DC Machines: ""THE Leader in Ee

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DC Machines
Part 3


Review and Training Center
Rm. 867, Grourid Floor, Isabel Bldg.
r:. Cayco corner Espana Sts.
S~m1pa!oc, Man i l;_t
Tel. No. 73 I 7423


Force Exerted in a Motor Conductor

Bll ·
F = - - dynes dynes·

F =, force exerted, dynes
B = fhix density, gauss (lines/cm )
I '" ctirrent through the conductor, amperes
I,= length of the conductor, em
l,;h = current through the conductor, abampere

Note: '•" = Ill 0

Total Force Exerted in the Motor Armature

Fr =, FZ '

Fr = - - .-·.
' I
. 10
but I = Ia/a

· Zt3I. I
F =--
T lOa

Fr"' total fOrce exerted, dynes
Z "T tota! no. of armature conductors

1, =total armature current

a = no. of parallel paths in the armature

Motor Developed Torque/Armature torque

. Td = ~ dyne-em

Tct = developed torque, dyne-em
r = average distance of Z conductors fi·om the center of rotation, em

Note: 445,000 dynes"" I lb

30.48 ern= I ft

DC Machines
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Motor Torque Relations


60 xa


. ~xPxZ~N I
·1't, = -----·
60 x a
x1o· 8 Ia 1vatts


IIPttcv""' developed horsepower in the armature, hp
Ttt =developed torque, lb-ft ',
N = speed of the armature, rpm

33,000 ft-lb
. I hp == . ·

(746) watts --,.-.... 2

Equating I and 4,·

60 x a

33,000x 10·R PxZ

Td =-( 60) (2rr)(746) X -a- X ~X fa


where: k oo proportio~ality constant


DC Machines
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1) for a series motor,

At light loads, <j> is directly proporti,onal to 1. (<j> == k,I.)
. . T" = k(k 11,)1.
T" ,, k 21a 2 ~ a parabola
At heavy loads. ljl is practically ·constant (<j>; k 1)
. . T" = k(k 1)1.:
~ a straight line

2) For a shunt motor,

Shunt field current Or) ·is practically constant for all conditions of loading.
<j> remains substantially constant also($== k1)
T" =.k (kd I. .
-~ a straight line

Motor Speed Relations

For a given de motor ..

x 1o·R volts
60 X a
pX zX IO.g
60 x a
k =proportionality constant

E" = k<j>N
N c~ Ew'k<J>

Percent Speed Hcgulation

No-load spee9- Full~ load speed x 100

% S.R. = - - - - - - - " - ·--"""""'--'----=---
Full•load speed

% s. R. = X 100

Acceleration of DC Motors
At the instant of starting, Eb == 0 since N = 0

Eb = Vt- la(Ra f Rbc)

0 = Vt -Ia (Ra +)~be)

In .
R. ·t- Rbc
From the above equation, since the armature eircdit resistance (R. + Rhc) is very small, the armature tends to draw ·
high and excessive value of armature current. To prevent th.is, an external resista~ce (called starting resistance) must be
inserted in series with the armature. As the motor accelerates the starting resistance may be cut out gradually, because E11
rises, until the entire external resistallce is ultimately cut out (or short-circuited), under which 'cdndition the motor is
connected across the line and running at full speed.

Prony Brake- a device used to determine the OLilput KW and output torque of an electric motor.

DC Machines
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1. A 200-volt shunt motor is taking a current of 30 amperes. Armatu~e resistance is 0.2 o and shunt field
resistance is 100 n. Iron and friction losses amount to 500 watts. What is the B. f-1 P. output of the
A 6.63 HP " . B. 66.3 HP _, C. 3.66 HP 0. 36.6 HP

REE- April 2001

2. A d.c shunt motor develops 15 hp at 120 v. If the effective armature resi~tance is 0.061 ohm and the
field winding draws 2 amperes, what is the overall efficiency?
A. 90% B. 93% C. 95% D. 94%

3. In a 5-HP, 230-Volt, 1500 rpm shunt motor, the resistance of the armature including brushes is 0.175
' n, and that ofthe shunt field is 610 n. The stray power losses when the motor delivers rated load at
rated voltage are 305 watts. What is the efficiency of motor at rated load?
A.85.32% B. 89.32% C. 87.32% D. 91.32%

REE - Sept. 2009'

4. A separately excited motor develops 700 N-m torque while drawing 35 A armature current. What is the

motor speed in rpm if the armature voltage is 200 v?

