Some Applications of The Clustered Travelling Salesman Problem

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Some applications of the clustered travelling salesman problem

Article  in  Journal of the Operational Research Society · September 2002

DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.jors.2601420


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3 authors, including:

Udatta S. Palekar
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


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Journal of the Operational Research Society (2002) 53, 972–976 #2002 Operational Research Society Ltd. All rights reserved. 0160-5682/02 $15.00

Some applications of the clustered travelling

salesman problem
G Laporte1* and U Palekar2
École des Hautes Études Commerciales, Montréal, Canada; and 2University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL, USA
The purpose of this article is to describe several applications of the clustered travelling salesman problem arising in areas
as diverse as vehicle routing, manufacturing, computer operations, examination timetabling, cytological testing, and
integrated circuit testing.
Journal of the Operational Research Society (2002) 53, 972–976. doi:10.1057=palgrave.jors.2601420

Keywords: clustered travelling salesman problem; applications

Introduction tions of the CTSP arise in areas as diverse as vehicle

routing, manufacturing, computer operations, examination
The purpose of this article is to describe several applications
timetabling, cytological reading, integrated circuit testing,
of the clustered travelling salesman problem (CTSP), a
and computer program restructuring. Before describing
variant of the well-known travelling salesman problem
these in the following sections, we outline a key relationship
(TSP). The CTSP is defined on a complete graph G ¼
between the CTSP and the GTSP.
ðV ; EÞ in the undirected case or (V, A) in the directed case,
where V ¼ fv1 ; . . . ; vn g is a vertex set partitioned into m clus-
ters V1 ; . . . ; Vm . The set E ¼ fðvi ; vj Þ : vi ; vj 2 V ; i < jg is an
edge set, and A ¼ fðvi ; vj Þ : vi ; vj 2 V ; i 6¼ jg is an arc set, The generalized travelling salesman problem
so that both the undirected and the directed case can be The GTSP is another important variant of the TSP in which
considered. A cost matrix C ¼ ðcij Þ is defined on E or A. the aim is to determine a least cost Hamiltonian cycle or
The CTSP consists of determining a least cost Hamiltonian circuit containing exactly one vertex from each cluster.
cycle or circuit on G in which the vertices of any cluster Vk Noon and Bean7 have shown that in the directed case the
are contiguous. The CTSP coincides with the TSP whenever GTSP can be transformed into an equivalent TSP containing
all clusters are singletons. In general, the CTSP can readily the same number of vertices. Laporte and Semet8 have
be transformed into a TSP by adding an arbitrarily large provided a similar transformation for the undirected case
constant M to inter-cluster costs, or by subtracting M from in which the number of vertices is doubled. In fact, both
intra-cluster costs. However, such transformations introduce these transformations use the CTSP as an intermediate step.
a fair amount of degeneracy in the problem and it may be For the sake of completeness we briefly recall for each case
preferable to solve the CTSP directly by means of a how the GTSP can be transformed into a CTSP.
specialized algorithm.1 If G is directed the transformation can be accomplished in
The CTSP was introduced by Chisman2 and early algo- two steps. First arbitrarily order the vertices of each cluster
rithms were provided by Lokin,3 and Jongens and Volge- Vk as vi1 ; . . . ; vih where h ¼ jVk j; and redefine cit itþ1 ¼
nant.4 These authors have described simple applications in
M ðt ¼ 1; . . . ; hÞ; where t þ 1 must be interpreted as
the areas of vehicle routing, warehouse order picking and t þ 1 (mod h). Second, for every vit 2 Vk and vj 2 = Vk ;
manufacturing. Our aim is to provide a much wider range of redefine cit
1 j ¼ cit j ðt ¼ 1; . . . ; hÞ (Figure 1). This transfor-
well-known and new applications of the CTSP, and thereby mation works since if cluster Vk is entered through vertex vit
to show the potential of this problem as a modelling tool. in a CTSP solution, then the optimal Hamiltonian circuit
This article follows two similar contributions on the TSP5 will necessarily contain the subsequence ðvit ; vitþ1 ; . . . ; vi1 ;
and on the generalized travelling salesman problem . . . ; vit
1 Þ and an arc ðvit
1 ; vj Þ for some vj 2
= Vk : Since cit
1 j
(GTSP)6 to be described in the following section. Applica- has been redefined as cit j ; the cost of the CTSP solution is
equal to that of the GTSP solution plus a large constant
*Correspondence: G Laporte, Canada Research Chair in Distribution equal to nM.
Management and GERAD, École des Hautes Études Commerciales, 3000
chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, Canada H3T 2A7. For the undirected case, Laporte and Semet8 apply the
E-mail: following three steps. First arbitrarily order the vertices
G Laporte and U Palekar—Some applications of the clustered TSP 973

of linehaul customers, and B is a set of backhaul customers.

