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o Therefore, the other 2 unions dropped their demand for union shop.
 The parties negotiated on the labor demands, but with no satisfactory result due to a
[Jan. 30, 1971 | J. Castro]
stalemate on the matter of salary increases.
 The unions demanded from the companies final counter-proposals on their economic
Petitioners: The Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd., Employees Association-NATU; FGU Insurance
demands, particularly on salary increases.
Group Workers and Employees Association-NATU; and Insular Life Building Employees
 Instead of giving counter-proposals, the companies presented facts and figures, and
Association (ILBEU)-NATU
requested the unions to submit a workable formula which would justify their own
Respondents: The Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd (ILAC); FGU Insurance Group; Jose M. Lobes,
proposals, taking into account the financial position on the former.
and Court of Industrial Relations (CIR)
 Consequently, the unions voted to declare a strike in protest against what they considered
Topic: unfair labor practice (ULP) – acts in violation of right to self-organization – interference,
the companies’ ULPs.
restraint, and coercion – speech, espionage, economic coercion
 Meanwhile, 87 unionists were reclassified as supervisors without increase in salary nor in
responsibility, while negotiations were going on in the DOLE after the notice to strike was
served on the companies.
 The unions, while still members of the Federation of Free Workers (FFW), entered into
 The unions went on strike and picketed the offices of the Insular Life Building.
separate collective bargaining agreements (CBA) with the companies.
 The companies, through their acting manager and president, respondent Olbes, sent to
 2 of the lawyers of the unions were:
each of the strikers a letter (Exhibit A):
o Felipe Enaje
o “We recognize it is your privilege both to strike and to conduct picketing.
o Ramon Garcia
However, if any of you would like to come back to work voluntarily, you
 Formerly the secretary-treasurer of the FFW and acting president of
the unions.
1. Advise the nearest police officer or security guard of your intention to do so.
 As acting president, in a circular issued in his name and signed by him,
2. Take your meals within the office.
tried to dissuade the members of the unions from disaffiliating with
3. Make a choice whether to go home at the end of the day or to sleep nights at
the FFW and joining the National Association of Trade Unions
the office where comfortable cots have been prepared.
(NATU), to no avail.
4. Enjoy free coffee and occasional movies.
 Enaje and Garcia soon left FFW, and were employed by the Anti-Dummy Board of the 5. Be paid overtime for work performed in excess of eight hours.
Department of Justice. 6. Be sure arrangements will be made for your families.
 Thereafter, the companies hired Garcia as assistant corporate secretary and legal assistant o The decision to make is yours — whether you still believe in the motives of the
in their Legal Department, where he earned P900/mo., or P600 more than he was receiving strike or in the fairness of the Management.”
from FFW.
 However, the unions continued to strike, except for some unionists who were convinced
 Enaje was hired as personnel manager of the companies, and was made chairman of the to desist.
negotiating panel for the companies in the collective bargaining with the unions.
 From the date the strike was called until it was called off, some management men tried to
break thru the unions’ picket lines.
 [Sept. 16, 1957] The unions jointly submitted proposals to the companies for a modified o Garcia, the assistant coporate secretary, and Vicente Abella, chief of the
renewal of their respective collective bargaining contracts, which were to expire in Sept. 30, personnel records section of the companies, tried to infiltrate the picket lines in
1957. front of the Insular Life Building.
o The parties agreed to make whatever benefits that could be agreed upon o Garcia, upon approaching the picket line, tossed aside the placard of
retroactively effective Oct. 1, 1957. picketer Paulino Bugay, and thereafter, a fight ensued between them, in
 Thereafter, in Sept.-Oct. 1957, negotiations were conducted on the union’s proposals, but a which both suffered injuries.
deadlock arose on the issue of union shop, as a result of which, the unions filed a notice of o The companies organized 3 bus-loads of employees, including a
strike for deadlock on collective bargaining. photographer, who with respondent Olbes, succeeded in infiltrating the picket
 DOLE conducted several conciliation conferences, wherein the conciliators urged the lines, causing injuries to the picketers and to strike-breakers due to the
companies to make reply to the unions’ proposals en toto so that the unions might consider resistance offered by some picketers.
the feasibility of dropping their demand for union security in exchange for other benefits.  Alleging that some non-strikers were injured and with the use of pictures as evidence, the
o However, the companies did not make any counter-proposals but, instead, companies then filed criminal charges against the strikers with the City Fiscal’s Office of
insisted that the unions first drop their demand for union security, promising Manila.
money benefits if this was done. o During the pendency of the cases, the companies filed a petition for injunction
 Petitioner ILBEU dropped this particular demand, and requested the companies to answer with damages with CFI-Manila, which issued later on an order restraining the
its demands, but the respondent ILAC still refused to make any counter-proposals. strikers from impeding the companies’ gates.
