P300 Subcomponents in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

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Journal of Psychiatric Research 36 (2002) 399–406


P300 subcomponents in obsessive-compulsive disorder

Paraskevi Mavrogiorgoua, Georg Juckela,*, Thomas Frodla, Jürgen Gallinata,
Walter Haukeb, Michael Zaudigb, Gerhard Dammannc, Hans-Jürgen Möllera,
Ulrich Hegerla
Department of Psychiatry, Section of Clinical Neurophysiology and Outpatient Clinic for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Ludwig-Maximilians
University Munich, Germany
Psychosomatic Clinic, Windach, Germany
Institute for Psychosomatic Medicine, Technical University Munich, Germany

Received 4 March 2002; received in revised form 5 August 2002; accepted 7 August 2002

Hyperactivity in the frontal cortex, leading to acceleration of attentional and cognitive processes, is discussed as pathogenetic
factor in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), as supported by findings of neuroimaging studies. This dysfunction in patients with
OCD could be reflected by the auditory event-related P300 component, since one subcomponent of the P300, the so-called P3a, is
mainly generated in frontal regions. The P300 of 21 patients with OCD free of medication and 21 age- and sex-matched healthy
controls was studied, and dipole source analysis was used, allowing the separation of the subcomponents P3a and P3b with high
reliability. No difference concerning the P3a between OCD and healthy subjects was found. OCD patients, however, showed a
larger P3b amplitude and a shorter P3b latency (only right hemisphere) as well as a shorter reaction time to target tones as the
healthy controls. Since the P3b, generated mainly in the temporo-parietal junction, is related to attentional and higher cognitive
functions, whereas the P3a is more related to unspecific orienting reactions, the P3b abnormalities found in these patients could be
an electrophysiological correlate of overfocussed attention and faster cognitive processes in OCD, possibly due to higher arousal
and noradrenergic function. Regarding the findings with small P300 amplitudes and long latencies in most of the other psychiatric
patients, it is remarkable that OCD is one of the few psychaitric diseases being characterized by larger P3b amplitudes and shorter
# 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Obsessive-compulsive disorder; Event-related potentials; P300; Cognitive dysfunction; Neuroanatomy

1. Introduction disorders, including seizure disorders (Levine & Duch-

owny, 1991), head trauma (McKeon et al., 1984) and
In the last 10 years, remarkable advances in the diseases with basal ganglia abnormalities like Syden-
understanding of the neurobiological underpinnings of ham’s chorea (Swedo et al., 1989), Huntington’s disease
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as well as in the (Cummmings and Cunningham, 1992) and Tourette’s
development of effective therapeutic possibilities of this syndrom (Pauls et al., 1986). Further evidence for neu-
former treatment-refractory disease have been made. roanatomical abnormalities in OCD was supported by
First hints for neuroanatomical abnormalities in OCD findings that psychosurgical disconnection of orbito-
were given by the well-known association between OCD frontal regions from limbic, thalamic, and possibly
and some neurological disorders. It was often found striatal structures, improved OCD-symptomatology in
that OCD symptoms are associated with neurological severe-ill patients (Mindus et al., 1994). It has been,
therefore, suggested that disturbances in loops including
the orbitofrontal cortex could be responsible for symp-
* Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Psy- toms of OCD.
chiatry, Charite, Humboldt University, Schumannstrasse 20/21, 10117
Berlin, Germany. Tel.: +49-30-450-517-042/062 ; fax: +49-450-517-
PET (positron emission tomography) and SPECT
962. (single photon emission computed tomography) studies
E-mail address: georg.juckel@charite.de (G. Juckel). revealed functional abnormalities in the orbitofrontal-
0022-3956/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0022-3956(02)00055-9
400 P. Mavrogiorgou et al. / Journal of Psychiatric Research 36 (2002) 399–406

