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Objectives: In this lesson, students will learn to:
• Describe the humble beginnings of the University of Perpetual Help System;
• Trace the history of the UPHS and the reasons why the University was established; and
• Further provide the vision-mission and the other symbols that represent the University.

Biblical Foundation:

“It is like this. A man takes mustard seed, the smallest seed in the world, and plants it in
the ground. After a while it grows up and becomes the biggest of all plants. It puts out such
large branches that the birds come and make their nests in its shade.” (Mark 4:31-32)


The University of Perpetual Help System has withstood the test of time due to its firm
foundation and noble aspirations and dreams. Understanding the roots of the University will
enable the students to understand better the University and thus, love the University more


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Dr. Jose G. Tamayo was a native of Malasiqui Pangasinan. He was born on September 10, 1920
at the Philippine General Hospital, Manila
to Mariano Tamayo from Alcala, Pangasinan and
Maria De Guzman from Malasiqui, Pangasinan. He finished his studies as Doctor of Medicine
at University of Sto. Tomas. His field of specialization is OB-Gynecology. He died on August 6,
2002 at the age of 82 years old.
Dra. Josefina Laperal Tamayo was a native of Biñan, Laguna. She was born on February 18,
1920. She finished her studies as Doctor of Medicine at the University of Santo Tomas. She
specialized in Pediatrics. She died on April 20, 1987.
Dr. Jose (fondly called Dr. J) and Dr. Josefina (fondly called Dra. Nena) were married. They
were blessed with twelve children: Antonio, Ma. Theresa, Marianito, Arcadio, Roberto,
Manuel, Rafael, Marciana, Florenciana, Jose Mauro, Ma. Consorcia, and Joseph Victor.
The history of Perpetual Help System is classified into three stages. The Pre-foundation Period (1944-1953); the
Foundation (1965-1974); and the Satelliting Period (1973-present).

Dr. Jose is a quite “doctor to the barrio.” He disregarded more ambitious career possibilities
to be able to serve his fellowmen even to the extent of going beyond the sworn Hippocratic
Oath. He and his wife embarked in a determined quest to find ways of providing the best
health care to the populace. The quest led them to an odyssey that traversed two institutions of
public service in health and education.
When this dream to serve the poor in the community became a reality they realized that their
best was not good enough. For them, the services they rendered were so limited and only
within the realm of their sphere of action as a doctors. With an unquenchable thirst to serve
every Filipino and inspired by his seal to reach out

to his fellowmen, the idea of multiplying themselves came to fore in the form of establishing an
educational institution.
Dr. J is remembered for his feeling of fulfillment and hardships of serving in a rural area.
These experiences left an indelible mark in his mind on how these folks must be able to avail of
the proper health care they rightfully deserve.

3. THE FOUNDATION (1965-1974)

Dr. Jose’s marriage to his classmate Dr. Nena epitomized an ideal partnership. Their faith in
God and diligence toward work opened for them wonderful opportunities. Dr. J and Dra. Nena
built their modest clinic which later became a hospital in Malasiqui, Pangasinan to fulfill a
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commitment to help the indigent barrio folks. Another clinic which they set up at the back of
the University of Sto. Tomas, Manila became another hospital and branched into the College of
After the foundation of Perpetual Help College - Manila, in 1968 the couple continued their
work until they established other campuses in Laguna.
Dr. J and Dra. Nena were devotees of our Mother of Perpetual Help of Baclaran, hence the
name of the system.

