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Into the Taking a glimpse of my own literature life, as a child childhood development, I

didn't know too many words to be aware of as a child, and it grew to me, knowing that’s
what every child is like due to having a diagnosis called auditory processing disorder.
Some that could lead to mishaps, creativity, and more. It grew on me to be verbally
communicative. I suppose that is what every child’s experience is like at different levels.
My is a sponsor of literacy to me mom has been my biggest influencer of literacy in my
life. By the looks of her business or position of hard work, she can help someone like
me to get to know English words or context, even through homework Written and oral
communication plays a very major role, even in her professional career as a project
manager at an executive firm. I’ve been told by her that I can write neatly at Whenever I
run out of words, she’d assist me and have me think about new words or how to say
things in a different context. I really find it frustrating at times. Even though I have
perfect penmanship at a young age, but can draw crazily and have always been artistic.
Thanks to her also, I can learn I've been taught how to type very fast. and I took a typing
class, it's something not every person can efficiently do. Both writing and typing skills
come with advanced dexterity, a skill that some people cannot do. Literature is
intriguing, much like visual art in the making, according to my perspective. This is where
it gets complex, welcome to my personal and complex literature world.

I got into a few books: child books and school books. Until then, I got myself into other
hobbies I like, I got myself into other hobbies in my childhood days, such as video
games, drawing, TV, etc. video editing and streaming. Even though reading is not one of
my favorite hobbies, there are a few books that grabbed my attention. I say this
because reading is accordingly part of literature due to written text, which is called
“literacy”. I like new books that the school introduced me to, I had a few school
assignments that introduced me to some great literature, like To Kill a Mockingbird, The
Crucible, Antigone, etc. Reading those books made me realize I should read them other
books on my own and outside of school to advance or expand my literature
development. Apparently According to all reading platforms, I just slightly get bored by it
and lose track of reading the lines, but the writing was still inspiring. My siblings got into
reading are avid readers as I’m missing out the most. I, for never once say that I truly
hate reading, I think it is a necessity that most people should get into, with every
situation possible. It is intriguing, much like visual art in the making. Come to think of it,
reading is basically essential to us as educated people. Aside from writing, typing, or
drawing, reading was the one I became uninterested in the most in my opinion.

If I could think of a literature community, it would be My peer group family, and religion
have helped me develop my literacy. I have already stated about my family, like my
mom has inspired my literacy. In regards to peers, social media and school has have
literally also changed or impacted my life, especially ever since I got on Discord in 2017.
Played and got along with some new friends along the way. The friends I know best
speak Being able to relate and communicate my language, talking about our have
similar backgrounds, having each other's back, form bonds with and use them as outlets
for expressing your thoughts and feelings is satisfying. I learned that it's best for you to
respect a person's side, in other words their lifestyles and perspectives. Then again, you got to
be careful whom you’re with. For many reasons, we’ve become inseparable, even if our
similarities don’t quite connect, we’re persistent. I learned that it's best for you to
respect a person's side, we went from immature to mature, literally, we’re both. in other
words their lifestyles and perspectives. They may have inspired me to be direct, but I
mostly research new words. I’ve started using new words to place them in my text box
to improve my English, especially in a big paragraph. It has invited me to think in new
ways that I am able to transform into writing platforms and to improve upon my learning

I was not always in my best with the outside world, form socially, being as introverted
and shy and shy as I am. What's best for me is talking (Which is likely another reason as
to why I am more comfortable being social with people online.). As I’ve mentioned
before about my hearing disorder, I try to place the right words in my sentences at
times, and sometimes the output doesn’t make sense. Though I got to give credit for
other sources such as my religion, family, school and many others that credit me in
using my language to better improve my language before meeting up with someone to
speak your mind. However, I’m starting to cope with socialization due to the
developmental years of finding my own route to literacy. Basically, this is what affected
me to write and read improperly sometimes. I learned how to “tame the tongue”
according to my Bible times. “Tame the tongue” means to keep your words to yourself or
control it properly. I perceive religion as the reason to be aware of the reality we live in
and it is important to me for that reason. The book of the Bible has very interesting and
inspiring texts to know about in the acceptance of reality. Using the “tongue” to
communicate feelings and emotions, and the power of words are all related to how we
coexist with each other, so it becomes a part of our purpose as communities, social
groups and the world. I genuinely appreciate my family for introducing me to religion.

My most overused and useful Literature reminds me of my main language, to me is

English. Which is what authors and learners use as their formal weapon. A language It
is used in several countries like America, Canada, England in UK the United Kingdom,
and besides many others places. I speak through it with all my life, even in my infant
days or childhood where I somehow managed to speak. My only ascribed language until
you can go to classes to learn different languages like German, French, etc. English is
my communicative and identifying language. Even though I took two years of French in
high school, knowing I’ve become fascinated with other languages. In order to have the
full experience, knowing the language of the land is important. That is how people will
get their literature from. “What recourse is left to them but to create their own
language?” (1987, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” by Gloria Anzaldua)

Literature has its variations, and we all live by different codes of literacy. We learn
differently, but in ways that are connected by communication on different platforms.
Everyday I’m learning something new, and it feels like I’ve been taken back to the past
where I am learning from scratch all over again. I will continue to use literature as a
guideline in social situations and educational development.

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