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« ⋅↬ » ✧ King of the North ✧ « ↫⋅ »

General Info
Name: Cobin Brandon Stark
Titles: Leader of Men, Slayer of Giants, King of the North.
Culture: The First Men
Age: 18
Species: Human
Occupation King of the North

Physical Qualities
Height: 6’0
Weight: 210
Physical traits: Cobin has a scar around his right brow bone, extending down
his temple to his cheek from his great fight with Liaherd the
Giant. Corbin’s body is littered with scars from over 18 years of

Mental Description

Temperament: Cobin stark is a man of true honor, he lives by the laws of

the blade and follows the laws of man. He believes in the
pursuit of happiness in all men and that the North should
always remain free. He cares for his family wholeheartedly
and would do anything in his power to keep them safe. He is
a wise man when it comes to matters of war and often
keeps wise advisors amongst himself. He never seeks more
power than he earns.
Beliefs: Cobin believes that a man’s word is nothing without the
honor to back it up, he believes if one is to prove themselves
worthy the respect of those around them, one must uphold
sacred law to the best of their abilities. Cobin is leaning
towards the idea that blood does not make royalty, valour
Religious Beliefs: The Old Gods of the Forest.
Hobbies: Combat practice, wood whittling, coming up with games for
youngest children, singing songs of old, telling war stories.
Habits: Bites the inside of cheek when thinking, rests hand on hilt
of sword when idol, clicks tongue when bored, gives long
drawn out words of wisdom.
Likes: Horseback riding, swimming, reading, combat.
Dislikes: Dishonorable people, Oathbreakers, Tyrants, being
compared to his father.
Strengths: Sword-handling: Cobin has been training with a sword
since he learned to walk. He has had many teachers and
even learned from a hired tutor from Essos.

Archery: As a fall back Cobin is extremely keen to his

longbow, he does not usually choose it as a first weapon

Determination: When Cobin puts his mind to something he

nearly always sees it through no matter the means of doing
so. If he falls he always gets back up.
Weaknesses: Speed: Cobin is Tall and Muscular, slowing him when
running a bit.

Mounted fighting: Cobin hates fighting horse back, not

only is he not very good at it, he sees it as an ethical issue.

Evasion: Cobin has a hard time evading because of his

determination it is hard for him to recognize when it’s time
to turn tail and run.
Goals: Corbin’s one and only goal is to see the North remain free
and the world become a better place for his children.
Skills: War Strategy: Cobin was taught about war from his
father and his fathers War master. He believes this gave
him the ability to see outside of the box.

Communication: Cobin seems to have a way with words and

is fairly good at convincing people to do what he wants of
them .
Secrets: Cobin fell in love with a wildling girl beyond the wall but is
sure she is dead from the War of the Giants.

Cobin fears that one of his siblings will kill him to take the


-Chainmail armor with Fur of a Dire Bear.
-Valyrian Steel longsword. (Family Sword)
-Two hand Axes
-One longbow

Age 0-5
Cobin the Brave was born on a cold winter day, one of the
last days in the long winter. It was cold in the north but
Aryiana Stark was able to live with the help of her
handmaidens and the old gods smiling down upon them. Cobin
was a quiet child, his mother had to spank his bottom to
make him wail for the first time, but that proof of life
was enough to make her husband Brandon, king of the North,
the happiest man alive. He had a son, a child who was
destined to take his spot. Cobin Brandon Stark was born
the next in line for the Throne of the North. He had brown
hair and the greenest eyes Westeros would ever know, like
two jewels of Emerald in his face.

When Cobin could walk with a bit of coordination, he began

his training in One on one Sword combat; his father would
order his kingsguard to turn Cobin into the best sword
fighter the North has ever seen. Cobin held his first
sword at the age of 3 years old, a small blade made for a
small boy. They taught him to always guard before
striking, to watch his opponent’s triangles from their
shoulders to pelvic. It was hard work for such a young
child and he often threw fits about having to train so
often, before he would even begin learning to read he was
learning to parry. Any time he swore to quit his mother
would come to find him. The words she would say to him
would stick with him for life.

“Those who throw down their sword are those who throw down their life. You must always be able to
protect yourself in this life Cobin, as you may find many men wish you dead.”

Anytime his sword hit the ground he heard his mother say
this and eventually he stopped throwing it down. Even when
the challenge seemed unbearable he would stand true, even
when the slap of his trainer’s wooden sword made him want
to scream and cry, the small boy would learn to grit his
teeth through the pain. Cobin quickly became disconnected
from his own body mentally, a sad life for nearly any
fighter, he had to learn to make his mind and his body two
separate entities.

