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1 Article

2 MHD 3D Cross-Flow in a Stream-Wise Direction Induced by

3 Nanofluid Using KKL (Koo–Kleinstreuer and Li) Correlation
4 Umair Khan1, Jamel Bouslimi2, A. Zaib3, Fahad S. Al-Mubaddel4, 5, Najma Imtiaz6, Abdulaziz N. Alharbi2 and Mo-
5 hamed R. Eid7,8

6 1 Department of Mathematics and Social Sciences, Sukkur IBA University, Sukkur 65200, Sindh Pakistan.
7 2 Department of Physics, College of Science, Taif University, 11099, Taif 21944, Saudi Arabia.
8 3 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science & Technology, Gulshan-e-

9 Iqbal Karachi-75300, Pakistan.

10 4 Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, King Saud University, PO Box 800 Riyadh,

11 11421, Saudi Arabia.

12 5 Fellow, King Abdullah City for Renewable and Atomic Energy (KA-CARE) Energy Research and Innovation

13 Center, (ERIC), Riyadh, 11451, Saudi Arabia.

14 6 Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Sindh, Jamshoro.

15 7 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, New Valley University, Al-Kharga, Al-Wadi Al-Gadid 72511,

16 Egypt.
17 8 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Northern Border University, Arar 1321, Saudi Arabia.

18 * Correspondence: author email:

19 Abstract: The aluminum nanoparticle is suitable for wiring power grids, such as local power distri-
20 bution and overhead power transmission lines because they have a higher conductivity. This nano-
21 particle is also among the most utilized material in applications of electrical fields. Thus, the present
22 exploration investigates the magnetic field impact on 3D cross-flow in the direction of stream-wise
23 with the impacts of Dufour and Soret. In addition, the activation energy and chemical reaction ef-
24 fects are incorporated. The viscid and thermal conductance of nanofluids are premeditated by KKL
25 correlating. The prominent PDEs are converted into highly non-linear ODEs using the proper simi-
26 larity technique and then analyzed numerically with aid of a bvp4c built-in solver in MATLAB. The
27 impact of diverse important variables on the temperature and velocity were graphically examined.
28 Also, the influences of pertaining parameters on the drag force coefficient, the Nusselt number, and
29 the Sherwood number were investigated. The inspections disclosed that mass transfer rate de-
Citation: Lastname, F.; Lastname, F.;
30 creases, whilst the heat transport uplifts with the improving values of Soret factor. However, the
Last-name, F. Title. Coatings 2021, 11,
31 Nusselt and Sherwood numbers validate the differing trend for rising quantities of the Dufour fac-
32 tor.
Received: date
Accepted: date 33 Keywords: Double solutions; Activation energy; Cross-flow; MHD; Soret and Dufour numbers; Bi-
Published: date 34 nary chemical reaction (BCR)
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-
tral with regard to jurisdictional
claims in published maps and insti-36 1. Introduction
tutional affiliations.
37 The cross-boundary-layer flow (CBLF) is one of the very important BLs in several
38 engineering applications like wind flow phenomena, aerospace, mechanical, etc. Some
39 other examples of cross-boundary layer flow include the flow of airplane swept-back
Copyright: © 2020 by the authors. 40 wings, cones, and spheres at an angle of attack, spinning discs. It is critical to understand
Submitted for possible open access 41 the flow dynamics to determine how to sidestep the hazard of turbulence. Jones [1] re-
publication under the terms and 42 vealed the significant results for the problem of secondary-flow by observing the key ef-
conditions of the Creative Commons43 fect on the BL. He also discovered that as the coefficient of lift decreases, the stable area
Attribution (CC BY) license 44 of laminar flow increases. Mager [2] inspected a 3D flow through a flat surface as well as
45 a curved surface, a study that was heavily influenced through the element of the biggest
/by/4.0/). 46 principal case and a moment velocity in a cross-wise direction. Dwyer [3] investigated a

Coatings 2021, 11, x.

Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 24

47 cross-flow problem that contains 3D equations via zero-velocity of free-stream secondary

48 flow and used a FDM process to achieve the solution of 3D formulas. A closed-form solu-
49 tion of cross-wise flow over a flat surface was reported by Loos [4] where he deemed the
50 parabolic shape of streamlines. Na and Hansen [5] addressed the steady flowing of a
51 power-index law liquid under the presumption of cross-flow. A 2D flowing and heat
52 transmission with secondary flow over a cylinder was inspected by Karabulut and Ataer
53 [6]. Fang and Lee [7] reported the 3D flow in the span-wise cross-flow with moving
54 boundary. The viscous dissipation effect on forced convective flowing in the secondary or
55 cross-flow direction was examined by Bhattacharyya and Pop [8] and reported the double
56 solutions for moving constraint. Weidman [9] inspected the cross-flow through the
57 power-law exponentially stretchable plate which is created by the speed of the transverse
58 WS (wall-shearing). Weidman [10] observed the cross-flow induced by the action of the
59 transverse plate. The secondary flow in the direction of stream wise via a moving sheet
60 with the convective constraints and viscous dissipation was presented by Haq et al. [11].
61 The study of the magnetic characteristics of electrically conducting fluids is known
62 as magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). Magnetic fluids include plasmas, saltwater, electro-
63 lytes, and fluid metals are few examples. The research contains magnetic field is crucial in
64 several engineering disciplines, including cooling of a reactor, power generation, crystal
65 growth, fluid metal, magnetic drug targeting, etc. Alfven [12] begun to investigate the
66 magnetic field. Since then, different researchers and scientists have investigated the mag-
67 netic fluid flow via various aspects [13-16]. Lately, Sheikholeslami [17] used Darcy law to
68 examine the impact of MHD on natural convection flow caused by a porous cavity. Also,
69 the impact of heater-sink on magneto liquid flowing in a square hollow through exploit-
70 ing an artificial neural network with entropy generation is concluded by Rabbi et al. [18].
71 Recently, Ghadikolaei and Gholinia [19] investigated the effect of MHD on a radiative 3D
72 flow including hybrid nanomaterials caused by H2 bond from a vertical stretchable plate
73 with suction and shape factors.
74 The concept of mass transfer occurs as a result of the well-known concentration dis-
75 parity of species depicted in a concoction. It conveys them from a higher area of concen-
76 tration to a lower area of concentration. There are many methods available in this splendid
77 era, for example, absorption, thermal insulation, moisture/temperature dispersal from
78 fields of groove, the distillation of alcohol, and processing of food via sufficient mass
79 transport applications. Aside from that, mass transfer is important in most living matter
80 procedures such as sweating, nutrition, and respiration. Abel et al. [20] explored mass and
81 heat transmission via hydromagnetic liquid motion from an extending plate in Walter's-
82 B liquid. Kumar and Roy [21] scrutinized the impacts of thermal and mass influences on
83 mixed convective flowing induced by unsteady rotating fluid past a vertical cone. Two
84 different conditions have been considered, namely PHF and PST. Chen [22] inspected the
85 impact of viscous dissipation on MHD free convective flowing via a vertical sheet with
86 heat and mass transport. Because of the significance of incorporating mass transportation,
87 numerous researchers highlighted the aspect of this problem with dissimilar phenomena
88 [23-26].
89 In mass transfer, there is a single significant condition that is not normally encoun-
90 tered in chemical species reactions via Arrhenius activation energy (AAE). Arrhenius
91 coined the term "activation energy" in 1889. The AAE is the minimum amount of energy
92 required for the reagent to be converted into the form of products. The procedure of mass
93 interaction conjunction with BCR via AAE is traditionally important in oil reservoirs or
94 geothermal engineering, a mechanism in liquid and oil dispersions, preparing food, and
95 so on. Together with experimental efforts, theoretical results must be developed to evalu-
96 ate the AAE impact on the fluid flow. Bestman [27] investigated the impact of activation
97 energy on free convection flow from a moving permeable boundary wall in a porous me-
98 dium. He presented the results in the form of asymptotic approximate for activation en-
99 ergy and larger suction. Mebine and Gumes [28] investigated the exothermic reaction and
100 AAE on MHD flow through a special network. Khan et al. [29] studied the impacts of
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 24