The TSPB consists of determining a least cost Hamiltonian
cycle or circuit on G, starting and ending at the depot, and
such that all linehaul customers are visited before backhaul
customers. Whether G is directed or not, the TSPB can be
modelled as a CTSP with clusters V1 ¼ fv1 g; V2 ¼ L and
V3 ¼ B: In the directed case, the only arcs with non-infinite
costs are from V1 to V2, from V2 to V3 and from V3 to V1.
The vehicle routing problem with backhauls (VRPB) is
similar, but then several vehicle routes start and end at the
depot. This problem cannot be modelled as a CTSP, but a
CTSP algorithm can be applied to post-optimize each
vehicle route in a feasible VRPB solution.
Chisman2 described the following application in the area
of warehousing. In some contexts orders to be picked up
Figure 1 Graph transformation for the directed GTSP. are composed of several bills of lading, each of which is
made up of several stock numbers. A motorized vehicle is
of each cluster Vk (with jVk j > 1Þ as vi1 ; . . . ; vik ; where dispatched to pick up all stock numbers in such a way that
h ¼ jVk j: Second, create a copy vi0t of each vertex vit ; and all stock numbers within the same bill of lading are picked
insert vi0t to the right of vit in the sequence. Third, define up contiguously. A second warehousing application12 arises
cit i0t ¼
M and ci0t itþ1 ¼
2M: Finally, for any vit 2 Vk and in the case of multilevel warehouses where an order picker
vj 2 = Vk ; define an edge ðvi0t ; vj Þ of cost cit j (Figure 2). The fills the orders one level at a time. Mail pickup and delivery
nan optimal CTSP solution on the transformed graph is in a multi-storey or multi-pavilion office complex is a simi-
again equivalent to an optimal GTSP solution on G. lar application. There also exist other warehousing applica-
The formal interest of these transformations is that all tions that are more naturally modelled as a GTSP, such as
applications of the GTSP can be viewed as cases of the order picking where the same item is located at several
CTSP, but again it is preferable to solve the GTSP by means locations.13
of specialized algorithms.9,10 In the following, we show that Another routing application of the CTSP is where a
several real-life applications can also be modelled directly as vehicle must visit customers with several priority levels
a CTSP. and all customers with a high priority must be seen before
customers having a lower priority. Such an example was
recently described by Weintraub et al14 in the context of
Vehicle routing applications dispatching emergency vehicles to clients of an electric
utility in Chile.
A number of vehicle routing applications of the CTSP are
The travelling salesman problem with backhauls Manufacturing applications
(TSPB)11 is defined on a graph G in which the vertex set We now describe applications of the CTSP in manufactur-
is partitioned into {{v1}, L, B}, where v1 is a depot, L is a set ing.
A CTSP example arising in manufacturing is where holes
of different types have to be drilled on a rectangular sheet
using tools mounted in a carousel, and the set of tools
present in the carousel remains the same for the entire
production process. Typically, the sheet can move in both
the X and Y directions to position a hole location under the
tool, and the carousel rotates freely in either direction to
provide the appropriate tool. If Z represents the time
required to change tools, and X, Y are the times associated
with a move in the X and Y direction, respectively, then the
overall processing times between two drilling operations can
be expressed by one of the four metrics X þ Y þ Z; max {X,
Y, Z}, Z þ max fX ; Y g; max fX þ Y ; Zg; depending on
whether movements are made sequentially or simulta-
neously in any dimension.15 The most common case appears
Figure 2 Graph transformation for the undirected GTSP. to be max{X, Y, Z}. Lokin3 models this problem as a CTSP,
974 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 53, No. 9

where clusters are made up of all hole locations requiring

the same tool. Similar applications exist in chip insertion
and printed circuit board manufacturing. In the same
context, Laporte et al15 have studied the problem of opti-
mally determining sequences of tools to be used in the same
pass of drilling operations.
In single machine scheduling it is common to have set-up
times between parts.16 However, similar parts will have
relatively small set-up times while changeover costs are
large between dissimilar families of parts. This problem can
therefore be viewed as a CTSP where clusters are made up
of parts belonging to the same family.
Plate cutting provides another example of the CTSP. In
this problem disjoint parts have to be cut from a rectangular
sheet and it is required that each part must be cut completely
without preemption. The time taken by the cutter to move
from one point to another is measured using a Tchebychev
norm. The problem requires one to find the order in which
the polygons are to be cut as well as a single point at which Figure 4 Computer disk before and after defragmentation.
each polygon perimeter is entered so that the overall time to
cut the polygons and move between them is minimized.
Using geometric properties of the Tchebychev norm, Hoeft depends not only on the order in which the patterns are cut
and Palekar17 show that the continuous perimeter of each but also on the precise arrangement of the widths within the
polygon can be reduced to a finite non-polynomial set of pattern. If there are n widths in a pattern then there can be as
dominating points and propose algorithms for identifying many as n! possible arrangements of the widths in a pattern.
these points. This dominating set ensures that it is sufficient The possible arrangements of a pattern form a cluster and
to consider these points alone as the entry points and still the problem can be modelled as a CTSP.
guarantee an optimal solution. These points contain all
vertices and possibly a number of other points on the poly-
Disk defragmentation
gon perimeters (Figure 3). It is easy to see that the domina-
ting set for each polygon forms a cluster and the resulting When files are stored on computer disks, space is allocated
problem is a CTSP. in units of ‘storage clusters’. A file can be fragmented, ie, it
Paper-roll cutting offers yet another manufacturing appli- can span several storage clusters scattered on the same disk
cation of the CTSP. In the usual cutting stock problem, it is (Figure 4). The defragmentation process consists of reas-
common to determine sets of widths called patterns that are signing storage clusters so that all clusters assigned to the
to be cut from a common base or master roll so that scrap is same file become contiguous. To maintain data integrity, this
minimized.18,19 Once the patterns are determined, a sequen- reassignment is performed one file at a time. To minimize
cing problem must be solved to minimize the amount of the time required for defragmentation the distance moved by
setup time for a given set of patterns.20 The set-up time the read–write magnetic head between files must be mini-
mized. Such a problem is described in a Microsoft electronic
publication21 and the programs used for defragmentation are
part of the Microsoft Windows operating system. All storage
clusters belonging to the same file constitute a cluster in the
CTSP, and the problem of minimizing defragmentation time
can be directly stated as a CTSP.

