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Identify the word that must be changed in order to correct the sentence and

write the the correct word.

Name : Akmal Budi Septian

Nim :211038
Class : Physics education 1 b

1. The first lase is made by an American scientist called Theodore Maiman

working in California in 1960.
Improvement:In 1960 it was made for the first time Lase by a Scientist
Amreika United who worked in California by Theodore Maiman

2. Almost medical doctors have had some training in psychology and

Improvement: Almost all medical doctors receive training in dealing with
psychology and psychiatry.

3. Washington Irving, one of America’s most famous authors, was a lawyer,

abusinessman, and a United States diplomatic to England and Spain.
Improvement: Besides being a famous writer in America, Washington Irving
is also a lawyer and becoming diplomatic United States for England and

4. The Doughlas fir is a very tall American evergreen tree that is grown not
only for ornament and for its high-quality timber.
Improvement: in the United States there are very high trees and have high
quality wood. In addition, this tree is also used for ornament needs. Trees like
this are called Doughlaas FIR.

5. Nuclear energy, a almost limitless source of power, was harmessed during

the mid-1900s.
Improvement: In the mid-1900s there was an energy that had an unlimited
source of hamperers. Even so, this energy has been damaged for unimportant
needs. This energy is named nuclear energy.

6. Plants, which make up 90 percentage of visible living organism, get their

food energy from sunlight.
Improvement: almost 90 percent of plants get food energy from sunlight. In
addition, this plant also contributes to the energy needs of other organisms.
This plant is umnya it's easy to look around us.

7. Total eclipse of the moon are considerably rarest than total eclipse of the
Improvement: The emergence of a moon eclipse is generally more often than
solar eclipse.

8. According to Freud, mental life is characterized by internal conflict who

are largely unconscious.
Improvement:"Mental life develops with internal conflict without most of the
person." Freud.

9. In 1729, Benjamin Franklin published the Pennsylvania Gazette, which

soon become the most read widely newspaper in the colonies.
Improvement: In 1729 there was a Gazette Pensylvania newspaper published
by Benjamin Franklin. The newspaper became the most read newspaper at that
time in the column.

10. Large, perfect shaped pearls rank in value with the most precious stones.
Improvements: Ratings for large Pearls belong to the perfect and most
valuable pearl shape.

11. Algae range in size from microscope one-celled plants to huge masses of
Improvement: In determining the algae price for seaweed, the factory
decided to fix the algae price for seaweed depending on the size of the algae
microscope in the factory.

12. The pharmacology is a recent science, but it is closely connected with one
of the oldest, the giving of remedies to relieve diseases.
Improvement: Pharmacology is one of the fields in science that studies the
solution of a disease in living things.

13. Frances Perkins, the first woman to become a U.S cabinet member, was
instrument in the adoption of the Social Security Act.
Improvements: In the adoption of the U.S. Cabinet Social Security Act,
allowing women to become members of the U.S. Cabinet. in this case the first
woman to become a member of the U.S. cabinet, was Frances Perkins.

14. In the company of human beings, parrots demonstrate a remarkable

talent for mimicry, for which they never use in the forest.
Improvement: In one company, parrots showed a talent they never showed in
the wild, namely mimicry. This made the humans at the company surprised by
the parrot's talent. It is possible that mimicry belongs only to chameleons and
wood grasshoppers, but that parrots have this talent as well.

15. The first national known male singers of popular music appeared during
the 1920s.
Improvements: During the 1920s pop singers of popular music were first
recognized nationally.

16. The Puffer is a type of fish that can inflate one’s body like a balloon.
Improvements: Puffer is a type of fish that can inflate like a balloon when it
is threatened by it.
17. The Louisiana Purchase, made in 1803, almost was doubled the size of the
United States.
Improvements: In 1803 a Louisiana purchase took place which was twice the
size of the United States.

18. Psychology did not develop into a science based of careful observation
and experimentation until the late 1800s.
improvement: Prior to the late 1800s, psychology did not develop into a
science based on observation and through careful experimentation. It wasn't
until the late 1800s that psychology turned into a science based on observation
and through careful experimentation.

19. When a mineral forms, it grows by the addition of various element to its
Improvement: In the formation of minerals, there are various additions of
various elements to the structure. This makes the mineral into a complex or
compound mineral.

20. Energy exists in the different forms, such as light, heat, and chemical,
mechanic, and electrical energy.
improvement: Energy has different forms, such as in the form of light, heat,
and electrical energy.

21. Modern art began in second half of the 1800s, after the camera was
Improvements: Cameras first appeared in the 1800s. Since then the era of
modern art began with the invention of the camera at that time.

22. Although polar bears hunt other animals, they seldom rarely kill people.
Improvement: Although polar bears are carnivorous animals, polar bears
hunt other animals more often than humans for their daily nutritional needs.
23. Mushrooms get their food by causing vegetable matter decaying.
Improvement: Mushrooms can eat vegetables by rotting the ingredients in

24. Limestone long has been quarried for to use as a building stone.
Improvements: One of the stone materials for building is limestone long

25. The newborn marsupial is at a least developed stage of life than a

newborn kitten or human being.
Improvements: Compared to newborn kittens and humans, baby marsupials
need more life struggles to survive the early stages of life.

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