101 binary reaction and AAE on MHD Cross liquid with mixed convective and nonlinear ra-
102 diation. They inspected that species of concentration augments because of AAE and
103 shrinks because of Schmidt number. The impacts of the BCR and AAE on 3D nonlinear
104 radiative flow comprising non-Newtonian nanofluid over a slandering sheet with MHD
105 and slip effects were inspected by Reddy et al. [30]. They discovered that the activation
106 energy and binary chemical parameters uplift the rate of mass transfer rate, while
107 nanofluid temperature augments due to erratic radiative parameter. Khan et al. [31] re-
108 cently achieved multiple solutions of MHD cross flow concerning chemical reaction, acti-
109 vation energy, and non-linear radiation induced by titanium alloy particles.
110 The combined effects of Soret and Dufour are crucially substantial for fluids with
111 better concentration and temperature gradients, as well as in macroscopically essential
112 physical phenomena in fluid mechanics. These effects are easily noted in the area of com-
113 bustion flames, solar reactors and collectors along with the conservation of energy in a
114 type of buildings. Mansour et al. [32] considered the effect of a BCR on MHD free convec-
115 tive flow past a stretchable surface engrossed in a porous medium using the Soret and
116 Dufour effects. Prasad et al. [33] investigated the effects of Soret and Dufour on MHD flow
117 over a vertical sheet in a non-Darcian medium. Pal et al. [34] scrutinized the Soret and
118 Dufour impact on mixed convective flow past a non-linear stretchable sheet induced via
119 radiation effects was inspected. Zaib and Shafie [35] studied time-dependent flow past a
120 stretchable sheet along with the viscous dissipation, Soret, radiation, and Dufour effects.
121 The influences of Soret and Dufour on Lorentz forces flow conveying water-based Al2O3
122 and TiO2 particles through a permeable stretchable sheet with absorption or generation of
123 heat was examined by Reddy and Chamkha [36]. Khan et al. [37] presented the Soret and
124 Dufour influences on Lorentz forces induced by a non-Newtonian fluid past a stretchable
125 cylinder with the Newtonian mass-flux condition. They showed that the temperature and
126 concentration fields enhanced because of thermal and solutal factors. In recent times,
127 Idowu and Falodun [38] employed the technique of spectral relaxation to work out the
128 model involving non-Newtonian fluid past a semi-infinite plate with Dufour and Soret
129 effects.
130 Examining the literature reveals that the model contains activation energy and binary
131 reaction induced via aluminum nanofluid by utilizing KKL correlation through a cross-
132 flow not yet scrutinized. As a result, we are investigating the effect of a binary chemical
133 reaction and activation energy on a magnetic field induced by nanofluid by employing
134 KKL correlation via a cross-flow in the stream-wise direction. In addition, the Dufour and
135 Soret effects are incorporated. This evaluation provided a new method for scientists and
136 researchers to learn about the properties of mass and heat transfer in the path of stream-
137 wise direction through cross-flow. The bvp4c solver is utilized to solve the resultant model
138 numerically. The effects of significant parameters are contented with the help of tables
139 and graphs.

140 2. Mathematical Scenario of the Problem

141 The considered problem is formulated basically in the cross or secondary-flow and
142 stream-wise direction comprising Al2O3-water nanofluid using Koo–Kleinstreuer and
143 Li (KKL) correlation within the boundary-layer technique. Following the phenomenon of
144 secondary or cross flow, we investigated the impact of MHD 3-dimensional flow with
145 binary chemical reaction and activation energy. The Soret and Dufour impacts are also
146 invoked in the given research work. The geometrical framework of the flow and heat
147 transfer problem in the presence of Al2O3 nanoparticles is confined with the help of a rec-
148 tangular Cartesian coordinate system ( ℎ , ℎ , ℎ ) as shown in Fig. 1, where ℎ (chord-wise)
149 coordinate is measured parallel to the surface of the flat plate while ℎ coordinate is exe-
150 cuted in the span-wise direction. Therefore, the assumed velocity (which is unchangeable)
151 at the horizontal surface of the flat plate which is mathematically denoted by − ,
152 where is the dimensionless constant (say the moving factor) and the exterior flow is
153 signified by (uniform velocity). The changeable magnetic field ℎ = /(2 ℎ ) / is
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 24

