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Republic of the Philippines

Western Mindanao State University

College of Nursing
Zamboanga City


Activity 2 and 3

Submitted by:
Molina, Christine Joy (Leader)
Feliciano, Maria Crizzane
Fernandez, Icel
Gabuni, Alexcys Aicylaine
Guerrero, Aubrei Marie
Gulane, Eliel
Jaafar, Amina
Jackaria, Prince Daryl
Jainal, Anang Nadaifa
Javier, Erhildianne
Jimmy, Rasmien
Jumaani, Shaina
Larceña, Edessa
Mansul, Rasherna
Mariano, Rhea Jane

Submitted to:
Mrs. Anna Lizza Caburnay RN, MAN
Adviser, NCM 113 A
1. Spot Map

2. Brief History of the Community

In the early civilization of the Pre-Hispanic time, Barangay Tabilog was once a grassy
field near a river where gold stones were abundant. A traveling tribe, the Magabons, have
found this place and were attracted by its beauty. Hence, they decided to stay there
permanently. The Magabon's way of living was simple. They went to catch fish for their
meals, plant crops for their daily needs, and collect gold stones to sell into the big cities. As
the Magabons thrive in this magnificent land, another traveling tribe has found their way in
this place. Upon their interaction with the Magabons, they asked where they may find the
gold stones. The Magabons answered, "Tabilong Ilog," so the newly arrived group went to
the said spot. The beautiful scenery and people made them stay there permanently.
However, as time passed by, more groups from different places were coming to ask for
the destination of the golds, and the Magabons were starting to get tired of telling "Tabing
Ilog." So, one day, the leader of the Magabons blurted, "Tabilog." And so the beautiful land
that the Magabons found by chance became the place called "Tabilog." In fact, many artifacts
such as the stone formation near the river have proven that the Magabons indeed settled here
with their successors living in this very area.
3. Community Profile/ Barangay Profile
Barangay Name: Tabilog
Location: Municipality of Kimbaw, in the northern part of Kamiran City
Foundation Anniversary: April 19
Total land Area: 321 HAS
Total No. of Streets: 8
Total No. of Drives: 3
Barangay Captain: Naevis Mondragon
Barangay Councilors:
 Karina Mae E. Rodriguez
 Abdul R. Hassan
 Ma. Winter B. Aguncillo
 Christopher M. Manuel
 Ningning Jane H. Lim
 Edison H. Lao
 Mary Giselle K. Kulampi

4. Community Projects
Past projects
 Park
 Covered court
 Stone formations preservation

Proposed projects
 Waste segregation bins
Effective segregation of wastes means that less waste goes to landfill which makes it
better for people and the environment. It is also important to segregate for public health.
In particular, hazardous wastes can cause long term health problems, so it is very
important that they are disposed of correctly and safely and not mixed in with the normal
waste coming out of people’s home or office.

 Interlink Bridge
The bridge will permanently connect barangay Tabilog to other barangays, reducing the
travel time and alleviating traffic congestion in City.
 Groundwater reservoirs (pumping well)
Water is essential for life of man, plants and animals. From the beginning of civilization
humans have settled close to water sources. Providing a better water supply can
significantly improve the quality of life and is a source of, and the condition for, a socio-
economic development.

 Solar streetlights
Deploying solar streetlights on a barangay's main roads, streets and in other public places
makes them easier to access, supports businesses and improves social ties. Additionally,
in more isolated areas, these lighting solutions help reduce insecurity, theft and assaults.

 Barangay library
Libraries provide access to nonmainstream points of view and give voice to local artists.
Public libraries strive to provide collections and services that represent various points of
view, and often work closely with local artists to do so. By providing free access to
educational, news, and historical resources, libraries help keep the public informed with
facts, rather than confused with fiction. They act as a hub of information, and their
leaders, the librarians, torch bearers for facts.

5. Existing Ordinance of the barangay

 No Smoking Policy in Public Places
An ordinance that prohibits smoking inside a public building or an enclosed public place
including public vehicles and other means of transport or in any enclosed area outside of
one's private residence, private place of work or any duly designated smoking area.

 Sustainable Tree Planting

An ordinance that requires an annual tree planting activity for every member of the
community. It prohibits the cutting, destroying, or injuring of planted or growing trees,
flowering plants, and shrubs within the barangay. If for the purpose of innovation of
products in which trees are to be utilized, a permission from the local government should
be attained and each tree shall be replaced with another immediately.

