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Section 180-A. The Section 156. A valuation in a policy of Section 171. If there is The Measure of Section 176. The
insurer in a life insurance marine insurance in conclusive between the no valuation in the indemnity extends liability of the surety or
contract shall be liable in parties thereto in the adjustment of either a policy, the measure of to how grave is the sureties shall be joint
case of suicide only when partial or total loss, if the insured has some indemnity in an damage of the and several with the
it is committed after the interest at risk, and there is no fraud on his insurance against fire is insured. obligor and shall be
policy has been in force part; except that when a thing has been the expense it would be limited to the amount
for a period of two years hypothecated by bottomry or respondentia, to the insured at the of the bond. It is
from the date of its issue before its insurance, and without the time of the determined strictly by
or its last reinstatement, knowledge of the person actually procuring commencement of the the terms of the
unless the policy provides the insurance, he may show the real value. fire to replace the thing contract of suretyship
a shorter period: Provided, But a valuation fraudulent in fact, entitles lost or injured in the in relation to the
however, that suicide the insurer to rescind the contract. condition in which at principal contract
committed in the state of the time of the injury; between the obligor and
insanity shall be Section 157. A marine insurer is liable upon but if there is a the obligee. (As
compensable regardless of a partial loss, only for such proportion of valuation in a policy of amended by
the date of commission. the amount insured by him as the loss bears fire insurance, the Presidential Decree No.
to the value of the whole interest of the effect shall be the same 1455)
Section 183. Unless the insured in the property insured. as in a policy of marine
interest of a person insurance.
insured is susceptible of Section 158. Where profits are separately
exact pecuniary insured in a contract of marine insurance,
measurement, the measure the insured is entitled to recover, in case of
of indemnity under a loss, a proportion of such profits equivalent
policy of insurance upon to the proportion which the value of the
life or health is the sum property lost bears to the value of the
fixed in the policy. whole.

Section 159. In case of a valued policy of

marine insurance on freightage or cargo, if a
part only of the subject is exposed to the
risk, the evaluation applies only in
proportion to such part.

Section 160. When profits are valued and

insured by a contract of marine insurance, a
loss of them is conclusively presumed from
a loss of the property out of which they are
expected to arise, and the valuation fixes
their amount.

Section 161. In estimating a loss under an

open policy of marine insurance the
following rules are to be observed:

(a) The value of a ship is its value at the

beginning of the risk, including all articles
or charges which add to its permanent value
or which are necessary to prepare it for the
voyage insured;

(b) The value of the cargo is its actual cost

to the insured, when laden on board, or
where the cost cannot be ascertained, its
market value at the time and place of lading,
adding the charges incurred in purchasing
and placing it on board, but without
reference to any loss incurred in raising
money for its purchase, or to any drawback
on its exportation, or to the fluctuation of
the market at the port of destination, or to
expenses incurred on the way or on arrival;

(c) The value of freightage is the gross

freightage, exclusive of primage, without
reference to the cost of earning it; and

(d) The cost of insurance is in each case to

be added to the value thus estimated.

Section 162. If cargo insured against partial

loss arrives at the port of destination in a
damaged condition, the loss of the insured is
deemed to be the same proportion of the
value which the market price at that port, of
the thing so damaged, bears to the market
price it would have brought if sound.

Section 163. A marine insurer is liable for

all the expenses attendant upon a loss which
forces the ship into port to be repaired; and
where it is stipulated in the policy that the
insured shall labor for the recovery of the
property, the insurer is liable for the
expense incurred thereby, such expense, in
either case, being in addition to a total loss,
if that afterwards occurs.

Section 164. A marine insurer is liable for a

loss falling upon the insured, through a
contribution in respect to the thing insured,
required to be made by him towards a
general average loss called for by a peril
insured against; provided, that the liability
of the insurer shall be limited to the
proportion of contribution attaching to his
policy value where this is less than the
contributing value of the thing insured.

Section 165. When a person insured by a

contract of marine insurance has a demand
against others for contribution, he may
claim the whole loss from the insurer,
subrogating him to his own right to
contribution. But no such claim can be
made upon the insurer after the separation
of the interests liable to the contribution, nor
when the insured, having the right and
opportunity to enforce the contribution from
others, has neglected or waived the exercise
of that right.

Section 166. In the case of a partial loss of

ship or its equipment, the old materials are
to be applied towards payment for the new.
Unless otherwise stipulated in the policy, a
marine insurer is liable for only two-thirds
of the remaining cost of repairs after such
deduction, except that anchors must be paid
in full.

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