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12- ABM
Research Unit III

1.What is research topic?
- A research topic is a subject or issue that a researcher is interested in when
conducting research.
2. Where can we get research topics?
- We can get research topics from your experiences; print media, such a books,
brochures, journals, magazines, newspapers; and other electronic sources, such as the
internet and World Wide Web. They may also came from interviews and surveys you or
someone else designs.
3. What are the requirements for someone to do a certain research topics?
- Brainstorm for ideas, choose a topic that will enable you to read and understand the
literature, ensure that the topic is manageable and that material is available, make a list
of key words, be flexible, define your topic as a focused research question, research
and read more about your topic.
4. What are the other important factors to consider in selecting research topics?
•Narrow down your research topic
- If you are comfortable with a topic and you feel like you want to write your
research paper you need to know that how to narrow down your research topic
so it is workable.
•A topic you are curious about
- Choose a research topic that you know a little about but still you have a quest to
know more about it.
•A topic that interests you
- Choose a topic that seems interesting to you this is very obvious. If you do not
have any interest in a topic you will not be able to do it in the best possible
•A topic that is manageable
- Every researcher has limited resources, especially, time and the research project
should finish before the deadline. Choose a topic that you can easily justify within
the given time frame.

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