Mathematical Modeling and Electrochemical Behavior For Corrosion Inhibition of Steel by Kiwi Juice Extract

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Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2020) 6:13

Mathematical Modeling and Electrochemical Behavior for Corrosion

Inhibition of Steel by Kiwi Juice Extract
Khalid H. Rashid1 · Anees A. Khadom2 

Received: 1 September 2019 / Revised: 10 October 2019 / Accepted: 20 November 2019

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

The inhibition influence of kiwi juice extract (KJE) for corrosion of steel in 2.5 M hydrochloric acid has been studied by
polarization technique at various temperatures and inhibitor concentrations. The maximum inhibition efficiency was 87%
at 45 °C and 55 cm3/L concentration of inhibitor, while the minimum value was 81% at 45 °C and 5 cm3/L concentration of
inhibitor. Polarization curves showed that KJE is a mixed-type inhibitor but the cathode is more polarized than the anode.
The polarization curve curvature region near the potential of corrosion can be investigated depending on the overvoltage data
as a function of current densities. These data can be analyzed by suggesting a mathematical model to take into account the
influence of diffusion on the charge transfer process. The results obtained from electrochemical technique and mathematical
model are in good agreement.

Keywords  Low-carbon steel · Corrosion inhibition · Mass transfer · Green inhibitor

1 Introduction a comprehensive experimental work. Several methods are

available for corrosion rate evaluation. Weight loss [15],
Steel and its alloys are commonly utilized in the equipment electrochemical polarization [16] and electrochemical
of petroleum refineries, pipelines, tank constructions, etc. impedance spectroscopy [17] are the most common tech-
[1]. The principal issue of utilizing alloys of steel is the niques. An electrochemical polarization technique based
aggressive reaction in acidic solution [2]. Acidic solutions on Tafel extrapolation was widely used for the calculation
are generally used for clearing of rust, undesirable scale and of corrosion parameters, such as corrosion current density,
oil-well acidizing in numerous industrial cleaning processes corrosion potential and Tafel slopes [3]. Tafel extrapolation
[3]. Corrosion can be controlled by different methods, such technique assumed linear regions in the anodic and cathodic
as coating [4], cathodic protection [5], inhibitors [6], etc. curves. In other words, this technique neglects the effect of
Inhibitors are added in small amount and widely used to mass transfer on the activation process.
prevent or reduce the corrosion rates in acidic solutions It has been reported that plant extracts own significant
[7]. Corrosion inhibitors can be classified as inorganic [8] inhibitive performance and limited ecological hazards [18,
and organic materials [9]. Consequently, organic corrosion 19]. Several previous studies are available about the suitabil-
inhibitors can be subdivided to artificial synthesis [10] and ity of plant extracts as corrosion inhibitors of steel in hydro-
natural extracts [11]. Natural extracts have recently been chloric acid, such as Ficus tikoua leaf extract with efficiency
used as environmentally friendly, non-toxic, safely used of 95.8% for carbon steel [20], bitter kola leaf extract with
and economic anticorrosion materials [12–14]. Inhibi- efficiency of 90% [21], Glycyrrhiza glabra leaf extract with
tion performance cannot be predicated without the use of efficiency of 88% [22], Xanthium strumarium extract with
efficiency of 94.8% [23], peach juice with efficiency of 91%
* Anees A. Khadom [24], kiwi juice with efficiency of 96.1% [25], etc. The aim of this study is to investigate the inhibition
influence of extracted kiwi juice as a cheap, raw and non-
Department of Chemical Engineering, University toxic corrosion inhibitor on low-carbon steel corrosion in
of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
2.5 M HCl at various temperatures. Mathematical modeling
Department of Chemical Engineering, College was suggested to investigate the effect of mass transfer on
of Engineering, University of Diyala, Baquba, Iraq

