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Who rearranged the Quran?

Ask: You Imam! , #1 Version 5 Date: 30/3/2015 Time stops now!!!

This document only takes 13 minutes to read, please read it only when you have 13 minutes with you

In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Gracious
“IQh-Ra Bis-mi Rab-Bi Kal-Lazee-Kal-aq (Surah A-Laq: Ayath: 1)”

Do you know the first surah of Quran is not Surah Fa-thi-ha but it is Surah A-laq, Do you know that
the first words that came to your love Prophet Mu-ham-med Sal-lal-lah Aly-Wa-Salem from your
ultimate love, your creator, Allah Sub-Hana Wa-ta-aala are as follows:

“IQ-Ra Bis-mi Rab-Bi Kal-Lazee-Kal-aq (Surah A-Laq: Ayath: 1)”

“Read in the name of your Rab, who has created you”

And this happened in Cave Heera, and from there your all Identity’swere born! Quran started to come
down, Allah Spoke on Lil-La-Tal Qa-Der and from there a new revolution was born! That cut out the
very roots of darkness. And now Darkness prevails….

So who re-arranged the Quran? Ever thought about it?

Now let get serious, Let us read aAyath

Surah Al-Fur-Qan, Ayath 32

 Yusuf Ali:
“Those who reject faith say: “Why is not the Quran revealed to him all at once, thus that we
may strength your heart thereby we have rehearsed it to thee in slow well-arranged stages

 Pickthall translation: (same Ayath as above)

“…. And we have arranged it in the right order”

 Malik translation:
“…This method of slow, well arranged, piecemeal revelations is adopted to strengthen your

 Asad translation: (same Ayath as above)

“…..We have so arranged it component parts that they form one consistent whole”

Do you know there is no Hadith that approves the current order! Both the order of the Shia and the
Sunni? both have different ordered Quran, Is this the respect of the words of Allah?
So when the Prophet of Allah did not order then who has the right to rearrange the speech of Allah?

The above verse of Quran prove Allah’s Words / Surah / Ayath’scannot be arranged except
in the order they are spoken by Allah - the Most intelligent and the most perfect, I know a few
of you have already understood that to change the order in the way Allah spoke is a sin, and
it means that Allah did not know how to speak? Can we teach Allah?
“Mu-ham-med Sal-lal-lah Aly-Wa-Salem told his Companions after he had received
a revelation that Ji-bra-iel Sal-lal-lah Aly-Wa-Salem had specified for him the
particular order of verses (Ahmad).

There are many incidents narrated in the books of Sunnah regarding the Prophet's
(saws) recitation during prayer. The Companions used to pray every day behind the
Prophet (saws) and he used to recite the Qur'an in the order of revelation, and they
used to learn and memorize from his recitation in the order of revelation.

There have never been any incident in which any of the Companions reciting in any
order that violated the order of revelation.”

Every year, Prophet (SAWS) used to review it once during the month of Ramadan
with Ji-bra-iel (SAWS). During the final year of the Prophet's life, Ji-bra-iel (SAWS)
revised the Qur'an twice with the Prophet (saws) in the order of revelation as a way
of confirming it.”

You can Verify the above from Dr. Bilal Philips

Above is the first 4 Ayah revealed of the holy Quran, if you notice Ayah 3 and compare it with any
other Quran you will see that they have divided the Ayah 3 in to two Ayah’s, When Muhammad
SAW did not divide the Ayah who divided it?
 Do you know this reduces the effect of the Ayah on the reader? And it can negatively
impact!!!! That’s why Muhammad (SAW) kept it in that way!!!!! Or else he would have
done it, if it was better. Allah taught the Quran to Muhammad (SAW) so he decides!
 Allah tells us in the Quran that this Quran cures diseases and yes it cures if you read it
in the order of revelation! (Surah: Isra Ayah 82) “And We send down of the Qur'ân that
which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe and it increases the Zâlimûn nothing
but loss ” (Lung cancer / heart attack was cured)
 Do you know Quran speaks back to you? It informs you everything, it evens shows
directions so that you reach your goal with success and safety in your life’s, it informs
you if any danger / issues are about to come in your life and how to prevent it!
 But you will have to read it in the order of revelation!!!!! And yes in Arabic and when
you read the translation read it without the brackets (Translators commentary between
Allah’s Ayah), Allahs words are perfect and Quran will only speak back if you read it
word by word in the translation as it is in the Arabic You will be amazed how this book
speaks back, I mean let me give you an example: It can even tell you what
questions/challenges to expect in the examination / Interview / Proposal of marriag or
anything, it also informs of weather (Rain) and natural disasters (Tsunami, Cyclone)
including well advance warning before a war / earthquake
 (Surah Baqrah: 185) “Month of Ramadan is which was sent down the Qur'an as a guide
to mankind also clear for guidance and judgment. So everyone of you who is present during
that month should spent it in fasting, but if anyone is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed
period by days later. Allah intends every facility for you He does not want to put you to
difficulties to complete the prescribed period, and to glorify Him in that He has guided you;
and perchance ye shall be grateful.”

