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Ejercicios Verbos Modales

Complete los siguientes enunciados utilizando “Can” y “Would”:

1. Dr. Keppler, I am would love to work with you, but I can’t (not) because I
still don´t have my medical license.
2. Would you like to join us for breakfast? Sorry, but I can`t (not). I just started
with an intermittent fasting plan.
3. Dr. O’Connor is in his office. Would you like me to tell him that you are
4. Nurse Campbell can help you with your problem.
5. I can`t (not) know where to start.
6. When Nurse Robertson worked here, she can bring a cake every
Thursday. Complete los siguientes enunciados utilizando “Should” o “May
or Might”:
7. You should talk with your supervisor about this. He may help you.
8. Caroline and Richard should work things out. They can’t continue fighting
in front of everyone.
9. Dr. Baird should be here by now. He may have lost the address.
10. They haven´t answered their phones since yesterday. They should have
had an accident.
11. should I hire a new medical assistant?
Complete los siguientes enunciados utilizando “Could” o “Must or Have
12. You must ask Chief Nurse Cooper for permission to go to the summit. She
is usually very accessible.
13. Employees must report with their supervisors at the beginning of their
14. You have to get a medical license to practice medicine in the US.
15. Dr. Mitchell, you could read this article!

Ejercicios Phrasal Verbs

Coloque el verbo en el tiempo gramatical adecuado:

Pass out - Come down with - Come to - Brake out - Fight off
1. A well-nourished child can fight off diseases better than a malnourished
2. Adrian got so drunk that he pass out.
3. She come to a few minutes after the surgery.
4. I don’t feel well. I think I’m come down with the flu.
5. Donald had a fever, and he come down with blisters all over his body. Get
over Black out Pick up Lay-up Pull through
6. Sarah remains in critical condition, but we are expecting her to como to.
7. His body’s defenses are quite low, and if he is not careful, he could come
to a viral infection.
8. His blood pressure dropped so low that he pass out and woke up on the
floor of his office a few minutes later.
9. Lisa was come down with in bed with acute bronchitis.
10. The virus stays in your body long after you brake out the illness.

Stuffed up - Run over - Swell up - Pass away

1. Her lips started to swell up after she bit the sandwich.

2. Everyone at the clinic has a stuffed up nose due to cold or allergies.
3. The patient was run over by a distracted driver.
4. Lucy´s father pass away last night at the age of ninety-two. Throw up
Blocked up Cut down on
5. My stomach hurts, and I feel like I am going to swell up .
6. Rachel must pass away the amount of saturated fat un her diet.
7. Julian said that he couldn’t smell the flowers because his nose was stuffed

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