 Regular Clean Up Drive

An ordinance that requires the areas of the barangay to have a weekly clean up drive

 No Discrimination Ordinance
An ordinance implementing a "no discrimination" policy for the lesbian, gay, bisexual,
and transgender (LGBT+) members and people with disability of the community of this
An ordinance that prohibits any LGBT and persons with disability to be denied
employment in any establishment even if qualified, be denied entry in any establishments
for no plausible reason or legal grounds, membership to any organization or group be
denied by reason of being an LGBT or disabled person, be harassed, vexed, or caused any
damage, injury or detriment by reason of being an LGBT or a disabled person, and the
rights, privilege and/or benefits be impaired for being an LGBT or person with disability.

 Barangay Tabilog Environment Ordinance

An ordinance that pursues sustainable development and the protection of the rights of the
people to a balanced ecology. It gives the people of the community the right to take part
in the decision-making process when it comes to development projects or activities that
may have an adverse environmental impact. It ensures the sustainable use of natural
resources, by advancing development while preserving the quality of environment,
achieving a better quality of life, in human and ecological security.

 Agricultural Lease Ordinance

Approximately 800 acres of government owned land will be leased to the farmers in the
community for livelihood. The leased property shall be used solely for agricultural
farming purposes, livestock grazing and hunting. All crops and crop proceeds shall be the
property of the lessee.

 Water Resource Management Ordinance

An ordinance that requires the regular monitoring of water quality within the area and
ensures that engineering and infrastructure developments in the barangay do not have an
unfavorable effect on water quality.

 River Protection Ordinance

An ordinance that forbids the dumping and disposal of solid wastes, wastewater, and
other hazardous wastes into the river and prohibits toxic waste-producing operations near
the river.

 Solid Waste Ordinance

An ordinance that requires the segregation of wastes in every private and public
establishments and households within the barangay. It ensures the collection, transport,
and disposal of solid waste in accordance with environmental sustainability development

 Barangay Tabilog Protection Center Ordinance

An ordinance that ensures the protection of victims and survivors against violence
through counselling, psychological, medico-legal, and legal, and after-care services
employing a holistic approach in managing the cases. This ordinance aims to ensure the
reduction of all forms of violence against all gender preferences and ages.
Demographic Features
1. Demographic Data

Population size, growth and density
Total Population 470
Total No. of Males 230
Total No. of Females 240
Total No. Of HH 82
Average HH Size 5
Barangay Tabilog’s population as of 2021 is placed at 470 which comprise a total household of
82, thus, having an average household of 5. The total population of males is 230 and 240 for
Distribution of Population
Sittio  Name Population No. of HH
Male Female Total
1. Marites 6 9 15 3
2. San Ramon 12 13 25 5
3. Margina 15 20 35 7
4. Makisig 9 6 15 3
5. Kalabit 0 0 0 0
6. Bagong 5 9 14 2
Silang Street
7. Milagros 29 20 49 7
8. Kulog Street 15 10 25 5
9. Eustaquio 19 21 40 8
10. Anchita 0 0 0 0
11. Kwangya 50 55 105 21
12. Main Road 70 77 147 21
TOTAL: 230 240 470 82
Barangay Tabilog has a total population of 470 coming from 82 households. The data reveals
that the area near the Main Road is the most populated area with a population of 147 followed by
Sittio Kwangya Drive with 105, Sittio Milagros Street 49, Sittio Eustaquio Drive 40, Sittio
Margina Street 35, Sittio San Ramon Street 25, Sittio Marites and Makisig Street 15, and the
least populated is Sittio Bagong Silang Street with a populace of 14. While, Sittio Kalabit Street
and Anchita Drive has no population at all.
Age and Sex Distribution
Age Group Both Sexes Male Female
All Ages 470 230 240
0-14 years old 77 34 43
15-64 years old 365 190 175
65-80 years old 17 4 13
81 years old above 11 2 9
In year 2021, the population of working age group (15-64 years old) of Barangay Tabilog
represents 77.66% of the total household population by age group and sex, while child/youth (0-
14 years old) got 16.38%. The population composed of ages 65-80 years old 3.61% and the
2.34% population is composed of ages above 81 years old. The total population by age group and
sex is placed at 470; it comprises of 230 male and 240 female, the table shows that the highest
number of population is female comprising 51.06%
Marital Status
Civil Status Population %
Single 175 42.17%
Married 129 31.08%
Widowed 22 5.31%
Divorce/Separate 35 8.43%
Live-In 54 13.01%
Total 415 100%
The total population between 10 years old and over is 415 about 42.17% of these are single,
31.08% are legally married, 5.31% are widowed; 8.43% are either divorced or separated and
13.01 are live-in/common-law.
Household Population by Ethnicity
Ethnicity/Dialect Total
Bisaya/Binisaya 74
Tagalog 166
Tausug 109
Ilonggo 78
Manobo 43
Total 470
Majority of the people in Barangay Tabilog are using Tagalog as their mother tongue which got
the highest number of 166; followed by Tausug with a total of 109 next is Ilonggo 78,
Bisaya/Binisaya 74, and the least used dialect is Manobo which has a total of 43.
Religious Affiliation
Types of Religion Population %
Roman Catholic 198 42.13%
Iglesia ni Kristo 89 18.94%
Alliance of Bible Christian 74 15.74%
Islam 109 23.19%
Total 470 100%
Dominant religion in Barangay Tabilog is Roman Catholic constituting 42.13% of the total
population; followed by Islam with 109 or 23.19%; Iglesia ni Kristo with 89 or 18.94% and
Alliance of Bible Christian with 74 or 15.74%.