basal ganglia-thalamic loop of patients with OCD. generators of P3b (Menon et al., 1997, Linden et al.,
Concerning the frontal lobe, an increased glucose 1999, Kirino et al., 2000). Dipole source analysis allows
metabolism in PET was found in the orbitofrontal cor- to separate the overlapping P300 subcomponents and
tex of OCD patients (Baxter et al., 1987; Swedo et al., clearly increases the reliability of P300 parameters as
1989). Corresponding to that, SPECT measurements compared to single channel analysis or principal com-
showed an enhanced blood flow in the frontal cortex ponent analysis (Hegerl and Frodl-Bauch, 1997). While
(Insel, 1992; Rubin et al., 1992). Regional blood flow in doing this, the potential distribution at the scalp in the
orbitofrontal regions also increased after symptom pro- time range of P300 can be explained by the activity of
vocation of patients with OCD (Rauch et al., 1994; two dipoles per hemisphere: the activity of a temporo-
Cottraux et al., 1996). This hyperactivity in frontal superior dipole with a frontal orientation which reflect
regions in OCD patients could be related to findings of the P3a subcomponent and the somewhat later activity
overfocussed attention as well as faster cognitive pro- of a temporo-basal dipole reflects the P3b sub-
cesses in OCD (Cohen et al., 1997), since the frontal and component (Tarkka et al., 1995; Hegerl and Frodl-
prefrontal cortex are well-known to be involved in Bauch, 1997).
focussing attention and in performing a broad range of Purpose of the present study was to investigate the
cognitive processes. P300 subcomponents, separated by dipole source ana-
In order to get a functional measure of cortical lysis, in OCD patients, compared to healthy controls.
hyperactivity in OCD patients, the P300 component of Investigation of the P300 subcomponents was never
auditory event-related potentials (ERP) is an interesting performed in OCD patients. It was hypothezied that the
tool, since P300 might be generated by several cortical hyperactivity in the frontal cortex, leading to accelera-
regions including the frontal cortex (Molnar, 1994), and tion of attentional and cognitive processes in OCD
this wave is related to cognitive and attentional pro- patients is reflected by a large amplitude and a short
cesses (Donchin and Coles, 1988; Verleger, 1988). Only latency of subcomponent P3a, which is mainly gener-
few studies have investigate ERPs in patients with OCD ated in frontal regions.
with conflicting results. Cielselski et al. (1981) and
Beech et al. (1983) recorded visual ERPs in a visuospa-
tial tasks of shape discrimination with increasing level 2. Materials and methods
difficulty. They found reduced N200 and P300 ampli-
tudes as well as latencies in the OCD patients, especially 2.1. Subjects
when the difficulty of the task increased. This in line
with the findings of Malloy et al. (1989). Using a audi- Twenty-one patients (12 men, 9 women, aged 17–57
tory oddball paradigm, Towey et al. (1990, 1993) years, mean 33.9  12.0) hospitalized in a special ward
reported shorter N200 and P300 latencies in unmedi- for OCD (Psychosomatic Clinic Windach) were inclu-
cated OCD patients than in healthy controls. Shorter ded in the study. They met the DSM-IV and ICD-10
latencies of auditory event-related P300 were also found criteria for OCD and had no additional major psychia-
by Morault et al. (1997), de Groot et al. (1997) and tric disorders, drug or ethanol addiction or neurological
Miyata et al. (1998) in patients with OCD. In contrast, impairment. The OCD patients were included after a 2-
Sanz et al. (2001) found longer P300 latencies and lower week period free of psychotropic drugs. No serious
P300 amplitudes in drug-free OCD patients. depressive symptoms were found in these patients
The relevance of P300 component for clinical and [10.7  7.0 points on the 17-item Hamilton Depression
research aspects is, however, limited by methodological Rating Scale (HDRS)]. OCD symptomatology was in
problems such as low reliability, which may be respon- the middle range, as assessed by the Yale-Brown
sible for conflicting results in P300 studies. One of the Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) (17.7  8.2
reasons for low reliability of P300 could be the fact of points).
overlapping subcomponents (P3a, P3b) of P300 recor- As controls, 21 healthy subjects (12 men, 9 women,
ded at the scalp. These may reflect functionally different mean aged 36.4  10.9) matched by age and sex to the
psychological and physiological processes. Only one of patients were studied. They had no history of any psy-
these subcomponents, the P3b, might be closely related chiatric, addiction or neurological disorder.
to higher cognitive functions, while the P3a is associated Possible auditory dysfunctions in the OCD patients
with unspecific orienting reactions. Furthermore, P3a and in the healthy subjects were excluded by measuring
has been discussed in the literature as a component with hearing thresholds. Each group consisted of 20 right
a more frontal distribution as P3b, which is generated in and one left handed subjects according to the Edin-
the temporo-parietal junction and is the main P300 burgh Handedness Scale (Oldfield, 1971).
subcomponent (Ruchkin et al., 1987; Molnar, 1994; All subjects gave their informed consent after the
Halgren et al., 1998). Thus, recent imaging studies study design and the procedures had been fully
revealed frontal generators of P3a and temporo-parietal explained to them. The study was approved by the local
P. Mavrogiorgou et al. / Journal of Psychiatric Research 36 (2002) 399–406 401