 The other 2 unions were also asked to drop their union security demand, or else, the  The companies, through respondent Olbes, sent individually to the strikers a letter (Exhibit
companies would no longer consider themselves bound by the commitment to make B):
money benefits retroactive to Oct. 1, 1957. o “The first day of the strike was last 21 May 1958. Our position remains unchanged
and the strike has made us even more convinced of our decision. We do not know
how long you intend to stay out, but we cannot hold your positions open for long. We have continued to operate and will continue to do so with or without you. If
you are still interested in continuing in the employ of the Group Companies, and
if there are no criminal charges pending against you, we are giving you until 2 1. YES.
June 1958 to report for work at the home office. If by this date you have not yet
reported, we may be forced to obtain your replacement. Before, the decision was 1.A.
yours to make. So it is now.”
 Respondents: The sending of the letters constituted a legitimate exercise of their
 Incidentally, all of the more than 120 criminal charges filed against the members of the freedom of speech.
unions, except 3, were dismissed by the fiscal’s office and by the courts.
 SC: We do not agree.
o These 3 cases involved slight physical injuries against 1 striker, and light
o Melo Photo Supply Corporation vs. National Labor Relations Board:
coercion against 2 others.
 It is ULP for an employer operating under a CBA to negotiate or to
 At any rate, because of the issuance of the writ of preliminary injunction against them and
attempt to negotiate with his employees individually in
the threat of the companies, giving them until June 2, 1958 to return to their jobs or else be
connection with changes in the agreement.
replaced, the striking employees decided to call off their strike and to report back to work
 And the basis of the prohibition regarding individual
on June 2, 1958.
bargaining with the strikers is that although the union is on
 However, before readmitting the strikers, the companies required them not only to secure strike, the employer is still under obligation to bargain with the
clearances from the City Fiscal's Office of Manila, but also to be screened by a management union as the employees' bargaining representative.
committee, among the members of which were Enaje and Garcia. o The act of a company president in writing letters to the strikers, urging their
 The screening committee initially rejected 83 strikers with pending criminal charges. return to work on terms inconsistent with their union membership, was
 However, all non-strikers with pending criminal charges which arose from the adjudged as constituting interference with the exercise of his employees'
breakthrough incident were readmitted immediately by the companies, without being right to collective bargaining.
required to secure clearances from the fiscal's office.  It is likewise an act of interference for the employer to send a
 Subsequently, when practically all the strikers had secured clearances from the fiscal's letter to all employees notifying them to return to work at a time
office, the companies readmitted only some, and adamantly refused readmission to 34 specified therein, otherwise new employees would be engaged to
officials and members of the unions who were most active in the strike, on the ground that perform their jobs.
they committed "acts inimical to the interest of the respondents," without however stating  Individual solicitation of the employees or visiting their homes,
the specific acts allegedly committed. with the employer or his representative urging the employees to
 Some were ultimately notified months later that they were being dismissed retroactively as cease union activity or cease striking, constitutes unfair labor
of June 2, 1958 and given separation pay checks, while others up to now have not been practice.
readmitted although there have been no formal dismissal notices given to them.  All the above-detailed activities are unfair labor practices
 The CIR prosecutor filed a complaint for ULP against the companies, specifically charging because they tend to undermine the concerted activity of the
them with: employees, an activity to which they are entitled free from
(1) interfering with the members of the Unions in the exercise of their right to concerted the employer's molestation.
action, by sending out individual letters to them urging them to abandon their strike o Since exhibit A is a letter containing promises of benefits to the employees
and return to work, with a promise of comfortable cots, free coffee and movies, and in order to entice them to return to work, it is not protected by the free
paid overtime, and, subsequently, by warning them that if they did not return to work speech provisions of the Constitution (NLRB v. Clearfield Cheese Co., Inc.).