Household Population 15 yrs. & Over by Sex & Employment Status, 2021
Sex Household In the Labor Force Not in %
Population the
Employed % Unemploye %
Male 198 110 55.55 43 21.72% 45 22.72%
Female 186 91 49.46 48 25.80% 47 25.27%
With 384 200 52.08 83 21.61% 101 26.30%
Both %
The table shows that about 283 or 73.70% of the total labor force are economically active while
101 or 26.30% are not in the labor force. Mostly of the employed population are males with
51.52% and females had a higher percentage in terms of unemployment rate. Likewise, female
had the most number of population not in labor force with 25.27%.

School Age Population Distribution

Highest Grade Completed 5 years Old and Over Group, 2010
Grade Completed Male Female Total
No grade completed 17 14 31
Pre-school 3 3 6
Elementary Level 19 25 44
Elementary 22 19 41
High School Level 30 38 68
High School 29 31 60
Vocational 1 2 3
College 55 53 108
Academic Degree 47 45 92
Post Baccalaureate 1 2 3
Total 219 232 451
The total household population ages 5 years old and above by highest educational attainment and
age reached to 451. Out of this figure, 18.84% have elementary education, 28.38% got secondary
education, 0.07 % got vocational courses, 23.94% are college undergraduate, and 20.40% are
academic degree holders, while 0.07% got Post Baccalaureate. Another 1.33% got pre-school
and the remaining 6.87% has not attended school at all.

2. Population
Barangay Tabilog has 82 households with a total population of 470 as of the year 2021.

3. Population density
With a total of 82 households having an average of 5 members, Barangay Tabilog has a total
population of 470 as of 2021. Out of that, 230 are males and 240 are females. Its total land
area is 321 hectares or 3.21 square kilometers.
Total Population = 470 people
Total area (km2) = 3.21 km2

Population Density = Total Population

Total area (km2)
= 470 people
3.21 km2
= 146 persons per square kilometer

Its population density is 146 persons per square kilometre, as of the year 2021.

4. Power supply
Barangay Tabilog is efficiently energized, The TABILCO supplies electricity to the barangay
which sourced its power from the National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR). TABILCO
supplies almost 90% of the barangay households. While electricity is the main power supply,
there also other man-made power supplies like kerosene, candle, lamp, and other light
sources, all according to the people who resides in Barangay Tabilog.
5. Communication service
In the current state of the barangay, the common means of communication is cellphone as the
barangay has a present cell tower, this helps the people get enough signal to send their text
messages or make some calls. Some people use gadgets like televisions and radios as a mean
of communication too, but very seldom, postal mails are also being used as a form of

6. Land use
Barangay Tabilog has a current total land area of 321 hectares, which constitutes 0.72% of the total
land area of the city. Existing general land use classifying into functional uses.

General Land Use Area (in Hectare) Percent (%) to total

Residential Area 138.03 43
Institutional Area 32.1 10
Businesses and Resources 22.47 7
Services 4.173 1.3
Parks and Recreation Area 3.852 1.2
Transportation Facilities 73.83 23
Grassland and stone formation 46.545 14.5
Total 321 100.0

Residential Area - The existing residential area of the barangay which are the households covers
138.03 hectares or 43% of the total land area.

