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(updated 6.1.11)

May 2011 Community Project:

Finish the Story
May 2011 Community Project: Finish the Story
June 1, 2011 update

The month of May has come to an end, and so has our May Community Project. Thank
you to all the writers who submitted their stories. They were incredibly fun to read! It’s
amazing how different each story is, even though they all started from a common point.
We saw a teenage love story and an undercover mission to save hundreds of people!

But now it’s time to announce the Scribd Staff favorite. Drum roll please! The Scribd
Staff favorite story is “Half-way Point” by Phantomimic!

Once again, thanks to everyone who participated in this month’s project. All those who
weren’t able to participate this month, don’t worry. The June project will be announced
very soon!

Mariko Fritz-Krockow, Community and Content Manager

May 4, 2011

We have a group of fantastic writer on Scribd. Let’s have some fun with the
amazing talent that we have!

I have started a story and would love for you, the Scribd Community, to download
it, and finish it any way you like! Once you have finished your story, upload it to
Scribd and add it to the community collection. It will be great to see the wide
range of stories all starting from the same point. And be creative: add photos,
poetry, maybe even a link to a YouTube video!

At the end of the month, we will have an amazing collection of stories, and, as
usual, Scribd staff will pick their favorite and send the author a little Scribd goody-

What to do:
1. Download this story.
2. Finish the story however you like!
3. Upload your story to Scribd and add it to this moderated collection.

Mariko Fritz-Krockow, Community and Content Manager

Recently published “Scribd Community Project: Finish the Story”

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