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Received: 6 April 2021    Revised: 17 June 2021    Accepted: 8 July 2021

DOI: 10.1111/codi.15819


Rising incidence of colorectal cancer in individuals younger

than 50 years and increasing mortality from rectosigmoid
cancer in England

Oon-­Hui  Ng  | Raimundas Lunevicius  | James D. Arthur

Department of General Surgery, Liverpool Abstract

University Hospitals NHS Foundation
Trust, Liverpool, UK Aim: The aim was to describe changes in incidence and mortality from colorectal cancer
(CRC) in England by analysing data available from the National Cancer Registration and
James D. Arthur, Liverpool University Analysis Service (NCRAS, 2001–­2017).
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Aintree Methods: Data analysis was undertaken to interpret trends and patterns in age-­
Hospital, Lower Lane, Liverpool, L9 7AL,
UK. standardized incidence and death rates from CRC, including sub-­analyses by six age
Email: groups (0–­24, 25–­49, 50–­59, 60–­69, 70–­79, 80+) and three sites of cancer—­colonic, rec-
Funding information tosigmoid and rectal.
The authors received no financial support Results: Overall CRC incidence remained relatively stable—­70.1 cases per 100  000 in-
for the study, authorship and publication
of this article. dividuals (95% CI 69.3–­71.0) in 2001 and 68.8 cases (95% CI 68.0–­69.5) in 2017. Sub-­
analysis demonstrates a quarter fewer incidence of rectosigmoid cancer (−27%). This is
counterbalanced by a 3% rise in colon cancers. The age-­standardized incidence rate of
CRC increased by 59% in the 25–­49 age group. In the over 50s, CRC incidence remained
stable, with reductions seen in rectosigmoid cancer (50–­59 years, −19%; 60–­69, −26%;
70–­79, −39%; 80+, −27%). Overall, mortality improved (−18.7%), primarily as a result of
the reduction in deaths from colon (−31.6%) and rectal cancers (−25.1%). Deaths from
the small incident number of rectosigmoid cancers, however, demonstrated a significant
increase overall (+166.7%). Grouped age-­standardized death rate analyses showed in-
creasing death rates in the under 50s (+28.3%) compared to declining rates in the over
50s (−15.8%).
Conclusions: There is a clear trend in increased incidence and mortality in individuals
under 50 years old. There is also a trend to increased mortality from rectosigmoid cancer.
These findings should have implications for national screening programme extension to
under 50s and a call to arms for appropriate identification, staging and treatment of rec-
tosigmoid cancers.

colorectal cancer, England, epidemiology, incidence, mortality

© 2021 The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland

Colorectal Disease. 2021;23:2637–2646.  |     2637
2638      NG et al.

