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Here is a link of common interview questions. Please take some time to read them all.

Think about which company and position you want to apply for, then pick 10 questions from it and answer it
for your own. Each question must be more than 50 words.

Company you are interviewing with: Yandex

Position you are applying for: Marketing manager

Question Your answer

Tell me about I graduated with my double degrees in business administration and software
yourself development. I really enjoy the profession of marketing and I had 3 years experience
of working as both marketing manager assistant (1 year), and marketing manager
itself (2 years) at an Uzbek textile company – “Lasso craft” (from 2017 to 2020)
During this period I helped the company to become the leading textile manufacturer
in Andijan province, and one of the best throughout Uzbekistan.
How Did You Hear A couple of days ago I was invited to a business seminar in Moscow which was
About This Position? arranged by my friend’s older brother (who is a successful entrepreneur in South
Korea), and during the seminar, I had an opportunity to have a conversation with a lot
of entrepreneurs and business people from various countries, one of them was
launching an IT startup project at Yandex and he told me that Yandex is looking for a
competent marketing manager, so, therefore, I have decided to come.
Why Do You Want to Actually, the biggest part of my life I have lived in Russia and was using all Russian
Work at This services, programs, and applications, and Yandex was the one I was using always on a
Company? daily basis, not only the browser but other services of the company such as Yandex
Taxi, Yandex music, books, etc., Any service I use was related to Yandex, so therefore I
would love to work at my favorite company, besides it would be prestige for me to
work at such a famous company.
What Is Your Throughout my business career, I can say that my biggest achievement was to make
Greatest Professional Lasso textile company the number one in Andijan province and one of the bests in
Achievement? Uzbekistan, due to my marketing skills and ability to speak in five languages, helped
me to promote the company not only in Uzbekistan but also in other countries such
as Russia, Kazakhstan, Japan and Turkey, I managed to build loyal partnerships with
several important textile companies and brand companies that specialize in clothing
such as Line, Zarina, Gate31 and Urban Tiger
Why Should We Hire I think I have more advantages compared to other candidates because unlike others
You? who specialize only in marketing, I also specialize in software development as well,
this can be especially useful for your Yandex company because, if you hire me I will be
able to understand the system from the inside. As I have a software development
degree as a second degree, I can make proper suggestions regarding the technical
and software parts of the company as well and develop better strategies to meet the
marketing objectives.
What Are Your Well, to be honest, I have a lot of strengths, but the most important ones, in my
Greatest Strengths? opinion, are leadership, ability to manage group, the highest determination to
achieve goals, and eagerness to always learn something new and expand my
knowledge and abilities. Ever since I was I child I was a leader, be it school, sport, or
daily life, everywhere I was a person to whom people would pay attention and listen.
I was always punctual and disciplined, knew how to distinguish between really
necessary people and people who waste my time, and for the most part of my life, I
barely fail at anything.
What Are Your Salary To be honest, right now I do not have a particular number in mind. For me, the top
Expectations? priority at the moment is to continue the work I am interested in, passioned about,
expand my knowledge and experience and just do what I love, so I am willing to
consider the offer you feel is fair for this position.
What Do You When it comes to the weaknesses, I think my greatest weakness is that I am a
Consider to Be Your perfectionist by nature, I am always specific and critical to myself and others, I tend
Weaknesses? to pay attention to every little detail and sometimes it can bring negative results, but
fortunately, I am currently working on it and feeling improvement, for example I
know try to judge my employees less when they make mistakes and I became less
critical about myself as well, this helped to release the tension at the workplace and
be less stressed.
How Do You Plan to To be honest, I am really goal-driven and punctual person, if I set a certain goal, I am
Achieve Your Career determined to achieve it no matter how difficult it will be, I tend to plan everything I
Goals? do in business in detail with backup plans, so I more than sure that I will achieve my
career goals as well with the hard work and proper devotion. It may sound silly, but I
even have a special folder on my computer that is named “Life goals” it consists of
three steps each of which is divided into many sub-steps. For example, the first step
was good education abroad and its sub-step was learning a new language.
Where Do You See I am glad you asked! Well, if I think about it, in five years from now, I see myself
Yourself in Five carrying on more responsibilities, being in a higher position, and contributing to the
Years? success of the company, if I imagine, I see myself smiling, sitting in the office chair in
the high building and discussing the next step, next innovation, and vision of the
company with other colleges.

Tell Me About Yourself.

How Did You Hear About This Position?
Why Do You Want to Work at This Company?
Why Do You Want This Job?
Why Should We Hire You?
What Can You Bring to the Company?
What Are Your Greatest Strengths?
What Do You Consider to Be Your Weaknesses?
What Is Your Greatest Professional Achievement?
Tell Me About a Challenge or Conflict You’ve Faced at Work, and How You Dealt With It.
Tell Me About a Time You Demonstrated Leadership Skills.
What’s a Time You Disagreed With a Decision That Was Made at Work?
Tell Me About a Time You Made a Mistake.
Tell Me About a Time You Failed.
Why Are You Leaving Your Current Job?
Why Were You Fired?
Why Was There a Gap in Your Employment?
Can You Explain Why You Changed Career Paths?
What’s Your Current Salary?
What Do You Like Least About Your Job?
What Are You Looking for in a New Position?
What Type of Work Environment Do You Prefer?
What’s Your Work Style?
What’s Your Management Style?
How Would Your Boss and Coworkers Describe You?
How Do You Deal With Pressure or Stressful Situations?
What Do You Like to Do Outside of Work?
Are You Planning on Having Children?
How Do You Prioritize Your Work?
What Are You Passionate About?
What Motivates You?
What Are Your Pet Peeves?
How Do You Like to Be Managed?
Do You Consider Yourself Successful?
Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?
How Do You Plan to Achieve Your Career Goals?
What’s Your Dream Job?
What Other Companies Are You Interviewing With?
What Makes You Unique?
What Should I Know That’s Not on Your Resume?
What Would Your First 30, 60, or 90 Days Look Like in This Role?
What Are Your Salary Expectations?
What Do You Think We Could Do Better or Differently?
When Can You Start?
Are You Willing to Relocate?
How Many Tennis Balls Can You Fit Into a Limousine?
If You Were an Animal, Which One Would You Want to Be?
Sell Me This Pen.
Is There Anything Else You’d Like Us to Know?
Do You Have Any Questions for Us?

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