So if they tell you it was Umar Razi-Allah-Hu-Anhu or Abu-bak-ker Razi-Allah-Hu-Anhu or Os-maan

Razi-Allah-Hu-Anhu tell them “All the Prophet’s complete their mission and then go, how would Prophet
Mu-ham-med Sal-lal-lah Aly-Wa-Salem not compile the Quran in his life time? Quran was the highest
responsibility of the Prophet” It’s a blame put on the Prophet and the companions of the Prophet.

And if they tell you it was Ali Razi-Allah-Hu-Anhu tell them

“Ibn Nadim: In his work Al Fihirist, writing about Ali Razi-Allah-Hu-Anhu, Ibn Nadim has held
that Ali Razi-Allah-Hu-Anhu arranged the Chapters of the Holy Quran in the order of its revelation.
He exercised utmost circumspection in editing traditions”

And if they tell you Hadith 6.509 by Zaid bin Thabit:

“Abu Bakr As-Siddiq sent for me when the people of Yamama had been killed (i.e., a number of the
Prophet's Companions who fought against Musailama). (I went to him) and found 'Umar bin Al-Khattab
sitting with him. Abu Bakr then said (to me), "Umar has come to me and said: 'Casualties were heavy
among the Qurra' of the Qur'an(i.e. those who knew the Quran by heart) on the day of the Battle of
Yalmama, and I am afraid that more heavy casualties may take place among the Qurra' on other battlefields,
whereby a large part of the Qur'an may be lost. Therefore I suggest, you (Abu Bakr) order that the
Qur'an be collected." I said to 'Umar, "How can you do something which Allah's Apostle did not do?"
'Umar said, "By Allah, that is a good project." 'Umar kept on urging me to accept his proposal till
Allah opened my chest for it and I began to realize the good in the idea which 'Umar had realized."
Then Abu Bakr said (to me). 'You are a wise young man and we do not have any suspicion about you,
and you used to write the Divine Inspiration for Allah's Apostle. So you should search for the Qur'an and
collect it in one book." By Allah if they had ordered me to shift one of the mountains, it would not have
been heavier for me than this ordering me to collect the Qur'an. Then I said to Abu Bakr, "How will you
do something which Allah's Apostle did not do?" Abu Bakr replied, "By Allah, it is a good project." Abu
Bakr kept on urging me to accept his idea until Allah opened my chest for what He had opened the chests
of Abu Bakr and 'Umar. So I started looking for the Qur'an and collecting it from (what was written on)
palmed stalks, thin white stones and also from the men who knew it by heart, till I found the last Verse of
Surah At-Tauba (Repentance)with Abi Khuzaima Al-Ansari, and I did not find it with anybody other
than him”
Let’s Analyze the Hadith
 First The above Hadith does not support the current arrangement of the Quran
 Second this is a Fake Hadith!!! The last Surah is An-Nasr not Surah Tauba!!!!Now I really have
suspicion on this person, how could he say that the last Surah is Surah Tauba?????? Ask yourself
how!!!!! Because he has no knowledge he has not read the Quran! Get up people!!!
 “Whereby a large part of the Qur'an may be lost” = Umar Razi-Allah-Hu-Anhu had a very
strong Iman, do you think he said that?????Quran can never be lost see how it has come back
 “By Allah if they had ordered me to shift one of the mountains, it would not have been heavier for
me than this ordering me to collect the Qur'an” This line is for the Scholars of Islam the real
knowledge one will understand the code in it….