154 exercised normal to the surface of the flat plate. The nanofluid is a mixture of two dissim-
155 ilar components such as Al2O3 nanoparticles and H2O (water) base fluids while the prop-
156 erties of the considered nanofluid in the model are taken to be constant. The thermophys-
157 ical properties of the nanofluid are given in Table 1. Additionally, the secondary flow has
158 a broad range of levels and is supposed to be fully established in the direction of span-
159 wise. Hence, the succeeding basic steady governing equations can be read in the absence
160 of the ℎ coordinate. So, the equation of continuity for incompressible liquid eases to

+ =0 (1)

161 and the Navier-Stokes equations with constant property ease to (see [8], [11], [39])
162 + =− + − , (2)

163 + =− + , (3)

164 + =− + − , (4)
165 Now exercising the boundary-layer approximation or scaling transformation, the
166 equation (3) of y -momentum is completely disappeared, while by the Bernoulli equa-
167 tion, the equations (2) and (4) reduces to the following simplified form as follows:
168 − = , (5)

169 − = , (6)
170 Eliminating the pressure term from equations (2) and (4), one obtains
171 + = + ( − ), (7)

172 + = + ( − ), (8)
173 In addition, the temperature and concentration are presumed to be constants
174 at the surface, whereas the free-stream temperature and free-stream concentration are ∞ ,
175 ∞ , respectively. Therefore, the temperature and concentration equations are

176 + = + , (9)

177 + = − ( − )+ , (10)
178 along with boundary conditions (BCs) are
=− , = 0, = , = , = at = 0,
179 (11)
→ , → , → , → as → ∞.
180 Now in the above governing equations, the velocity components are ( ℎ , ℎ , ℎ ) in the
181 requisite rectangular Cartesian coordinates ( ℎ , ℎ , ℎ ), respectively, and ℎ is the pres-
182 sure of the fluid. In equation (10) the second term on the right-hand side of the equation
183 is the Arrhenius function ( ( ℎ / ∞ ) (− / ℎ )) with the particular value of the
184 Boltzmann constant = 8.61 × 10 eV/K, m is the rate of fitted constant which is
185 bounded in the range of (-1,1) and is the chemical reaction rate. Also, the other con-
186 straints used in the governing equations are , , , , called the coefficient of
187 mass diffusivity, the concentration of susceptibility, the thermal diffusion ratio, specific
188 heat at constant pressure, and the mean fluid temperature, respectively.
189 Moreover, the other coefficients or symbols contained in the governing equations for
190 the nanofluid are the specific heat capacitance at constant pressure, the den-
191 sity, and the electrical conductivity . The expression for these physical properties of
192 the nanofluid is given by ([40], [41]):
= + (1 − ), = + (1 − ),
193 ( ) (12)
= 1+( ) ( )
, = .
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 24

