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Name of group members:

● Suzan Mujan Nyoreb (A18CS0249)

● Ain Afiqah Binti Haji Agus Salim (A18CS0022​)
● Nelena Nogili Thomas Miji (B18CS0018)

Topic of term paper: Does social media have negative impact on youth?

No Name of Article Year of Author Main Ideas (list down all the main ideas Contributed
Published stated in the article) by:

1 A Study on 2017 W.Akram ● Score Low In School: Teens who Nelena

Positive and & R.Kumar watch too much television have
Negative Effects lower scores in exams. During a
of Social Media study it is mentioned that persons
on Society with high degree scores watch less
television in their childhood and
teenage years. Another study reveals
that different media affects school
work differently.
● Risky Sexual Behavior: Young
people are simply finding their
sexuality. It is exceptionally typical
for them to be occupied with
everything sexual. However, the
measure of sex in media today can
make an adolescent befuddled. Sex
without duty – that is by all accounts
the message being radiated at
adolescents. This can prompt
untrustworthy sexual conduct and
undesirable pregnancies.
● Score Low In School: Teens who
watch too much television have
lower scores in exams. During a
study it is mentioned that persons
with high degree scores watch less
television in their childhood and
teenage years. Another study reveals
that different media affects school
work differently
● Cyber Harassing: According to a
report distributed by
the greater part of the youngsters
have progressed toward becoming
casualties of digital bullying over the
past. Since anyone can make a
phony record and do anything
without being tailed, it has ended
up being exceptionally
straightforward for anyone to
spook on the Internet. Dangers,
terrorizing messages and bits of
gossip can be sent to the majority
to make inconvenience and uproar
in the general public

2 Impact of Social 2019 P. Uma ● The present youth are wasting much Nelena
Media on Youth Rani of their time on social media instead
& of some productive purposes. It is
Padmalosa understood from chi square test,
ni there is association on time spent in
networking and the act of youth
● As parents are busy with their day to
day activities, they are unable to
spare their time with their kids.
Social media helps the present youth
to get rid off from their boredom
● Youth are our future pillar of our
nation. They believe the words
tweeted by the politicians and get
● Youth are addicted to social
media by sharing pictures and
chatting unnecessarily

3 The Negative 2020 Vinay ● Social media is among the leading Nelena
Effects of Social Prajapati causes of sleep deprivation in teens
Media on today. They are constantly worried
Teenagers, about what their friends are posting
Youth or and sharing. Adolescents can stay
Adolescents active on social for longer durations
if not prompted to stop. And if they
do these, especially during sleep
time or just before sleep, then there
is a high possibility of their sleep
being disrupted
● Mostly teen girls start comparing
themselves with celebrities after
spending time on social media and
want to look slim, pretty, and rich
like them. In the teenage years, it is
normal to copy those persons to
whom they admire or consider a role
model. This imitation can negatively
affect their self-respect and dignity.
● Teenagers who do heavy use of
social media do not spend enough
time on activities that definitely
increase mental abilities, skills, and
physical movement. Those who
exercise daily, their body releases
endorphins that signal our brain to
stay positive and reduce depression.
Thus decreased activities reduce the
secretion of endorphins, and it is
causing depression a common
● There is a statistical relationship
between the use of social media and
social isolation. When teenagers see
the pictures or video of a party
where they were not invited, it can
bring anxiety. It is known as “fear of
missing out” or FOMO. Most of the
time, teenage children believe they
are connecting to different persons
using social media, but actually, they
are out of the present moment and
their lives. It can become a cause to
feel more isolated and a reason for

4 The impact of February Lisa Impact on Self-Esteem

social media on 2015 M.Cooking
the sexual and hamMD, ● Social media encourage
social wellness Ginny adolescents to compete for attention
of Adolescents L.RyanMD, in order to increase their ‘likes’ and
MA enhance their self-worth
● While individual conduct can
damage self-esteem, so too can the
actions of an online adversary or
‘cyberbully.’ Cyberbullying can be Suzan
even more pervasive, however,
because SNSs provide a forum any
time of the day or night for anyone
and everyone to see.
● Similar to traditional offline bullying,
studies have shown cyberbullying
can lead to depression, anxiety,
severe isolation, and poor
self-esteem for the bullied individual.
Changing Social Norms and Promotion of
High-Risk Behavior

● Social norms that evolve over time

and are peculiar to a culture and
behaviour deemed unacceptable 50
years ago may now be conventional.
Psychological theorists suggest
behaviour is strongly influenced by
the perception of peers' actions,
whether or not this is the reality
● Research supports the normative
influence that social media,
specifically SNSs, have on today's
adolescents. It has been suggested,
for example, that SNSs may actually
serve as a “media super-peer” by
endorsing and establishing social
and behavioural norms of an
adolescent's peers.