Side Note:
What Should You Do?
 You should right away start reading the Quran in the order of revelation; save yourself, time is
running out… Don’t you believe that Allah is perfect and his Quran must be read in the order of
revelation? (List of Sura’s are available on the internet, Use the Egyptian order)
 Only if you start reading you will understand the seriousness and the difference.
 Reading Quran in any other order is black magic…. (I have proved in the FAQ section below)
 Continue reading the document to understand more….

And it is your responsibility to ask your Imam why and who rearranged it? If he is an honest Imam he will
agree if not he will make excuses…

And the ones who reply back “Follow what the elders did” they are the worst hypocrites and are Shy-
taan’s, as they are relaxed that Surah in the Quran (your Rab’s Speech) has been rearranged! And they
don’t care!!! Why don’t they care???? Tell them: “Follow elders if they follow the Quran!!!!”

This is how they have divided you in to Shia and Sunni (and in them any more sects), both with a different
rearranged Quran, But they will never be able to change the words of Allah they only rearrange the
words / Ayah’s.

Do you know what your love Allah Sub-Hana-Wa-tala speaks to you about division or sects on Islam?
How do I Get a Quran in Chronological Order?
 The list of Surah are preserved with the Egyptian, there list is available on Wikipedia,
Egyptian order (List of Surah’s at the end of this document)

Do you want to know that truth!!!! Who is the one who changed the order of Quran???
 Read the Quran how it was revealed and then you will come know!!!!

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What made you see all this about Quran?

A) I stared worshiping Oom, Oom guided me to this...
2) I was told it was Usman (R.A) the compiled the present order
A) Before I answer why are there 100 stories to the most important book of Allah? No it was not Usman
(R.A) its recorded that Usman (R.A) placed Surah Anfal after Bakhra, meaning he complied in
Chronological Order, use your brains please, is it good to blame them? Its Shirk to recite Quran in any
other order other than how Allah sent it, Quran in more than 50 placed “ Tanzillummir Rabbil Alameen”
“ Ordered/Arranged by Rabb of Alameen, whose your rabb follow his order

3) I heard from one Imam that the last verses that was revealed was the last two verses of Surah
Baqara, “so there is no problem to follow any order”, other Imam said me that “as the last verses
to be revealed was the last two verses of Surah Baqara, how can we ever know the real order?”, third
Imam told me that “the current order is the correct order”, Can you now answer to this?
a) Yes please read the below Hadith
 (Bukhari 5.650)The last Surah which was revealed in full was Baraa (i.e. Surah-At-Tauba), and the last
Surah (i.e. part of a Surah) which was revealed was the last Verses of Surah-An-Nisa'…”
o The above hadith informs us that the last verses revealed are not the last two verses of surah
Baqara but Surah An-Nisa, now which Hadith to believe in?
Ask to the first Imam:
 “How did the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) compile the Quran for us?” He will reply “In the order of
revelation” then ask the Imam “What was the number of Surah Baqara? Was it surah NO: 2 or Surah
NO:87?” Imam will reply “NO:87” then tell him, why do we use our intelligence in front of the Prophet!
Will we teach the Prophet? Keep the Quran as it was given to us by the Prophet!
Now read the below Hadith
 (Bukhari 3.297) When the last verses of Surah al- Baqara were revealed, the Prophet recited them in the
mosque and proclaimed the trade of alcohol as illegal
 Based on the above Hadith do you want to tell that until the whole Quran was revealed, Alcohol was not
made illegal? We know that in the early years of Islam alcohol was prohibited both to trade and to use as
a drink! Now which Hadith to believe in?
Always remember Allah is perfect, no matter how they try to fool you, His order is the order that Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) complied the Quran in! Is not Allah perfect? Why then you waste your time still
arguing on it.
Read the below Verse
 Alif-Lâm-Râ. Book which We have revealed unto you so that you might lead mankind out of darkness into
light by Permission of Rabb, to the Path of the All-Mighty, the Owner of all Praise. (Surah Ibrahim:
Ayah: 1)
o In which order did Allah sent down the Quran? You can only come into light if you read / listen
to the Quran in the order of revelation, there is no argument after this, do not waste your time!
Read the below Verse:
 (Surah Rahman, Ayah 1-2) The Most Gracious! (1) He has taught the Qur'ân (2)
In which order was the Quran taught to the Prophet? In the order of revelation!!! In which order did Muhammad
(SAW) learn the Quran from Allah through Jibraiel (SAW)and then teach the Quran to the people at that time? IN
The Imam that told you “the current order is the correct order” ask him, why then did the Prophet compile
the Quran in the Order of Revelation? WHY!!!!!