194 Therefore, , and are called the specific heat capacity, the density and
195 the electrical conductivity of the base fluid, respectively, while the same quantities are
196 used for the nanoparticles whose subscript include the letter ( ). Also, is called the
197 nanoparticles volume fraction.
198 The Brownian motion fundamentally affects the current thermal conductivity
199 (TCN). Koo and Kleinstreuer [42] recommended that is made from the particle's con-
200 servative stationary part and a posited Brownian motion (BMN) quantity. This mutual
201 TCN model considers the impacts of particle’s volume fraction, particle’s size, and de-
202 pendency just as kinds of particle and base liquefied balances.
203 = + , (13)
( )
204 =1+( ) ( )
, = , (14)
205 whereas is representing static TCN dependent on Maxwell usual correlation.
206 The upgraded TCN part produced by miniature size convective heat transfer rate of a
207 particle's BMN and influenced by a free-stream fluidic motion is acquired through repro-
208 ducing Stokes' flow nearby a sphere of influence (nanoparticle). By presenting two exper-
209 imental constraints ( and ℎ ) Koo [43] consolidated the collaboration between nano-
210 materials in correlation with the temperature impact in the given model, regarded as:
211 = 5 × 10 , ℎ( , ). (15)
212 Lately, there is being an expanding pattern to stress the significance of the interfacial
213 heat obstruction among nanomaterials and based liquids (see, Jang and Choi [44] and
214 Prasher et al. [45]). The heat interfacial opposition (Kapitza obstruction) is accepted to
215 existent in the nearby layers of the two distinct constituents; the thin barrier layer assumes
216 an important part in debilitating the viable TCN of the nanoparticle.
217 Li [46] returned to the model introduced by Koo and Kleinstreuer [42] and joined
218 and ℎ functions to introduce another function which catches the impacts of particle’s
219 width, volume fraction rate and temperature. The experimental −function relies upon
220 the kind of nanoliquid [46]. Also, by making known to a TIR (thermal interfacial re-
221 sistance) = 4 × 10 / the unique in the above Eq. (15) was substituted by a
222 novel , in the system:
223 + = . (16)
224 For various based liquids and diverse nanomaterials, the function ought to appear as
225 something else. Just water-based nanofluid is deliberated in the present study. For Al2O3-
226 water nanofluid, this function adopts the pattern:
227 ( , , )=[ + ( )+ ( ) + ( )+ ( ) ( )] ( ) + [ +
228 ( )+ ( ) + ( )+ ( ) ( )]; ≤ 0.04,300 ≤ ≤ 325
229 Using the coefficients ( = 1. . .10) are built on the nature of nanomaterials and also
230 with the occurrences of these arbitrary constant coefficients, Al2O3-water nanoliquids
231 have of 96% and 98%, correspondingly [46] (Table 2). To conclude, the KKL correla-
232 tion is pointed out as:
233 = 5 × 10 , ( , , ). (18)
234 Koo and Kleinstreuer [42] additionally taken into consideration the laminar type of
235 induced nanofluid flow in a micro heat-sinks through the powerful nanofluid TCNM that
236 they had recognized (KKL [42]). For the powerful viscosity owing to micromixing in sus-
237 pensions, they deliberate:
238 = + = + , (19)
239 whereas =( ) .
, shows the nanofluid’s viscosity, which is specified as for-
240 merly by Brinkman. The following self-similarity variables are given by [42]:
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 24

= 2 ( ), ( ) = ,
241 (20)
( )= , = ( ), = ,
242 here in equation (20), the posited stream-function is designated by and is the
243 kinematic viscosity. The above transformations are substituted in the governing equations
244 (7) to (10) along with the BCs (11), one gets the reduce form of the ODEs:
245 ′′′ + ′′ + (1 − ′) = 0, (21)
246 ′′ + ′+ (1 − ) = 0, (22)

247 ′′ + ( ′+ ′′) = 0, (23)

248 ′′ + ′− (1 + ) + ′′ = 0. (24)
249 The subjected major boundary restrictions
′(0) = , (0) = , (0) = 0, (0) = 1, (0) = 1,
250 (25)
′(∞) → 1, (∞) → 1, (∞) → 0, (∞) → 0.
251 The following distinguished constraints have occurred in the above similarity equa-
252 tions which are mathematically expressed as:
( )
253 = , = , = , = , = ( )
( )
254 =2 , = , = ( )
255 These factors are namely demarcated as a magnetic parameter , Prandtl number
256 , activation parameter , Reynolds number ℎ
, reaction rate , temperature differ-
257 ence parameter , Soret number , and the Dufour number .

258 2.1. Skin friction

259 The skin friction coefficients or friction factors in the stream-wise and cross-flow di-
260 rections are defined as follows [39]:
( )
261 = = (26)

( )
262 = = (27)
( / )

263 2.2. Nusselt number

264 The heat transfer rate is defined as
( )
265 = ( )
=− (28)

266 2.3. Sherwood number

267 The mass transfer rate is defined as
( )
268 ℎ = ( )
=− (29)

269 where ℎ
= ℎ / revealed the local Reynolds number.