on or before June 2, 1958, they might be replaced; and  The same is true with exhibit B since it contained threats to obtain
(2) discriminating against the members of the Unions as regards readmission to work replacements for the striking employees in the event they did not
after the strike on the basis of their union membership and degree of participation report for work on June 2, 1958.
in the strike.  The free speech protection under the Constitution is
 CIR: Dismissed the complaint. inapplicable where the expression of opinion by the employer or
his agent contains a promise of benefit, or threats, or reprisal.
ISSUES: Whether or not the companies were guilty of ULP o Indeed, when the respondents offered reinstatement and attempted to
1. in sending out letters (Exhibits A and B) individually to the strikers, "bribe" the strikers with "comfortable cots," "free coffee and occasional
2. for discriminating against the striking members of the unions in the matter movies," "overtime" pay for "work performed in excess of eight hours," and
of readmission of employees after the strike, "arrangements" for their families, so they would abandon the strike and
3. for dismissing officials and members of the unions without giving them the benefit return to work, they were guilty of strike-breaking and/or union-busting
of investigation and the opportunity to present their side in regard to activities and, consequently, of unfair labor practice.
undertaken by them in the legitimate exercise of their right to strike.  It is equivalent to an attempt to break a strike for an employer to
offer reinstatement to striking employees individually, when they
RATIO: are represented by a union, since the employees thus offered
reinstatement are unable to determine what the consequences
of returning to work would be.
 Respondents: The main cause as to why the strikers
1.B. returned to work was not the letters, but the injunction
issued by the CFI-Manila.  After the notice to strike was served on the companies and
 SC: This assertion is without merit. negotiations were in progress in the DOLE, the respondents
o The circumstance that the strikers later decided to return to work ostensibly reclassified 87 employees as supervisors without increase in salary
on account of the injunctive writ issued by the CFI-Manila cannot alter the or in responsibility, in effect compelling these employees to resign
intrinsic quality of the letters, which were calculated, or which tended, to from their unions.
interfere with the employees' right to engage in lawful concerted activity in  And during the negotiations in the DOLE, despite the fact that the
the form of a strike. petitioners granted the respondents' demand that the former drop
o Interference constituting ULP will not cease to be such simply because it their demand for union shop and in spite of urgings by the
was susceptible of being thwarted or resisted, or that it did not conciliators of the DOLE, the respondents adamantly refused to
proximately cause the result intended. answer the Unions' demands en toto.
o For success of purpose is not, and should not, be the criterion  Incidentally, Enage was the chairman of the negotiating panel for
in determining whether or not a prohibited act constitutes the Companies in the collective bargaining between the former
and the Unions.
o NLRB v. Ford:
 After the petitioners went to strike, the strikers were individually
 The test of whether an employer has interfered with and
sent copies of exhibit A, enticing them to abandon their strike by
coerced employees…is whether the employer has engaged in
inducing them to return to work upon promise of special
conduct which it may reasonably be said tends to interfere with
the free exercise of employees' rights …and it is not necessary
 2 days later, the respondents, thru their president and manager,
that there be direct evidence that any employee was in fact
respondent Olbes, brought 3 truckloads of non-strikers and
intimidated or coerced by statements of threats of the employer
others, escorted by armed men, who, despite the presence of 8
if there is a reasonable inference that anti-union conduct of the
entrances to the 3 buildings occupied by the companies, entered
employer does have an adverse effect on self-organization and
thru only 1 gate less than 2 meters wide and in the process,
collective bargaining.
crashed thru the picket line posted in front of the premises of the
o Besides, the letters should not be considered by themselves alone, but
Insular Life Building.
should be read in light of the preceding and subsequent
 This resulted in injuries on the part of the picketers and the
circumstances surrounding them.