Perpetual Help College-Manila (1968)

Perpetual Help College - Malasiqui (Pangasinan)


It was in third stage that the Perpetual Help College of Laguna came into birth in 1976
through the unselfish commitment of its founders: Dr. Jose G. Tamayo and Dr. Josefina L.
Tamayo, to serve and to bring education and healthcare to the less urbanized communities.
It was but a fitting tribute that the granting of the charter of the University of Perpetual Help
System was given by the Commission on Higher Education on the 10th death anniversary of
Dr. Josefina that was in April 20, 1997.
The University of Perpetual Help System (UPHS) is composed of two subsystems, namely: the
University of Perpetual Help System JONELTA, a subsidiary of the JONELTA Group of
Companies and the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA which is a subsidiary of the
DALTA Group of Companies. Each subsystem under the System comprising of a
College/University and a Hospital/Medical Center is dedicated and committed to the delivery
of quality and healthcare services to the Filipino people especially in the Southern part of
The University of Perpetual Help System JONELTA has five (5) academic institutions or
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campuses, namely: UPHSJ-Manila (1968), UPHSJ-Malasiqui (Pangasinan) (1970), UPHSJ-Biñan
and UPHSJDr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University (DJGTMU) (Laguna) (1976), UPHSJ-GMA
(Cavite) (1997) and UPHSJ-Isabela (2004). On the other hand, the University of Perpetual Help
System DALTA has three (3) academic institutions or campuses, namely: UPHSDMedical
Center (Las Pinas) (1975), UPHSD-Molino (Cavite) (May
1995), UPHSD-Calamba (Laguna) (1996), UPHSD-Lipa Batangas (2008). The latest addition to
the System is the UPHS Learning Center in Los, Angeles, California, USA.


The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA - Las Piñas (1975)

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna and

UPH-Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University (1976)

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University of Perpetual Help System DALTA- Molino (Cavite)
(May 1995)


University of Perpetual Help System DALTA - Calamba (Laguna) (1996)

University of Perpetual Help System JONELTA - GMA (Cavite) (1997)

University of Perpetual Help System JONELTA - Isabela (2004)

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The UPHS JONELTA was founded and established by Dr. Jose
G. Tamayo, its President and Chairman of the Board, with CoFounder, Dr. Josefina Laperal
Tamayo, as its Vice-Chairman and Treasurer. With both co-founders now deceased, the
University of Perpetual Help System JONELTA is now ably led by the first born of the
founders, Dr./BGEN. Antonio L. Tamayo. Who is also the present Chairman of the Board, CEO
and President.
The UPHS DALTA was founded by Dr./BGEN. Antonio
Laperal Tamayo, Grand Patriarch, and wife Dr. Daisy Moran Tamayo, Co-Founder and Grand
Matriarch, together with their friend Mr. Ernesto Palanca Crisostomo, established in 1975 the
University of Perpetual Help Rizal, now the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA.
Having taken post-graduate courses in Hospital Administration at the George Washington
University in Washington, D.C., supplemented with Special Studies on Hospital Management
from Ateneo de Manila and a Ph.D. in Organization Development from the Southeast Asian
Interdisciplinary Institute, Sir Tony and his partner established the Perpetual University and
Hospital simultaneously, an unusual and extraordinary venture in the rustic town of Las Piñas,
offering the banner course of Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Paradoxically, Sir Tony, the
former college dropout, became the first President of the University.
Driven with the intense desire of promoting a better quality of life for his fellowmen, Dr.
Antonio L. Tamayo, anchored the University on the creed “Character Building is Nation
Building.” Stressing this belief, he said “our young can only be assured of a better tomorrow
by building the right kind of character today - respectful, hardworking and committed to the
formation of a prosperous and a wealthy nation. This development, however, will need a
requisite Christian Character that will build a nation.”
When Dr. Antonio L. Tamayo, assumed the Presidency of the University of Perpetual Help
System JONELTA due to the demise of its founder Dr. Jose G. Tamayo, he became the
Chairman of the Board and the chief Executive Officer of both the UPH System DALTA and
The University of Perpetual Help System (JONELTA & DALTA) has since subscribed to
the institutional philosophy that national development and transformation is predicated upon
the quality of education of its people. It is committed to the ideals of teaching community
service and research, with “Character Building is Nation Building” as its guiding principle. It
continued with success, in its objective to maintain and sustain excellence in education. It has
established extensive network of national and international linkages in Higher Education and
Business. It has established its indelible Perpetualite identity as it steadfastly enshrines its
Perpetualite values and aspirations. This academic excellence has been proven through the
years with the laurels that the University has garnered in government licensure examinations.
The UPHSJD now enjoys memberships, recognition and accreditation in various prestigious
academic, professional and sports association of the country, among them: The present
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president now of the UPHS-Dalta is the eldest son Mr. Anthony Moran Tamayo but still
Dr./BGEN. Antonio L. Tamayo is the Chairman of the Board and CEO.
This growth and development in its more than 40 years of existence is not without pains, but it
has successfully hurdled all the challenges along its way. With the help and guidance of the
Lord and the loving care of the UPHS Patroness, Our Mother of Perpetual Help, the University
of Perpetual Help System will continue to serve the Filipino people with distinction and