270 3. Methodology of the Considered Approach

271 The system of the nonlinear ODEs is calculated using the built-in MATLAB function
272 bvp4c (boundary value problem of the fourth-order). This method is based on finite dif-
273 ference code that utilizes the three-stage Lobatto IIIA formula. This formula, commonly
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 24

274 known as the collocation formula, yields a continuous solution with fourth-order pre-
275 cision in the closed bounded interval from a to b. The best selection choice of the mesh
276 point along with the error control is achieved by exercising the residual of the continuous
277 outcome. In the MATLAB code we utilized the syntax which is follow as
278 Sol = (bvp4c (@odefun, @bcfun, solinit, options)
279 The set of non-linear ODEs (21)-(24) along with BCs (25) are transmuted to the sub-
280 sequent system of first-order ODEs to use this approach. To continue our working proce-
281 dure, here we are letting the new variables such as by , by , by and by
282 for changing the BVP (boundary-values problem) into IVP (initial-value problem):
283 ′= , ′= , (30)
284 ′= − − (1 − ) , (31)

285 ′= , (32)
286 ′= − − (1 − ) , (33)

287 ′= , (34)

288 ′=− ( + ′), (35)

289 ′= , (36)
290 ′=− + (1 + ) − − ′, (37)
291 with the subject ICs are
(0) = , (0) = , (0) = 0, (0) = 1, (0) = 1,
292 (38)
(∞) → 1, (∞) → 1, (∞) → 0, (∞) → 0.
293 To meet the convergence conditions, the tolerance 10 is considered during the
294 calculations. It's worth noting that the two distinct solution branches are obtained by us-
295 ing different estimate values for actual numbers.

296 4. Results and Discussion

297 The similarity equations of the momentum, energy, and concentration were physi-
298 cally scrutinized in the current section of the research work using Koo–Kleinstreuer and
299 Li (KKL) correlation to investigate the impacts of activation energy, Dufour numbers, bi-
300 nary chemical reaction, MHD, and Soret numbers over the stream-wise and secondary-
301 flow for the upper and lower solution branches comprising of nanofluid (Al2O3-water). In
302 addition, the distinguished parameters which are available in the model are the following
303 such as , , , , , , , , , , , and . Meanwhile, the simulations of the
304 entire paper have been completed with the corresponding fix values of these parameters
305 which can be read as 0.1, 0.025, 1, 0.4, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5… and 6.2, respectively. The outcomes of
306 the considered model in terms of the upper and lower solution branches are graphically
307 shown in Figs. (3-21). These all graphs depicted the two distinct branch solutions for the
308 various involved controlling parameters which are bounded in the form of velocity profile
309 ( ℎ − and ℎ − directions), temperature, concentration, friction factor, heat, and mass
310 transfer fluxes. However, the solutions of the upper and lower branches were decorated
311 by the black solid and dash lines, respectively. So, the point where these solutions meet is
312 called a bifurcation or critical point and it is represented by the small solid ball as shown
313 in each window of the engineering quantities of interest. Moreover, the given scheme and
314 the simulations of the code were authenticated using graphically for the dual nature out-
315 comes of Bhattacharyya and Pop [8] as shown in Fig. 2 for secondary-flow across a moving
316 surface with limited situations. The evaluations demonstrate a high level of settlement
317 between the published and current accessible findings.
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 24

