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The forgotten glories of Srirangapattana

one British soldier. Thank- the most infamous traitors and arecanut groves to reach Daulat, this humble spot is of magnificent pillars sup- tana’s appeal. Intrepid ex-
M EERA I YER visits some of fully, we were spared such an in Indian history. Would his- Thomas Inman’s dungeons – given a miss by most visi- porting a roof two stories plorers are rewarded with
Srirangapattana’s lesser known event and could admire the tory have been any different a smaller, bleaker version of tors. above, grudgingly described the thrill of discovering for-
spotlessly-maintained mau- had he not withdrawn Tipu’s Col Baillie’s dungeons. Hap- A small path leads down by the British as “very hand- gotten bits of history amidst
tourist spots including Thomas soleum in leisure. troops from their posts that pily, the roof above contrasts to the quiet river, adjacent to some.” We have to take their untamed patches of green-
fateful day in 1799 and then splendidly with the gloom the towering fort walls now word for it as the palace was ery.
Inman’s dungeons,Water Gate Royal graves signaled the all-clear to the below. The glorious views, partly covered with wild later destroyed by Col Here, you can find
and the war memorial. The imposing dome of waiting British army? the lack of tourists and the shrubbery. An old man and Wellesley. derelict structures that re-
the mausoleum glowed or- A few metres from Tipu’s spot’s isolation from the his wife were washing Now fenced off, all that re- semble Tipu’s famous ar-
ange in the setting sun, con- mausoleum and its throngs hubbub of the main fort clothes in the Cauvery and mains for us to peer at mouries that stored rockets

rirangapattana has clouds swirled threateningly
been much in the news in the sky and I was remind- trasting pleasingly with the lay our first destination, an- make it an ideal spot to gaze spared us nary a glance as through the gates are some and munitions. You can
these days, what with ed of an account of the gleaming black granite pil- other mausoleum, but one calmly into eternity. we splashed about excitedly crumbling walls, their size walk along the fort’s ram-
the Karnataka government events of May 5, 1799. The lars of the corridor. On one that receives no footfalls. In Our next destination was in the cool water. the merest hint of the parts to see the damage in-
proposing to set up a Sriran- British had finally felled wall are Persian verses de- a small enclosure overrun the spot where Tipu was I wondered if this was grandeur of the past. flicted by cannons during
gapattana tourism circuit their dreaded enemy, Tipu scribing Tipu’s martyrdom with bushes and brambles is killed. According to some, how calm the river had been As is often the case in Sri- the 1799 siege.
and seeking World Heritage Sultan, the previous day. But and above the two ivory-in- the quietly graceful mau- he died at Hoally gate, an when the British forded it rangapattana, past glory You can wander off the
Site status for it. So we decid- a fearful thunderstorm laid ebony doorways leading soleum of Colonel Baillie. archway that was demol- that momentous May. Was it rubs shoulders with quotidi- path to discover dilapidated
ed to revisit the capital of struck during Tipu’s funer- to the burial chamber are The Colonel had com- ished to make way for a fate that the monsoon broke an life – outside the gates of gateways leading to nooks
Tipu Sultan, Tiger of al, sparking disquiet in even verses from the Koran. In- manded the British army in road. here the day after the fort the ruined palace are trees where nature runs wild.
Mysore with a mission to the most rational British side, the room is painted the famous battle of Pollilur Col Wellesley, who took fell, when rising water levels decorated with cowpats. Or you can sit on the fort
discover places in neither minds. Furious winds and with Tipu’s favourite motif, in 1780 and had been utterly over after Tipu’s death, made the river unfordable? Our final destination in walls and savour the soli-
guides’ nor tourists’ itiner- lightning strikes killed tiger stripes. vanquished by Tipu and Hy- erected a plaque to com- A short distance from Srirangapattana was the tude as you watch the occa-
aries. But we allowed our- scores that night and left The royal graves are all der Ali. Baillie’s relatives memorate the spot where Water Gate was the Lal Ma- Obelisk, situated at the west- sional fisherman cross the
selves the exception of the scenes of desolation such as covered with satin and erected the memorial some Tipu’s body was found, a hal, one of Tipu’s palaces, fa- ern tip of the island fort. Cauvery in his coracle. Inex-
Gumbaz, the elegant mau- seldom seen. “All language is strewn with fresh flowers. In years after Tipu’s death, ac- stark memorial that now lies mous for its sophisticated Built in 1907 by the British, plicably devoid of tourists,
soleum of Tipu and his par- inadequate to describe its the corridor and garden are knowledging his defeat at fenced off. But according to underground piping, its it is a simple war memorial with spectacular views of
ents, Hyder Ali and horrors. Rather than be ex- graves of several relatives the hands of a “superior” other contemporary paint- zenana, the four tigers kept listing the soldiers who died the two branches of the Cau-
Fakhrunissa. posed to such another scene, and attendants, including enemy. The poignant mau- ings and accounts, Tipu died chained near its entrance, in the final victory over very, the area has all the ro-
It was a hot summer day I would prefer the front of a that of Mir Sadiq, Tipu’s soleum today lies aban- at Water Gate, an unassum- and most of all for its ornate Tipu. Steeped in history, this mance and mystery of en-
when we visited. Dark hundred battles,” shuddered trusted Diwan and one of doned and unprotected. ing archway that leads to the durbar hall, with three rows spot typifies Srirangapat- chanted ruins.
The unfortunate Col Bail- Cauvery. Pics by author
lie was captured after the Today, only an inconspic-
Tipu’s tomb disastrous defeat and was uous sign indicates Tipu The Obelisk.
with graves supposedly held prisoner in died near here. This then is
of his kin in one of Tipu’s subterranean, possibly the spot where
the foreground. arched, brick and mortar British troops finally
dungeons in Srirangapat- breached the fort’s ramparts
tana fort, now ironically on 4th May 1799.
named Col Baillie’s dun- Tipu himself had rushed
geons. A cannon that lies to the spot to repulse the at-
somewhat incongruously in tack. In the ensuing melee,
the middle of this is proba- Tipu was shot twice. Ex-
bly the most photographed hausted, he collapsed near
relic in Srirangapattana. the archway, and in a final
clash with an enemy soldier,
Dark dungeons the Tiger of Mysore was
Not far is a second prison shot and died.
used for Maratha prisoners, Water Gate today is quite
Thomas Inman’s dungeons, devoid of any traces of its
possibly the least visited and role in history. In the rush to
least known historical spot see Srirangapattana’s more
in the fort. A small path past famous sights including the
a Ganapati temple leads Ranganathaswamy temple,
through a patch of banana Jama Masjid and Dariya

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