ethic committee and was carried out in accordance with mined by a direct linear approach, as described by
the Declaration of Helsinki. (Somerset West 1996) Scherg and Picton (1991). Dipole source analysis was
performed for the individual data using a dipole con-
2.2. P300 method figuration calculated on the basis of a grand average
data set of healthy subjects (Hegerl and Frodl-Bauch,
A detailed description of the P300 method is given in 1997) without individually fitting this dipole configur-
Hegerl and Frodl-Bauch (1997). Shortly, an oddball ation. The P300 interval was defined starting 40 ms after
paradigm with 80% non-target stimuli (400 sinus tones, the individual P2 peak and with a length of 166 ms. The
500 Hz) and 20% target stimuli (100 sinus tones, 1000 P300 dipole amplitudes were defined as the most posi-
Hz) presented binaurally through headphones in tive peak. The latency was measured as the time
pseudo-randomized order was used (80 dB SPL, 40 ms between stimulus onset and the most positive peak
duration with 10 ms rise and fall time, interstimulus within the P300 time window. The magnitude of the
interval 1.5 s). Subjects were seated with their eyes dipole activity (source potential) was measured in units
closed in a reclining chair and had to press a button of nano-Ampere-meters (nAm). Since there was no dif-
with their dominant hand after target stimuli without ference between P300 dipole amplitudes and latencies
any instruction about speed. There was no differences of from left and right hemisphere, mean values were cal-
correct and erroneous motor responses between healthy culated and further analyzed. Reaction times were cal-
and OCD subjects. culated as mean time between appearance of the target
Evoked responses were recorded with 32 electrodes stimulus and the reaction of the volunteers by pressing
(29 Zn-electrodes of an electrocap and three additional the button. It has to be mentioned that the dipole ana-
Zn-electrodes at nasion and the mastoids, all referenced lysis is well suited for separating overlapping sub-
to Cz). Electrodes were positioned according to the components and combine the information of many
international 10–20 system. A coronal line of four elec- channels. However, the dipole localization do not
trodes was added between frontal and central electrodes necessary indicate the localization of P300 generators.
locations, another coronal line of four electrodes was
added between central and parietal electrode locations, 2.3. Statistical analysis
and one electrode was added at inion. The electro-
encephalogram was amplified with bandpass filters of The statistical analyses were implemented using the
0.16–70 Hz (sampling rate=256 Hz). The electro- SPSS/PC package. Student t-test (two-tailed) were used
oculogram was recorded with Fp1, Fp2 and at the for comparing group means. Values are expressend as
nasion. For artifact rejection, trials were excluded if means  standard deviation. For correlating electro-
their voltage exceeded  50 mV in any one of the 31 physiological with clinical variables, Pearson and
channels at any time point during the averaging epoch Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated.
(from 200 ms pre-stimulus to 800 ms post-stimulus). MANOVA was used for covariance analyses. P-values
The epochs were averaged separately for the target and less than 0.05 were considered as statistically significant.
non-target stimuli. The averaged data were digitally fil-
tered (0.5–20 Hz). Target P300 values were transformed
to average reference data so that they could be eval- 3. Results
uated with BESA (Brain Electrical Source Analysis). In
BESA, prestimulus baseline correction ( 200 to 0 ms) The subcomponents of the auditory event-related
and data reduction from 256 to 97 data points took P300, the P3a and the P3b, were separated by the dipole
place. source analysis in the OCD patients as shown in Fig. 1.
Dipole source analysis was performed with BESA 94,31% of the variance of the P300 (unexplained var-
(Scherg and von Cramon, 1985, distributed by MEGIS), iance 5.69%) recorded at the scalp could be explained
which can be used to distinguish temporally overlapping by two dipoles per hemisphere. The temporo-superior
activities recorded from scalp electrodes. The scalp- dipole represents activity corresponding to the P3a
recorded data are calculated in the dipole source activity (frontal generator), and the temporo-basal dipole
of a given a number of dipoles using a four-shell head represents that of the P3b (temporo-parietal generator).
model. The dipoles are thought to represent the activity There was no significant influence of covariables like
of circumscribed cortical areas. Therefore, they change sex, duration of illness, or education level on the elec-
dipole strength over time, but not location or orienta- trophysiological variables (amplitudes and latencies of
tion. The optimal location and orientation of the P3a and P3b) in either the patients or the healthy sub-
dipoles are found by an iterative process (simplex algo- jects. In the healthy subjects, there were no significant
rithm) optimizing the residual variance (variance of the correlation coefficients between age and the P3a and
measured scalp-recorded data unexplained by the dipole P3b latencies (P3a latency: r= 0.31, n.s.; P3b latency:
model), whereas the dipole source potentials are deter- r=0.25, n.s.), but significantly positive coefficients were
402 P. Mavrogiorgou et al. / Journal of Psychiatric Research 36 (2002) 399–406

P3b amplitude (r= 0.29) or the P3b latency (right

hemisphere, r=0.22). Severity of depressed symptoms
(HDRS) were also not significantly correlated to the
P3b amplitude (r= 0.19) and latency (r=0.25).

