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Experiment Number: 04

Name of the experiment:

Standardization of Sodium Thiosulphate solution with
standard Potassium Dichromate solution.

Course: Chem-114

Name:— Md. Sayeduzzaman

Roll:— 0405035
Group:— A2
Partner’s Roll:—0405035
Department:— C.S.E.

Date of Performance:—
Date of Submission:—
„Sodium Thiosulphate‟ is a very important industrial raw material. It is
widely used in photographic studio. The objective of this experiment is to
determine the strength of this Sodium Thiosulphate.
This experiment is based on oxidation and reduction reaction, as well as
“Iodometric reaction”. The main purpose of the experiment is to standardize
Na2S2O3 solution with standard K2Cr2O7 solution.

In this experiment the strength of Sodium Thiosulphate solution is
determined with the help of a standard Potassium Dichromate solution. This is
an oxidation and reduction reaction, as well as “Iodometric reaction”.
Titration involving with iodine or dealing with iodine liberated in chemical
reaction is called Iodimetric and Iodometric titration respectively. This reaction
is iodometric because iodine is got from KI.
The reactions of this experiment are:
6KI+14HCl+ K2Cr2O7 =2CrCl3+3I2 +7H2O+8KCl
(6 I- + 14 H+ + Cr2O7-2 + 6e- = 2 Cr+3 + 3 I2+ 7 H2O)
2Na2S2O3 + I2 = Na2S4O6 + 2NaI
(S2O3 2- + e- = S4O6 2- + I-)
Here K2Cr2O7 is an oxidizing agent and I- is a reducing agent. Again in the
second reaction I2 is an oxidizing agent and S2O3-- is a reducing agent.

In the 2nd Step of the reaction a specific indicator is used that is “Starch”-
which has a significant characteristic on iodine.
Starch+I2=Starch-Iodine (blue colour)
Starch-Iodine+6S2O3--=Starch +6I- + 3S4 O6—
If to a solution containing a little iodine, some starch solution is added and
Na2S2O3 is run in from the burette, the blue color of the starch-iodine complex
will disappear from the solution as soon as all the iodine has been reduced to
iodide ion.

1. Conical flask
2. Burette
3. Pipette
4. Volumetric flask
5. Stand
6. Funnel
Name of the chemicals used:—
1. Na2S2O3
2. K2Cr2O7
3. KI
4. NaHCO3
5. HCl (concentrated)
6. Starch (Indicator)

(Standardization of Sodium Thiosulphate solution with standard
potassium Dichromate Solution)

Burette reading

Number Volume Volume of Average Strength

of of Initial Final Na2S2O3 Volume Of
Obser- K2Cr2O7 Reading Reading of Na2S2O3
-vation NaS2O3

ml ml ml ml ml N
01 10 4.9 14.6 9.7
02 10 14.6 24.3 9.7
03 10 24.3 34.1 9.8 9.725 0.1095
04 10 34.1 43.8 9.7

from Vred X Sred = Vox X Sox

VK2Cr2O7 = 10 ml
SK2Cr2O7 = 0.1065 N
VNa2S2O4 = 9.725 ml (average)
SNa2S2O4 = 0.1095 N

Determined strength of Na2S2O3 solution is:
SNa2S2O3 = 0.1095 N
This experiment is very important because it gives the idea of oxidation
and reduction reaction and at the same time, it views a clear idea about
iodometric reaction.

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