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Comparative and superlative of superiority

1 – Leia o texto a seguir:

It is often said of this monumental example of Victorian civil engineering that it simply should never have
been built. Hundreds of navvies lost their lives as the line made hesitant progress through some of England's
harshest terrain, while the financial costs leapt ahead at breakneck speed. But a combination of
stubbornness and a not entirely misplaced belief that a new route to Scotland could be profitable ensured that
on 1 May 1876, some seven years after construction began, the first passenger train hauled itself over the
north Pennines.
The Lake District brochure, published by the English Tourist Board, 1996
haul: to transport.
navvy: someone whose job is to do hard physical work.

(PUC-RS) Pelas informações do texto, descobre-se que o período Vitoriano na Inglaterra:

a) produziu as construções mais incríveis de todos os tempos.

b) referesse ao período do século XIX.
c) Introduzio os trens na Europa.
d) atendeu aos custos financeiros previsíveis.
e) trouxe lucros para a Escócia.

2 – Leia o texo a seguir:

Known as the “floating city,” Venice's marshy position is flooded regularly. While Venetians have long
known the city is sinking, rising tides are now making residents fearful that its demise is near.
In an effort to stop the rising tide, the Italian government is erecting 78 electromechanical flood gates to
isolate the city and its surrounding lagoon. The $ 5.5 billion engineering feat is considered
________________________ among many others created by different professionals. It has been under
construction for the last decade and is now in its final phase.
MAXEY, Kyle. Can high tech flood gates save Venice? Engineering, 28 out. 2013. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 5 abr. 2016.

Escolha a opção que completa o espaço em branco no texto.

a) ambitious
b) as ambitious as
c) more ambitious than
d) most ambitious
e) the most ambitious

3 - (Adaptada) Observe as palavras em destaque e verifique as afirmativas que mostra o que elas têm
em comum.
• It is the highest and heaviest outdoor elevator in the world.
• They are the biggest artificial islands in the world.
• It was one of the most expensive construction projects ever.

1. ( ) Eles comparam apenas duas coisas.

2. ( ) Eles estão na forma superlativa.
3. ( ) Eles comparam três ou mais coisas.
4. ( ) Eles geralmente são seguidos por than.
5. ( ) Usam -est para palavras curtas e most para palavras mais longas.
6. ( ) São geralmente precedidos do artigo The.

A afirmativa correta é
a) 1 – 2 – 4 – 5
b) 1 – 3 – 4 – 6
c) 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
d) 2 – 3 – 5 – 6
e) 3 – 4 – 5 – 6

4 - O adjetivo “Worst” é o superlativo de:

a) Well.
b) Better.
c) Bad.
d) Good.
e) Far.

5 - O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

NUT SO SIMILAR Squirrels have different personalities and can be shy or right nutters, study finds
(1º§) Psychologists said the furry-tailed rodents have four traits - boldness, aggressiveness, activity level and
(2º§) Experts observed and recorded squirrel responses to four tests.
(3º§) They were placed in a holed box, presented with their mirror image, approached in the wild to see how
long they waited before fleeing, and caught unharmed in a simple trap.
(4º§) Bolder squirrels moved faster, were more aggressive, active and sociable.
(5º§) They may find more food or defend a larger territory - but are at more risk from predators or accidents.
Dr Jaclyn Aliperti, ___ the University of California, said the scientific field of animal personality is
relatively young but its development is key.
(6º§) She explained: "Accounting ___ personality may be important when predicting wildlife responses to
new conditions such as changes or destruction of habitat.
(7º§) "This is a hard science but if it makes you relate to animals more, maybe people will be more interested
in conserving them."

Fonte: -have-personalities-a-study-found/?


Considere o trecho abaixo:

(7º§) "This is a hard science [...]" O suprlativo da palavra hard é: 

a) Harder.
b) Hardness.
c) Hardful. 
e) The harder

6 - Na frase: “If you score higher than that”, a palavra em destaque é um

a) verbo no presente simples.
b) verbo modal usado no passado.adjetivo na forma superlativa.adjetivo na forma comparativa advérbio de
c) adjetivo na forma superlativa adjetivo na forma comparativa.advérbio de modo.
d) adjetivo na forma comparativa advérbio de modo.
e) advérbio de modo.

7 - Marque o único item que contém uma frase gramaticalmente correta.

a) My sister is more nice than you.The elephant is heavyer than the cat.We are taller than Gerald.This
exercise is the best difficult.Your ideias are more dangerous then mine.
b) The elephant is heavyer than the cat.
c) We are taller than Gerald.
d) This exercise is the best difficult.
e) Your ideias are more dangerous then mine.

8 - Na frase “Same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now”, o adjetivo destacado está no modo

a) Superlativo.
b) Comparativo de Igualdade.
c) Comparativo de Superioridade.
d) Comparativo de Desigualdade.
e) Comparativo de Inferioridade.

9 - Marque o único item correto que completa a frase seguinte:

Our economy is ___________________________ today _________________ it was years ago.

a) Taller – than
b) Strongest – than
c) Weaker – than
d) More important – then
e) More gooder – than

10 - Marque o item que completa corretamente a sentença abaixo.

This is ________________________ situation ever.

a) Worse
b) Worse than
c) The baddest
d) The worst
e) The better

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