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Zazzle the mouse

[Bedrijfsnaam] 2013 Amifan Nederland

7-crochet Puff
Yarn over, insert the
Two colors cotton to choose color. Crochet Hook 2.0.
hook in the stich, yarn
for the body. A whole ball of Sewing needle to put it
over, draw the yarn
cotton needed for the main together and scissors. Iron
through the stich, In the
color. For the other, you have wire for the tail so that it
same stitch repeat 6
¾ enough. can move. And finally times. Now you have 7
Salmon color for inside ears, enough fiber filling for the loops on your hook.
nose and paws. Leftover animal to get its shape. Yarn over and draw the
white, black and color yarn through all 7 loops.
contrast eyes. Choose The 7-crochet puff stitch
something that contrasts is ready.
with the color of your main


Zazzle is a self-designed pattern and tested by Dutch

followers off my blog. It is called a HOOK TOGETHER.
Would you also test once a pattern of me? That is possible,
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AmiFan Design Netherlands

Color: light purple (lp), dark purple (dp)

Row 7: *2sc in st, 3sc * repeat
Row 1: Chain of 6st in magic 6x (30)
circle Row 8: dark purple (dp) 2sc
Row 2: *2sc in st*, repeat 6x (12) in st, 4sc, light purple (lp)
Row 3-4: 12 sc *2sc in st, 4sc * repeat 5x (36)
Row 5 *2sc in st, sc* repeat 6x Row 9: (dp) 2sc in st, 5sc,
(18) (lp) *2sc in st, 5sc * repeat 5x
Row 6: *2sc in st, 2sc* repeat 6x (42)
(24) R10: (dp) 2sc in st, 6sc, (lp)

Ami Fan Design –

*2sc in st, 6sc * repeat 5x (48)
R11: (dp) 8sc (lp) 40sc (48)
R12: (dp) 2sc, 2sc in st, 2sc, 2sc
in st, 2sc (lp) 33sc, 2sc in st, 2sc,
2sc in st, 3sc (52)
R13: (dp) 2sc in st, 2sc, 2sc in st,
2sc, 2sc in st, 2sc (lp) 33sc, 2sc
in st, 2sc, 2sc in st, 2sc, 2sc in st,
2sc, 2sc in st (59)
R14: (lp) 3sc, (dp) 8sc (lp) 48sc
R15-16: (lp) 59sc
R17: decrease, 20sc, decrease,
33sc decrease (56)
R18: (lp) *6sc, decrease* repeat
5x , (dp) * 6sc, decrease* repeat R24: *2sc, decrease* repeat 7x Row 1: 5 sc in magic circle
2x (49) (21) Row 2: *2sc in st*, repeat 5x (10)
R19: (lp) *5sc, decrease* repeat R25: *sc, decrease* repeat 7x Row 3-4: 10 sc
5x , (dp) * 5sc, decrease* repeat (14)
2x (42) R26: *decrease* repeat 7x (7)
R20: (lp) 30sc, (dp) 12sc (42) End off. Make this 2 times! Crochet
R21: (lp) *4sc, decrease* repeat them together, see photos.
5x (dp) 4sc, decrease, 3sc (lp) How? Decrease, 9sc, decrease,
1sc decrease (35)
R22: (lp) 35sc
Nose 9sc around. (

R23: * 3sc, decrease* repeat 7x Color: light purple

(28) (same color as body Fill up light with fiber. Sew on
Fill up with fiber. and head) the head on row 1 / 2.
Sew with pink a nose on.

AmiFan Design Netherlands

Ami Fan Design –

You can make the nose more n, 2sc in st, 2sc, 2sc in st, 5sc
flat with thread. Make little ROW5: white, 1chain, turn,
stiches from the top through 4sc, 2sc in st, 4sc, 1 hsc
the nose, down (see photo, End off.
purple arrow)
Crochet a black round around
the eye. Start on the white sc.
On the 4e st. Start with 4hsc
on white and further hsc
around till you are back on
the white part again. Stop at
3sc white. See photo. Two white spots - big :
ROW1: 5sc in magic circle

Attention! The other Eye

ROW2: 3sc, 2sc in st, 2sc in st
you make the last black round
Two white spots - little:
the other way around. See the
ROW1: 4v in magic circle. End
red arrow’s on the photo!