318 Figs. 3-6 exemplify the impacts of on friction factors in ℎ − and ℎ −axes direc-
319 tions, heat transfer, and mass transfer of the Al2O3-water nanofluid versus for the so-
320 lution of the upper and lower branch, respectively. From these plots, it is observed that
321 the critical or bifurcation values = upsurges due to the larger values of .
322 Meanwhile, the bifurcation values are mathematically signifying as ( =
323 0.5917, 1.0908, 1.6240). As a result, postpones the separation of the boundary layer.
324 The friction factors in ℎ − and ℎ −axes directions enlarge in the upper branch solution
325 due to the continuous increment in the values of the while it is reduced in the branch
326 of lower solutions. Since, from the physical point of view or scenario, there are so much
327 liquid is pulled into the surface and the liquid becomes more difficult to move due to
328 which the shear-stress is growing on the surface. In addition, the negative values of the
329 shear stress in Figs. 3 and 4 display that the surface exhibited a wall drag force on the
330 liquid, whereas the positive values show the opposite tendency. In contrast, the rate of
331 mass transfer is significantly boosted up in both solution branches with escalation in the
332 values of while the heat transport rate is showing decreasing patterns in the branch of
333 upper and lower solutions. So, if the suction parameter influences upsurges, the domain
334 of the solution shrinkages for the heat transfers and rises for the mass transfer. It appears
335 that the outcomes in the condition of shrinking flow does not continue because due to the
336 fact, that inside the boundary-layer the vorticity may not be restricted. However, the out-
337 comes may occur if there is an agglomeration of mass suction parameter influence at the
338 edge of the boundary layer to grip the vorticity. Besides, in the case of shrinking velocity,
339 the local mass transfer rate as well as the local heat transfer rate higher than in the case of
340 stretching velocity.
341 The impacts of and on the mass transfer rate for the two distinct solution
342 branches against the moving parameter of the Al2O3-water nanofluid are explicitly
343 shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. Outcomes certify that the values of the mass transfer
344 rate are growing higher and higher in the branch of upper and as well as in the lower
345 solution due to the larger values of the parameters and . Moreover, the thickness of
346 the concentration boundary layer is higher with the larger values of and . The gap
347 in the lower solution branch is slightly higher as compared to the upper solution branch.
348 Figs. 9 and 10 describe the variations of the heat and mass transfer fluxes for the two
349 distinct branch solutions of the Al2O3-water nanofluid against due to the influence of
350 the parameter , respectively. The values of the heat transfer rate shrinkage in both
351 solution branches with the augmentation in the values of while the behavior of the
352 solutions completely reverses for the mass transfer rate in both solution branches. In ad-
353 dition, the thermal boundary-layer thickness is reduced with higher while on the
354 other hand, the concentration boundary-layer thickness is improved.
355 The influences of Soret number on heat and mass transfer fluxes for the solution
356 of the upper branch as well as the lower branch of the Al2O3-water nanofluid versus the
357 moving parameter are illustrated in Figs. 11 and 12, respectively. These outcomes are
358 in line with the solutions of Dzulkifli et al. [47]. From these figures, we have seen that the
359 heat transfer rate continuously upsurges in both solution branches while the mass transfer
360 rate reduces in the upper as well as lower branches if we increase . In addition, the
361 thickness of the concentration boundary layer is higher for the larger values of .
362 The velocity profile in both directions ( ℎ − and ℎ −axes) for the upper and lower
363 solution branches of the Al2O3-water nanofluid against the pseudo-similarity variable
364 due to the larger values of are represented in Figs. 13 and 14, respectively. From the
365 results, it is seen that the velocities in both directions ( ℎ − and ℎ −axes) for the upper
366 branch solution increase due to the larger factor values of , lowering the corresponding
367 boundary-layer thicknesses, but the lower branch solution velocities decline. This is be-
368 cause when the increases, the velocity dispersion into the liquid becomes shorter.
369 The impact of on temperature distribution and concentration profile of the Al2O3-
370 water nanofluid for the upper and lower solution branches are graphically highlighted in
371 Figs. 15 and 16, respectively. The temperature distributions and concentration profiles of
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 24

372 the Al2O3-water nanofluid in both solution branches are significantly declined due to the
373 augmentation in the values of . Moreover, the thermal and concentration boundary-
374 layer thickness is going to declines when we increase the values of . In general point of
375 view, the explanation for this phenomenon is occurred due to which the drops of liquid
376 are bringing near to the surface, which causes a reduction in the TBL thickness. As a result,
377 an additional temperature is formed, which raises the fluid temperature.
378 Figs. 17 and 18 are set to display the impact of on the velocity profile in both ℎ −
379 and ℎ −axes directions for the upper and lower solution branches, respectively. From
380 both pictures, it is noted that the profile of velocity in both ℎ − and ℎ −axes directions
381 are decreased in the solution of the upper branch and increases in the solution of the lower
382 branch due to the larger value of . The momentum boundary-layer thickness is dimin-
383 ished due to the augmentation in the value of . Moreover, the ( ) and ( ) profiles
384 with the reassurance of , for the two distinct branch solutions are captured in Figs. 19
385 and 20, respectively. For growing values of , the temperature profile enhances in both
386 branches of the outcomes while the behavior of the solution is opposite for the concentra-
387 tion profile. Generally, the nanoparticles influences increase the TCN of the fluid there-
388 fore; the temperature and the TBLT are boosted up.
389 Finally, Fig. 21 illustrates the impacts of on ( ) for the upper and lower solu-
390 tion branches of the Al2O3-water nanofluid. For increasing the values of , as a result,
391 the ( ) shrinkages in both dissimilar solution branches. More exactly, the concentration
392 profiles and the thickness of the boundary layer are decelerated by improving the conse-
393 quences of . Generally, an enrichment in escorts to boosts in the term
394 (1 + ) [− /1 + ]. As a result, the harmful chemical reaction that lowers the
395 concentration profile is aided.

