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Grade 5 Tr.

Nay Zaw Islamic Studies

A. Answer these questions.

1. What answer does the Qur'an give to those who think it is impossible to be raised af-
ter death?

2. Do fingerprints change as we grow older?

3. When did man discover fingerprints, and when did the Qur'an mention them?

4. What do the wonderful design of fingerprints point to?


December 2, 2021
Grade 5 Tr. Nay Zaw Islamic Studies

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. …………………is permissible for women but not for men.

2. …………………in dress cannot be considered elegant.

B. Write a brief note on the requirements of dress in Islam.

C. Name the following:

1 . The two purposes of clothes

2. The three types of clothes

3. The two sides of clothes


December 2, 2021
Grade 5 Tr. Nay Zaw Islamic Studies

D. Answer these questions.

1 . Explain the Arabic term awrah. What is the awrah for men and women?

2. What governs the choice of clothes?

3. What does a girl who dresses modestly prove?


December 2, 2021
Grade 5 Tr. Nay Zaw Islamic Studies

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. The story of Yunus (AS) teaches us that Allah's help comes when His slaves are

in…………………………… and hardship.

2. Prophet Yunus (AS) was sent to the people of ……………………………

3. Nineveh was on the left bank of the River ……………………, opposite the present city of


4. Prophet Yunus (AS) said his people would be punished after …………………… days.

5. Allah commanded a …………………… to swallow Yunus (AS).

B. Answer these questions.

1. What did the people of Nineveh worship?

2. Why was Yunus (AS) thrown over board from the ship?


December 2, 2021
Grade 5 Tr. Nay Zaw Islamic Studies

3. How did Allah care for Yunus (AS) on the shore?

4. What lesson do we learn from the story of Yu nus (AS)?

C. Think-up
Why do you think the whale did not eat Yu nus (AS)?


December 2, 2021
Grade 5 Tr. Nay Zaw Islamic Studies

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. Breaking a promise is equal to …………………

2. A good Muslim keeps a ……………… expression on his face.

3. A good Muslim never promises something to someone without ……………… his promise.

B. Answer the following questions.

1. What should someone who knows he is not able to fulfil his promise do?

2. What rewards are in store for those who refrain from cursing others?

C. Activity

Write down five good qualities you have learnt from the lesson and try to make them part of your na-


December 2, 2021
Grade 5 Tr. Nay Zaw Islamic Studies

D. Think and Write the following about good and bad habits.




December 2, 2021
Grade 5 Tr. Nay Zaw Islamic Studies

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1 . Surat at-Teen was revealed in ……………………

2. Allah created man in the best ………………………

3. Then He reduced him to the ………………………… of the low.

B. Answer these questions.

1. What are the four things by which Allah the Almighty swears in Surat at-Teen?

2. What does the 'Safe Land in the surah mean?


December 2, 2021
Grade 5 Tr. Nay Zaw Islamic Studies

Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

There are two blessings which people lose: …………………… and ……………………

We must use our time …………………… to lead a happy life in this world and …………………… bliss in the

A Muslim begins his day with salatul ………………… and ends it with …………………

Answer these questions.

How is time the shortest and the longest?

What is leisure?

What beneficial things can you do to better use your time? 9


December 2, 2021
Grade 5 Tr. Nay Zaw Islamic Studies

What are two blessings which many people lose?

Write down "A Day in My Life". Start from the time you get up to the time you go to bed.


December 2, 2021
Grade 5 Tr. Nay Zaw Islamic Studies

Name the following:

The place where the imam stands to give the khutbah

The person who calls the adhan
The Arabic word for Friday
The name of the surah which is recommended to be recited on Friday

Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. Muslims should …………………… attentively while the imam is giving the ……………………

2. The imam gives the khutbah after the …………………… is called……………………

3. Salaatul Jumu'ah consists of two ……………………

Answer these questions.

1. Who is obliged to attend Salatul Jumu'ah?

2. What should a person do if he is prevented from offering Salatul Jumu'ah?


December 2, 2021
Grade 5 Tr. Nay Zaw Islamic Studies

3. What are the benefits of reciting Surat al-Kahf?

4. What should a person do when he enters the mosque while the imam is delivering the ser-

Colour the following


December 2, 2021

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