Offline Consequences of Online Behavior

● Online behavior is clearly high when

it comes to social and sexual health,
there are also potential legal
● Inappropriate online behavior can
lead to lifelong repercussions,
whether or not the actions are
● While recent studies suggest that
sexual solicitation is more likely to
occur between 2 adolescents
(versus an adult soliciting an
adolescent), the threat very much

5 Is social media 5​th Jessica Stress

bad for you? January Brown Suzan
2018 ● People use social media to vent
about everything from customer
service to politics, but the downside
to this is that our feeds often
resemble an endless stream of
● In 2015, researchers at the Pew
Research Center based in
Washington DC sought to find out if
social media induces more stress
than it relieves.
● In the survey of 1,800 people,
women reported being more
stressed than men. Twitter was
found to be a “significant contributor”
because it increased their
awareness of other people’s stress.


● Social media is changing faster than

scientists can keep up with, so
various groups are trying to study
compulsive behaviours related to its
● In 2011, Daria Kuss and Mark
Griffiths from Nottingham Trent
University in the UK have analysed
43 previous studies on the matter,
and conclude that social media
addiction is a mental health problem
that “may” require professional

Self Esteem

● Social media, with its filters and

lighting and clever angles stirring
self-esteem issues among young
● Research from the University of
Strathclyde, Ohio University and
University of Iowa also found that
women compare themselves
negatively to selfies of other women.

6 The negative 11 Robyn Disrupt sleep

effects of social December Treyvaud
2017 ● Using social media can greatly
media on teens disrupt sleep patterns by compelling
teens to stay up late or wake
throughout the night to check
● Research indicates that teenagers
require 8-10 hours of sleep and that
not getting enough sleep can affect
their health.

Lack social skill

● Due to the fact that teenagers and

children spend a lot of time
interacting over social media sites
and apps, many of them are
establishing social interaction skills
that don’t necessarily apply to the
offline world.
● With adolescents now spending
more time online and less time
interacting with people in the real
world, they risk not only struggling to
develop effective social skills but
also predisposing themselves to
mental health problems.

Affect brain development

● Social media can play a major role

in a child’s environment and
subsequently affect their developing
brain by impacting how it processes
information, reacts to situations, and
remembers events.
● Current research indicates that a
child’s brain development is shaped
by social media use and exposure in
the following ways like adolescents
suffering from internet addiction
may, over time, experience
structural changes in their brain and
have lower grey matter, and the
multitasking commonly associated
with social media can cause
adolescent children to take longer to
accomplish tasks, which can also
hinder the quality of their homework
or studies

7 17 March Kelly Ain

How social 2020 Burch ● studies have suggested that some
media affects the teenagers are ​losing sleep​ due to
mental health of social media use at night, and some
teenagers are more distracted from it during
the school day.

● Teen social media use has been

thought to be correlated with
depression​, anxiety, worsening
self-esteem, and loneliness.

● Linda Charmaraman, senior

research scientist at the Wellesley
Centers for Women and director of
the​ Youth, Media & Wellbeing
Research Lab​, has also found that
21% of teens​ "felt down" about
themselves after looking at social

● groups who were particularly

vulnerable to this were women,
those with large online peer
networks, those who checked their
social media frequently, and those
who followed celebrities.

● Peer pressure for teenagers is

nothing new. However, social media
worsens this pressure in two ways,
Chaudhary explains.

● teens on social media are more apt

to say something negative or mean.
Second, teens are exposed to and
getting feedback or pressure from
many more people than they would
encounter in daily life.

8 Heavy 23 BBC News ● Teenagers who ​spend five hours Ain

SocialMedia Use October or more on apps like Instagram,
Linked To Poor 2019 WhatsApp and Facebook every
Sleep day, said to tend to delay
sleeping by frequently using their

● Teenagers that were very high

social-media users which is
around 70% more likely to fall
asleep late on school nights and
after midnight on other days.

● The study adds weight to the

theory that time spent by
teenagers on social media is
reducing the time they spend
sleeping - and lack of sleep can
have an impact on mental health,
weight and performance at school.

● Sleep is already in short supply at

this age due to hormone changes
making many teenagers want to go
to sleep later and wake up later.

● According to Dr Scott, “teenagers

may be lying awake because they
are not ready to fall asleep and
then struggling to disengage from
social media because they don't
want to miss out."

9. Social Media and March 7, Katie ● Those who had spent more time on Ain
Teens: How 2019 Hurley social media had 2.2 times the risk
Does Social of reporting eating and body image
Media Affect concerns, compared to their peers
Teenagers’ who spent less time on social media.
Mental Health
● A study from the University of
Pittsburgh School of Medicine
showed that the more time young
adults spent on social media, the
more likely they were to have
problems sleeping and report
symptoms of depression.

● Studies found that receiving a high

number of likes on photos showed
increased activity in the reward
center of the brain. Further, teens
are influenced to like photos,
regardless of content, based on high
numbers of likes.
● Though many teens know that their
peers share only their highlight reels
on social media, it’s very difficult to
avoid making comparisons.
Everything from physical
appearance to life circumstances to
perceived successes and failures
are under a microscope on social

● Even with privacy settings in place,

teens can collect thousands of
friends through friends of friends on
social media. The more people on
the friend list, the more people have
access to screenshot photos,
Snaps, and updates and use them
for other purposes. There is no
privacy on social media.

● Social interaction skills require daily

practice, even for teens. It’s difficult
to build empathy and compassion
(our best weapons in the war on
bullying) when teens spend more
time “engaging” online than they do
in person. Human connection is a
powerful tool and builds skills that
last a lifetime.

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