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Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon

Contact No. 0919-579-9063; 0926-337-0601; 0926-268-3878
First Periodical Examination
Science 1
Name: _______________________________________Score:______________

I. Direction: Read and understand the question carefully.

A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What must you do every day to keep you strong and healthy?
a. Exercise c. take medicine
b. Wear clean clothes d. stay under a shelter
2. The three main parts of the body are the head, the trunk, and the limbs. To which main
part does the chest belong?
a. Face b. head c. limbs d. trunk
3. Which of the following can you describe because you can see it?
a. The color of a toy c. the sirens of an ambulance
b. The sweet taste of a cake d. the odor of a ripe mango
4. Your whole body is covered with ____________.
a. Skin b. trunk c. head d.limbs
5. The three main parts of the body are-
a. Head, chest, abdomen c. head, arms, feet
b. Head, trunk, limbs d. head, heart, legs
6. Your mother bought a watch for you. On which part your limbs will you hear it?
a. Ankle b. finger c. lower d. wrist
7. Which part of your limbs need shoes and slippers?
a. Arms b. feet c. fingers d. toes
8. Which is the organ of sight?
a. Ears b. nose c. eyes c. mouth
9. Which main part belong to the trunk of the body?
a. Face, neck, chest, waist c. upper arm, lower arm, elbow
b. Eyes, ears, nose, mouth d. shoulders, chest, abdomen, waist
10. Which can protect you from heavy rains, wind, and too much heat from the sun?
a. Hat b. house c. raincoat d. umbrella
11. Which set of things do you need the most in order to live and grows?
a. Air, play, and rest c. sleep, food, and clothes
b. Air, food, and water d. clothes, exercise and shelter

II. Find the names of the parts of the trunk.

A. Unscramble the letters.
12. DOMENAB -____________
13. SETCH -____________
14. SHIP -____________
15. SWAIT -____________
16. REDSHOULS -____________

III. Direction: Read and understand the question carefully.

A. Choose the correct word from the box to complete the sentence.
Brain messages nostril nose
Danger nasal chamber tiny particles scents
17. Air passes through the ___________.
18. The ___________ is a big space in the nose.
19. The nasal chambers have parts that send ___________ to the brain.
20. Scents from objects are carried by ___________ in the air.
21. The ___________ tells what you smell.
Brain mouth taste buds
Bumps sour
22. The tongue is found in the ___________.
23. The top of the tongue is covered with little ___________.
24. The bumps on the tongue contain a lot of ___________.
25. The tongue helps you know when the food you eat is sweet, salty, bitter, or
26. When you eat a piece of cake, the taste buds tell your___________ that it tastes sweet.

IV. Direction: Read and understand the question carefully.

How does each food taste? Write sweet, sour, bitter, or salty in the blank.
27. Dried fish -___________
28. Vinegar -___________
29. Chocolate powder -___________
30. Coffee powder -___________
31. Soy sauce -___________
32. Ampalaya -___________
33. Ice cream -___________
34. Green mango -___________
35. Cake -___________
Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon
Contact No. 0919-579-9063; 0926-337-0601; 0926-268-3878
First Periodical Examination
Science 2
Name: _______________________________________Score:______________

I. Direction: Read and understand the question carefully.

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. The two divisions of the trunk are the-
a. Chest and the abdomen c. head and feet
b. Arm and leg d. stomach and heart
2. The thinking part of the body is the –
a. Trunk c. head
b. Upper limbs d. lower limbs
3. The legs, knees and feet are parts of the-
a. Head c. trunk
b. Upper limbs d. lower limbs
4. The part that connects the head to the trunk is the-
a. Neck b. skull c. limbs d. ribs
5. The three main parts of the body are-
a. Head, chest, abdomen c. head, arms, feet
b. Head, trunk, limbs d. head, heart, legs
6. Which is the organ of sight?
a. Ears b. nose c. eyes d. mouth
7. What parts of your body work together when you drink water?
a. Eyes, ears, nose c. skin, ears, tongue
b. Eyes, ears, tongue d. nose, eyes, tongue
8. Which of these will you do to keep your skin clean?
a. Use some powder. c. apply some skin lotion
b. Take a bath everyday d. do not play outside the house
9. The head is supported by the head bone called ______
a. Skull b. trunk c. lower limbs
10. The arm, elbow and hand are parts of the-
a. Head c. feet
b. Upper limbs d. lower limbs
II. Direction: Read and understand the question carefully. Write the word Yes if the
sentence is correct and No if it is incorrect.
_______11. A well-balanced diet contains the three basic food groups.
_______12. Grow foods are body-builders.
_______13. Regulating foods are called glow foods.
_______14. Energy-giving foods are called go foods.
_______15. Man needs food, water, air, sunlight, clothing and shelter in oreder to live.
_______16. Borrow your seatmate’s handkerchief.
_______17. Eat junk foods for snacks.
_______18. Eating right kinds of foods will make your body weak.
_______19. Drink eight to ten glasses of water every week.
_______20. Do not avoid getting near sick people with contagious diseases.

