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DECEMBER 18, 2021




1st: Rs 5100

2nd: Rs 3100

3rd: Rs 2100

 Registration fee: INR 500 per team

Nature of Event: Team Event

Participation: 5 Members in a team
Registration Fee: Rs 100 per member
If there are more than one team from the same institute registration fee will be Rs
400 per team

Rules and guidelines

1. Only registered teams will be eligible for participation.

2. A team shall consist of maximum 5 students.

3. Jury decision will be final.

4. Replacement of any participants of a team is not allowed after registration.

Event Details:

There will be total three rounds.

The judgement will be on the basis of team performance.

The detailed rules for specific rounds will be announced on the spot.

The material for the activity will be provided by JIM.


Role Play competition (NUKKAD NATAK)


1st: Rs 5100

2nd: Rs 3100

3rd: Rs 2100

 Registration fee: INR 500 per team

Rules and guidelines

1. No. of Participants: Minimum 4+ 1 narrator (if required)

2. Time Duration: 10-15 minutes
3. Maximum number of accompanists: 3
4. Time for stage setting: 5 minutes.
5. Language : English, Hindi
6. The participating team shall bring their own set/stage props, make-up material, technical
support, music and other related props and material.
7. Evaluation Criteria:
 Theme
 Creativity
 Presentation of the situation/Character,
 Coordination/team efforts,
 Audience Connectivity,
 Overall clarity of the message etc.


Business Plan Competition: “PITCH”

(Promoting Innovation, Training, Creativity and Hard-work)


1st: Rs 5100

2nd: Rs 3100

3rd: Rs 2100

 Registration fee: INR 500 per team

Rules and guidelines

 Business plans may be submitted by individuals or by teams.

 Maximum of 3 persons per team can participate.
 Maximum of 3 teams can participate from the same institute.
 Participants are required to present their plan in form of power point presentation.
 Teams should be mailing the presentation on business idea on mail three
daysbeforeattending competition and name of the file will be:
“College/Institute/University name_BusinessPlan_Team Name
 Time given for presentation is 15 minutes per team.
 In case of larger number of proposals, screening of the ideas will be done before the
 Final-round submission will be judged according to the following criteria:

o Is the business idea financially feasible and innovative?

o Quality of products, services and/or solutions
o Market opportunities and competition
o Identification of the target customer/ beneficiary (Marketing plan)
o Display of any prototype or Minimum Viable Product if possible
o Current and projected financials, broad break-up of application of funds,
o Overall attractiveness of the venture
o Jury decision will be considered as final


ADVERT- Creative Ad Competition


1st: Rs 5100

2nd: Rs 3100

3rd: Rs 2100

 Registration fee: INR 500 per team

Rules and guidelines

The objective of this event is to hone the transferrable skills of students for creativity,
spontaneity and delivery in designing distinctive advertising campaign to acquire competitive
advantage over the competitors. In this event, topics would be given to the students on the spot
using surprise box. Both undergraduates and Post graduate may participate in the event.
Followings are rules of the event.

 Each team consisting of four members may participate in the event.

 Certain products or name of services will be given and the teams have to prepare an
advertisement for it.
 There would be two rounds. In the first round, student has to design the advertisement on
the chart paper as per the topic given to them. In the final round, students will present
their idea in a creative manner.
 Use of electronic gadgets in designing the ad campaign is not allowed.
 Time limit for designing the advertisement on the chart paper is 15 minutes. Maximum
time limit for performing the ad is 08 to 10 minutes.
 Promotional campaign should not hurt any community, caste or religion.
 Use of vulgar expression in any form may lead to disqualification of the team
 Students are required to bring colour for designing the ad campaign. The name of the
team members must be mentioned on the poster.
 The criteria of the assessment would be Advertisement’s content – How humorous it is,
Expressions, The presenter’s fluency, Creativity, Customer appeal, Coordination.
 Top 3 teams will be awarded with cash prizes and certificates.
 The remaining teams will be awarded with the participation certificates
 The decision of the judges would be final and binding.

DEBATE (The war of words)


1st: Rs 5100

2nd: Rs 3100

3rd: Rs 2100

 Registration fee: INR 300 per team

Rules and guidelines

1. The team comprises two participants.

2. There can be more than one team from one college.
3. There will be two rounds
4. Each round will be an elimination round.

 The topic for the debate will be given one day before.
 First round will consist of round table debate; where in each member
of the team is required to put forth his view.
 Each member will be given a maximum of 2-3 minutes to speak.
 5 teams will qualify from this round, based on their performance.


 The 5 teams that will qualify, will debate on the topic which will be given on
the spot
 Teams will make five minutes opening speeches, followed by a rebuttal of
three minutes and closing arguments of two minutes.

4. The medium of expression will be English

5. There will be impromptu questioning to both the members of the team by the judges.

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