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Textbook, Chapter 19 [pg 235-239]

Name: ……………………………………………

Year 10: ……………

Learning outcomes:
• Identify the meaning of quality and why it is important to all
• Identify the meaning of a concept of quality control and how
businesses implement quality control.
• Identify the meaning of a concept of quality assurance.
Key points:


Quality control

Quality assurance

Total Quality Management (TQM)


Producing good quality product is important to a company. Identify
reasons why good quality products are important.

1) It establishes a b_______ image.
2) It builds b_______ loyalty.
3) It will maintain a good r_________.
4) It will help to i___________sales.
5) It will attract new c_________.
How do businesses implement quality control?

1) Quality Control D________ would check the quality of the product.

2) Use M___________ customer’ to test out the services being provided.

Why do businesses implement quality control?

1) To e________ faults or errors before the customer receives the

2) Less training required for the workers.

Disadvantages for businesses implementing quality control

1) Need to pay for employees to check the product/ service.

2) Able to identify faults but difficult to remove the problem.
3) Increased costs if products have to be scrapped or reworked it.

Quality Assurance
How do businesses implement quality assurance?

1) The workforce must support the use of this quality assurance system in:
a) designing p____________
b) delivery s____________
c) after-sales s__________

Why do businesses implement quality assurance?

1) To e________ faults or errors before the customer receives the

2) Fewer customer complaints.
3) Reduced costs if products do not have to be scrapped or reworked or
service repeated.

Disadvantages for businesses implementing quality assurance

1) It is e________ to train employees to check the product or service.

2) Relies on employees following instructions of standard set.
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Why do businesses implement Total Quality Management (TQM)?

1) _________________________________________________________

2) _________________________________________________________

3) _________________________________________________________

4) _________________________________________________________

5) _________________________________________________________

Disadvantages for businesses implementing TQM

1) It is e________ to train employees to check the product or service.

2) Relies on employees following the TQM ideology.

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