Institutional Area. The existing institutional area of the barangay is 32.1 hectares or 10% of the total
land area. These areas are currently occupied by government and religious institutions such as the
barangay hall, school, church and mosque.

Businesses and Resources - The existing area is intended for business and resources such as the
public market, convenience store, pharmacy and gasoline station making up 22.47 hectares or 7% of
the total land area.

Services. The existing area intended for services are the barangay health center and police station
covering 4.173 hectares or 1.3% of the total land area.

Parks and Recreation Area. The designated park and covered court are the recreation areas of the
barangay with 3.852 hectares or 1.2% of the total land area.

Transportation Facilities - This land use consists of facilities for transportation, services such as the
main road, the streets and the jeepney station covering 73.83 or 23% of the total land area

Grassland and stone formation - The existing grassland consisted of native pastures and is 46.545
hectares or 14.5% of the total land area. This is also utilized by some farmers for upland farming and
for planting of productions mostly located in the hilly areas of the barangay.

 Ineffective Health Maintenance related to Lack of financial resources as evidence by

unemployment rate of 21.61%
Criteria Weight Initial Score Score
Nature of the Problem 1 2 0.67
 Health Status 3
 Health Resources 2
 Health- related 1
Magnitude of the Problem 3 1 0.75
 75 - 100% affected 4
 50 - 74% affected 3
 25 - 49% affected 2
 < 25% affected 1
Modifiability of the Problem 4 2 2.67
 High 3
 Moderate 2
 Low 1
 Not Modifiable 0
Preventive Potential 1 2 0.67
 High 3
 Moderate 2
 Low 1
Social Concern 1 1 0.5
 Urgent 2
 Not Urgent 1
 Not a Concern 0
TOTAL 5.26

 Knowledge Deficit related to Deficient resources to learn as evidenced by 6.87% of total

population has not attended school.
Criteria Weight Initial Score Score
Nature of the Problem 1 1 0.33
 Health Status 3
 Health Resources 2
 Health- related 1
Magnitude of the Problem 3 1 0.75
 75 - 100% affected 4
 50 - 74% affected 3
 25 - 49% affected 2
 < 25% affected 1
Modifiability of the Problem 4 1 1.33
 High 3
 Moderate 2
 Low 1
 Not Modifiable 0
Preventive Potential 1 2 0.67
 High 3
 Moderate 2
 Low 1
Social Concern 1 1 0.5
 Urgent 2
 Not Urgent 1
 Not a Concern 0
TOTAL 3.58
Community Health Action Plan
Location: Brgy. Tabilog, Municipality of Kimbaw Covered: 2021 - 2022
Indentified Problem #1
Strategy/ Intervention
Ineffective Health Maintenance related toIntervention Goal(s)resources Implementation
Lack of financial as evidence by unemploymentResources for Implementation
rate of 21.61%
Population & Venue
Name of Intervention: Start Micro- After the program the Target population:  Funding for the seminar (speaker,
Business Seminar- Training Program participants/ residents  Families with venue, food and accommodation, and
will have the knowledge unemployed equipments)
Community Strengths/Assets: and skills in building and head of the  Resource Speaker and experts for the
Tabilog Barangay Captain maintain a small business family. training program.
Department of Labor and Employment  Unemployed  Collaborative partners in the City.
Office of the City Councilor individuals
Community livelihood Organization
Planned activities  Barangay
 Lectures on how to start micro- Tabilog
business Covered court
 Lectures on how to use
technology and start online
 Training program
o Online selling
o Sari-Sari Store
o Recycling and selling
o Planting and selling
o Streetfood business
Name of Intervention: Libreng Puhunan At the end of Target population:  Funding (money resources for libreng
para sa Kaunlaran program distribution of libreng  Registered and puhunan
Community Strengths/Assets: puhunan the qualified citizen  Streetfood carts
Department of Labor and Employment participants/ residents of brgy. Tabilog  Street food package
Office of the City Councilor will be going to start who have  Seedlings
Municipal Mayor office of Kimbaw their micro-business attended the  Materials for planting
Start Micro-  Tripod/ monopod, sim cards with free
Planned activities: At the end of 1 month Business 15 gb data
 Distributing 7000 pesos as a at least 95 % of Seminar-
puhunan participants/ residents Training
 Distributing free simcards with 15 have maintained their Program
gb for online sellers or residents micro-business.
who registered for online selling
business At the end of 6 months Venue
atleast 75% of the  Barangay
 Distributing of streetfood package
participants/ residents Tabilog
and streetfood cart to selected
have maintained and Covered court
 Distributing of seedlings and grown their micro-
planting paraphernalia business
Name of Intervention: Annual Free The residents of Brgy. Target population:  Volunteer Physicians, Midwife, nurses
Medical Health care check-up, Medical Tabilog will be going to  Residents of and other health care-workers
care and Medicine Program have effective health Barangay  Funding for free medicine and medical
Community Strengths/Assets: maintenance after 3-5 Tabilog care.
consecutive annual Free  Sanitary kits
Department of Health of Kimbaw Medical Health care Venue  leaflets
Municipality check-up and Medicine  Barangay
Barangay Tabilog Health Center Program. Tabilog
Covered court
Planned activities: and Health
 Free check-up center.
 Free medicine
 Distribution of sanitary kits and
leaflets about health-care
Area of assignment: Barangay Tabilog
General objectives: At the end of 1 hour and 45 mins. The participants are expected to gain knowledge regarding the importance of
having Healthcare check-ups and Health Maintenance.
Topic Goal Time Content Materials/Strategies Respondent Evaluation
Importance At the end of 45 minutes 45 minutes Description, definition Teaching - learning Participants Question and Answer
of health to community will be and explanation of the activities of every  Instant oral
check-ups able to following: Materials: family feedbacks. The
(Educate and  Benefits of health  Projector/ living in participants were
empower the 1. Learn the check-ups. Presentations able to verbalize
residents importance of having  Sound- systems Tabilog. and recognize the
about check-ups. And  Cons of not
 Lectures with importance of
concepts and display willingness to having check-up
handouts having check-
importance attend check-up.  Flyers/brochures
 Good health and ups.
of the health  Posters  The participants
bad health habits
check-ups as were able to
guide to understand the
remove fear whole topic and
and expressed their
skepticism feelings and
among the willingness to
residents of participate in
Brgy. health check-ups.
Tabilog on