III. Choose the correct word for each sentence.

Colors texture matter
Sizes shapes
21. Smooth and rough are kinds of __________.
22. Small, big, and medium are different __________.
23. Square and circles are __________.
24. Everything is made of __________.
25. Blue, green, and red are different __________.

IV. Write in the blank whether the food is Go, Grow or Glow.
_______26. Milk _______32. Banana
_______27. Sugar _______33. Bread
_______28. Cabbage _______34. Ampalaya
_______29. Oil _______35. Potatoes
_______30. Meat
_______31. Ice cream
Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon
Contact No. 0919-579-9063; 0926-337-0601; 0926-268-3878
First Periodical Examination
Science 3
Name: _______________________________________Score:______________

I. Answer each question. Write only the letter of the correct answer on the line.
_______1. Which matter flow the fastest?
a. Glue b. pancake c. water
_______2. Which has the greatest mass?
a. A bowl of sugar c. a tablespoon of flour
b. A teaspoon of salt
_______3. How is the air in a balloon similar to a glass of orange juice?
a. It can be broken down into small pieces c. it can be cut
b. It occupies space
_______4. How do molecules of a liquid move?
a. Liquid moves straight
b. Liquid molecules move back and forth
c. Liquid molecules slide around each other
d. Liquid molecules move up and down
_______5. What is changed when you pour milk from a drinking glass to a cup?
a. Shape c. weight
b. Volume d. mass
_______6. What will happen to your mass if you were on the moon?
a. It will become less.
b. It will increase
c. It will remain the same.
_______7. What can be used to cut metals and other gemstones due to its hardness?
a. Toughness c. gold
b. Knife d. diamond
_______8. What property does gold have?
a. Brittleness c. malleability
b. Elasticity d. hardness
_______9. Which is correct statement?
a. Air is liquid c. paper is an example of gas
b. Liquids have weight d. solids take the shape of the container
_______10. Why is a glass of water heavier that a pencil?
a. A glass of water has less
b. It is made up of glass and water
c. Water has more mass
d. Water and pencil have the same mass

A. Read each sentence. Write T on the line if the statement is true. Write F if it is false.
_______11. Communicating is a process skill that you use to share information with others.
_______12. It is important that you speak or write your thoughts clearly when you share your
_______13. Blog is one way of learning about the things around you.
_______14. The skills of comparing and contrasting will not help you identify relationships
between two or more objects.
_______15. Contrasting is looking only at how objects differ from one another.
_______16. Comparing is looking at how objects are both alike and different from one another.
_______17. Measuring is a process skill that you can use to arrange or group things on a certain
rule or order.
_______18. A characteristic is not a distinct feature or trait of a person or object.
_______19. Measuring is a science process skill that helps you know the length, mass, volume,
area temperature and other characteristics of objects.
_______20. To predict is to tell what will happen next based on a given event or pattern of

B. Classify the following materials in three phases: solid, liquid, gasses. (21-25)
Water kerosene milk air carbon dioxide
Paper oxygen rocks nail nitrogen
Log tiles soy sauce oil water vapor

Solids Liquids Gases


Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon
Contact No. 0919-579-9063; 0926-337-0601; 0926-268-3878
First Periodical Examination
Science 2
Name: _______________________________________Score:______________
I. Unang Bahagi
Bilugan ang titik ng tamang sagot.
1. Alin

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