396 5. Conclusions
397 In this study, we used the Koo–Kleinstreuer and Li (KKL) model to study MHD
398 three-dimensional nanofluid flow, as well as heat and mass transfer in the secondary-flow
399 and stream wise directions. The inspirations of the binary chemical reaction and activation
400 energy along with the effects of Soret and Dufour are also invoked. Similarity technique
401 is employed to change our model from PDEs to ODEs and then a numerical scheme bvp4c
402 is used to solve the transmuted equations. The dual nature outcomes are physically inter-
403 preted and discussed by aiding various graphs. The applicable scheme is also validated
404 graphically with the available published work. The substantial points of the problem are
405 summarized as:
406  The concentration fields shrinkages in the stable and unstable solution

407 branches due to the superior values of , and . On the other hand, the

408 temperature fields upsurge in both solution branches with increasing

409 while it is reduced due to .

410  The velocity fields in ℎ − and ℎ −axes direction enrich for the branch of

411 upper result and reduce in the branch of lower result owing to the higher

412 values of , while the behavior of the velocity fields in − and −axes

413 for both branches are reversed due to the larger values of .

414  The heat transfer declines but the mass transfer escalates in the upper branch

415 as well as in the lower branch due to the improving values of the Dufour
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 24

416 number while the trend or pattern of the outcomes is looking completely

417 reverse for the effects of Soret number.

418  The mass transfer rate amplified in the upper branch solution due to the

419 successive increment in the value of and while the behavior of the

420 outcomes is altered in the lower branch solution.

421  The friction factor upsurges in − and −axes for the upper branch

422 solution due to the larger value of while it is reduced for the lower branch

423 solution.


Al2O3 nanoparticle
yh (span-wise) Wh (yh)
Ua Yh

θ χ
Chord wise
xh (chord-wise) direction Xh

XC direction
Free-stream direction
425 Figure 1. Physical illustration of the problem.

426 Table 1. Thermophysical properties of the nanofluid.

Physical Al2O3
( / ) 0.613 25
( / ) 4179 765
( / ) 997.1 3970
( ) 0.05 11010
( ) - 47
6.2 -

427 Table 2. Constants of Al2O3-Water.

Coefficient values Al2O3-Water

c1 52.813
c2 6.115
c3 0.695
c4 4.1×10-2
c5 0.176
c6 -2.98.198
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 24

c7 -34.532
c8 -3.922
c9 -0.235
c10 -0.999


429 (a) (b)

430 Figure 2. Graphical comparison of the velocity field (a) ′( ) for d with (b) Bhattacharyya and Pop [8].

432 Figure 3. Impact of on 2 .
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 24


434 Figure 4. Impact of on (2Rexh)1/2CGxh

436 Figure 5. Impact of on 2 .
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 24

438 Figure 6. Impact of on 2 ℎ

440 Figure 7. Impact of on 2 ℎ .
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 24

442 Figure 8. Impact of on 2 ℎ .

444 Figure 9. Impact of on 2 .
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 24

446 Figure 10. Impact of on 2 ℎ .

448 Figure 11. Impact of on 2 .
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 24

450 Figure 12. Impact of on 2 ℎ .

452 Figure 13. Impact of on ′( ).
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 24

454 Figure 14. Impact of on ( ).

456 Figure 15. Impact of on ( ).
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 24

458 Figure 16. Impact of on ( ).

460 Figure 17. Impact of on ′( ).
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 24

462 Figure 18. Impact of on ( ).

464 Figure 19. Impact of on ( ).
Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 20 of 24

466 Figure 20. Impact of on ( ).

468 Figure 21. Impact of on ( ).

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