What does this paper add to the literature?
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of death from
This paper shows an increase in the incidence of colorec-
cancer globally and in the UK and the seventh leading cause of death
tal cancer in individuals under 50 years old over the data
among all diseases and injuries in England [1–­3]. Only half of the pa-
period. There is also a trend to increasing mortality from
tients with a diagnosis of CRC, which is the fourth most common
cancer of the rectosigmoid junction in five age groups, but
cancer in the UK, survive for more than 5 years [4]. Understanding
especially in age groups 25–­49 and 80+. The results pre-
trends and patterns in CRC incidence and mortality is critical for pri-
sent further evidence to advocate for extension of the na-
oritizing action such as screening age limits and evaluating cancer
tional screening programme to individuals under 50 years
control progress.
old, and provide food for thought about the management
Recently published literature demonstrates an observed increase
of rectosigmoid cancers in particular.
in CRC among individuals under 50 in North America. This has led the
American Cancer Society to recommend a lowering of the screening
start age from 50 to 45 [5]. Studies that look at global and regional trends
also demonstrated that, in highly developed countries such as the UK, the online data resource https://www.cance​, the National
rates still remain among the highest in the world. These countries con- Cancer Registration and Analysis Service, Public Health England [11,12].
tinue to have a rising incidence of the disease, but with decreasing mor- Data corresponding to the following categories for CRC were retrieved
tality [6]. Vuik and colleagues, in a study of 20–­49-­year-­old European for each calendar year from 2001 to 2017: incident cases, number of
individuals from a large cohort of 143.7 million people, found a ‘signifi- deaths, age-­standardized incidence and mortality rates. They were
cant’ CRC incidence increase among young adults in Europe particularly further subdivided and grouped in standard Microsoft Excel Mac2011
in the 20–­39-­year group with no significant mortality change among the worksheets by CRC sub-­site (colon, rectosigmoid, rectum) and six age
youngest adults, but with few detailed UK-­specific data [7]. groups of patients (0–­24, 25–­49, 50–­59, 60–­69, 70–­79, 80+). These data
In 2018, a publication looking at trends of disease incidence in were used to generate CRC sub-­site and age-­group-­specific trends over
40–­89-­year-­old individuals, utilizing data from The Health Improvement 17 years and identify patterns within these trends.
Network (THIN) (2000–­2014), showed that CRC incidence has re- Percentage changes from the means of age-­standardized inci-
mained relatively stable in the UK over the last decade [8], contrary to dence and death rates were calculated using a standard formula to
other studies [6]. The THIN data, however, are derived from about 600 identify the age groups for which a rapid change in incidence and
general practitioner practices and, while described as a fairly accurate mortality rates has occurred. All visual material was generated using
representative snapshot of UK CRC incidence, did not include data on GraphPad Prism version 9.0.0 (86) for macOS [13].
under 40s or on mortality, and we found this to be particularly relevant An incident case of CRC is a new cancer case, counted once when
if these studies are to guide screening start age and provide informa- the cancer is diagnosed. Incidence refers to the proportion or rate
tion on outcome measures such as death from CRC [8] Exarchakou and of individuals who develop CRC per year. The age-­standardized inci-
colleagues, analysing trends in CRC incidence among young adults in dence rate is a weighted average of the age-­specific incidence rates
England by anatomical sub-­site and deprivation (England cancer regis- per 100  000 individuals, where the weights are the proportions of
try data 1971–­2014), found that despite the magnitude of the increase individuals in the corresponding age groups. The same principle of
in incidence rates among young adults 20–­39  years, the number of definition applies to the age-­standardized mortality (death) rate. The
newly diagnosed cases remained far lower than in adults aged 50 years percentage change between two mean values represents the degree
or more [9]. The authors also demonstrated a smaller comparative an- of change (percentage increase or decrease) at different points in time.
nual increase (1.5% per year) in adults aged 40–­49 years. In the over Ethical approval from the institutional research ethics commit-
50-­year-­old individuals, incidence rates remained stable or improved. tee was not required, as confirmed by the National Research Ethics
It is clear from the background published information that a low- Service decision tool [14]. The institutional clinical audit manage-
ering of the CRC screening onset age is required, but to what age? Are ment board reviewed and approved the study's submitted protocol,
there England-­ and UK-­specific mortality trends or sub-­site incidence audit no. 9940. We confirm the authors had no access to identifying
and mortality trends that would guide decision-­making? To help answer patient information when collecting and analysing the data.
these questions a review of current, up-­to-­date data from the National
Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS) was undertaken.

M E TH O D S Incidence

This nationwide database study adheres to the Strengthening the In England, there were 550  697 patients with CRC in 2001–­2017
Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) state- (Table 1). The total number of CRC cases increased by 25.3%, from
ment and its checklist [10]. A comprehensive search was performed in 28 068 in 2001 to 35 157 cases in 2017. However, the incidence rate
NG et al. |

per 100 000 population changed little between 2001 (70.1 cases per from the age groups 25–­49 and 80+, with a steady increase from
100 000 individuals, 95% CI 69.3–­71.0) and 2017 (68.8 cases, 95% 2003.
CI 68.0–­69.5).
By site, colonic cancer accounted for 65.1% (n = 358 619), rectal
cancer 28.0% (n  =  153  923) and rectosigmoid cancer 6.9% of pa- DISCUSSION
tients (n = 38 155). Colon cancer incidence increased by 32% (case
difference was 5664), and rectal cancer by 19% (case difference was The results demonstrate that, overall, CRC incidence in England
1558) (Figure 1A). Rectosigmoid cancer decreased from 2121 cases across all combined age groups has remained stable. Delving deeper
in 2001 to 1988 cases in 2017, resulting in a significant fall in stan- into the data, they also show that, whilst there is declining incidence
dardized incidence rate of 27.1% from 5.3 (95% CI 5.1–­5.6) in 2001 in the over 50s, this is counterbalanced by a rise in incidence in the
to 3.9 (95% CI 3.7–­4.1) in 2017 (Figure 1C). under 50s. Further, there is a steady rise in mortality from rectosig-
moid cancers, particularly in the under 50s and over 80s.

