1, Fuel System 2, Emmision Control System 3, Compostion of Fuels

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1,Ashenafi sisay…….

2,Begna buzuneh…..UGR/16833/11

3,Firaol olani





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 Any material that can be burned to release thermal energy is called a fuel.

Most familiar fuels consist primarily of hydrogen and carbon. They are

called hydrocarbon fuels and are denoted by the general formula Cn Hm.

Hydrocarbon fuels exist in all phases, some examples being coal, gasoline,

and natural gas.

The main constituent of coal is carbon. Coal also contains varying

amounts of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, moisture, and ash. It is difficult to give an

exact mass analysis for coal since its composition varies

considerably from one geographical area to the next and even within the

same geographical location. Most liquid hydrocarbon fuels are a mixture

of numerous hydrocarbons and are obtained from crude oil by distillation. The most

volatile hydrocarbons vaporize first, forming what we

know as gasoline. The less volatile fuels obtained during distillation are

kerosene, diesel fuel, and fuel oil. The composition of a particular fuel

depends on the source of the crude oil as well as on the refinery.

Although liquid hydrocarbon fuels are mixtures of many different hydrocarbons, they are

usually considered to be a single hydrocarbon for convenience. For example, gasoline is

treated as octane, C8H18, and the diesel

fuel as dodecane, C12H26. Another common liquid hydrocarbon fuel is

methyl alcohol, CH3OH, which is also called methanol and is used in some

gasoline blends. The gaseous hydrocarbon fuel natural gas, which is a mixture of

methane and smaller amounts of other gases, is often treated as

methane, CH4, for simplicity.

Natural gas is produced from gas wells or oil wells rich in natural gas. It

is composed mainly of methane, but it also contains small amounts of

ethane, propane, hydrogen, helium, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfate, and water

vapor. used in fleet vehicles, taxis, school buses,

and private cars. Ethanol is obtained from corn, grains, and organic waste.

Methonal is produced mostly from natural gas, but it can also be obtained

from coal and biomass. Both alcohols are commonly used as additives in

oxygenated gasoline and reformulated fuels to reduce air pollution.

 There so many kinds of fuels among which,

1, Haydro carbon fuel gasoline

2, Diesel fuel

3, Alternate fuels

4, other fuels are discussed as follows

 The main fuel for SI engines is gasoline, which is a mixture of many hydrocarbon

components and is manufactured from crude petroleum. Crude oil was first discovered in

Pennsylvania in 1859, and the fuel product line generated from it developed

along with the development of the IC engine. Crude oil is made up almost entirely

of carbon and hydrogen with some traces of other species. It varies from 83% to

87% carbon and 11% to 14% hydrogen by weight. The carbon and hydrogen can

combine in many ways and form many different molecular compounds. One test of

a crude oil sample identified over 25,000 different hydrocarbon components.

The crude oil mixture which is taken from the ground is separated into component

products by cracking and/or distillation using thermal or catalytic methods at

an oil refinery. Cracking is the process of breaking large molecular components into

more useful components of smaller molecular weight. Preferential distillation is

used to separate the mixtures into single components or smaller ranges of components.

 Generally, the larger the molecular weight of a component, the higher is its

boiling temperature. Low boiling temperature components (smaller molecular

weights) are used for solvents and fuels (gasoline), while high boiling temperature

components with their large molecular weights are used for tar and asphalt or

returned to the refining process for further cracking. The component mixture of the

refining process is used for many products, including: automobile gasoline, diesel fuel,

aircraft gasoline, jet fuel, home heating fuel, industrial heating fuel, natural gas,

lubrication oil, asphalt, alcohol, rubber, paint, plastics and explosives.

The availability and cost of gasoline fuel, then, is a result of a market competition with

many other products. This becomes more critical with the depletion of the

earth's crude oil reserves, which looms on the horizon.

Crude oil obtained from different parts of the world contains different amounts

and combinations of hydrocarbon species. In the United States, two general

classifications are identified: Pennsylvania crude and western crude. Pennsylvania crude

has a high concentration of paraffin’s with little or no asphalt, while western crude

has an asphalt base with little paraffin. The crude oil from some petroleum fields in

the Mideast is made up of component mixtures that could be used immediately for

IC engine functions.


 Diesel fuel (diesel oil, fuel oil) is obtainable over a large range of molecular weights

and physical properties. Various methods are used to classify it, some using numerical

scales and some designating it for various uses. Generally speaking, the greater

the refining done on a sample of fuel, the lower is its molecular weight, the lower is

its viscosity, and the greater is its cost. Numerical scales usually range from one (1)

to five (5) or six (6), with subcategories using alphabetical letters (e.g., AI, 2D, etc).

The lowest numbers have the lowest molecular weights and lowest viscosity. These

are the fuels typically used in CI engines. Higher numbered fuels are used in residential

heating units and industrial furnaces. Fuels with the largest numbers are very

viscous and can only be used in large, massive heating units. Each classification has

acceptable limits set on various physical properties, such as viscosity, flash point,

pour point, cetane number, sulfur content, etc.

Another method of classifying diesel fuel to be used in internal combustion

engines is to designate it for its intended use. These designations include bus, truck,

railroad, marine, and stationary fuel, going from lowest molecular weight to highest.

