Ideas Generales Coeducacion

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Co-educational guide

General ideas on co-education

Since we are born, we form sexist stereotypes To do this, schools should detect stereotypes
and role models from what we see at home, at assigned to males and females, and take all
school or in the media. We assimilate these role measures needed to eliminate them from our
models so much, that not only do we follow them, language and behaviour.
but we also unconsciously expect other to do the
same. For example, girls are expected to be better Co-education means educating based on equa-
behaved and calmer than boys. These stereotypes lity between people, regardless of their sex.
limit how boys and girls think, feel and act and Co-education encourages the true autonomy of
prevents the full development of their abilities. girls and boys, granting them equal opportunities
and understanding that differences are positive
School is not neutral and plays an essential part and enriching.
in transmitting values. To build a fairer and more
equal society, preconceived ideas of what boys
and girls are expected to do, should be eliminated.

© Juan Alonso / FVF

School to School Program

Co-educational guide – General ideas on co-education

Examples that favour co-education in the classroom

• Working on and highlighting the role of • Give time for girls to speak if you see that
women in history, disseminating their contri- they do not participate very much in class,
butions and success achieved as scientists, or if they find it harder to intervene than boys.
politicians, artists or athletes.
• Observe the space that girls and boys
• Celebrate key days at school for equality occupy in the playground, is it the same?
and against gender violence. Promote sports shared between girls and
boys in the playground
• Reflect on stereotypes assigned to each
sex based on legends and traditional stories • Highlight the traditional assignment of roles
or from the analysis of professions. For to boys and girls. For example, assuming that
example, can a woman be a knight and save girls prefer skipping and boys football.
a prince from a monster? Or, what happens
when the father is a househusband? Are there • Revise the use of language, switching the
any mothers who are engineers, mechanics or grammatical use of feminine and masculine
firefighters? and of generic use.
• Generic use: pupils, teaching staff,
• Avoid images of women only related to the applicant.
domestic environment. Promote children • Double generic use: girls and boys.
taking on domestic responsibilities or care. • Use of the female gender in professions:
For example, caring for a class pet, watering a mayoress, waitress, saleswoman, etc.
plant or cleaning and tidying up the classroom.

© Juan Alonso / FVF

School to School Program

Co-educational guide – General ideas on co-education

Inspiring video Resources

For teachers Co-education

“Girl and Boy”, animation about gender stereotype “Coeducación. Guía de recursos”
Marcia Mailoa. June 2007 TECIS, Gobierno del Principado de Asturias, Consejería de la Presidencia, Instituto Asturiano de la Mujer. Maig 2001
For pupils Mat_177_guia_de_los_recursos.pdf

“Derechos de los niños y niñas. Principio 1 “Guía de coeducación. Síntesis sobre la Educación
igualdad” para la Igualdad de Oportunidades entre Mujeres
Dos Orillas, Fundación Familias Unidas. July 2012 y Hombres” Red2Red Consultores S.L. Instituto de la Mujer: Observatorio
para la Igualdad de Oportunidades

Co-education Collection of materials

Orientación Andújar. 2014

Co-education campaigns
Junta de Andalucía. Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer. Consejería
de Igualdad y Políticas Sociales

Children’s Rights

Declaration of the rights of the child

Amnesty International

© Adam Jason Moore / FVF

School to School Program

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