Between 2001 and 2017, CRC caused 221 633 deaths in England.
While there was a 4.4% increase in the number of cases of mortality Possible reasons for this rise in the under 50s are myriad. Non-­
from CRC during this time (12 991 deaths in 2001 and 13 566 deaths modifiable risk factors, including sex, race, inflammatory bowel
in 2017), when population size was accounted for, the standardized disease and family history of CRC, have been found to be associ-
incidence death rate fell by 18.7% (namely from 32.6% to 26.5%). By ated with early-­onset CRC [15,16] but cannot explain the rise in
site, the number of deaths from colon cancer (Figure 1B) and age-­ incidence. For example, hereditary CRC syndromes are attributed
standardized death rate (Figure 1D) decreased by 12% and 32%, re- as a cause in less than 20% of young-­onset CRCs [17,18]. This fac-
spectively, from 2001 to 2017. A similar trend was observed in rectal tor alone does not explain the rise in incidence of young-­onset
cancers—­the number of deaths and the age-­standardized death rate cancers. Clinicopathological differences between young-­ and
decreased by 4% and 25%. However, the number of deaths and older-­onset CRC are also known (higher incidence of mucinous and
age-­standardized death rate from rectosigmoid cancer rose sharply signet-­ring tumours, poor differentiation, greater incidence of left
in England, by 240% (from 732 to 2490 deaths) and 167% (from colon and rectum cancers, higher rate of synchronous, metachro-
1.83 to 4.88 cases per 100  000 individuals per year), as shown in nous and metastatic disease at presentation) and these suggest a
Figure 1B,D. Table 1 provides detailed information on the number of different molecular pathway or influence for CRC in this age group
deaths and age-­standardized death rates. [19–­21]. Molecular genetics which influence these differences may
contribute in part to the rising incidence, and more investigation is
required. Wang and colleagues also suggested that attained height
Incidence and mortality by age group showed a stronger association with higher risk of younger-­onset
CRC, especially rectal cancers [16]. Whilst we found no published
Figure 2  shows stable incidence rates (Figure 2A) and decreasing evidence to suggest that populations with increasing under-­50s
death rates (Figure 2B) for colon cancer, especially in the age groups incidence of CRC had increasing height, height is a genetically
60–­69 and 70–­79. A similar pattern is observed for rectal cancer and early-­life nutritional and health related consequence, and it is
(Figure 2C,D). In contrast, mortality rates from rectosigmoid cancer therefore a possibility that in utero and early-­life factors, as well as
rose sharply in all age groups between 2001 and 2017 (Figure 2F). a contribution from genetic and therefore hereditary factors, are
This increase was particularly apparent in age groups 60–­69, 70–­79 drivers of increasing incidence of young-­onset CRC. A ‘Western’
and 80+. Paradoxically, rectosigmoid cancer incidence declined in all diet theory has also been proposed by authors and researchers
age groups (Figure 2E). such as Zheng and colleagues [22], specifically a diet low in fibre
and seeds, low in calcium but high in saturated fats as found in pro-
cessed meats, and increasing alcohol intake. These dietary com-
Annual percentage change in incidence and mortality ponents, amongst others, are ‘pro-­inflammatory’, according to the
Dietary Inflammatory Index, and are associated with an increased
Figure 3 highlights a gradual increase in the incidence of CRC in in- risk of CRC [23,24]. Social deprivation, lack of exercise and obesity
dividuals under 50 years old with particular increase in colon cancer may also be contributing to this increased incidence of CRC in the
in the age groups 0–­24 and 25–­49 (Figure 3A). The heat maps of young [25]. How much, if at all, any of these factors contribute
the figure highlight, via dark shades of colours, the same pattern for to a milieu that facilitates development of CRC in a young person
the other two sites of CRC—­rectal and rectosigmoid (Figure 3B,C). is unclear and it is most likely that there are complex interactive
Figure 3F shows high levels of percentage changes in mortality rates pathways that result in the "perfect" environment for development
from rectosigmoid cancer in five age groups, but especially for adults of CRC in a young person.
2640      | NG et al.

TA B L E 1  Incident cases, deaths, age-­standardized incidence and mortality rates per 100 000 individuals of both sexes combined in
England between 2001 and 2017, by colorectal cancer site and overall.