Topic Goal Time Content Materials/Strategies Respondent Evaluation

Importance At the end of 60 minutes 45 minutes I. Definition of Teaching - learning Participants Question and Answer
of healthcare to community will be terms (e.g. activities of every  Instant oral
maintenance able to Healthcare Materials: family feedbacks. The
(Educate and  Understand the maintenance)  Projector/ living in participants were
empower the importance of Presentations able to verbalize
II. Importance of barangay
residents health- health  Sound- Tabilog. and recognize the
about maintenance. maintenance systems importance of
concepts and  Learn/Define III. Effects poor  Lectures with healthcare
importance diseases and health handouts maintenance.
of the health condition that they maintenance  Flyers/brochur
maintenance might get if there IV. Disease and  The participants
as guide to is no proper condition related were able to
 Posters
have a health-care to poor health understand the
healthy, maintenance and maintenance whole topic and
happy and the Risk factors V. Risk factors expressed their
longer lives) contributing to contributing to feelings and
poor health-care poor health-care willingness to
maintenance maintenance engage in a
lifestyle to
prevent poor
Community Health Action Plan
Location: Brgy. Tabilog, Municipality of Kimbaw Covered: 2021 - 2022
Indentified Problem # 2
Knowledge Deficit related to Deficient resources to learn as evidenced by 6.87% of total population has not attended school.
Strategy/ Intervention Intervention Goal(s) Implementation Resources for Implementation
Population & Venue
Name of Intervention: Health of houses Target population: Funding for the seminar (speaker,
Seminar Residents of Brgy microphone, projector, Flyers/brochures,
Tabilog from 18-60 Posters, Institutional news letters,
Community Strengths/Assets: years old Community publications, Projector, Lectures
Tabilog Barangay Captain and officials with handout snacks, venue, and
Local Government Unit. Venue accommodation)
 Barangay  3rd year BSN students of WMSU (group
Tabilog 3) and their Clinical instructor
Planned activities Covered court  Invited speaker (Expert in the concept
I. Lectures on the concepts of that will be discussing)
health of houses ( pure air, pure
water, effective drainage,  Collaborative partners in the City
cleanliness, and lighting)
II. Application of discussed