1) Can you prove that Quran must be read in the order of revelation?
a) Yes, do you know what root words are? And how do we know what an Alphabet means?
The first time an alphabet appears in the Quran, where that alphabet begins the root of that word, that
word will teach us the meaning of that alphabet, confusing? Time for an example:
1) The first word Allah spoke in the Quran is “IQhRA”, Qh being the root of the word “IQhRA”, so
now we know Qh is for read / repeat / record, on the whole Qh means communication. Any word
that is related to communication will have Qh in it like Qhala, Qhul, Qhalath, Qhalam, Quran,
YaQhol and Qharinetc, you will also see Qh in the end of the word Kha-la-Qh (Construct) because
Allah creates by speaking – ('inna-maa 'amr -hu 'idhaaaraada shay'(an) 'an yaqol la- -hu kun fa-
yakon) – Surah Ya-seen Ayah 81(He speaks it(name) and it is)
2) Allah first created communication (the Alphabets) then Allah created the rest by joining the
alphabets to make words and then speaking it, for example: He made the tree, by joining the letters
Sha-Ja-Rah, then when He spoke Sha-Ja-Rah and there the tree came to life!
3) Now do you understand the importance of reading the Quran in the order of revelation?
4) Now which one of you will read the Quran in the order of Revelation and tell me the meaning of
Alif – Lam- Meim? WHAT!!!! Did they tell you that these Ayahs (Alif-Lam-Miem, Ta-Ha, Qaf…
Etc) have no meaning? Ask them why do Allah send an Ayah without a meaning? They hid it from
you to cover the truth
5) And this is one of the reason why no one can create an Ayah like the Quran! Perfect
root word / alphabet combination! Allah-Hu-Akbar!
6) Quran must be always read in this (in the order of revelation) perfect root word /
alphabet system or else it will negatively impact on you
Reference: Ask Yusuf Estes
2) Are you suggesting that the Quran has been changed or that there are mistakes in it?
a) NO way, why will I? No one can change the Quran but they have rearranged it! I am pointing out
mistakes in editing and splitting Ayah’s and harmful effects of reading the Quran in order other than it
was revealed [you know black magic? In it Quran is read in different order to call the Jinn / Angles - Surah
Baqara Ayah 101-102 (Even this Ayah Syrah Baqara 101-102 is split in the wrong way, see the below example
and analyze Surah Baqra 101-102, you will identify the mistake)]
For example:
Surah Hud Ayah 54 and 55 are split in a wrong way! See below Ayah 55th starts with “min doni -hi” actually “min
doni -hi” should be the ending of 54th Ayah.
Now this is how Magic is done! If you read “min doni -hi” in the 55th Ayah you have no defense against their evil
plotting against you, but if it is read at the end of the 54 th ayah! They can’t harm you at all! Read the translation
Surah Hud Ayah 54, 55 (Wrong splitting)
 54) We rather believe that perhaps some of our gods have afflicted you with evil." He said: "Allah is
my witness and let you also be my witness that I am done with you’re shirk of worshipping other
 55) WITH HIM. So let all of you scheme against me if you will, and give me no respite.

Do you know “With him” is purposely put there so that your Quran does not help you against them! Yes this is your
Rabb words and if you read it in the wrong order you will have bad effects, now read the ayah in the accurate way!
 54) We rather believe that perhaps some of our gods have afflicted you with evil." He said: "Allah
is my witness and let you also be my witness that I am done with you’re shirk of worshipping
others WITH HIM.
 55) So let all of you scheme against me if you will, and give me no respite.
 56) I have put my trust in Allah, Who is my Rabb and your Rabb. There is not a moving creature
but He hath grasp of its forelock.Verily it is my Rabb that is on the Straight Path (innarabb -e
calaas.iraat. mustaqem)
 If you further analyze the Ayah No: 54, you will see a small ‫ ال‬at the end of it (above the ‫)ن‬, now
they have removed it in many newly printed Qurans, so first they split it in a wrong way with the
‫ ال‬then after a few years they remove it, who might be doing all this…