The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA & JONELTA believes and invokes Divine
Guidance in the betterment of the quality of life through national development and
transformation, which are predicated upon the quality of education of its people. Towards this
end, the institution is committed to the ideals of teaching, community service, and research, as
it nurtures the value of “Helpers of God”, with “Character Building is Nation Building”,
as its guiding principle.


The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA & JONELTA shall

emerge as a premiere university in the Philippines. It shall provide a
venue for the pursuit of excellence in academics, technology and
research through local and international linkages.

The university shall take the role of a catalyst for human development. It shall inculcate
Christian values and Catholic doctrine,as a way of strengthening the moral fiber of the Filipino,
a people who are “Helpers of God”, proud of their race and prepared for the exemplary global
participation in the sciences, arts, humanities, sports and business.

It foresees the Filipino people enjoying a quality of life in abundance, living in peace, and
building a nation that the next generation will nourish, cherish and value.


The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA & JONELTA is

dedicated to the development of the Filipino as a LEADER. It aims to
graduate DYNAMIC STUDENTS who are physically,intellectually, socially
and spiritually committed to the achievement of the highest quality of life.

As a system of service in health and in education, it is dedicated to the FORMATION OF


It shall produce Perpetualites as “HELPERS OF GOD”, a vital ingredient to nation building.

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Today is ours, why be afraid?

Today is ours, our labors we have made.
Let’s banish anxiety, banish sorrow.
Today makes our tomorrow.


(Excerpts from an article written by Dra. Josefina L. Tamayo)
It is our common goal to be educated and on our part to educate … This can be accomplished if
we will cooperate on both sides – understand each other …
… On enrollment you have agreed to abide by our rules and regulations and you have to
follow. It’s part of education … you cannot educate without rules. From our first educator to
the latest environment – without rules and regulations we cannot function – like in any firm or
office, government and private and factories … that is why there are different positions in a
school or in offices private and government, chairman or head, secretary, members, etc. These
are all run or managed by rules. You have no troubles, if you follow - if you don’t, you will be
in hot waters all the time….
… When you enroll you are willing to abide by the rules, if not you crash, or you don’t reach
your destination….

The seal of the UPHS is a cameo depicting in semi-abstract from the image of Our Mother of
Perpetual Help clasping in her arms the infant Jesus. This stands for the Christian precepts to
which the institution adheres and which binds its aspirations and hopes. The infant Jesus is
symbolic of the youth who must be nurtured by a devoted and loving Mary which speaks of
the motherly care and love of the university. The branches of laurel leaves signify excellence,
which the university pursues, not only in academics but also in leadership and in human
relations. The branches, symbol of dignity, honor and reward used by the ancient Greeks also
stand for the fulfillment of the aspirations of the university as it carries on propagating its
mission. The twelve (12) laurel leaves stand for the twelve (12) children of the founders,
signifying the family’s dedication to institutional development and to the future. Below the
twelve laurel leaves is inscribed the institutional motto: “Character Building is Nation
Building” which expresses the encompassing commitment of Perpetual Help education to

development and progress. The oval lines of gold are set in maroon, and the white background
border the cameo, which are the colors of the institution. Maroon symbolizes the red blood of

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courage, vigor and determination, white for purity, and gold for generosity, abundance, hope
and vision.