A. 95.5 B. 102.3 C. 90.7 D. 105.1

REE - May 2008

5. A 240 v shunt motor delivers 50 HP at the shaft of 1,200 rpm. The motor has an efficiency of 85% at
this load. The torque loss due to friction ~nd windage is 9% of the shaft· torque. What is the motor
developed torque in N-m? ' ·
A 296.8 B. 314.6 C. 307.4 D. 323.5

. 6. A compound motor develops a torque of 271 lb-ft when it is operating ~t 1,200 rpm, under which
condition its armaturecurrent Ia is 215 amp,eres. What will be the developed horsepower of the motor if
the load is increased so that it slows down to 1,120 rpm in which case Ia changes to 238 amperes and
· the total flux increases by 8 percent?.
A. 69.1 B. 61.8 C. 65.1 : D. 67.8

7. A series motor develops 164 lb-ft torque when the current is 94 amp. If the load increases the current
50 percent with a flux ·increase of 20 percent, what is the torque at the secd'nd value of current?
A. 225.9 lb-ft 8 259.2 lb-ft . C. 229.5 lb-ft ·:1 D. 295.2 lb-ft

REE -Sept. 2006

8. Which of these is not a factor in determining the speed of a de motor?
A. Strength of armature circuit magnetic field
B. Strength of magnetic field produced by the field coils
C. The load on the motor
D. The tt1ickness of the commutator bars

REE - Sept. 2005 .

9. A de shunt motor runs at 900 rpm from a 460 v supply when taking an armature current of 25 amperes
Calculate the speed at which it will run from a 230 v supply when taking an armature current of 15
amperes. The resistance of the armature circuit is 0.8 n. Assume the flux produced per pole at 230
volts to have decreased to 75% of its value at 460 volts.
A.495rpm B. 585rpm C. 485rpm D. 595rpm
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REE - Sept. 2007

10. A shunt motor with ar') armature resistance of 0.15 ohm is running 1,200 r~tn for a load which requires
an armature current of 50 A from a 230 v source. At no-load, the armature ¢urrent is 5 A. If the effect of
.armature reaction has reduced the air-gap flux 2% from no-load to full-load; what is the no-load speed?

A.1,213rpm . B.1,210rpm C.1,208rpm · D.1,212rpm

REE - Sept. 2006

11. A 240 v shunt motor driving its normal load draws an armature current of; 50 A from a 240 v source.
The armature ~esistance of this machine, including brushes is 0:25 ohm. ~f the speed of operation is
1,200 rpm, what armature current will this machine draw from 220 v sdurce when driving the same
load, with the field adjusted to maintain a speed of 1,200 rpm? ·
A. 50 A B. 60A C. 57.5A D. 55 A

12. The no-load speed of a compound motor is 1,650 rpm. How fast will it operate when it delivers rated
horsepower output, if the speed regulation is 12.5 percent? '
A. 1,444 rpm B. 1,856 rpm C. 1,467 rpm : D. 1,500 rpm

REE -: Sept. 2010 · . .

13. A 220 v 10 HP. shunt motor has an armature resistance of 0.62 0 and full-load current of 60 A. What is
the value of the serie.s resistance to be added to the armature to limit the initial starting current to 150%
of the normal?
A.1.540 B.·2.150 C.1.820 D.2.070

14. In a brake test of an elevator door motor, the ammeter and voltmeter measuring the input read 34
amperes and 220 volts, respectively. Th~ speed of the motor is found to be 910 .rpm and the balance
:· on a 2ft. brake arm reads 26.21 lb. The dead weight of the arm is found to be 2.4 lb. The HP output of
the door motor at this particular loa'd is
A. 9.91 HP B. 5.28 HP C. 8.25 HP D. 7.25 HP

