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Journal no.

1: My Story

If you would ask people around my community of who they think I am, there would
definitely be a variety of answers describing my personality and self in general. My
family would characterize me as someone who is caring yet has a dominant type of
personality at home. They would usually say in a jokingly manner that I do have two (2)
different set of personality at times. On some days, I would be a more serious and
sensible type of person especially when I’m focusing on stuff that matters to me. On the
other hand, they would also say that I would be more talkative and playful given that I
would love to play tricks on them and say jokes at the most random moments.

As for my friends, they would describe me as someone who is cheerful, outgoing,

funny, or even the group clown for that matter. In talks or in conversations, I am usually
the one who would do embarrassing things and jokes just to make my friends laugh
most of the time. Also, I am very sociable and friendly especially in physical settings
given that I have an extroverted character who would always giggle and smile.
Moreover, besides my comical aspects, they also see me as someone trustworthy and
responsible for keeping the group intact in all these years. Whenever they have
problems, they would usually go to me for them to rant and vent out.

For the people I have worked with, I think they would see me as a leader type of
person since I love leading people in working towards our specified goals. Also, they
would perhaps describe me as someone they can depend on whenever they need help
or clarification with the tasks that I have assigned to them.

In terms of preferences, the things that usually inspire me are stories of success
that have been built upon by grit and determination. I usually get motivated to do things
in life whenever I would think of the dreams and aspirations that I am currently working
on for my future. Every time I get tired or anxious, I would typically think of the people
supporting me along the way and the promises that I have made to myself ever since I
was a child. As for my pet peeves, I only have one major dislike which is a personality of
someone who doesn’t intend to improve or develop aspects of their lives. Personally, I
think this type of mindset can really be annoying at times given that it does have a lot of
implications on their personality as well.

With regards to my choice of program, I have always wanted to become a medical

doctor ever since I was young. I have always imagined myself treating other people of
their illnesses and conducting research for the advancement of clinical practices in the
modern world setting. Considering such implications in my high school years, I have
then decided to pursue BS Biology as my pre-medicine course in this prestigious
university. Furthermore, I chose Ateneo de Manila University given that I have heard
lots of stories testifying on how Ateneo genuinely cares for their students no matter
what. This statement definitely did make me continue my journey as an Atenean.

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