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Writing The Transcript Of The Video “Philippines vs.

Indonesia | Cultural Differences”

Jannes Freddy Pardede, SS., M.Hum

Magdalena Sri Febiolita Tambunan (2163030030)
Efi Lasmaria Simatupang (2152050015)

Universitas Kristen Indonesia

“Philippines vs. Indonesia | Cultural Differences”

the Philippines in Indonesia are both countries that I adore, and I have spent a lot of time
in over the past few years but I realize they often get mixed up as they are both exotic
island nations and the two most populous countries in Southeast Asia both are filled with
stunning beaches volcanoes green landscape and smiling faces which their looks are
shockingly similar the cost of living in both is more or less the same and the island life
could not be more prevalent but culturally speaking the two countries don't exactly feel
the same of course there's the obvious things that keep these in the Philippines street
musicians in Indonesia and the diversity in cuisine but let's take a little closer so we can
fully understand their cultural differences one colonization the Philippines was colonized
longest by the Spanish while for Indonesia it was a Dutch this instilled new values and
beliefs and traditions into each country leading them to what they are today that's why
the Indonesian language has over 10,000 Dutch rooted words and it's also why Filipinos
eat foods like lechon adobo and leche flan to religion behind me is the Esteghlal mosque
this is the church biggest mosque in the world it holds 200 thousand people Indonesia is
the world's largest Muslim country with 264 million people this means that it's hard to
find pork and you will hear prayers out loud five times a day but as a whole they aren't as
religious as Filipinos for over 90 percent Catholic nobody celebrates any holiday as festive
as Filipinos celebrate Christmas three language Indonesia has over 300 native languages
while the Philippines has a hundred and seventy most of them being regional dialects
while both countries are easy to get around with English Filipinos take the crown with
their fluency in the language so the next time you hear someone say that the Philippines
and Indonesia are the same remember what we have learned about in this video I
recommend coming to both as they have so many hidden gems to offer seriously though
I'm drew pinsky and if you like my travel videos please click Subscribe and join me as I
plan to visit every country in the world it's electric it's sexy it's tasty it's confusing but
above all it's futuristic the Japanese are innovators they somehow.

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