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9mm Luger - 115 grain Version 8.0

9mm Luger - 115 grain 9mm (.355")

MAXIMUM S.A.A.M.I. O.A.C.L. 1.169" TESTED O.A.C.L. B.C. S.D.
Sporting Handgun™ Pistol 115gr. JHP 1.100" 0.109 0.130
CASE TYPE: Winchester PRIMER TYPE Rem 1 1/2
CASE HOLDS: 10.0 Gr. WATER BARREL Length/Make 4" Douglas
BARREL Twist 1-16"
HS-6 7.1 * MAX. 990 79%
6.6 880 73%
6.1 770 68%
A-No.7 8.5 * MAX. 998 86%
8.0 933 81%
7.5 868 76%
HP-38 5.2 MAX. 1042 76%
4.7 937 69%
4.2 * 832 61%
A-No.5 6.7 MAX. 1091 71%
6.2 * 1009 65%
5.7 927 60%
Unique 6.1 MAX. 1120 100%
5.6 1060 92%
5.1 * 1000 84%
Blue Dot 8.5 MAX. 1130 **
** 109%
8.0 1080 **
** 103%
7.5 * 1030 96%
Auto-Comp 5.5 * MAX. 1139 64%
5.0 1055 58%
4.5 979 52%
W231 5.0 * MAX. 1140 73%
4.5 1033 66%
4.0 932 58%
SR4756 6.5 * MAX. 1178 **
** 109%
Most Accurate 6.0 1083 **
** 101%
Powder Tested 5.5 988 92%
Power Pistol 6.6 MAX. 1198 88%
6.1 * 1107 81%
5.6 1031 75%
A ll cartridge measurements are SA A M I maximum and due to variatio ns fro m manufacturers actual measurements may vary
“ B ecause No sler, Inc. has no co ntro l o ver the actual co mpo nents selected, the manner in which they are assembled o r the
co nditio n o f the firearm used, no respo nsibility, either expressed o r implied is assumed fo r the use o f this data.
In no event shall No sler, Inc. be liable fo r any damages resulting fro m the use o f this data.”

* = Most accurate load tested

** = Compressed load

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