13   Page 2 of 8 Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2020) 6:13

activation polarization process. The mass transfer impact curve for the situation when the cathodic reaction is under
on rates of corrosion was studied by the use of some funda- material transport dominance (ilim = icorr), mixed dominance
mental hypothetical models. Electrochemical parameters and (ilim > icorr), or charge transfer dominance (ilim = ∞). On the
kinetics were also calculated and compared. off chance that the exponential terms of Eq. 1 are extending
in the arrangement, at that point, the polarization equation
curve becomes an equation of polynomial [28] as:
2 Mathematical Approach i(𝜂) = Co + C1 𝜂 + C2 𝜂 2 + C3 𝜂 3 + … + Cn 𝜂 n (4)

The trendy used techniques for the calculation of rates of where Co, C1, C2, … Cn is constants. Equation 4 is a non-
corrosion from measurements of polarization are based linear equation of overpotential–current relationship. The
totally on the idea that the manner is managed via the coefficients of η can be acquired by a nonlinear estimation
cathodic and anodic rate partial reactions. The supply of technique. MATLAB v.12 (MATLAB Professional) software
reactants is limitless, and the mixed-predominant case, at program was used for estimation method. Experimental
the point when the process rate is together constrained by results of current (i) as a function of over potential (η) for
the reaction of surface, and the material transport from and low steel corrosion in 2.5 M HCl solution in the presence
to the surface has been substantially less explored, indeed, and absence of KJE as a corrosion inhibitor were used as
even idea this case may as often as possible reflect workable source data. Overpotential range was − 400 to 400  mV
circumstances. In this way, it is essential to think about the from corrosion potential. Equation 4 can be written as the
impact of disregarding the mass exchange on parameters of Maclaurin form as:
corrosion. From this point of view, it is valuable for circum- ( ) ( ) ( )
𝜕i 1 𝜕2 i 1 𝜕ni
stances when the transport impact of mass is insignificant; i(𝜂) = 𝜂+ 𝜂 2
+ … + 𝜂n
𝜕𝜂 𝜂=0 2! 𝜕𝜂 2 𝜂=0 n! 𝜕𝜂 n 𝜂=0
that is, the concentrations of the surface are equivalent to
the concentrations of the bulk and the observed overvoltage (5)
is equivalent to the transfer overvoltage of charge. If trans- By examination of Eq. 4 with Eq. 5, the coefficient of
port impact of mass is significant, the above assumptions polynomial can be composed as a set of following equations:
must be altered. Two alterations are required: the first one is C0 = 0
the observed overvoltage must be adjusted for the transport {( ) ( ) }
1 1
overvoltage of mass, and secondly, the density of exchange C1 = 2.303 icorr
(1 − 𝛽)
current has to be expressed as a function of bulk concentra- {( )
2 ( )2 }
1 1
tions. In the wake of considering these two presumptions,
( )
2C2 = 5.303 icorr − 1 − 3𝛽 + 2𝛽
ba bc
the following equation can be used [26]: {( )
3 ( )3 }
1 1
1 − 7𝛽 + 12𝛽 2 − 6𝛽 3
( )
6C3 = 12.214 icorr +
ba bc
[ ( ) ( )]
2.303 𝜂 2.303 𝜂
i = icorr exp − 𝜆 exp − (1) {( )
4 ( )4 }
ba bc 24C4 = 28.13 icorr

1 (
1 − 15𝛽 + 50𝛽 2 − 60𝛽 3 + 24𝛽 4
ba bc

1 (6)
icorr icorr
( )
(2) The dimensionless factor (β) or (icorr/ilim) has two con-
1− + exp − 2.303 𝜂
ilim ilim b c straining cases; the estimations of β have two constrain-
ing cases; β approaches zero, the kinetics of corrosion
where λ is the correction factor of mass transfer, which can
is subjected by the transportation of slow charge; and β
be written in the formula [27]:
approaches one, the restricting phase of the all-out procedure
1 is the depolarizer transport to the surface of the electrode.
(3) Korobove and Medvedeva [29] recommended that in the
( )
1 − 𝛽 + 𝛽 exp − 2.303 𝜂
b c scope of β > 0.95 and β < 0.05, it is conceivable to utilize
the simplified form of Eqs. 1 and 6 (for diffusion and activa-
β = icorr/ilim and ilim is the limiting diffusion current. Equa-
tion mechanism) without the accuracy of counts assessment.
tion 1 is totally general in that it portrays the polarization

Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2020) 6:13 Page 3 of 8  13

3 Experimental Work 4 Results and Discussion

The electrochemical conduct of low-carbon steel alloy was 4.1 Electrochemical Polarization Measurements
studied using polarization technique with and without kiwi
juice extract (KJE) in 2.5 M HCl solution at various tem- A polarization measurement at different temperatures
peratures (15, 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65 °C) and various con- was evaluated. Then, at 45 °C, the polarization data were
centrations of inhibitor (5, 15, 25, 35, 45 and 50 cm3/L). evaluated at different inhibitor concentrations. Figure 1
Coupons of low-carbon steel alloy with dimensions of demonstrates the polarization curves in the absence and
3 cm length, 0.2 cm thickness and 2 cm width. The sam- presence of KJE at different concentrations at 45 °C. Elec-
ples were first degreased by analar benzene and acetone, trochemical parameters of the corrosion process were
then washed by the cleanser and rinsed by tap water pur- estimated by Tafel extrapolation method using polariza-
sued by deionized water, then annealed in vacuum fur- tion curve and listed in Table 1, while electrochemical
nace at 600 °C for 1 h and cooled under vacuum to 25 °C. parameters evaluated using β-model (Eq. 6) are listed in
Annealing process was used for stresses removal. Prior Table 1. Values of inhibition efficiency (% IE) [30] were
to each run, low-carbon steel samples were rubbed with also calculated using Eq. 7 and listed in Tables 1 and 2.
a series of silicon carbide abrasive paper (160, 220, 320, (o
icorr − icorr
400 and 600), then flushed by running tap water pursued %IE = × 100 (7)
by deionized water, then dried with an immaculate cloth, iocorr
dipped in benzene, dried, dipped in analar ­C2H6O, dried
The arrangements of Eq. 6 can be solved with the assis-
and lastly kept in a desiccator over silica gel until time of
tance of MATLAB and Statistics Toolbox Release 2018
use. The chemical compositions (wt%) of low-carbon steel
Substitution Method. Tables 1 and 2 show that the values
were 0.04% C, 0.309% Mn, 0.004% Si, 0.005% P, 0.007%
of corrosion current densities increase with an increase in
S, 0.021% Cr, 0.0009% Mo, 0.010% Ni, 0.004% Al, and
temperatures in the absence of inhibitor, while it decreases
the remainder is Fe. The potentiostat measurements were
with the increase in the inhibitor concentrations at 45 °C.
carried out in Wenking M-Lab device of Bank Electronic,
The potential of corrosion is affected by both temperature
Germany, which contains the auxiliary electrode (Pt/Ti),
and concentrations of inhibitor. In the inhibitor absence, the
reference electrode (SCE) and the working electrode. The
potential of corrosion shifts to more active values as the tem-
polarization measurements were carried out in a cylindri-
perature increased from 15 to 65 °C. At a constant tempera-
cal glass beaker corrosion cell of 2 L. The cell contains
ture, the potentials of corrosion in the presence of inhibitor
the working electrode (low-carbon-steel coupon), refer-
are shifted to more positive direction as the concentrations
ence electrode (SCE), auxiliary electrode (Pt/Ti) and ther-
of inhibitor increased. It is observed in Fig. 1 that the addi-
mometer. The saturated calomel reference electrode (SCE)
tion of KJE affects both the cathodic and anodic curve parts.
which was bridged by a Luggin–Haber capillary was set
Therefore, KJE acts as mixed-type inhibitor, although the
near from the working electrode at a distance of not more
small corrosion potential shifts in the positive sense as com-
than the optimum value of 1.5 mm to minimize the experi-
pared to the uninhibited solution showing that the effect on
mental error. Before each test, the cell and electrodes were
the anodic reaction is somewhat more pronounced than on
washed with running tap water, followed by deionized
the cathodic reaction, and the further enhancement of the
water. The working electrode was placed in position and
corrosion inhibition with increasing concentration is almost
immersed in the test solution at required temperature and
entirely due to the change in the anodic branch. Furthermore,
inhibitor concentration. After that, the corrosion cell parts
the inhibitor can be classified as the cathodic or anodic type
were joined to each other and then allowed to vary a volt-
when the change in Ecorr value is larger than 85 mV [31]. The
age and recording current (i.e., ± 400 mV from Ecorr). The
largest displacement exhibited by KJE is 53 mV (Table 1).
investigation was carried out by using M-Lab software.
Then this inhibitor molecule can be considered as mixed-
Potential against the current was recorded continuously
type inhibitors. Furthermore, the values of il > icorr, and β
during the test; the results can be read directly on the dis-
ranged from 0.01 to 0.1 in the absence and presence of inhib-
play of the monitor.
itor at various temperatures. This indicates the mixed control
corrosion mechanism, with more effect for activation control

