Assignment On Module 1

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Assignment on Module 1

Q.1) Convert the following sentences from Direct to Indirect speech:

a) He said, "I am playing with a blue ball."

He said he was playing with a blue ball.

b) Priya exclaimed, "The Taj Mahal is indeed breathtaking."

Priya exclaimed that the taj mahal was indeed breathtaking.

c) Ravi asked, "Is the meal ready?"

Ravi inquired is the meal ready.

Q.2) Convert the following sentences from Indirect to Direct speech

a) Ramesh said that he will be occupied from 1:00 p.m. till 4:00 p.m.
Ramesh said ,”I am occupied from 1:00 pm to 4 :00 pm.”

b) Mother says that we must not tell lies. 

Mother says, “we should not tell lies.”

c) Kamla asked about the weather. 

Kamla asked ,” how is the weather?”

Q.3) Convert the following from active to passive voice:

a) Did you make this painting?

Is the painting made by you?

b) Were you thinking about the future?

Were future being thought by you?

c) Ismail is booking tickets for the trip. 

The tickets for trip is booked by ismail.

Q.4) Convert the following from passive to active voice:

a) This goal was envisioned by our founder Dr. Mahato.

Dr. Mahato our founder envision this goal.

b) This floor plan was made by architect Anand. 

Architect anand plan this floor.

c) This summon was issued by the family court. 

Family court issue this summon.

Q.5) Identify the correct pair, bearing in mind the following:

Homophones - same pronunciation; different spellings, different meanings
Homographs - same spellings; different pronunciations, different meanings
Homonyms- same spellings, same pronunciations; different meanings

a) Select the correct pairs of homophones, and provide their meanings:  

write - right,  read - read, read - red, bear - bare, heir - air, hour - our, dear - deer. gate - gait

write – means to form letters or words used as a verb.

Right -  basically means correct

Bare – without anything covering it.

Bear – related to carrying.

Heir - someone legally entitled to property

Air – mixture of gases.

Hour – period of 60min.

Our – belonging to us.

Dear - dear means greatly loved or valued

Deer – kind of a animal .

Gait – stride
Gate- a barrier

Red – colour
Read - to say written words

b) Select the correct pair of homographs, and provide their meanings: 

dear - dear, orange - orange, affect - effect, fair - fare, clock - cloak, right - right, read - red, read
- read

right- direction
right- correct

dear - used at the beginning of a letter

dear – loved by

read – to say written word

read – a period or the action of reading

c) Select the correct pair of homonyms, and provide their meanings: 

wear - ware, quite - quiet, where - wear, peach - peach, orange-orange, swing - swing, run - run,
read - red, read - read
peach – fruit
peach – a pinkish orange colour

orange – fruit
orange – colour

swing – to try to hit somebody

swing – to move backward and forward

run – to organize
run- to move in a speed

Q.6) Convert the tense as indicated in the bracket:

a) The sun rose in the east., as it always does (future tense)

the sun will rise in the east as always.

b) I will submit this proposal tomorrow. (future continuous tense)

I will be submitting this proposal tomorrow.

c) I will be watching over the program. (present continuous tense)

I am watching the program .

d) Ram has been wanting to go to Agra. (simple present tense)

ram is waiting to go to Agra.

e) I will buy this by Thursday. (past perfect tense)

I had to bought this by Thursday .

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