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Harrison Bergeron

Kurt Vonnegut

The year was 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before April, the H-G men took George and Hazel Bergeron’s 14 year old son, Harrison, away. It was George and Hazel were watching ballerinas on television. They were burdened with
God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than tragic, all right, but George and Hazel couldn’t think about it very hard. Hazel had a perfectly sashweights and bags of birdshot, and their faces were masked, so that no one,
anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or average intelligence, which meant she couldn’t think about anything except in short bursts. And seeing a free and graceful gesture or a pretty face, would feel like something the cat
George, while his intelligence was way above normal, had a little mental handicap radio in his
quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th drug in.
ear. He was required by law to wear it at all times. It was tuned to a government transmitter.
Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter would send out some sharp noise to keep people
United States Handicapper General. like George from taking unfair advantage of their brains.

The television program was suddenly interrupted for a news bulletin. It wasn't clear at In the middle of the bulletin, Harrison bursts into the TV studio. He begins screaming The Bergeron's television tube burned out. Hazel turned to comment about the
first as to what the bulletin was about, since the announcer, like all announcers, had a and tears off his handicaps. He calls for an Empress and a beautiful ballerina joins blackout to George but George had gone out into the kitchen for a can of beer.
serious speech impediment For about half a minute, and in a state of high excitement, him. Harrison removes her handicaps and those of the musicians and commands George came back in with the beer, paused while a handicap signal shook him up.
the announcer tried to speak He finally gave up and handed the bulletin to a ballerina them to play music. He and the ballerina begin to dance, leap, and twirl around the And then he sat down again.
to read,. set. In the middle of the dance, Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General, You been crying Yup

Harrison Bergeron, age fourteen, has just escaped from jail, arrives with a shotgun and shoots the ballerina and Harrison, killing them both.
What about? I forget. Something real sad on the
where he was held on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the television.
government. He is a genius and an athlete, is
underhandicapped, and should be regarded as extremely What was it? It's all kind of mixed up in my mind.

dangerous. If you see this boy, do not — I repeat, do not — Forget sad things I always do
try to reason with him
That's my girl Gee — I could tell that one was a doozy

You can say that again Gee — I could tell that one was a doozy"

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