Venerating Rizal

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DECEMBER 30, 1896
• Activated a full-scale revolution for Philippine Independence in 1898
• Declared national hero and commemorated his death every December 30
• Built monuments in every town
• Venerate him as savior from all social ills in the country for being Jove Rex Al or “God,
King of All”
• Identified themselves as Rizalistas and founded organizations honoring him
• Gathered “tearfully wailing before a portrait of Rizal” in Batangas
• Regarded him as “lord of a kind of paradise in the heart of Mount Makiling” in Laguna

• In 1907, Spanish writer and philosopher Miguel de Unamuno dubbed Rizal the “Tagalog
Christ.” Early 1900s saw the founding of many religious organizations honoring him.
• However, teachings and traditions of political movements that were organized to fight
colonizers were rooted in religious beliefs and practices. These movements – called
millenarian groups – generally believe in the coming of a major social transformation with the
establishment of the Kingdom of God.
• Rizal is Jesus Christ’s reincarnation because both led parallel lives:
• “Both were Asians, had brilliant minds, and extraordinary talents. Both believed in the Golden Rule,
cured the sick, were rabid reformers, believed in the universal brotherhood of men, were closely
associated with a small group of followers. Both died young (Christ at 33 and Rizal at 35) at the
hands of their enemies. Their lives changed the course of history.” (Mercado, 1982)
• Just like Jesus Christ, Rizal would return to life and save mankind
• On September 24, 1903, La Iglesia Filipina
Independiente or Philippine Independent Church
(“PIC”) through its Council of Bishops led by
Gregorio Aglipay canonized Jose Rizal and Fathers
Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora as saints, following the
Roman Catholic rites.
• No masses for the dead were offered; their birth
and death anniversaries were celebrated
• Statues were at their altars
• Their names were given at baptism
• Novenas were composed to honor Rizal
• Rizal’s ideology and writings inspired PIC’s teachings
In Leyte, a religious sect – Banal – venerated Rizal as god and
prayed on their knees before Rizal icons in chapels for him.

In Legaspi City, Pantay-pantay – with Rizalinos as members –

walked barefoot in a procession to Rizal’s monument and hold
annual masses on June 19 and December 30.

In Quezon, a chapel for Rizal was built at the foot of Bundok San
Cristobal or Mt. Banahaw.

In Tarlac, Rizalina has a nunnery for priestesses who are

forbidden to marry for certain period, sent to Calamba for
training, and perform religious rites.

• In 1901, Candida Balantac (aka Inang Adarna, Maestra, or Espiritu Santo) founded the Adarnita or
Iglesiang Pilipina in Bongabon, Nueva Ecija with 10,000 followers in Nueva Ecija, La Union,
Isabela, Pangasinan, Zambales, Nueva Viscaya, Tarlac, Baguio City, and Manila.
• They believe that:
• Rizal is god of Filipino people
• Rizal is true god and a true man
• Rizal was not executed
• Bongabon, Nueva Ecija is the New Jerusalem or Paradise and the caves therein are the Jehovah’s
dwelling place
• There 4 persons in God: God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, and the Mother.
• In typical Adarnista chapels, Rizal’s picture is at the center other religious images. They
perform baptism, confirmation, marriage, confession, and rites for the dead.

• In 1918, Basilio Aromin (aka Pangulu Guru) founded the Sambahang

Rizal in Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija with 7,000 followers in Pangasinan
and Nueva Ecija.
• They believe that Rizal is the “Son of Bathala” who was sent to
redeem the Filipino race like Jesus Christ.
• Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo serve as bibles.
• Their church altars display the Philippine flag and Rizal’s statue.
• They conduct baptism, confirmation, marriage, and rites for the

• In 1911, Philippine national heroes and Arsenio de Guzman established the Samahan ng
Watawat ng Lahi or Association of the Banner of the Race, which preaches that Rizal was
Christ and God’s Messenger and that Philippines is the New Kingdom.
• In 1938, Samahan was changed to Iglesia Watawat ng Lahi by Mateo Alcuran, Alfredo Benedicto,
Jovito Salgado, and Gaudioso Parabuac (invoker of banal na tinig or Rizal’s voice) in Calamba,
Laguna. It had over 100,000 members throughout Philippines.
• In 1987, it broke into 3 factions:
• Samahan ng Watawat ng Lahi Presiding Elders – believes that Rizal is not Christ but only human
• Iglesia Watawat ng Lahi, Inc.
• Iglesia ng Lipi ni Gat Dr. Jose P. Rizal
• They believe that:
• Teachings are based on the commands of the Holy Moses, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and Rizal.
• The Holy Ghost’s power was given to Rizal.
• Jesus Christ is embodied in Rizal, who is god and man.
• Rizal is alive in New Jerusalem extending from Mt. Makiling to Mt. Banahaw.
• If WW2 comes, many people will die of atomic weapons. But after the war, Rizal will appear and
lead God’s army.
• Man has a soul. Three days after death, he will rise again and his soul will proceed to New Jerusalem,
if he lived a holy life. Otherwise, his soul is not punished in hell but will work in a place opposite to
New Jerusalem.
• In 1952, Maria Bernarda Balitaan (aka Suprema) organized the Suprema
de la Iglesia de la Ciudad Mistica de Dios, Inc. or the Supreme Church of
the Mystical City of God with about 100,000 members all over Luzon.
• They believe that:
• God transferred His Kingdom to Philippines due to endless conflicts in
West Asia and placed a pwesto or holy station/altar at Mt. Banahaw.
• Rizal and the “12 lights” or 19th century Philippine heroes continued Jesus
Christ’s work.
• They hold masses every Saturday, have prayers and chants, and
commemorate Rizal’s birth and death anniversaries.

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