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Untuk TUGAS 1 ini anda akan diberikan pilihan topik untuk membuat sebuah essay dengan

panduan sbb:

1. Buatlah essay dengan paling tidak 3 paragaph (1 buah paragraph awal, 1 buah paragraph

isi dan 1 buah paragraph penutup).

2. Tulislah jawaban anda dalam rentang antara 150-200 kata.

3. Jawaban essay diketik dan dikirimkan ke Forum Tugas dalam bentuk Word dalam waktu 2


Pilihlah salah satu topik berikut:

A. Understanding Business Cycle really helps business people to operate his business


Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

B. Government is the most responsible if Capital Flight happens in a country.

Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

C. To be First Mover in a business, you do not have to have market analysis.

Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

Selamat Bekerja.


An swer!

Tema: To be First Mover in a business, you do not have to have market analysis.
Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

Disagree with this statement.

First mover means the company is the first to market the product, build demand and
market before other companies enter. So the company must analyze the market before
marketing its products. Analyzing the market is very influential in a business, where by first
analyzing the company can find out what the market needs today, from the ups and downs of
market conditions to how psychologically consumers like it. Market analysis is very
influential on the development of a company's business where they can determine the
strengths and weaknesses of the company as well as opportunities and threats from outside
and within.
The benefit of market analysis is to provide an overview of the target marketing of a
product being sold. Then the company can develop product positions and marketing
strategies for each product concerned. It should also be noted that there are important benefits
that can be obtained after carrying out the steps to carry out a market analysis, as well as the
a. Easier to find consumers
b.Take advantage of opportunities
c. Make profits fast
d. Become a business trend

Keep in mind that there are other important things that influence the success of a
business, namely the problem of financial management in business. How good and precise
the market analysis you do without being balanced with good financial management, the
results will not be successful.

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