A. Incidence

Colon Rectum Rectosigmoid Colorectal

a a a
Cases Rate   Cases Rate   Cases Rate   Cases Ratea 

2001 17 837 44.4 (43.7–­45.0) 8111 20.4 (20.0–­20.9) 2121 5.3 (5.1–­5.6) 28 069 70.1 (69.3–­71.0)
2002 17 628 43.4 (42.7–­4 4.1) 8208 20.4 (20.0–­20.9) 2237 5.6 (5.4–­5.9) 28 073 69.4 (68.6–­70.3)
2003 17 825 43.6 (42.9–­4 4.3) 8277 20.5 (20.0–­20.9) 2300 5.7 (5.5–­5.9) 28 402 69.7 (68.9–­70.6)
2004 18 492 44.8 (44.2–­45.5) 8419 20.7 (20.2–­21.1) 2490 6.1 (5.9–­6.4) 29 401 71.6 (70.8–­72.5)
2005 18 844 45.2 (44.6–­45.9) 8561 20.8 (20.3–­21.2) 2547 6.2 (6.0–­6.4) 29 952 72.2 (71.3–­73.0)
2006 19 463 46.0 (45.3–­46.7) 8791 21.0 (20.6–­21.5) 2423 5.8 (5.6–­6.1) 30 677 72.8 (72.0–­73.7)
2007 20 104 46.8 (46.1–­47.5) 8850 20.8 (20.4–­21.3) 2409 5.6 (5.4–­5.9) 31 363 73.2 (72.4–­74.0)
2008 21 428 49.1 (48.4–­49.7) 8978 20.8 (20.3–­21.2) 2420 5.6 (5.3–­5.8) 32 826 75.4 (74.5–­76.2)
2009 21 662 48.8 (48.2–­49.5) 9233 21.0 (20.6–­21.4) 2471 5.6 (5.4–­5.8) 33 366 75.4 (74.6–­76.3)
2010 22 041 48.9 (48.2–­49.5) 9345 21.0 (20.5–­21.4) 2403 5.4 (5.1–­5.6) 33 789 75.1 (74.3–­76.0)
2011 22 835 49.8 (49.1–­50.4) 9633 21.2 (20.8–­21.7) 2307 5.1 (4.88–­5.30) 34 775 76.1 (75.3–­76.9)
2012 23 050 49.6 (48.9–­50.2) 10 004 21.7 (21.3–­22.2) 2238 4.9 (4.7–­5.1) 35 292 76.1 (75.3–­77.0)
2013 22 974 48.5 (47.8–­49.1) 9394 20.0 (19.6–­20.4) 1991 4.2 (4.1–­4.4) 34 359 72.7 (71.9–­73.5)
2014 23 191 47.8 (47.2–­48.5) 9344 19.5 (19.1–­19.9) 1875 3.9 (3.7–­4.1) 34 410 71.2 (70.5–­72.0)
2015 23 775 48.2 (47.6–­48.8) 9445 19.4 (19.0–­19.8) 1914 3.9 (3.7–­4.1) 35 134 71.5 (70.7–­72.2)
2016 23 719 47.2 (46.6–­47.8) 9572 19.3 (18.9–­19.7) 1994 4.0 (3.8–­4.2) 35 285 70.5 (69.8–­71.2)
2017 23 243 45.3 (44.7–­45.8) 9614 19.0 (18.7–­19.4) 1968 3.9 (3.7–­4.0) 34 825 68.1 (67.4–­68.9)