Examination timetabling
In examination timetabling, the aim is to schedule examina-
tions in time periods over several days so that there is no
conflict, ie, no student can write two exams at the same time,
and a number of side constraints and objectives are satis-
fied.22 This is usually accomplished in two phases. First, a
feasible solution is constructed by means of a sequential
Figure 3 Polygonal parts showing dominant points. allocation procedure possibly involving some back-tracking
G Laporte and U Palekar—Some applications of the clustered TSP 975

steps, and a post-optimization phase can then be applied.

This can consist of moving exams to different periods, of
applying multiple interchanges of exams or of permuting
entire periods without modifying their content. The purpose
of a post-optimization phase is typically to minimize occur-
rences of exams taken in close succession. Several versions
of the examination timetabling problem exists as the rules
vary among universities. Some institutions (eg, the Univer-
sity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) impose the constraint
that no student can write more than two exams in the same
day. A natural objective to minimize in a post-optimization
phase is the number of student-exams in consecutive periods
Figure 5 Cytological sample showing smears.
(this includes the last period of a day followed by the first
period of the next day). Once a feasible solution exists, a
sensible strategy is to permute periods within the same days the test are actually performed. The testing procedure
in order to maintain feasibility, or to permute entire days. involves fixing one test point in a cluster and going through
This way of operating does not alter the set of examinations all points of each other cluster. To minimize test probe
taken each day. The examination timetabling post-optimiza- movement it is common to visit every point in a test cluster
tion problem can then be solved as a CTSP in which each before moving on to the next cluster. The problem of
period is a vertex and each day is a cluster. An application of performing the tests for a given fixed set of points can be
this approach is described by Balakrishnan et al.23 seen to be a CTSP.

Cytology and embroidery Computer program restructuring

Two seemingly different applications of the CTSP arise in Horspool and Laks25 describe the problem of restructuring
the screening of cytological samples and in embroidery. the internal structure of computer programs, which are
The cytology application described by Laporte et al24 frequently executed, to minimize memory page faults and
involves viewing material presented on a glass slide using a reduce execution times. Their approach involves the cluster-
microscope. The data is first digitized into pixels (between ing of relocatable blocks of code followed by a resequencing
2500 and 55000 in a typical application). The microscope of the clusters to minimize the number of times control is
has a limited field of view, which means that a few hundreds transferred between clusters. Given the code block clusters
of readings are often necessary. Also, the slide contains from the first step of their approach, the sequencing step can
empty areas which do not require viewing. The problem clearly be modelled as a CTSP.
consists of first determining a set of tiles consisting of all
pixels to be examined in single viewing, and of then com- Conclusions
puting a sequence of viewings through all the tiles. The se- The CTSP provides a versatile modelling tool for several
quencing problem is a direct TSP application. However, since operational research applications arising in a wide variety of
the cytological sample often contain smears, ie, large areas. It can also be used as an intermediate step to trans-
clusters of contiguous tiles (Figure 5), it is preferable to read form the GTSP into a TSP.
these consecutively, thus giving rise to a CTSP. In practice, a
trained technician identifies the smears visually in a pre-
Acknowledgements—This research was partly supported by the Canadian
processing phase. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council under grant number
The embroidery application is conceptually similar. A OGP0039682 and by ICR funds from the University of Illinois at Urbana-
pattern often consists of points to be stitched on a canvas. Champaign. This support is gratefully acknowledged. Thanks are also due
Some of these points are clustered. In automated stitching to two referees for their valuable comments.
processes, large areas of a pattern requiring the same colour
must be stitched continuously. References
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