to the Kracak hydropower plant.

The construction of the hydropower plant begins with the construction of a dam to regulate the flow
of water used as the driving force for the hydropower plant. The dam can be in the form of a concrete
dam or a gabion dam. Dams need to be equipped with sluice gates and garbage filters to prevent the
entry of silt or dirt. It is better to build a dam on a stable and safe riverbed against flooding.

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In the area near the dam, an intake is built. After that, a conduit is made which is used to drain water
from the intake. This channel is in the form of an open and closed channel equipped with an overflow
channel at the end of which a settling pond is built which functions to deposit sand and filter dirt so
that the water entering the turbine is relatively clean at every certain distance. There is also a calming
pool (forebay) also built to calm the flow of water that will enter the turbine and direct it into the
The energy arising from the rotation of the shaft is then transmitted to the generator. The whole
system must be in balance. The turbine needs to be equipped with a casing at the bottom as a turbine
The casing is used to direct the water to the runner. Bearings are located on the left and right of the
shaft which are used to support the shaft, so that it can rotate smoothly. The shaft power from the
turbine must be transmitted to the generator so that it can be converted into electrical energy.
Hydraulic turbines, closely related to generators, the main function of which is to convert water
energy into electrical energy. Water flows through the turbine, energizing the runners of the turbine
and making it spin.

A hydroelectric power station is a power plant center that converts the potential energy of water
(the gravitational energy of water) into electrical energy. The working concept of a hydroelectric
power plant uses water to operate. How hydropower works by converting potential energy (from
dams or waterfalls) into mechanical energy into electrical energy (with the help of a generator) The
main parts of a hydropower plant are dams, penstocks, turbines, generators, transformers,
transmission lines. Hydropower has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of hydropower is
that it is quite cheap because it uses natural energy. However, until now hydropower has not been
realized due to the high cost of building hydropower plants, because the water sources are located in
remote areas.


Sugiyono. (2015). Quantitative Research Methods,Qualitative, and R&D. Bandung:


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