B. Mortality
Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate
2001 8791 22.0 (21.5–­22.5) 3468 8.8 (8.5–­9.1) 732 1.8 (1.7–­2.0) 12 991 32.6 (32.0–­33.2)
2002 8889 22.0 (21.5–­22.5) 3484 8.8 (8.5–­9.1) 813 2.0 (1.9–­2.2) 13 186 32.8 (32.2–­33.4)
2003 8512 20.8 (20.4–­21.3) 3511 8.8 (8.5–­9.1) 879 2.2 (2.0–­2.3) 12 902 31.8 (31.3–­32.4)
2004 8486 20.7 (20.2–­21.1) 3426 8.5 (8.2–­8.8) 1066 2.6 (2.5–­2.8) 12 978 31.8 (31.2–­32.4)
2005 8447 20.4 (19.9–­20.8) 3462 8.5 (8.2–­8.8) 1015 2.5 (2.3–­2.6) 12 924 31.4 (30.8–­31.9)
2006 8329 19.7 (19.3–­20.2) 3395 8.2 (7.9–­8.5) 1144 2.8 (2.6–­2.9) 12 868 30.7 (30.1–­31.2)
2007 8179 19.0 (18.6–­19.4) 3351 7.9 (7.7–­8.2) 1311 3.1 (2.9–­3.2) 12 841 30.0 (29.5–­3 0.5)
2008 8314 19.1 (18.6–­19.5) 3389 7.9 (7.7–­8.2) 1364 3.2 (3.0–­3.3) 13 067 30.2 (29.6–­3 0.7)
2009 8095 18.3 (17.9–­18.7) 3267 7.5 (7.2–­7.8) 1329 3.0 (2.9–­3.2) 12 691 28.9 (28.3–­29.4)
2010 8118 18.0 (17.6–­18.4) 3319 7.5 (7.3–­7.8) 1468 3.3 (3.1–­3.5) 12 905 28.8 (28.9–­29.3)
2011 8037 17.5 (17.1–­17.9) 3238 7.2 (7.0–­7.5) 1596 3.5 (3.4–­3.7) 12 871 28.3 (27.8–­28.8)
2012 8151 17.5 (17.1–­17.9) 3268 7.1 (6.9–­7.4) 1814 3.9 (3.8–­4.1) 13 233 28.6 (28.1–­29.0)
2013 7832 16.5 (16.1–­16.9) 3260 7.0 (6.7–­7.2) 1907 4.1 (3.9–­4.2) 12 999 27.6 (27.1–­28.0)
2014 7833 16.1 (15.8–­16.5) 3210 6.7 (6.5–­7.0) 1993 4.2 (4.0–­4.4) 13 036 27.0 (26.6–­27.5)
2015 7753 15.7 (15.3–­16.0) 3213 6.6 (6.4–­6.8) 2194 4.5 (4.3–­4.7) 13 160 26.8 (26.3–­27.2)
2016 7726 15.4 (15.0–­15.7) 3238 6.5 (6.3–­6.7) 2451 4.9 (4.7–­5.1) 13 415 26.8 (26.3–­27.3)
2017 7751 15.1 (14.7–­15.4) 3325 6.6 (6.3–­6.8) 2490 4.9 (4.7–­5.1) 13 566 26.5 (26.1–­27.0)
Data in parentheses are the lower and upper limits of the 95% confidence interval. The estimates are shown as values after rounding.

The role of microbiota in colorectal carcinogenesis deserves proliferation, via cytokine release pathways, thus promoting an envi-
mention. There is no doubt that dysbiosis and decreased diversity of ronment for CRC development. It is also known that moderate to heavy
the gut microbiome are linked to numerous diseases, including CRC alcohol intake is a risk factor for CRC. Ethanol metabolism by compo-
[26]. Western diets, particularly pro-­inflammatory diets as discussed nents of the microbiome, under the right conditions, generates carcino-
above, are thought to alter gut microbiomes that may lead to gut-­cell genic acetaldehyde in the colon and rectum [27,28]. These pathways
NG et al. |

(A) Incident cases (B) Deaths

25000 10000

20000 8000

Colon Colon


Rectal Rectal
10000 4000 Rectosigmoid

5000 2000

2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Year Year

(C) Age-standardised incidence (D) Age-standardised mortality


Rate per 100,000 individuals

Rate per 100,000 individuals

Colon Colon
Rectal Rectal
20 10 Rectosigmoid

10 5

0 0
2001 2005 2009 2013 2017 2001 2005 2009 2013 2017
Year Year

F I G U R E 1  Incidence and Mortality trends (Overall and Age-­standardised) by Tumour sub-­site [Colour figure can be viewed at]