1. An 8-pole de shunt generator with 778 wave connected armature conductors and running at 500 rpm
supplies a load of 12.5 dhms resistance at a terminal voltage of 50 V. The armature resistance is 0.24
ohm and the field resista1;1ce is 250 ohms. Find the flux per pole in mWb.
A. 9.83 . B. 2.31 C. 6.18 D. 1.96
' I

2. A 4-pole d.c, shunt generator with a wave-wound armature having 390 conductors has to supply a load
of 500 lamps each of 100 W at 250 V. Allpwing 10 V for the voltage drop in the connecting leads
between the generator and the load and brush drop of2 V, calculate the speed at which the generator
should be driven. The flux per pole is 30 mWb and the Rs = 0.05 0 and Rr!:: 65 0.
A. 349rpm B. 698rpm C. 559rpm D. 930rpm

3. The armature of a '4-pole d.c. gen~rator is required td generate an e.m.f. of 520 Von open circuit when
revolving at a speed of 660 r. p.m. Calculate the magnetic flux per pole required if the armature has 144
slots with 2 coil sides per slot, each coil consisting. of three turns. The armature is wave wound.
A. 27.4 mWb/pole B. 41.1 mWb/pole C; 13.7 mWb/pole D. 54.8 mWb/pole

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4. A 10-pole, 400-kW, 250-V, d.c. ·generator has a lap~wound armature with 75 slots each having 12
conductors. The section of each conductor is 2 x 17.5 mm 2 . If the average length of one turn is 150 em,
find the resistance of the armature. Assume the specific resistance for copper as 2p0-cm.
A. 0.009643 0 B. 0.007714 0 C. 0.002571 0 D. 0.003857 0

, 5. Calculate the efficiency of a 200-V, 100 kW shunt generator if the resistance of the armature and shunt
:· respectively are 0.005 nand 20 0. The friction, windage and iron losses together amount to 3,000 W.
A. 95.88% B. 94.08% C. 98.08% D. 92.88%
·6. A shunt generator supplies a full-load current of 100 A at 110 V. The shunt field resistance is 55 0 and
stray losses are 500 W . If the machine efficiency at full-load is 86°/o, calculate the armature resistance.
A.0.10280 . B.0.21080 C.0.18020 D.0.28010

7. In Prob. 6, what is the ~fficiency of one-half full~load, assuming voltage to be constant at 1 H) V?

A. 84.72% . B. 87.42% C. 82.47% D. 78.42%

8. In Prob. 6, what load current the efficiency will be maximum?

A. 78.3 A 'B. 87.3 A C. 83.7.A D. 73.8 A

9. The total iron loss in the armature of a 4-pole, d.c. generator running at 600 r.p.m. was found to be 200
W. When armature. speed was raised to 1000 r.p.m. and the fl~x decreased by 25%, the total iron loss
became 245 W. Compute the hysterisis and eddy-current losses at 600 r.p.m. taking Steinmetz index
as 1.6. ·
= w
A. H 80 I = w
E 120 =
C. H 120 w E 80
I = w
= =
B. H 131 W ,E 69 W · = =
D. H 69 W, E 131 W· :

10. A shunt dynamo and a battery of accumul~tors are in parallel. The dynamo has an induced e.m.f. of
100 V. and the battery has an open-circuit e.m.f. of 110 V. The dynamo resistance is 0.4 0 and the
battery resistance is 0.5 0. What Is the common terminal p.d. and what is the current delivered by
each if the output c.urrent is 4 0 A? ·

A. 92.8 V, 17.9 A B. 99.2 V, 18.7 A C. 92.9 V, 17.8 A D. 99 V, 18 A

11. A 20 kW, d.c. shunt generator, delivering the rated output at 1000 r.p.m. has a terminal voltage of 500
V. The armature resistance is 0.1 0, voltage drop per brush is 1 volt and the field resistance is 500 0.
Calculate the speed at which the machine. will run as a shunt motor taking an input of 20 kW from a
500 V d.c. supply ..
A. 976 rpm . B. 1000 rpm C. 930 rpm D. 1030 rpm