 The letters should be interpreted according to the “totality of
 Then the respondents brought against the picketers criminal
conduct doctrine” whereby the culpability of an employer's
charges, only 3 of which were not dismissed, and these 3 only for
remarks were to be evaluated not only on the basis of their
slight misdemeanors.
implicit implications, but were to be appraised against the
 As a result of these criminal actions, the respondents were able to
background of and in conjunction with collateral circumstances.
obtain an injunction from the CFI restraining the strikers from
 Under this "doctrine," expressions of opinion by an employer
impeding the free use of the companies' gates.
which, though innocent in themselves, frequently were held to
 On the same day that the injunction was issued, the letter, Exhibit
be culpable because of the circumstances under which they were
B, was sent — again individually and by registered special delivery
uttered, the history of the particular employer's labor relations
mail — to the strikers, threatening them with dismissal if they did
or anti-union bias or because of their connection with an
not report for work on or before June 2, 1958.
established collateral plan of coercion or interference.
 But when most of the petitioners reported for work, the
o Actuations of the respondents before and after the issuance of the letters
respondents thru a screening committee — of which Garcia was a
yield the clear inference that the said letters intend to preclude if not destroy
member — refused to admit 63 members of the Unions on the
unionism within them:1
ground of "pending criminal charges."
 Previous to the petitioners' submission of proposals for an
 However, when almost all were cleared of criminal charges by the
amended renewal of their respective CBAs to the respondents, the
fiscal's office, the respondents adamantly refused admission to 34
latter hired Enage and Garcia, former legal counsels of the
officials and union members.
petitioners, as personnel manager and assistant corporate
 It is not, however, disputed that all-non-strikers with pending
secretary, respectively, with attractive compensations.
criminal charges which arose from the breakthrough incident of
May 23, 1958 were readmitted immediately by the respondents.
No need to write all of these, as these are only mere rehash of what happened in the
 And despite the fact that the fiscal's office found no probable
facts. This part is only intended to illustrate the background upon which the letters were cause against the petitioning strikers, the companies adamantly
sent. refused admission to them on the pretext that they committed
"acts inimical to the interest of the respondents," without stating
specifically the inimical acts allegedly committed.
 They were soon to admit, however, that these alleged inimical acts
were the same criminal charges which were dismissed by the fiscal
and by the courts.

2. YES.
 When the strikers reported for work on June 2, 1958, 63 members of the unions
were refused readmission because they had pending criminal charges.
o However, despite the fact that they were able to secure their respective
clearances, 34 officials and union members were still refused readmission
on the alleged ground that they committed acts inimical to the companies.
o However, non-strikers who also had criminal charges pending against them
in the fiscal's office, arising from the same incidents whence the criminal
charges against the strikers evolved, were readily readmitted and were not
required to secure clearances.
o This is a clear act of discrimination practiced by the companies in the
process of rehiring and is therefore a violation of the Industrial Peace
 The respondents did not merely discriminate against all the strikers in general. They
separated the active from the less active unionists on the basis of their militancy, or
lack of it, on the picket lines.
o Unionists belonging to the 1st category were refused readmission even after
they were able to secure clearances from the competent authorities with
respect to the criminal charges filed against them.
o Except for 1 union official who deserted his union on the 2nd day of the strike
and who later participated in crashing through the picket lines, not a single
union officer was taken back to work.
o Discrimination undoubtedly exists where the record shows that the
union activity of the rehired strikers has been less prominent than that of
the strikers who were denied reinstatement.
 Perhaps in an anticipatory effort to exculpate themselves from charges of
discrimination in the readmission of strikers returning to work, the
respondents delegated the power to readmit to a committee.
o But respondent Olbes had chosen Abella and Garcia to screen the unionists
reporting back to work.
o It is not difficult to imagine that these 2 employees — having been involved
in unpleasant incidents with the picketers during the strike — were hostile
to the strikers.
o Needless to say, the mere act of placing in the hands of employees hostile
to the strikers the power of reinstatement, is a form of discrimination in

3. YES.
 The record shows that not a single dismissed striker was given the opportunity to
defend himself against the supposed charges against him.
 The respondents admitted that the alleged "acts of misconduct" attributed to the
dismissed strikers were the same acts with which the said strikers were charged
before the fiscal's office and the courts.
o But all these charges except 3 were dropped or dismissed.
 Indeed, the individual cases of dismissed officers and members of the striking unions
do not indicate sufficient basis for dismissal.

RULING: CIR decision reversed.

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