Internship Questionnaire

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Internship Application



• Limit your answers to a maximum of 1 paragraph (4-5 sentences) for each question. • Upload
the completed PDF or Word Document under the “application questionnaire” section of the
internship application.

Question 1. Who are you? Tell us about yourself.

I’m a brazilian guy that loves cats (i have two cats) and dogs too. I like to listen so many different
kinds of music but my favorite style is Heavy Metal and this it's part of my style (like having big hair). I like
to spend my time watching documentaries about history, engineering, astronomy, animal life and I
appreciate to read a lot, especially books about fantasy, literature and science in general with a good
drink of coffee.

Question 2. Why are you interested in interning with The Jed Foundation (JED)?

I am interested for a few reasons. The first reason is that I myself have been in psychologically
difficult situations and today, with this program, I want to help people who have also been through this.
The second reason is to be able to help someone by testing my teamwork skills for a greater good.

Question 3. If you picked a specific internship, please include a maximum 2-paragraph

statement explaining why you want to work for that specific program at JED.

I decided to apply for more than one program High School Programming Internship and
Learning and Evaluation Internship. I believe that both programs are great for putting teamwork
into practice and the opportunity to think of several ideas for a common goal

Question 4. How will the internship aid in achieving your professional and/or personal goals?

The internship will help me a lot in my personal and professional life. First of all, it is a personal
experience of helping someone even during the pandemic we are experiencing. It is an opportunity to
show my virtues and help others. Professionally it will help me as an international experience, which is
something that the industry (in my country) requires in order to have good career opportunities. I will
also improve my English and this would be my first direct contact with North Americans.
Question 5. What skills will you bring to the internship that will help you be successful?

I will put into practice the lessons I learned during professional experiences in industry and
college. I will know how to listen, I will focus as much as possible, I will show my time management
skills such as setting schedules and tools like Brainstorm.

Question 6. If possible, name something(s) you have done to support or advocate for mental
health in your community.

Unfortunately I have not yet been able to directly assist my community, however, what I managed
to do was a teaching scholarship in the are of pedagogy. We taught study techniques and also addressed
psychological issues are related to this.

Question 7. Is there anything else we should know about you?

I am curious and currently I am 20 years old.


ADULTS The Jed Foundation | | 212.647.7544 |

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