One more example below Surah As-Saffat, Ayah 151-152

151: Surely, they invent a lie when they say:
152"Allah has children and they are utter liars." Alternate translation “Child of Allah and they are
Again The small ‫ ال‬at the end of Ayah 151 (above the ‫)ن‬, have been removed from new prints and this
is a very wrong way to split the Ayah, because if the verse 152 is taken separately, it means that Allah
has a child/children and they are liars. May Allah forgive us all, this is very wrong! Read below in
the correct way
It is from their own invention that they say: “Child / children of Allah” and they are fabricators.
(Surah As-Saffat - 151,152)

Quran in the Order of revelation to know the truth, again they first purposely spilt Ayah 151 and 152 and
they put the ‫( ال‬Means no to stop at the end of the Ayah) and now then they removed it… GET UP!!!!
3) Is not the Quran protected by Allah?
a) Yes, it is still protected, no one can change it, but they have rearranged it!!!
Please read the below Ayah, Surah Al-Hijr (Please refer Yusuf Ali translation and compare the
translation with other translators, also use Arabic Dictionary to exactly now the meaning of Muq-
 And say: "I am indeed a plain Warner, As We have sent down on the Muq-Ta-Sa-mee-na
(Distributing irregularly or arranging out of order). Who have made the Qur'ân into parts. So,
by your Rabb, We shall certainly call all of them to account, For all that they used to do.
(Surah Al-Hijr, Ayah: 89, 90, 91, 92, 93)
 (Yusuf Ali:Al-Hijr: ayah 90 )“(Of just such wrath) as We sent down on those who divided
(Scripture into arbitrary parts)” Arbitrary means: Random, Ununiformed, illogical
 The above Ayah clearly was not applicable at the time of Prophet as the Quran at that time
was in perfect order, but the Prophet said that this Ayah is predicting the future, In the above
Ayah it clearly proves that Quran will be rearranged from its right order!
 There is a big difference between changing and rearranging.

4) Are you an Israeli?

a) Seriously? Are you sure? Is this the best they can tell you about me?  . Now do they love Quran as I
do? If yes please tell them to read the Quran in the order of Revelation. On the Day of Judgment Allah
will let them know about me!
b) I am just a slave of Allah and I love Allah and I respect his words and I can’t sleep at night as his Ayah’s
are rearranged and no one seems to care! Why? Is it not a matter of concern? You need you first know
about Black Magic to seriously understand this
5) I am still not convinced!
a) Can I now ask if you are an Israeli –  just joking, ask yourself “Is there a problem to read the Quran
in the order of revelation?” NO! So do it you will see the difference and only then you will understand.
And Allah is perfect! He arranged the Quran perfectly, we don’t need any other order
b) The order of Surah are available on Wikipedia – Egyptian order

Now I will ask you a few Questions!!!

1. Do you have a name who rearranged the Quran? Your Quran was rearranged and you have no idea who
did it?
2. Do you know when it happened? Someone came and rearranged the Quran and no one even knows who
it was??????!!!!!!!! Tell them to tell you a name or something!!!!!!

Remember your Quran was not like this 1000 years before, the one who changed was not the
Prophet nor was he one of the companions nor was he from the Ta-bey-ein or Ta-bey-Ta-be-ein,
Who is he…?

Queries: Email me at: Mir (Mir _ _ Ali, there are two “_” underscores joined together)

What is your job now??? Do it if you fear Allah!!!!

Is this message worth translating and redistributing? If yes do it, Allah hears and see’s everything
and has everything and very creature in his control, He is the one who makes you laugh and weep.
Ee-Saa Ibn Maryam (SAWS) returns shortly….
May Allah be your guide!


