Joint Jacked Strength Series Free PDF

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Daily mobility training

focused on

strengthening your

joints to maximize

body control,

strength, flexibility

and USABLE ranges

of motion.
If you're reading this, you're no stranger to a barbell. You're familiar and

comfortable in the gym. You've put in your dues. You squat. You deadlift.

You press. You sweat and bled and fought through the rough days. And if

you're anything like me, the training never stops. Through all my time as a

World-Level Ice Hockey Player and Olympic Weightlifter, stretching was

something we did for a few minutes before and after training. It was never

focused and it was always reactive instead of proactive. You stretched and

rolled out your quads because they were tight from the day before. Then I got

injured. My Weightlifting career was put to a dead stop and I was forced to

stand by as my Olympic Dreams crumble. But instead of dwelling on things, I

wanted to understand what actually happened to my body. What caused the

breakdown in my system that lead to my career-ending injury. So, I got down

to the bare bones of my movement patterns ... Literally! I soon realized the

ONE major fault in my entire athlete career:

Where was the programming dedicated to maintaining the health and stability

of the foundation of my entire system?

My body broke because it was playing a long game of "What Can

Overcompensate Next". And let me tell you, no one wins!

I learned that it's necessary to consistently take steps away from our sport

training to ensure that our top priority is being an efficient human being, not

just being an efficient clean and jerker or goal scorer. We need to actively

work on building our body's capacities to handle force before we just throw

load at it. THIS is why I created "Joint Jacked"!

In this program, we focus on getting your body moving the way it was meant

to move. We need to teach your body to EXPAND your current range of

motion capacities, CREATE new ROM, and CONTROL those ranges in every

way possible.

The filter we use to learn mechanics (afference) comes from our tissues.

Tissues create joints - the moveable points in your body. The premise of

Joint Jacked allows you the opportunity to move within your joints, at the

very end ranges of motion, to create a better and more stable human. The

healthier you can make your joints, the more clear the feedback is coming

from the joint into the brain. The more clear the feedback, the better you can

control yourself in each and every position.

We must now look at Joint Training as a potential fountain of youth for our

strength capabilities. We must understand that "A degree of freedom is an

opportunity to do work." If you have the room to improve your ability to use

energy, dissipate energy, and express force - you have the room to skyrocket

your success.
Through this free Strength Series class, you will gain access to a HIP focused

sample of Joint Jacked workouts, aimed to open up new stable range of

motion in your hips. Having tight and immobile hips can lead to knee pain,

back pain, and even collapsed arches. You may experience pinching in the

front side of the hip floxor in the bottom of a squat or a tug on the tailbone if

your hips are not free to rotate.

Our bonus classes include training for your shoulders, spine, and ankles. All

aimed at getting you moving with more usable active range of motion

throughout all of your lifts.

Purchase the entire series HERE for just $29.99


100% is 100% to your body. Whether you're attempting a 1RM back

squat or a 100% full effort set of PAILs and RAILs, your body has no way

to distinguish the difference of intended work. That being said, make sure

you're not working up to 100% for multiple days in a row with the same

tissue. Vary the work being done and the tissue will respond more

positively. A training week should look something like this:

Monday: Hips @100%

Tuesday: Hips @60%

Wednesday: Shoulders @100%

Thursday: Shoulders @60%

Friday: Ankles @100%

Saturday: Spine @80%

Sunday: Ankles @ 60%

Use this program AFTER training or on a rest day. The soreness is unlike

anything you've felt before

RAILS - The RAILs portion of our training is only INTENDED to have

movement. There should be little to no space in your attempt to "lift" your

body. Since you are in your deepest range of motion, it should be almost

impossible to utilize the SHORT end range. THIS is what gets you those

mobility gains

The whole purpose of this program is to work within your own ranges of

motion and work to improve on those, not trying to lift your leg as high as

you can. Keep the intention of your training top of mind

You can never perfect this training. Keep pushing for continual

improvements. Stay consistent in your training and you'll be amazed

what you can accomplish in just a few short months



*All practices and system have been developed utilizing the evidence-based systems of Functional Range Conditioning
Our body is an AMAZING thing full of millions of muscle spindles, bones,

joints, tendons, veins, arteries, nerves all working together to keep us

grooving in whatever way we decide. Now we know every BODY is different

and unique but when we get down to the skeletal level, we know that each

joint SHOULD work the same baring any previous injury or abnormalities.

When we are working through our training, I will be using specific words and

cueing to ensure we are moving our joints in the desired angles and ranges.

Here's a few terms to familiarize yourself when it comes to the joints:

Internal Rotation - rotation toward the center of the body

External Rotation - rotation away from the center of the body

Flexion - a movement that decreases the angle between two body parts

Extension - a movement that increases the angle between two body parts

Abduction - the movement of a limb or other part away from the midline

of the body, or from another part

Adduction - the movement of a limb or other part toward the midline of

the body or toward another part

Controlled Articular Rotations - Large circles performed at the outer limits of

the joint's range of motion in order to stimulate articular adaptations, outer

range control, and kinesthetic awareness


Provide CNS with as much afferent feedback as possible in order to

improve neural control

Provides linear and rotational feedback to the CNS

Our articular capsule has an extremely high amount of Mechanoreceptors

(take in info about what is occurring in our movements - this tells our

CNS what works and how it works)

The capsule is the inner most tissue in any joint so it is the first thing to

perceive motion

All mechanoreceptors are activated at the outer range - this teaches

control of the entire range creating stability.

“Pinch Points” - aberrant joint function when articular ROM is restricted on

the closing side of the joint


Sherrington’s Law - “a muscle working hard recruits the neighboring muscles

and if they are already part of the action, it amplifies their strength. The neural

impulses emitted by the contracting muscle reach other muscles and turn

them on as an electric current starts a motor.”