For convenience, diesel fuels for IC engines can be divided into two extreme

categories. Light diesel fuel has a molecular weight of about 170 and can be

approximated by the chemical formula C12.3H22.2. Heavy diesel fuel has a molecular

weight of about 200 and can be approximated as C14.6H24.8. Most diesel fuel used in

engines will fit in this range. Light diesel fuel will be less viscous and

easier to pump, will generally inject into smaller droplets, and will be more costly.

Heavy diesel fuel can generally be used in larger engines with higher injection pressures

and heated intake systems. Often an automobile or light truck can use a less costly

heavier fuel in the summer, but

 Sometime during the 21st century, crude oil and petroleum products will become

very scarce and costly to find and produce. At the same time, there will likely be an

increase in the number of automobiles and other IC engines. Although fuel economy of

engines is greatly improved from the past and will probably continue to be

improved, numbers alone dictate that there will be a great demand for fuel in the

coming decades. Gasoline will become scarce and costly. Alternate fuel technology,

availability, and use must and will become more common in the coming decades.

Although there have always been some IC engines fueled with non-gasoline
or diesel oil fuels, their numbers have been relatively small. Because of the high cost

of petroleum products, some third-world countries have for many years been using

manufactured alcohol as their main vehicle fuel.

Many pumping stations on natural gas pipelines use the pipeline gas to fuel the

engines driving the pumps. This solves an otherwise complicated problem of delivering

fuel to the pumping stations, many of which are in very isolated regions. Some

large displacement engines have been manufactured especially for pipeline work.

These consist of a bank of engine cylinders and a bank of compressor cylinders

connected to the same crankshaft and contained in a single engine block similar to a

V-style engine.

Another reason motivating the development of alternate fuels for the IC

engine is concern over the emission problems of gasoline engines. Combined with

other air-polluting systems, the large number of automobiles is a major contributor

to the air quality problem of the world. Vast improvements have been made in

reducing emissions given off by an automobile engine. If a 30% improvement is

made over a period of years and during the same time the number of automobiles in

the world increases by 30%, there is no net gain. Actually, the net improvement in

cleaning up automobile exhaust since the 1950s, when the problem became apparent, is

over 95%. However, additional improvement is needed due to the ever-increasing

number of automobiles.

A third reason for alternate fuel development in the United States and other

industrialized countries are the fact that a large percentage of crude oil must be

imported from other countries which control the larger oil fields. In recent years, up

to a third of the United States foreign trade deficit has been from the purchase of

crude oil, tens of billions of dollars.

Listed next are the major alternate fuels that have been and are being considered and

tested for possible high-volume use in automobile and other kinds of IC

engines. These fuels have been used in limited quantities in automobiles and small

trucks and vans. Quite often, fleet vehicles have been used for testing (e.g., taxies,

delivery vans, utility company trucks). This allows for comparison testing with similar

gasoline-fueled vehicles, and simplifies fueling of these vehicles.

It must be remembered that, in just about all alternate fuel testing, the engines

used are modified engines which were originally designed for gasoline fueling. They

are, therefore, not the optimum design for the other fuels. Only when extensive

research and development is done over a period of years will maximum performance and

efficiency be realized from these engines. However, the research and

development is difficult to justify until the fuels are accepted as viable for large numbers

of engines (the chicken-and-egg problem).

Some diesel engines are starting to appear on the market which uses dual fuel.

They use methanol or natural gas and a small amount of diesel fuel that is injected at

the proper time to ignite both fuels.

Most alternate fuels are very costly at present. This is often because of the

quantity used. Many of these fuels will cost much less if the amount of their usage

gets to the same order of magnitude as gasoline. The cost of manufacturing, distribution,

and marketing all would be less.

 Another problem with alternate fuels is the lack of distribution points (service
stations) where the fuel is available to the public. The public will be reluctant to purchase

an automobile unless there is a large-scale network of service stations

available where fuel for that automobile can be purchased. On the other hand, it is

difficult to justify building a network of these service stations until there are enough

automobiles to make them profitable. Some cities are starting to make available a

few distribution points for some of these fuels, like propane, natural gas, and

methanol. The transfer from one major fuel type to another will be a slow, costly,

and sometimes painful process.

 Note that the energy contents of alternative fuels per unit volume are

lower than that of gasoline or diesel fuel, and thus the driving range of a vehicle on a full

tank is lower when running on an alternative fuel.

Other Fuels

 Attempts to use many other types of fuel have been tried throughout the history of

IC engines. Often, this was done out of necessity or to promote financial gain by

some group. At present, a number of biomass fuels are being evaluated, mainly in

Europe. These include CI fuel oil made from wood, barley, soy beans, rape seed,

and even beef tallow. Advantages of these fuels generally include availability and

low cost, low sulfur, and low emissions. Disadvantages include low energy content

(heating value) and corresponding high specific fuel consumption.

For most of the 20th century, the two main fuels that have been used in internal

combustion engines have been gasoline (SI engines) and fuel oil (diesel oil for CI

engines). During this time, these fuels have experienced an evolution of composition

and additives according to the contemporary needs of the engines and environment.

In the latter part of the century, alcohol fuels made from various farm products and

other sources have become increasingly more important, both in the United States

and in other countries. With increasing air pollution problems and a petroleum

shortage looming on the horizon, major research and development programs are

being conducted throughout the world to find suitable alternate fuels to supply

engine needs for the coming decades.


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