3.3. Reaction time

The reaction time (measured as time until the pressing

of the button to the target tone) was significantly
shorter in the OCD patients (295.3 48.8 ms) as in the
healthy subjects (359.7  66.2 ms, P=0.001). This was
also true in the covariance analysis with the factor age
(F1/41=11.9, P=0.001).

4. Discussion

Our hypothesis that unmedicated OCD patients were

Fig. 1. Dipole source potential model of the auditory event-related
characterized by a large amplitude and short latency of
P300 for the grand average data in 21 OCD-patients. Dipole solutions P3a subcomponent, which mainly reflects the frontal
were computed for the time interval of 269–435 ms. With two dipoles hyperactivity, could not be confirmed since we found no
per hemisphere, a temporo-basal (1+2) and a temporo-superior dipole difference in P3a component between patients and
(3+4), 94.31% of the variance of the P300 recorded at the scalp could healthy controls. This negative finding could have sev-
be explained (unexplained variance 5.69%).
eral explanations. The orbitofrontal cortex, whose
activity was mainly found to be changed in OCD
found in the OCD patients (P3a latency: r=0.48, patients, is located deeply in the ventromedial anterior
P=0.03; P3b latency: r=0.63, P=0.002). part of the brain. Neuronal activity of the orbitofrontal
cortex can probably not be recorded by scalp electrodes.
3.1. Amplitude and latency of the temporo-superior Thus, the temporo-superior dipole (P3a), which is cal-
dipole (P3a) culated for the scalp data, is unable to reflect activity
from this brain area. On the other hand, it is not unli-
Concerning the amplitude of the temporo-superior kely in general that the P3a component is generated by
dipole (P3a), there was no difference between the OCD other parts of the frontal cortex, for example, the dor-
patients (3.2  1.9 nAm) and the healthy subjects solateral prefrontal cortex or cingulate gyrus, but not
(3.2  3.1 nAm, n.s.). Similarly, the latency of the tem- the orbitofrontal cortex. Furthermore, it can not be
poro-superior dipole did not differ between OCD excluded, that the temporo-superior dipole in our dipole
patients (310.5 35.1 ms) and controls (311.7  28.2 ms; solution is more related to activity of the upper tem-
n.s.). poral lobe than to that of the frontal lobe. And possibly,
this negative finding could result from the relatively
3.2. Amplitude and latency of temporo-basal dipole small variance explained by the temporo-superior dipole
(P3b) (Hegerl and Frodl-Bauch, 1997). Finally, the negative
result concerning the P3a could also mean that the gen-
The amplitude of the temporo-basal dipole (P3b) were eral orienting reaction to a target stimulus, reflected by
significantly larger in OCD patients (7.5  2.9 nAm) as the P3a, is not disturbed in OCD patients.
in healthy controls (5.8  2.0 nAm; P=0,033; Fig. 2). The main result of this study is, however, that only
The latency of this dipole (P3b) was shorter in the OCD one subcomponent of the P300, the P3b (temporo-basal
patients (310.2  32.5 ms) as in the controls (323.0 25.0 dipole), indicates certain abnormalities in OCD
ms; P=0.16), but this was statistically significant only patients. Since the P3b subcomponent is related to
for the right hemisphere (OCD patients: 299.8  34.7 higher cognitive functions, larger P3b amplitudes and
ms, controls: 321.5  29.1 m, P=0.034; Fig. 3). In the shorter P3b latencies (right hemisphere) as well as
covariance analyses, these differences between OCD shorter reaction times in OCD patients as in healthy
patients and healthy controls remained statistically sig- subjects (even controlled for the possible covariable age)
nificant (P3b ampitude: F1/41=4.2, P=0.048; P3b could be an electrophysiological correlate of over-
latency (right hemisphere: F1/41=4.2, P=0.047). There focussed attention and faster cognitive processes.
was no significant correlation coefficients between the Our finding of larger P3b amplitudes in OCD patients
severity of OCD symptomatology (Y-BOCS) and the compared to normals is noteworthy for several reasons.
P. Mavrogiorgou et al. / Journal of Psychiatric Research 36 (2002) 399–406 403

Fig. 2. Comparison of the P3b amplitude (temporo-basal dipoles) in OCD patients and healthy controls.