highlight the potential significance of microbiomes not only in the path- compared with 56.4% for FOBT [35]. These studies suggest that
way of genesis of CRC in all age groups but in that for incidence of CRC the introduction of the FIT is likely to result in a notable increase in
in the young. CRC screening uptake. FITs have also demonstrated accuracy; the
The falling incidence of CRC rates in the over 50s is again pos- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) FIT study
sibly multifactorial, with screening and the results of population demonstrated that at the lowest cut-­off of 2 μg/g FIT sensitivity is
education on screening playing a probably significant role [29–­32]. maximized to 97%. At that level a negative FIT can effectively rule
The question to be addressed is whether to extend screening to out CRC and was shown to be better than symptoms alone for se-
the under 50s, and if so to what lower age limit. Further, are more lection of patients for urgent investigations [36]. Another study into
sensitive and therefore more accurate tests with resultant minimiza- the utilization of FIT demonstrated via modelling that a reduction
tion of unnecessary invasive investigations the answer for screen- in colonoscopy of 30%–­50% could be achieved while missing very
ing in a younger and possibly more discerning but less engaging or few cancers, with cut-­off FIT levels at between 2 and 10 μg/g (NICE
compliant population? In the USA, the Multi-­Society Task Force on DG30 recommended) [37]. This would alleviate the impact on en-
Colorectal Cancer recommends screening African American individ- doscopy capacity associated with the extension of screening to a
uals at age 45 years owing to the higher incidence of, and mortality younger population [38]. The value in freeing up capacity for bowel
from, earlier-­onset disease [33]. Such targeted approaches may need cancer screening and the utilization of available urgent slot inves-
consideration in the UK. A screening program could utilise either a tigation of patients with non-­screening symptoms (iron deficiency
Faecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) or a Faecal Immunochemical Test anaemia, weight loss, rectal bleeding, and palpable abdominal and
(FIT). Population uptake for FOBT test, is however suboptimal, re- rectal mass) is invaluable. Extension of the FIT to the under 50s
quiring two faecal samples on three separate occasions. In this cir- should therefore be considered.
cumstance, utilization of the FIT test may improve acceptance and
uptake, as publications suggest a third more people perceive FIT
to be easier and ‘less disgusting’ to complete, and therefore more Mortality
likely to be undertaken, completed and returned [34]. The Scottish
Bowel Screening Programme also showed that the FIT uptake by Age-­standardized death rates fell by 18.7%. Absolute deaths from
the population is higher compared to the FOBT, with increased up- colon cancer and age-­standardized death rate also decreased by
take across gender, age groups and social deprivation, from 63.9% 11.8% and 31.5%, respectively, over the study period. This trend
2642      | NG et al.

(A) Colon cancer, incidence (B) Colon cancer, mortality


Rate per 100,000 individuals

Rate per 100,000 individuals

80+ 300
300 70-79
70-79 250
250 60-69
200 200
50-59 50-59
150 150
25-49 25-49
100 0-24 100 0-24
50 50
0 0
2001 2005 2009 2013 2017 2001 2005 2009 2013 2017
Year Year
(C) Rectal cancer, incidence (D) Rectal cancer, mortality

Rate per 100,000 individuals

Rate per 100,000 individuals

80+ 70-79
90 70-79
60 50-59
60 50-59
25-49 25-49
30 0-24 30 0-24

0 0
2001 2005 2009 2013 2017 2001 2005 2009 2013 2017
Year Year

(E) Rectosigmoid cancer, incidence (F) Rectosigmoid cancer, mortality

Rate per 100,000 individuals

40 80+
Rate per 100,000 individuals

80+ 70-79
30 70-79
20 50-59
20 50-59
10 0-24 10 0-24

0 0
2001 2005 2009 2013 2017 2001 2005 2009 2013 2017
Year Year

F I G U R E 2  Trends in Incidence and Mortality Rates by age-­group and Tumour sub-­site [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.

was also observed in rectal cancers—­absolute deaths and age-­ excision with central vascular ligation as described by Hohenberger
standardized death rates decreased by 4% and 25%. The overall [42] has been demonstrated in a recent systematic review that
decrease could again be explained by the significant reduction in showed an improved 3-­ and 5-­year survival compared to ‘standard
mortality attributable to bowel cancer screening in the over 60 year right colectomy’ for cancer [43]. Several randomized controlled trials
olds [39,40]. Mandel and colleagues, from as far back as 1993, dem- have demonstrated that preoperative radiotherapy and chemoradio-
onstrated a decrease in 13-­year cumulative mortality from CRC by therapy for non-­early rectal cancers and neoadjuvant chemotherapy
33% when studying a population of 45 000 aged 50–­8 0 years. This for both advanced rectal (as part of total neoadjuvant therapy or
significant benefit of screening, in addition to the reduction of inci- alone) and colonic cancers result in less local recurrence and better
dence, has been replicated and reported in other studies over time. overall and disease-­free survival compared to people who did not
There are other notable contributors to improved survival. have preoperative treatment. These form the evidence for treat-
Uptake and widespread adoption of surgical techniques such as ment guidance for CRC in the UK published by NICE (NICE guidance
Heald's ‘holy plane’ mobilization of the rectum (total mesorectal ex- NG151) [44]. The role of total neoadjuvant therapy for rectal can-
cision plane) has been proven to reduce local recurrence after re- cer in improving survival is still unclear but holds promise. Robotic
section of rectal cancer to low rates. This has been demonstrated to surgery also deserves mention; despite a retrospective cohort
result in improved survival [41]. The benefits of complete mesocolic study demonstrating survival benefit for robotic transoral surgery
NG et al. |

