Camarines Norte State College: F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte - 4600, Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

Facilitating Learning- Centered Teaching
Pedagogical Content Knowledge I
First Semester, AY 2020- 2021
Prelim Examination

Name: Celestino, Grazelle R. Score: _____________________

Course, Year Level & Block Section: BEED 3C Date: October 2, 2020

I. Identify the correct answer and send it by means of messenger.

Metacognition 1. Higher order thinking which involves active awareness and control over the
cognitive processes engaged in learning.
Meta-memory 2. The awareness of memory strategies that work best for the learner.
Person variables 3. Knowledge about how human beings learn and process information, as
well as individual knowledge of one’s own learning processes.
Bioecological systems theory 4. This theory presents child development within the context
of relationship systems that comprise the child’s environment.
Learning/Thinking styles 5. It refers to the preferred way an individual processes
Visual learners 6. These learners must see their teacher’s actions and facial expressions to
fully understand the content of a lesson.
Visual-Iconic 7. These type of learners are more interested in visual imagery such as film,
graphic displays, or pictures in order to solidify learning.
Visual symbolic 8. These learners feel comfortable with abstract symbolism such as
mathematical formula or the written word.
Auditory Learners 9. These learners learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking
things through and listening to what others have to say.
The ‘listeners” 10. These learners carry on mental conversations and figure out how to
extend what they learned by reviewing in their heads what they heard others say.
II. Write True if the statement is correct, and False if it is wrong. Send your answer thru
True 11. The learning of a complex subject matter is most effective when it is an intentional
process of constructing meaning from information and experience.
True 12. An unsuccessful learner cannot create meaningful and coherent representations of
knowledge despite support and instructional guidance.
False 13. The successful learner cannot link new information with existing knowledge in
meaningful ways.
True 14. Exposing students to others with diverse backgrounds and experiences also serves
to help students focus on their awareness of themselves.
False 15. Student diversity does not prepare students for their role as responsible members
of society.
True 16. Learning disabilities involve difficulties in specific cognitive processes like
perception, language, memory or metacognition.
False 17. Giftedness involves a significantly low level of cognitive development.
True 18. This theory of behaviorism emphasizes that behavior is most likely learned through
conditioning and reinforcement.
False 19. Teachers must model inappropriate behaviors and take care that they do not model
appropriate behaviors.
True 20. Law of proximity states that when objects are near each other, we perceive them as
belonging together.
III. Choose the best answer for the following questions and send it by means of messenger.
A 21. This law/principle says that elements that look familiar will be perceived as part of the
same form
A. Law of Similarity C.Law of Closure
B. Law of Good Continuation D. law of Proximity
C 22. This law/principle says that people tend to fill the gaps or close the figures we perceive
A. Law of Similarity C.Law of Closure
B. Law of Good Continuation D. law of Proximity
B 23. This law/principle says that individuals have the tendency to continue contours
whenever the elements of the pattern establish an implied direction.
A.Law of Similarity C.Law of Closure
B.Law of Good Continuation D. law of Proximity
D 24. This law/principle says that stimulus will be organized into as good a figure as possible.
A.Law of Similarity C.Law of Closure
B.Law of Good Continuation D. law of Good Pragnanz
A 25. This type of knowledge believes that knowledge is useful in many tasks or only in one.
A. General vs Specific C. Declarative
B. Procedural D. Episodic

C 26. This type of knowledge refers to factual knowledge.

A. General vs Specific C. Declarative
B. Procedural D. Episodic
B 27. This type of knowledge includes knowledge on how to do things.
A. General vs Specific C. Declarative
B. Procedural D. Episodic
D 28. This type of knowledge includes memories of life events.
A. General vs Specific C. Declarative
B. Procedural D. Episodic
D 29. This type of knowledge is about knowing when and why to apply declarative or
procedural strategies.
A. General vs Specific C. Declarative
B. Procedural D. Conditional
A 30. This method for increasing retrieval of information is done by repeating information
verbatim, either mentally or aloud.
A. Rehearsal C. Meaningful learning
B. Organization D. Elaboration
IV. Answer the following questions: (5 points each)
31-35. Explain the meaning of the statement “the learning of a complex subject
matter is most effective when it is an intentional process of constructing meaning from
information and experience.”
In the statement It stated that: teachers had laid out a process or goal and
objectives for their students it is called “intentional process”, an effective process of
learning and teaching where the teacher helps the students thoroughly and make them
learn more effectively, on the other hand the students will construct meaning and
understanding on their own but with the guidance of their teachers.

36-40. How a good working knowledge of the learners’ development makes one
an effective facilitator of learning?
If the learners outcome has a positive value in terms experiencing the
knowledge that they gained, the skills that they will acquire in every activities will have
a positive contribution and collaboration, the values that molds their personalities will
be more specific and batter than usual, and when they understand the things that have
been taught to them. An effective facilitator can be determined in the outcomes of their
learners or the things that their learners learned, you are an effective teacher if your
students learn.
41-45.How student diversity prepares learners for their role as responsible
members of society?
It makes the students accept the different aspects of diversity in
everyone. Because, in a classroom they developed some things not only their
cognitive skills but also their non-cognitive skills wherein they can relate things to
reality. They can use what they learned to accept the fact that everyone is different and
everyone has their own role in the society, whether it is at school or in their homes.

46-50.Why is it necessary for a future teacher to have both the right information
and proper attitude in dealing with special learners?
It is necessary for future teachers to know both the right
information and proper attitude in dealing with special learners because it will help
them to adjust and handle their special need, it will also make the special learners to
be comfortable around them and will enjoy learning.

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