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Kitah Dalet • Practice Play Lines each night

• Computation due Thursday
October 25-29 • Assigned Reading for book
group each night
Week 8 • Study Spelling/Vocab words

General Studies Judaics

• Reading groups have begun. In Judaics this week students will
continue learning and practicing the
Be sure your are reading long Ashrei prayer. We’ll both have
your daily assignment at brief tefillah in class, and 4th
home. graders will lead part of the
• We are moving into two upper-grade tefillah this
Thursday. We’ll begin to learn the
digit by 1 digit multiplication. ta’amei ha-mikrah (the Torah
Knowing math facts will trope, or symbols that indicate the
make this so much easier. melodic phrases used to chant
• We continue our study of Torah.) We’ll also spend a little bit
of time reading through the script
the early Middle Ages. of next month’s class play, as part
of the rehearsal process.--

In the past few weeks we have been working hard on our Chanukah
show's song!
Students are learning the words and tunes for the song "Lichvod
HaChanukah"' and are very excited to soon be video typed for the big
show! As you know, we are also working in 2 groups every class, when
one of them includes kids who are working on reading and writing skills
with Morah Elanit, and the other group is working with me on
conjugating verbs and making sentences, so we can express ourselves
better in Hebrew.

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