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What causes teens to try to commit suicide? Why would they end their lives in that way?

Those questions come to our mind whenever we hear any suicide case. Every one of us knows
what is suicide it is an act of ending your own life. It is sometimes a way for people to escape
pain or suffering. If someone tries to end their life but did not die it is called a suicide attempt.
Most of the reasons why they tend to end their own life because of depression, but what triggers
this irrevocable step varies from person to person.

So, what causes teens to try to commit suicide? Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in
young people ages 15-24. The teen years are a stressful time. They are filled with major changes.
These include body changes, changes in thoughts, and changes in feelings. Strong feelings of
stress, confusion, fear, and doubt may affect a teen’s problem-solving and decision-making. He
or she may also feel a pressure to succeed . Especially these days, we are facing a pandemic that
affects our health both mental and physical. A lot of teens suffering from depression which is the
number 1 reason why they commit suicide.

Even though suicide cases are getting higher we can still stop or prevent teens from doing
this. Here are some of the things we need to do. First, preventing involves being able to
recognize the warning signs of suicide. This includes extreme mood swings, feelings of
hopelessness, giving away possessions, losing interest in activities, talking about death or
suicide, saying goodbye to family and friends, saying that they are a burden, and withdrawing
from friends and family. By knowing those signs, we can easily help them and to other people
who are suffering from this. Second, don’t discount their feelings and be a good listener. Let’s
listen to what they are saying without offering judgments. Don't be dismissive of their
experiences or emotions. Instead of judging them just be a good listener, it doesn't require any
special skills just be patient and accepting, but avoid getting into an argument or trying to offer
simplistic solutions. Third, encourage them to get help and don’t leave them alone. Leaving them
alone may trigger their feelings and has a chance of committing suicide. Lastly, if you know
someone who is facing this problem encourage them to see a professional. It may take some
patience and persistence, but urge them to make an appointment with a mental health
professional. Once they have made the appointment, continue to maintain contact in order to
encourage them to follow through with appointments and treatment plans.

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