(A) (B) (C)

2017 2017 51 2017
2015 2015 2015
2013 2013 2013
2011 2011 1
2009 2009 2009
2007 2007 2007
2005 2005 2005 1

2003 2003 2003

2001 2001 2001
Blue colour key Blue colour key Blue colour key




























Age groups, colon cancer: incidence Age groups, rectal cancer: incidence Age groups, rectosigmoid cancer: incidence

(D) (E) (F)

2017 2017 21 2017 261
2015 2015 2015
2013 2013 2013 201
2011 2011 1 2011 161
2009 2009 2009 121
1 101
2007 2007 2007 81
2005 2005 2005 41
2003 2003 2003 21
2001 2001 2001
Red colour key Red colour key Red colour key






























Age groups, colon cancer: mortality Age groups, rectal cancer: mortality Age groups, rectosigmoid cancer: mortality

F I G U R E 3  Heat maps demonstrating temporal trends and changes in degree of Incidence and Mortality by age group [Colour figure can
be viewed at]

compared to non-­robotic surgery in patients with early-­stage oro- accepted and reproducible identification parameter has to be uti-
pharyngeal cancer, these benefits have not been consistently lized. One such parameter could be the ‘rectosigmoid take-­off’ as
demonstrated in randomized trials in CRC [45]. described by D’Souza and colleagues [51]. The call for universally
utilizable identification parameters must not go unheeded.
Treatment of rectosigmoid cancers, considering the ‘waist’ the-
Rectosigmoid cancers ory and potential early nodal involvement and T4  status, may also
be generally suboptimal. There is a suggestion that cancers of this
It is unclear why there is such a stark and sharp rise in mortality from area, particularly Stages II and III, may be undertreated, and perhaps
rectosigmoid cancers. There is evidence in the literature of particu- the same approach to tumours at the other ‘waist’ of the rectum,
larly poor outcome for cancers involving this segment [46,47]. One the lower third of the rectum, must be considered [52]. In this area,
suggsted reason is that they appear to have different patterns of within the bony pelvis’s protection, such rectal cancers are more
lymphatic spread with earlier or more frequent metastases to para- readily treated with chemoradiation particularly because concerns
rectal nodes [48], making them more likely to be advanced at pres- about radiation injury to surrounding tissue are less problematic.
entation. There is also the possibility that some of the rectosigmoid While radiation may pose a risk of injury to the small bowel if de-
cancers may be miscoded and could be upper rectal or distal sigmoid. livered in the rectosigmoid region, there is now increasing evidence
This wrong-­site allocation could even be endoscopic or radiological of benefit from neoadjuvant chemotherapy with acceptable tumour
[49]. Similar to lower third cancers of the rectum, the rectosigmoid response, albeit lower complete pathological response [53]. Further
segment, anatomically, also occurs at a ‘waist’ and therefore, theo- investigation into this area is required.
retically, smaller tumours could be more likely to involve surround-
ing structures earlier, creating an earlier T4  stage with a higher risk
of local relapse and earlier distant metastases even after potentially Potential sources of error
curative treatment. The presence of a rectosigmoid ‘waist’ identified
radiologically and pathologically is undisputed and may also be uti- In this large cohort study, the NCRAS database could contain errors
lized to correctly identify, code and guide appropriate treatment [50]. of coding, particularly for rectosigmoid cancers. Distal sigmoid and
We suggest that a first step in appropriate management of rec- upper rectal cancers could have been coded as rectosigmoid before
tosigmoid tumours is the accurate identification of that segment submission to the NCRAS database. The large study population size,
of the colorectum, especially radiologically. To do so, a universally however, would potentially eliminate this error.
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