Revealed Order
Surah Number in
Revealed in Wrong Order Surah Name Right Order
Mecca 96 Al-Alaq 1
Mecca 68 Al-Qalam 2
Mecca 73 Al-Muzzammil 3
Mecca 74 Al-Muddaththir 4
Mecca 1 Al-Fathiha 5
Mecca 111 Al-Lahab 6
Mecca 81 Al-Takwir 7
Mecca 87 Al-A'la 8
Mecca 92 Al-Lail 9
Mecca 89 Al-Fajr 10
Mecca 93 Ad-Duha 11
Mecca 94 Al-Sharh 12
Mecca 103 Al-Asr 13
Mecca 100 Al-Adiyat 14
Mecca 108 Al-Kauthar 15
Mecca 102 At-Takathur 16
Mecca 107 Al-Maun 17
Mecca 109 Al-Kafirun 18
Mecca 105 Al-Fil 19
Mecca 113 Al-Falaq 20
Mecca 114 An-Nas 21
Mecca 112 Al-Ikhlaas 22
Mecca 53 An-Najm 23
Mecca 80 Abasa 24
Mecca 97 Al-Qadr 25
Mecca 91 Ash-Shams 26
Mecca 85 Al-Buruj 27
Mecca 95 At-Tin 28
Mecca 106 Quraish 29
Mecca 101 Al-Qaria 30
Mecca 75 Al-Qiyamat 31
Mecca 104 Al-Humaza 32
Mecca 77 Al-Mursalat 33
Mecca 50 Qaf 34
Mecca 90 Al-Balad 35
Mecca 86 At-Tariq 36
Mecca 54 Al-Qamar 37
Mecca 38 Sad 38
Mecca 7 Al-Araf 39
Mecca 72 Al-Jinn 40
Mecca 36 Yasin 41
Mecca 25 Al-Furqan 42
Mecca 35 Fatir 43
Mecca 19 Maryam 44
Mecca 20 Ta-ha 45
Mecca 56 Al-Waqia 46
Mecca 26 Ash-Shuaraa 47
Mecca 27 An-Naml 48
Mecca 28 Al-Qasas 49
Mecca 17 Al-Israa 50
Mecca 10 Yunus 51
Mecca 11 Hud 52
Mecca 12 Yusuf 53
Mecca 15 Al-Hijr 54
Mecca 6 Al-Anam 55
Mecca 37 As-Saffat 56
Mecca 31 Luqman 57
Mecca 34 Saba 58
Mecca 39 Az-Zumar 59
Mecca 40 Al-Mumin 60
Mecca 41 Ha-Mim 61
Mecca 42 Ash-Shura 62
Mecca 43 Az-Zukhruf 63
Mecca 44 Ad-Dukhan 64
Mecca 45 Al-Jathiya 65
Mecca 46 Al-Ahqaf 66
Mecca 51 Az-Zariyat 67
Mecca 88 Al-Gashiya 68
Mecca 18 Al-Kahf 69
Mecca 16 An-Nahl 70
Mecca 71 Nuh 71
Mecca 14 Ibrahim 72
Mecca 21 Al-Anbiya 73
Mecca 23 Al-Muminun 74
Mecca 32 As-Sajda 75
Mecca 52 At-Tur 76
Mecca 67 Al-Mulk 77
Mecca 69 Al-Haqqa 78
Mecca 70 Al-Ma'arij 79
Mecca 78 An-Nabaa 80
Mecca 79 An-Naziyath 81
Mecca 82 Al-Infitar 82
Mecca 84 Al-Inshiqaq 83
Mecca 30 Ar-Rum 84
Mecca 29 Al-Ankabut 85
Mecca 83 Al-Mutaffifin 86
Madina 2 Al-Baqara 87
Madina 8 Al-Anfal 88
Madina 3 Al-ilamran 89
Madina 33 AlAhzab 90
Madina 60 Al-Mumtahana 91
Madina 4 Al-Nisaa 92
Madina 99 Al-Zalzala 93
Madina 57 Al-Hadid 94
Madina 47 Muhammed 95
Madina 13 Ar-Ra'd 96
Madina 55 Ar-Rahman 97
Madina 76 Ad-Dhar 98
Madina 65 At-Talaq 99
Madina 98 Al-Baiyina 100
Madina 59 Al-Hashr 101
Madina 24 An-Nur 102
Madina 22 Al-Hajj 103
Madina 63 Al-Munafiqun 104
Madina 58 Al-Mujadila 105
Madina 49 Al-Hujurat 106
Madina 66 At-Tahrim 107
Madina 64 At-Tagabun 108
Madina 61 As-Saff 109
Madina 62 Al-Jamu'a 110
Madina 48 Al-Fat-h 111
Madina 5 Al-Maida 112
Madina 9 At-Tauba 113
Madina 110 An-Nasr 114

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