III. Lectures about ppropriate

actions in developing a
conducive environment for
better outcome and
IV. Application of discussed
V. Teaching - learning activities
VI. Simulation exercises
VII. Role playing exercises
VIII. Demonstrations
Name of Intervention: Don't just throw it Target population: Funding for the seminar
away, throw it our way. A proper garbage  Target  Cartolina
disposal counseling program  Sound system
 Posters
Residents of
 Pamphlets
Community Strengths/Assets: Brgy Tabilog
Tabilog Barangay Captain and officials  Snacks
from 18-60
Local Government Unit. Man power
years old
 3rd year BSN students of WMSU (group
Planned activities: 3) and their Clinical instructor
 Lecture and role playing exercises Venue
to tackle the appropriate waste  Barangay
disposal, difference between Tabilog
biodegradable and Covered court
nonbiodegradable garbages as
well as the disposal methods (4R)

Name of Intervention: Pest control and Target population:  Volunteer Physicians, Midwife, nurses
prevention Seminar  Residents of and other health care-workers
(Presence of pest: control and prevention Barangay  Funding for free medicine and medical
(Rats, mosquitoes, cockroaches, and Tabilog care.
flies)  Sanitary kits
 leaflets
Community Strengths/Assets:  Barangay
Department of Health of Kimbaw Covered court
Municipality and Health

Planned activities:
 Free check-up
 Free medicine
 Distribution of sanitary kits and
leaflets about health-care
Area of assignment: Barangay Tabilog
General objectives: At the end of 2 hours and 45 minutes , participants are expected to gain knowledge regarding the different concepts of
barangay health sanitation.
Topic Goal Time Content Materials/Strategies Respondent Evaluation
Health of houses At the end of 35 35 minutes Description,  Flyers/brochures Participants  Recognize the
(Educate and minutes to explanation and  Posters of every ideals the health
empower the community will be application of the family living of houses
 Institutional news
people about able to concepts of health of in barangay
concepts of the houses ( pure air, pure letters Tabilog.  Participated in
health of houses 1. To provide water, effective  Community the activities
as guide to information about drainage, cleanliness, publications regarding the
develop and the concept of and lighting)  Websites teaching plan
sustain a healthy about health of
health of houses
community  Projector houses
setting for a  Lectures with  Majority of the
better health participants has
outcome. 2. To stimulate
 Teaching -  Simulation verbalize the
learning activities exercises learnings about
 Appropriate  Role-playing taking
and optimized
actions to develop exercises appropriate
an environment  Demonstrations actions to
of the concept
conducive to develop an
of health of
better outcome environment
and maintenance. conducive to
better outcome
maintenance of

Topic Goal Time Content Materials/Strategies Respondent Evaluation

Garbage disposal At the end of 45 45 minutes IX. Definition of terms  Role play Participants Goal Met.
minutes to X. Importance of  Leaflets/pamphlets of every At the end of the
community will be proper garbage family living health teaching, the
able to in barangay people of barangay
 Define proper Materials: Tabilog. tableau became
XI. Effects of more
waste disposal  Cartolina
improper waste knowledgeable
 Learn and  Sound system
disposal about the proper
practice proper  Posters waste disposal as
XII. Disease related
ways of garbage  Pamphlets evidenced by the
to improper waste
disposal  Materials results of the
 Determine XIII. Different ways
garbages from of proper garbage
biodegradable and disposal
 Learn the
methods of waste
disposal such as

Topic Goal Time Content Materials/strategies Respondent Evaluation

Presence of pest: At the end of 40 40 minutes 1. Different Strategies: Participants Goal Met
control and minutes to household pests  Presentation of every At the end of the
prevention community will be 2. Causes and and family living presentation,
(Rats, able to summarization in barangay majority of the
effects of peso
mosquitoes,  Identify factors Tabilog invited community
cockroaches, and currency in the  Games men reported that
causing presence
flies) community they have
of pest
a) Sources/habitat Materials understood and
 Identify the effects  Pamphlet
b) Kinds of they're willing to
of the presence of  Costume/props apply the
pest  Game prizes preventive
 Express feelings or might get from
measures in
emotions that may controlling pests as
the presence of evidence by the
act as obstacle to pest result of the
decision making c) Ways to reduce evaluation forms
weather to adapt or and control accomplished after
not to adapt the pests in the the conducted
methods or ways community health teaching.
to control pests
 Demonstrate ways
to reduce or
control the pest
present in the

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