Perpetual Help thy fount of truth,

Where knowledge emanates
Where we have learned life will bear fruit For us success awaits.
Thy children here we sing for thee,
We raise our voices clear
We’ll shout and cheer in unity For Alma Mater dear.
Training the mind and the heart and the hand,
Ready to serve as best as we can,
Perpetual Help by thy banner we stand, Loyal and true spread thy
fame O’er the Land.

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Objectives: In this lesson, students will learn how to:

• Understand fully the foundation of Filipino Christian Living; • Analyze the FCL Paradigm by
which the course is structured; and
• Live up their lives according to God’s design.
Biblical Foundation:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He
was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through him, and without him
nothing came to be. What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the
human race; the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (Jn 1:1-
“And the Word becameflesh and made his dwelling among us, and we
saw his glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth.
John testified to him and cried out, saying, “This was he of
whom I said, ‘The one who is coming after me ranks ahead of me because he existed before
me.’” From his fullness we have all received, grace in place of grace, because while the law
was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” (Jn 1:14-18)

Spiritual messages:

The University of Perpetual Help System, basically a young

University, takes pride in being one of the Universities with the greatest number of student
population all over the Philippines. It takes pride
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also in being one of the premier universities in the Philippines. For almost thirty years, the
University has produced graduates who have contributed to the development of the
Philippines and countries around the world.
What makes a Perpetualite different from all the other students of other universities? The
foundation of Filipino Christian Living provides the source of identity of a true and full
blooded Perpetualite.

1. The Cross
a. The Cross stands for Filipino Christian Living as Christcentered. The life of Christ as
spelled out in the Gospels is the life that we want to emulate.
b. The four corners of the cross represent the four pillars of Filipino Christian Living,
and PERPETUALITE IN VIRTUE. These principles serve as the basic foundations of the
course. They will also provide the basis for evaluation whether the course objectives have been
c. The vertical beam of the cross stands for the relationship between God and the
Perpetualite. FCL should, therefore, be Christian in Living and Catholic in Doctrine.

d. The horizontal beam of the cross stands for the relationship between the Perpetualite
and others: persons and the environment. FCL should, therefore, be Filipino in Character and
Perpetualite in Virtue.

2. The Equilateral Triangle

a. The equilateral triangle stands for the Trinity. The Filipino Christian Living is Trinitarian.
It is grounded in its belief in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
b. The equilateral triangle also stands for the Holy Family. One of the cornerstones of the
Filipino Christian Living is the family. This is clearly mirrored by the UPHS as a family
institution. The UPHS is not only a family corporation but treats each member as a member of
the Family. Dr. Jose G. Tamayo talks fondly of his family which consists not only of his twelve
biological children but also of his thirteenth child which is the University of Perpetual Help
c. The three equal right angles of the triangle stand for the three human dimensions of the
Perpetualite which FCL aims to address to bring about an integral Perpetualite formation,
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namely: the HEAD, the HEART and the HAND.
d. The right angle pointing upwards reminds the Perpetualite that the prime objective of
FCL is to bring every Perpetualite to the knowledge, love and service of God.
e. The two right angles on the side stand for the incarnational aspect of FCL. The
experience of God’s love serves as the driving force to love one’s neighbor.

3. The Circle
a. The circle stands for God, the Alpha and the Omega, the center of our lives.
b. Inside the circle are the words: “CHARACTER BUILDING IS NATION BUILDING”.
This is the core, the motto, the mission of FCL. The UPHS strives to form Perpetualites who
serve as instruments for nation building marked with an integral character. This is the brand of
a true Perpetualite.

4. The UPHS Logo

a. The UPHS Logo stands for the UPHS family which includes the students, the faculty,
the non-teaching personnel, and the administration.
b. The heart of the course is to form individuals who are truly endowed with the
Perpetualite identity.