When Brandon wasn’t training as a small child he would

listen to his father tell him stories about the wall and
the land that is always winter. He would curl up by the
fire and listen to the victories that his ancestors won
against the Others far before his time. His father,
Brandon, would tell him of the Wall, the wars that
happened behind it that some of the Northmen had no idea
about. It only solidified Cobin’s drive for honor, and as
any bright eyed child he believed earning honor meant
fighting in a War, a noble war. When it came to spending
any other time with his father, well Cobin was far too
busy with his father’s set schedule for him, and when he
turned 5 he would only add more to his plate as he began
his formal tutoring in reading with the grand maester of

Cobin started studying with the Grand Maester and in his
learning to read he would also learn about war and
strategy as the grand maester would only allow him to read
the records of the fallen knights or the records of the
war. He learned where so many kingdoms failed and had
fallen short which led to their demise. He would spend 5
hours a day learning to read and 3 hours a day learning to
fight. When he would return home his dad would teach him
war strategies on his large map of the North. Although
Cobin spent his entire day learning he did not view it
this way, he had fun in most things he did, learning to
fight was exciting and the records of the fallen knights
told personal stories that no other child in Winterfell
had access too. Cobin was never blind to the privileges he
received by being the prince of the North.

When Cobin was 6 years old he began doubling up training

with a longbow, spending half the week doing archery and
the other half honing his sword fighting. His life only
seemed to become busier. In an attempt to grow closer to
his son, Brandon also began taking Cobin on long hunting
trips that would sometimes last weeks. It was when he was
9 years old that Cobin and Brandon with their group of two
knights were confronted by a dire bear.

Even with his father and the two knights fighting off the
bear he was still caught by the beast, leaving long claw
marks in his back. The bear, being distracted with
attempting to shred Cobin to pieces was unable to see
Brandon’s sword coming for his throat. Cobin was hanging
onto life. Brandon and his knights did all they could to
stop the bleeding and get him back to the Grand Maester.
When they arrived, the Grand Maester told Brandon there
was little he could do and Cobin’s Survival depended on
the gods. It took Cobin 4 months to recover, luckily the
boy had been wearing full armor when the bear got him so
the cuts were not deep enough to kill him. Cobin had to
work twice as hard to get back to where he once was. When
he fully recovered his father presented him with a garment
made from the fur of the dire bear.
Cobin was sheltered after the attack from the dire bear
and when he begged his mother to go out hunting she

“I nearly lost you once, and I fear this world would be lost without you little prince.”

He couldn’t help but feel as if his mother knew it all or

atleast believed she did and as he continued to train; all
he could think about was becoming a real warrior. Cobin
was 14 when he seemed to surpass all those in the North
when it came to sword fighting, his father was having
trouble finding challenges for him. His father had one of
his Knights Sail to Essos and found him the best sword
fighter of the time. This man’s name was Valrik Grorone,
when asked about, this man was said to float like the wind
when fighting and he was paid wealthily for coming to the
North to train. Up until this point Cobin had done
whatever his parents asked of him and although he did not
want to be cooped up in Winterfell, he obeyed their
commands. He didn’t even try to venture beyond the walls.
In his parent’s mind they had provided him with everything
he needed to stay in Winterfell and protect himself at all
cost. What his mother and father didn’t know is Valrik
would say something to him that changed his view on their

“A true Warrior only listens to the call of battle, not to his daddy, even if he is king.”

He took these words to heart and began forming opinions of

his own, one of those being that Blood should not make a
king. Honor, bravery, chivalry and ethics should make a
king. He knew that if he was going to rule he would rule
differently, he would lead the North into Nobility, he
would have the North go down in History as the Bravest,
most Valiant kingdom the Realms had ever seen. Cobin
focused on his training, spending nearly every waking
moment either practicing skills or working on his combat.
If Cobin had any say in his future, which he felt like he
had every right to, his people would see him as the
backbone of the North. He wanted to be seen as the king
that Fought.
Cobin was 15 when he ran from home to head for the wall,
most of the night's watch had never seen what the Prince
of the North had looked like. So Cobin was able to slip in
as a bannerman of the North as they sent troops to
fight.He blended in and when anyone asked who he was or
what his name was he would claim to be Robb Snow, bastard
child. It was easy enough to switch from My lady to
mi’lady, he had spent plenty of days around commoner
children and learned to speak like them along the way. The
war had already been going on for 1 year at this point and
truly they needed any soldiers they could get.

The War of the Giants.

No one knew the Giants were coming, no one knew they were
not figments of the ancestor’s imagination. The first one
to show his face was Liaherd the terrible, they do not
speak the common tongue and even if they did, there is no
reasoning with an angry giant. He tried to break through
the wall himself 2 years before the war started. The Night
watch thought they killed him when he fell into the tree
line, they thought his body would rot there. But when they
woke the next raising, Liaherd’s body was gone, informing
the Night watchmen that the Giant did not die and was in
fact still out there in the land of Forever winter. Most
figure the Giant had some kind of vendetta against the
humans for whatever reason and how that he had fallen by
their hand the Night watchmen had a sinking feeling that
the other shoe would drop and Liaherd would be back.

