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Contingency plan

What are your plans for if something goes wrong?

My plan is to do test shoots before shooting my production and taking shoots of a practice scenes to
make sure I get the correct camera angels and see which work best. This means be more prepared
shooting my actual short film and music video. I also have written out a rough idea of what order to
put my footage in so when it comes to editing, I should have more of an idea of where to place each
interview. Before interviewing and filming I am going to make sure I have full charge on my camera
and confirmed the day before with the people I am filming. I will also bring a charger with me. If
there is background noise, I will stop filming and wait for it to pass. I also have addition lighting for
the interview. I am going check there is enough space to set up in each location. If something goes
wrong, I have addition footage and have planned in my schedule for extra time to re-shoot anything.

What back up actors do I have?

To avoid not being able to film with classmates who also need to film in the same locations. I asked
them well before the production however if they are unable to film, due to illness I have notified
other family member that would be happy to help film my production.

Locations and equipment do you have?

Most of my scenes will be shoot outside so the weather could be an issue however I could adapt my
scene to film inside if needed. However, if there are any issues with my camera on the day of filming,
I have a backup camera. I also have two tripods to make sure I am fully prepared for anything that
may or may not happen. I am going to drive to my grandmas, if the car is unavailable, I can easily get
public transport with my all my stuff. I will have to travel to film, and I have booked in advance. If the
government rules change and I cannot go to London or Brighton, make it more local.

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