12. A 230 V, d.c. motor takes a no-load current of 2 A and runs at a speed of 1200 r.p.m. If the full-load
current is 40 A, find the speed on full-load and the percentage speed regulation. Assume that the flux
remains constant.' Resistance of armature = 0.25 0.
A. 1,200 rpm, 3.3% B. 1,150 rpm, 4.3% C. 1,250 rpm, 2.8% D. 1,300 rpm, 2.3%

13. A 6-pole, 220-volt shunt motor has a simplex wave connected armatur~ with 116 turns. Armature
resistance. including brushes is 0.25 ohm., The armature current is 12 <311'/Peres at no-load speed of
960 RPM. What is the useful flux per pole in milliwebers? ·
A. 19.5 v . B. 195 v . C. 9.51 v ; D. 51.9 v

14. A shunt motor has an armature resistance· of 0.2 0. It takes 120 A from 440 V supply and runs at 800
.· . rpm. If the total torque developed is unchanged,. calculate the speed and armature current if the
magnetic field is reduced to 60% of i'nitial value.
A.1281rpm,190A 13.1128rpm,180A C.1281rpm,200A · D.1518rpm,250A

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15. A d. c. series motor is connected to a 220 IV supply and runs at 500 r.p.n,1. taking a current of 50 A
Calculate the ~lue of a resistance which, when inserted in series with. the motor, will reduce ~he
speed to 300 r.p.m., the load torque being then one half of its previous value. Resistance of motor is
0.1 n. Assume flux to be proportional to the field current.
A 3.54 n B. 4.54 n c. 5.54 n D. 6.54 n

16. It is desired to reduce the speed of a 450 V, 20 Hp shunt motor by 25% by the insertion of resistance
in the armature circuit The. field current is constant at 2 A and the armature resistance is 0.25 0.
Calculate the necessary resistance if the torque is to remain constant and the efficiency is 85%.
A. 3.2 0 B. 2.3 0 C. 4.2 0 D. 3.8 0

'17. In a de motor, the armature resistance is 0.1 n. When connected across 11 0-volt mains the armature
·- takes 20 amperes, and its. speed is 1,200 rpm. Determine its speed when the armature takes 50
amperes from the same mains with the field increased by 10 percent.
A. 1,061 rpm B. 1,167 rpm C. 1,200 rpm D. 1,100 rpm .

.18. A 500 V shunt motor takes a total current of 5 A on no-load. The resistance of the armature including
brushes is 0.2 0 and the field resistance is 250 0. On full-load, the total current taken from the mains
is 52 A. calculate the full-load motor output and its efficiency.
A. 23,002 VV, 88.5% , C. 24,000 W, 87%
B. 26,000 W, 89 %1. D. 25,002 W, 87.5%

19. A 250 V, d.c. shunt motqr takes a current of 4 A on no-load. The resistances of the armature and field
circuits are 0.5 0 and "250 0, respectively. If the maximum efficiency occurs at full-load current,
calculate the value of this current and corresponding efficiency~
A. 47.6 A, 87.1% · 8. 44.6 A, 84.1% . C. 46.6 A, 86.1%. D. 45.6 A, 85.1%

20. A 240 volt shunt motor takes 5 amperes on no-ioad. The armature resistance is 0.25 0 and field
resistance is 200 0: Calculate the efficiency when taking full load current of 50 amperes and the
percentage change in speed between no-load and full load. '
A 85.1%, 4.71% B. 87.5%, 4.21% C. 88.8%, 3.82% D. 81.5%, 4.52%

21. A 440 volt series motor of negligible resistance and with unsaturated magnetic circuit takes 50
amperes, when running at a certain speedon a given load. If the load torque varies as the cube of the
speed, find the resistance necessary to reduce the speed by 50 percent. ·
A. 20.5 0 B. 25.5 0 C. 15.5 0 D. 10.5 0

22. A 15 hp, 220 volt d-e shunt motor draws an armature current of 60 amp at full load. The armature
resistance including brushes is 0.26 0. Calculate the total resistance of a starting box which would
permit this motor to develop a starting torque equal to twice that at full load.
A. 3.14 0 B. 7.85 0 C. 1.57 0 I D. 2.355 0