When we perform CARs, we can intensify the focus by locking in all other

parts of the body through activation. For a morning routine of CARs our

Irradiation levels are very low allowing for more movement from the rest of

the body. Pre-training, we ramp up the intensity of our CARs to prepare our

body, focusing first on trapping air in our low abdomen and tensening up all

surrounding muscles to the joint we are working.

General stretching is a very common thing we see in all of strength and

conditioning and sport. It has been found that by just stretching our muscles,

it actually decreases the force absorbing capabilities of our tissues,

potentially causing more injury once we get moving. It also creates very

minimal lasting changes within our muscles. Since muscles are both viscous

and elastic, the viscous component increases ranges of motion BUT the

elastic component returns the muscle to it’s resting length - always.

(Magnusson et at. 1996 and 2000)

So how can I touch my toes?!

Now we do have something called a STRETCH TOLERANCE in evey single

one of our muscles. This Threshold is determined by the CNS in two ways:

1. Previous experiences in that range

2. Your muscles' ability to function at particular ROM in order for the CNS to

“allow” further movement

Note, that I did not say - short/tight muscles OR long/loose muscles.

Let's take it to an example. Say you sit at a computer, every day, for 8-hours

per day. Your shoulders slouch. You lean your head forward. This is now your

"previous experiences" in this range. So then you go to the gym and you

stretch your chest and you say "oh I have really tight pecs". This essentially

isn't true. Since you have been hunched over for most of your life, your

body's Stretch Reflex is very high when it comes to your pecs. This is our

Central Nervous System's safeguard for protecting ourselves from pulling a

muslce and hurting ourselves. Unfortunately, this Stretch Reflex System is

set too low.

The two truths of the Stretch Reflex are:

1. Our CNS likes to maintain “norm” - ex. Prolonged shortened postures will

cause the stretch reflex to increase.

2. If CNS determines your muscles aren’t strong enough to control a

particular range of motion, then it will not allow you to functionally achieve

that range - ex. the bottom of a squat

The good news, this law states that over time our Central Nervous System

will allow for increased ranges of motion if applied forces are specific and

consistent in nature. Introducing PAILS & RAILS!

PAILS - Using isometric conditioning in progressively larger articular angles in

order to simultaneously expand and strengthen increasing ranges of motion

RAILS - Using isometric conditioning in progressively smaller articular angels

in order to simultaneously expand and strengthen deceasing ROM


Allows us to bypass the Stretch Reflex Response by 10-15 degrees in the

greater and shorter angles of our joints

Convince the CNS that we have MORE RANGE of MOTION

Prepare the body’s tissues to function in NEW ranges effectively and


Efficiently and effectively activates Motor Units to teach the CNS to

maximize neural drive at our end range

Strengthens the adaptations of new ROM


The joint angle and muscle length DO NOT CHANGE during contraction

working against an immoveable force or in a static position. This is the ONLY

type of muscle contraction that does NOT increase inflammatory mediator

release in the muscle.


Muscle cramps are extremely common in the practice of PAILS and RAILS.

This is just neurological confusion. It is your mind telling your body to be

careful as you have not worked in that range often enough. Work to continue

to train through this. Fight through to allow your CNS to understand how to

utilize specific ROM

Eccentric training should not be anything new to those experenced with

Strength and Conditioning. We have concentric activation where our muscle

is moving in its shortened range and eccentrics where our muscle is moving

in its lengthened range under tension. We can utlize this type of training in

Joint Jacked as well.


Induces progressive adaptation in tissues involved in movement

Important in injury prevention via progressive loading and strengthening


Alters the length tension curve

Safe guards Ranges of Motion

Greatest loads are sustained when contracting eccentrically (vs.

concentric, isometric, and eccentric) leading to maximum adaptation of

all tissues involved leading to hypertrophy of said muscles and tendons

Prepares tissues for sustained force

All joint angles, proprioceptors, mechanoreceptors, cellular

communications, etc. will be activated to better groove your neural

pathway to said movement

Joint Jacked is joint training. Just like any type of training, our intention is

extremely important. The first phase of training should ALWAYS be

Controlled Motion because, simply put, “we cannot move, where we cannot

move”. Throughout this training, you will be introduced to concepts that will

aid in the identification of your current joint capacities. We program specific

movement patterns into your body’s “hardware” that help clear the

communication between your body and your Central Nervous System,

develop neural adaptations to these joints, and work to open up more range

of motion development.

The second phase of training builds on your newfound range of motion and

neural control by focusing on Developing Strength within your joints. When

you maximally load the body’s system, stressing a specific tissue to a

maximum effort, the neurological and endocrinological benefits know NO

DIFFERENCE between said stress and the stress we achieve during a 1RM

Back Squat. During this level, you will learn to develop control and strength in

your ranges of motion as well as decrease the space between your Passive

and Active Ranges of motion (where you can move your body and where

your body can move itself).

Each session you will be taken through specific range of motion exercises

known as CARs for the specific area we will be focusing on. Think of this as a

targeted Warm Up. We will then focus your training on PAILs and RAILs of

said joint through timed Isometric Loading. This practice will send signals to

our Central Nervous System allowing the joint 10-15 extra degrees of range

of motion through the Stretch Reflex Principle. Once we expand your current

range of motion, we utilize specific exercises to strength your body in this

new found capacity. These exercises are known as Lift Offs, Hovers, and


This process of stressing tissue and developing specific adaptation to our

joints and surrounding tissue is the exact same principles as traditional

strength training in the gym. Not only will “Joint Jacked” open up new ranges

of motion but it will effectively add stability and strength within these ranges

to ensure your body is able to accept and produce force properly. Each

session focuses on improving YOU for anything you want to put your body

through one joint at a time!

Get ready to work!

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