And he was, two years after he had disappeared into the

treeline Liaherd was back with a Wilding Army. He had not
been the only Mastermind behind this, the Wildings also
had a bone or two to pick with the northmen so joining the
fight only made sense to them. The wildlings wanted to see
the wall fall and all of the north reclaimed.

The fighting lasted for two more years after Cobin joined
the fight as a young man at 15. After two years of
ruthless fighting Cobin had gained his fair share of
battle wounds. His training did him good though, even when
he could not fight his way free, the teaching from Valrik
had him escaping near death. He came back with many war
stories but one of them stood out from the rest. Cobin and
his troop took down Liaherd the Giant himself ending the
War of the Giants.

It was late into summer during the third year of the war,
it seemed like the North would lose, Brandon couldn’t
afford to send anymore bannermen to the war when a third
of them were searching for his missing son. It honestly
seemed like there was no hope for the Northmen and at any
point they would have to surrender to the giants. That was
until Cobin presented a crazy Idea his commander. Cobin
wanted to allow the giants to think they made their way
through the wall through the east tunnel and he wanted to
do whatever it took to wait for Liaherd to enter the east
tunnel and then blow it up with him inside. It was risky
and it would mean hundreds of wildlings and even a handful
of Giants might make it through first but he truly felt
without Liaherd to lead the giants the Wildlings would be
easy to push back with their rudimentary weapons. The
commander refused to listen to Cobin’s Idea, even called
him foolish and told him to get in his place. But Cobin
knew it would work, even if they lost a piece of the wall
because of it. Cobin knew they could rebuild it. This
forced Cobin to Reveal who he truly was,showing the
Commander his Seal of Stark to prove himself so he would
be forced to listen to Cobin’s orders.

Cobin got to watch the wall tumble down on Liaherd the

giant; he watched the leader die before being shipped back
to Winterfell now a man of 18 and completely different
than the boy who had left. He had seen bloodshed, he had
made friends and lost them in the same breath. He had
watched hundreds of men die because of his one and only
order given during the war but he also watched it end
because of it. Cobin was nearly a broken spirit, he spent
his nights thinking about the 2 months he spent as a
prisoner of the wildlings during the beginning of his time
in the war. He would have never escaped without a woman he
met there. He fell in love with Disda, everyday he would
bring his meals to him, and he was sure she was the only
reason they kept him alive from the beginning, she had
convinced once of the warriors that he was a General and
would have many secrets to tell. One night Disda helped
him escape imprisonment and he planned to bring her back
to Winterfell, but she was killed during his escape (As
far as he knows) and it took him another month in the cold
of the true north to find his way back to the wall. He
used the stars to guide him, he never would have found his
way back without his prayers to the old gods and the pack
that Disda had packed for them. Losing Disda was more
painful than any other death he experienced in the war.

It has only been about 8 months since Cobin’s return from

the war and now, as a war-worn man, he is faced with his
father on his Deathbed. Although many saw Brandon the Fat
as Glutenous, his stomach never empty, Cobin loved his
father very much and to watch him waste away hurt.
However, Cobin had a hard time with Emotion now, it was
hard for him to feel sad, it was even harder for him to
feel happy. The once boisterous boy with bright emerald
eyes seemed to be someone new, someone that everyone in
Winterfell respected.

Rp Sample:

Cobin opened his eyes slowly, the light pouring in from

his open window to the east urging him awake. He knew it
was time to get the day started, even if his body begged
to stay in bed. Cobin had little physical work to do but
sometimes, just a King’s presence is needed. He places one
leg over the side of the bed with a thud as his heavy foot
hits the ground, and then the same with the other as he
hurdles himself into a sitting position. He still sleeps
alone in his bed, no wife to call his own, giving himself
enough privacy to let one rip as he sits on the side of
his bed waiting for life to fully enter his body.
Eventually he stands all the way up and makes his way to
his wash house. Cleaning himself up for the day with work
of his Handmaid he dresses and heads down for food. After
a hardy meal, Cobin decides it’s best to get Archery
practice in, never knowing when a bugger might need one
right through the eye socket.

The warm sun plays on his skin, he is only in a shirt and

cloth pants as for now, any pending threat would be
hundreds of miles away, the giant war has been over for
nearly two decades and being so far from other
civilizations.. Well.. he might as well take the peace and
quiet as it comes, plus one never knows how long summer
might actually last. Cobin heads to the small practice
Archery set up in Winterfell, he almost hopes to run into
anyone with something interesting to say, realizing that
he hasn’t had riveting conversation with anyone lately. He
truly cared for his hand maids but they were not very..
Cultured. He pulls his longbow off of his back and takes
an arrow from his quiver, notching Cobin exhales slowly
while he takes aim at the target in front of him.

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