23. A 440 volt 70 hp shunt motor has an armature resistance of 0.185 n and ~ field resistance of 350 0.
The current drawn by this machine is 135 amp at full load. If this machine 'is to deliver a torque equal
to 175 percent of that at full load, what would be the resistance of its starter?
A. 2.64 0 B. 1.68 0 C. 3.82 0 D. 0.88 0

24. In Pro b. 23, what is the maximum power dissipated in this starter?
A. 30,000 watts B. 45;000 watts I C. 180,000 watts D. 90,000 watts

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' I

25. A 288 V de shunt generator has a constant loss of 2880 watts. The armature circuit resistance is 0.20
ohm and field resistance is 144 ohms. If the generator is delivering power at maximum efficiency,
then its armature current is
A.iOA B.160A C.50A D.120A

26. An 8-pole triplex wave-wound armature carries a total of 660 amperes. If there are 8 brush arms,
calculate the current in each armature winding path?
A. HO A B. 66 A C. 660 A D. 8 A

27. A 500-KW 250-volt 8-pole generator has a duplex lap winding. Determine
the current per armature
path. -~
A. 2,000 A B. 250 A C. 125 A D. 1,000 A

28. A de shunt motor has a nameplate rating of 15-HP, 230 volts, 57.1 amperes, and 1400 rpm. The field
circuit has a resistance of 115 0 and the armature circuit resistance is 0.13 n. Neglecting the effect of
armature reaction, find the no-load line current.
A. 2.74 A B. 4.74 A I C. 5.74 A I D. 6.74 A

29. In Prob. 28, what is the no-load speed of the motor?

A. 1,400 rpm B. 1,441 rpm C. 1,385 rpm 1
D. 1,420 rpm

30. How many parallel paths does a 6-pole triplex lap-wound connected armature winding of a de
· generator has? ·
A.3 B.12 C.6 D.18.

31. The total ~ffective flux of a six-pole de generator is 3.19 megalines per pole. There are 324 conductors.
on the armature, and· the winding Is such that there are as many paths through the armature as there
are poles. If the generator runs at 750 rpm, 'what is the average emf gener~ted?
A.182v ·· B.64v C.258v ' D.129v

32. How many parallel paths does a 6-pole quadruplex wave-wound connect~d armature winding of a de
generator has? · ·
A. 24 B. 12 C. 6 D. 8

REE - October 2000 . .

33. A four-pole de generator has an armature· containing 4 elements per slot' and 48 slots per pole. The
armature is simplex lap-wound. The flux per pole is 2,500,000 maxwells and the speed of the armature
is 1500 rpm. Calculate the total voltage generated in the armature? :
A. 120 V B. 480 V C. 960 V D. 240 V .

34. A short shunt compound de generator delivers a load current of 30 A at 220 V and has armature,
series field and shunt field resistances of 0.05 ohm, 0.03 ohm and 200 ohms respectively. Calculate
the generated voltage (allow 1 v for brush contact arop).
A. 295.2 V B. 223.45 V C. 221.05 V D. 301.56 V

35. A 60 kW, 250 V de shunt generator has an armature circuit resistance of 0.05 ohm, field resistance of
50 ohms and maximum efficiency of 91.2%. The approximate stray power !ass is
A. 1785 W B. 160.25 W C. 1660 W . D. 2135 W

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36. Two 220 V de generators, each having a linear exrernal characteristics operate in parallel. One
machine has a terminal voltage of 270 V on no-load and 220 V at a loa:d current of 35 A, while the
other has a voltage of 280 V on no-load and 220 V at 50 A. Calculate the output current of one
machine is the total load current is 60 A. · ·
A.23.6A . 8.19.5A C.31.7A D. 28 A

37. A 5-KW, 220-V de shunt motor has a full-load line current of 30 A. The ~rmature circuit resistance is
0.3 0 and the shunt field resistance is 200 0. The constant loss for this mdtor is
A.1,600W B.1,350W C.250W 0.1,500W

' I
38. A 1o~HP, 220-V, de shunt motor has an armature and field resistanctes of 0.25 0 and 100 0.
respectively. The full-load efficiency is 83%. Determine the value of starting resistance in order that the
armature starting current will not exceed 200 percent of the full-load value.:.
A. 2.6 0 B. 3.6 0 C. 4.6 0 D. 5.6 0

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