Christian In Living
• FCL is rooted in the life of Christ. Christ is the source, the reason and the meaning of the
life of a Perpetualite. A Perpetualite, thus, adheres to the cross-spirituality.
• FCL is incarnational. It is an encounter with Christ who brings about redemption,
empowerment, salvation and mission.
• FCL is relational. It is an encounter not only with Christ but with others. Such encounter
brings about opportunities for self-fulfillment and service to others.
• FCL is communitarian. It aims to build a communion of persons united and living
according to the teachings of Christ.

Catholic In Doctrine
a. The founders, Dr. Jose and Dra. Josefina, were devout and active members of the
Roman Catholic Church. The founders themselves account the success of the University from
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their strong faith in Christ and in the Church.
b. The UPHS is Marian. The name of the University is taken from the deep devotion of the
founders to Our Mother of Perpetual Help. This devotion turned out to be their mission: to
“perpetually help” individuals, communities and the country.
c. FCL is ecumenical. Though Catholic in doctrine, the
University is open to all kinds of faith. It respects and values their dynamism, vibrancy and
richness. As a non-sectarian institution, it enjoys the privilege of being the home of persons
who witness and share their faith as one community of believers.

Filipino In Character
a. FCL takes pride in the Filipino as a people and as a nation. It is for this reason that the
UPHS wants to contribute to nationbuilding through character-building.
b. FCL aims to awaken the Filipino spirit among the students and harness the good
Filipino traits in them.
c. FCL is inculturated. It aims to live Christ’s life in a Filipino way.
d. UPHS though Filipino also caters to international students. The Filipino is not isolated
but aims at communion and provides service to foreign students.
e. UPHS also takes pride in being a Filipino institution which provides Filipino health
education to foreign students in a foreign country. The UPHS Learning Center in Los Angeles,
California, USA has been established in 2004.

Perpetualite In Virtue
a. The main inspirations for the Perpetualite virtues are the founders themselves: Dr. Jose
and Dra. Josefina L. Tamayo. During their sojourn on earth, they exemplified the real
Perpetualite identity.
b. The secondary inspirations for the Perpetualite virtues are the twelve children. They are
living witnesses to the Perpetualite identity lived by their parents.
c. The goal of FCL is to form the students of the university to exemplify the virtues of the
founders and the twelve children who are the true-blooded Perpetualites.
d. Virtues such as family-centeredness, service, love of fellowmen, civic-mindedness,
helpfulness, generosity, patriotism, discipline, hope, respect for nature and love of God are
some of the core virtues of a Perpetualite.

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1. The Three H’s

a. The HEAD: FCL educates the intellect.

The cognitive domain involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. This
includes the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts that serve
in the development of intellectual abilities and skills. A Perpetualite is expected to know the
basic concepts of FCL.
The formation of the HEAD also refers to the categories such as Knowledge, Cognition, Mind,
Self-discovery, Doctrine, Education and Prophetic Character.

b. The HEART: FCL inspires the heart.

This domain includes the manner in which we deal with things emotionally, such as feelings,
values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes. A Perpetualite is expected to
bring his knowledge to the level of the heart. He/ she is able to defend and stand for what
he/she believes.
The formation of the HEART also refers to the categories such as Attitudes, Affection, Soul,
Intimacy, Personal Integration, Worship and Priestly Character.

c. The HAND: FCL moves to action.

The psychomotor domain includes physical movement, coordination, and use of the motor-
skill areas. Development of these skills requires practice and is measured in terms of speed,
precision, distance, procedures, or techniques in execution. A Perpetualite is able to apply his
knowledge and beliefs to everyday living. His/her acquired knowledge will be in vain if it does
not manifest in the day to day life of a Perpetualite. Knowledge gained should be expressed in
concrete actions.
The formation of the HAND also refers to the categories such as Skills, Motor, Body, Service,
Pastoral Training, Service and Kingly Character.

d. The Mirrors of the Three H’s

The three H’s also refers similarly to the following dimensions or components in education.
Knowledge Attitudes Skills
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Cognitive Affective Motor
Mind Soul Body
Self-discovery Intimacy Service
Doctrinal Personal Pastoral
Formation Integration Tooling
Education Worship Service
Prophetic Priestly Kingly

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