13   Page 4 of 8 Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2020) 6:13

Fig. 1  Anodic and cathodic 100

Tafel polarization curves for
LC-steel alloy in 2.5 M HCl 0
containing different concentra-
tions of KJE at 45 °C


Potential (mV) vs. SCE



-500 3
5 cm /L
-600 15 cm 3/L
25 cm 3/L
35 cm 3/L
-800 45 cm 3/L
55 cm 3/L
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Log i ( µA/cm 2 )

Table 1  Corrosion parameters CEKJ ­(cm3/L) Temp. (°C) Ecorr (mV) Icorr (μA/cm2) + ba (mV) − bc (mV) % IE
Tafel extrapolation method
Blank 15 − 389.59 2040.8 143.2 141.2
25 − 396.46 2095.4 135.2 138.1
35 − 398.88 2123.2 134.8 139.7
45 − 398.91 2350.4 132.5 142.4
55 − 400.16 2454.3 126.5 141.3
65 − 409.56 3717.7 117.5 134.2
5 45 − 373.62 460.99 115.2 134.1 80.3
15 − 359.87 408.11 130.7 148.9 82.6
25 − 357.23 403.44 138.1 141.2 82.9
35 − 352.99 380.37 126.2 124.7 84.1
45 − 350.76 368.14 147.6 135.8 84.5
55 − 346.12 330.86 141.9 137.8 86.2

Table 2  Corrosion parameters CKJE ­(cm3/L) Temp. (°C) icorr (μA/cm2) iL (μA/cm2) β + ba (mV) − bc (mV) % IE
using β-model method
Blank 15 2229.2 34,500.5 0.065 139.2 139.2 –
25 2288.8 39,642.9 0.058 130.2 133.1 –
35 2319.2 43,475.6 0.053 130.8 136.7 –
45 2596.8 45,852.8 0.057 127.5 137.4 –
55 2680.8 47,839.4 0.056 122.5 147.3 –
65 4060.8 312,088.5 0.013 110.2 138.2 –
5 45 503.5 27,091.9 0.019 112.2 137.1 80.6
15 445.8 21,755.4 0.020 126.3 155.4 82.8
25 440.6 20,991.3 0.021 134.1 146.1 83.1
35 415.4 19,128.5 0.022 121.6 126.2 84.2
45 402.1 16,509.8 0.024 140.1 140.5 84.5
55 361.4 9897.2 0.037 146.9 144.4 86.1

Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2020) 6:13 Page 5 of 8  13

(because of β < 0.5). In the presence of inhibitor, the average to the metal surface is faster than charge transfer step. This
values of β were 0.02. Generally, the values of β are almost assumption leads to neglecting of mass transfer effect. How-
stable as the inhibitor concentration increases. This stability ever, the presence of corrosive species, such as hydrogen
may indicate that the addition of KJE will make the charge and oxygen, leads to deviation from previous assumption.
transfer process stable by adsorption on the metal surface, Equation 3 can be utilized to determine the mass transfer
i.e., the charge transport step will be fixed. This indicates the correction factor (λ) at various values of β and bc. The values
adsorption of KJE on the metal surface, which adsorbed on of λ as a function of overpotential are shown in Fig. 2. It
anodic and cathodic areas. However, it was concluded that is known that both activation and concentration polariza-
in the aerated system, KJE inhibits the anodic dissolution tions usually occur at the electrode. At low rates of reac-
of steel and the oxygen reduction reactions of steel in acidic tion, the polarization of activation usually controls, while
solution [32]. The effect of temperature at different inhibi- at higher reaction rates concentration polarization becomes
tor concentrations on the values of β was approximately the controlling factor. The total electrode polarization is
negligible. The values of limiting diffusion current density the sum of the contributions of activation and concentra-
were increased with both temperature increasing and inhibi- tion polarizations (η = ηA + ηC) [33]. Therefore, as shown in
tor concentration decreasing. The values of icorr, ba, and bc Fig. 2, the values of λ will approach unity at low overpoten-
obtained from both methods were slightly deviated. This tial and decrease as overpotential increases. Generally, the
deviation may be due to the influence of mass transport on values of λ increase with inhibitor concentrations, and these
the activation process. Although the effect of mass transfer is values approach unity at low overpotential. This behavior
low in acidic solution, a mass transfer correction factor was may be attributed to the adsorption of the inhibitor on the
needed to take into account the deviations and nonlinearity metal surface; this adsorption will inhibit both the anodic
of the polarization curve near the corrosion potential. This and cathodic reactions. The anodic reaction was assumed to
will be highly significant in a system of mixed control mech- be always under charge transfer control, while the cathodic
anism (activation + mass transfer) to get accurate results. reaction is a mixed control so that the inhibitor adsorption
will slow down the charge transfer step. This step will con-
4.2 Mass Transfer Correction Factor trol the corrosion process more than the mass transport step
and the value of λ approaches unity (i.e., the correction fac-
In acidic solution the step of charge transfer is dominated tor becomes less important at low overpotential and as the
due to the high concentration of hydrogen ions. In other concentration of inhibitors increased).
words, the mass transfer of ­H+ ions from bulk of the solution

Fig. 2  Mass transfer correc-

tion factor as a function of over
potential in the absence and
presence of KJE at 45 °C (cor-
relation coefficients (R2) of all
curve are 0.99)

13   Page 6 of 8 Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2020) 6:13

4.3 Polarization Resistance polarization resistance is a measure of a metal to undergo

corrosion in a certain environment; it is a slope of the poten-
The approach that suggested here was to use the values of tial–current (η–i) curve at the corrosion potential, i.e.,
the second coefficient of β-model (C1) to evaluate the value
𝜕E 1
( )
of polarization resistance (Rp). It is clear that when β is equal RP = = (8)
𝜕i E=Ecorr C
to zero, the value of C1 is equal to 1/RP. This analysis may 1

take into account the nonlinearity of the polarization curve The shape of this curve around the corrosion potential,
near the corrosion potential. The polarization resistance and hence, Rp is determined by the sum of the partial η–i
(Rp) of low-carbon steel in HCl solution in the absence and curves of both anodic and cathodic half-reactions. The
presence of KJE at different conditions was studied using shape of both curves, in turn, depends on the respective
the values of the second coefficient (C1) of β-model. The

Fig. 3  a The effect of tempera- a

ture on polarization resistance 15
of LC-steel alloy in 2.5 M HCl
in the absence of KJE. b The 14
effect of inhibitor concentration
on polarization resistance of
LC-steel alloy in 2.5 M HCl in 13
the presence of KJE at 45 °C
R p ( 2)



10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Temperature ( C)
b 95



Rp ( 2)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Inhibitor Concentration (cm /L)

Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2020) 6:13 Page 7 of 8  13

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