Fig. 3. Comparison of the P3b latency (temporo-basal dipoles) in OCD patients and healthy controls.
404 P. Mavrogiorgou et al. / Journal of Psychiatric Research 36 (2002) 399–406

Firstly, such a finding in the auditory modality has not Recording visual ERP in visuospatial tasks of shape
been reported for OCD patients previously. Enhanced discrimination with increasing difficulty, shorter P300
amplitudes were found for other auditory ERP compo- latencies were found by Cielselski et al. (1981) and
nents as the P300, especially for the N200 (Towey et al., Beech et al. (1983). The difference between OCD
1990, 1993; de-Groot et al., 1997; Miyata et al., 1998). patients and healthy controls was more marked, when
Only Sanz et al. (2001) reported smaller P300 ampli- the difficulty of the task increased. In both auditory and
tudes in unmedicated OCD patients as in healthy con- visual modality, short P300 latencies were observed in
trols, but they did not used subcomponent analysis. As OCD patients, independently whether difficulty or
mentioned earlier, reduced P300 amplitudes of the complexity of the task increased. As well as in the case
visual modality in OCD patients were found in three of large P3b amplitudes in OCD, the finding of shorter
studies (Cielselski et al., 1981; Beech et al., 1983; Malloy P300 latencies in these patients is interesting, since
et al., 1989). This is in contrast to our finding, but dif- patients with schizophrenia, depression or dementia
ferences in modality should be taken into account. show, if there was any difference, longer P300 latencies
Additionally, the patients in these two studies using than healthy subjects (Roth et al., 1981; Gordon et al.,
visual ERP were medicated with unknown types of 1986; Patterson et al., 1988; Kalayam et al., 1998). This
medication, while we studied unmedicated patients, as pattern of short P300 latencies, which could be specific
well as severity of illness was not reported. Secondly, the for OCD, is also supported by shorter reaction times
finding of larger P300 amplitudes in OCD patients is found in our patients, as compared to the controls.
noteworthy, because most of the other psychiatric Reaction times were often found to be prolonged in
patients, such as schizophrenic or depressive patients, psychiatric patients, for example, schizophrenic patients
exhibit smaller P300 amplitudes as normal subjects (Frodl et al., 1998).
(Strik et al., 1993; Juckel et al., 1996; Wagner et al., Furthermore, it can not be excluded that the abnorm-
1997). There are also several studies reporting reduced alities in P3b amplitude and latency, found here in OCD
P300 amplitudes in patients with Alzheimer’s disease patients, reflect structural or functional disturbances in
(Pfefferbaum et al., 1990; Polich et al., 1990), with Par- temporo-parietal or temporo-basal areas in these
kinson‘s disease (Raudino et al., 1997) and with alcohol patients. This is supported by several neuroimaging stud-
addiction (Hesselbrock et al., 1993, Polich et al., 1994, ies showing hyperperfusion or activation in the medial
Cohen et al., 1995). Large P300 amplitudes do not seem temporal lobe of OCD patients (Horwitz et al., 1991;
to be fully specific for OCD, since it was found that Rauch et al., 1997) and by neuropsychological and EEG
patients with panic disorder and cycloid psychosis also studies (Christensen et al., 1992; Perros et al., 1992).
exhibited larger P300 amplitudes than healthy volun- To sum up, the electrophysiological characteristics of
teers (Clark et al., 1996; Strik et al., 1997). However, a large P3b amplitude, a short P3b latency and a short
this was only true in the patients with panic disorder for reaction time in OCD is remarkable since OCD seems
the P3a subcomponent. Finally, a high P3b amplitude to be one of the few psychaitric diseases being char-
indicates an enhanced level of arousal in OCD patients acterized by larger P3b amplitudes and shorter latencies.
which fits very well to the clinical symptoms of these The finding of higher P3b amplitudes in OCD should be
patients, expressing overfocussed attention. Hyperar- replicated. It can be speculated whether auditory ERP,
oused states are related to a highly activated nora- analyzed by dipole source analysis, is an useful tool to
drenergic system (Foote et al., 1993). Interestingly, the answer certain diagnostic questions as, for example, to
noradrenergic system is mainly involved in the genera- distinguish between OCD and mild schizophrenia with
tion of P300 waves (Pineda et al., 1989; Swick et al., motor stereotypes, as well as to have an objective
1994) that its activation leads to enlarged P300 ampli- measure of the response to pharmacological or beha-
tudes (O’Neill et al., 2000) vioral therapy in OCD. The present ERP study finally
Our finding of shorter P3b latencies in OCD patients give further functional evidence for the hypothesis of
as in normal subjects corresponds to the results of pre- cortical hyperactivity associated with faster cognitive
vious ERP studies, mentioned earlier, in such patients processes and overfocussed attention in OCD.
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