Eyes 2x
Collor: black, green,
ROW 1: black. Chain of 6
ROW2: black; 1sc in 2e chain
from the crochet needle, 1sc, 2sc
in st, 1sc, 3sc in st (5e chain),
1sc, 2sc in st, 1sc, 2sc in st (1e
ROW3: black; 2sc , 2sc in st, 4sc,
change color ; green, 2sc in st,
2sc, 2sc in st, 2sc, 2sc in st
ROW4: black, 4sc, 2sc in st, 4sc,
AmiFan Design Netherlands

Ami Fan Design –

Row 8: *2sc in st, 6sc* repeat 6x Sew inside the ear on the
Sew the spots on the eye. (48) outside of the ear. Don’t fill up.
Sew the eye’s on row 8. Row 9: *2sc in st, 7sc * repeat 6x
Row 10: *2sc in st, 8sc* repeat
6x (60) Sew the ears on the back of the
Row 11-12: 60sc head on row 19.
R13: *decrease, 8sc * repeat 6x
End off, leave thread for

Inside ear - pink

Row 1: 6v in mg circle
Row 2: *2sc in st*, repeat 6x (12)
Row 3 *2sc in st, sc* repeat 6x
Ears (make 2) (18)
Color: One dark purple and one Row 4: *2sc in st, 2sc* repeat 6x
light purple. Inside ear pink. (24)
Row 5: *2sc in st, 3sc * repeat 6x
Start on the outside. Color dark (30)
purple or light purple. Row 6: *2sc in st, 4sc* repeat 6x
Row 1: 6sc in mg circle. (36)
Row 2: *2sc in st*, repeat 6x (12) Row 7: *2sc in st, 5sc * repeat 6x
Row 3 *2sc in st, sc* repeat 6x (42)
(18) Row 8: *2sc in st, 6sc* repeat 6x
Row 4: *2sc in st, 2sc* repeat 6x (48)
(24) Row 9: *2sc in st, 7sc * repeat 6x
Row 5: *2sc in st, 3sc * repeat 6x (54)
Row 6: *2sc in st, 4sc* repeat 6x
Row 7: *2sc in st, 5sc * repeat 6x
AmiFan Design Netherlands

Ami Fan Design –

Body. Row 17: (lp) 2sc, (dp)4sc, (lp) Feeth (2x)
29sc (35)
Color: light purple (lp), Color: one light purple
dark purple (dp) and one dark
purple. Pink for
Start met lp. the toes.
Row 1: 7sc in magic circle.
Row 2: *2sc in st*, repeat 7x (14) Start with pink
Row 3 *2sc in st, sc* repeat 7x Row 1: chain of 6
(21) (6)
Row 4: *2sc in st, 2sc* repeat 7x Row 2: Start in 2e
(28) chain from the
Row 5: *2sc in st, 3sc * repeat 7x crochet needle, 4sc,
(35) 3sc in st, 3sc, 2sc in
Row 6: *2sc in st, 4sc * repeat 7x st (12) (This is the
(42) front part of the
Row 7: *2sc in st, 5sc * repeat 7x feeth)
(49) Row 3: 4sc, 2sc in st,
Row 8: *2sc in st, 6sc * repeat 7x 1sc, 2sc in st, 3sc,
Row 18: (lp) 2sc, (dp)4sc, (lp)
(56) 2sc in st, v, 2sc in st (16)
29sc (35)
Row 9: 56sc Row 4: 3sc, *2sc in st, sc * repeat
Row 19: (lp) 2sc, (dp)4sc, (lp)
Row 10: dark purple (dp) 7sc, 3x, 3sc, *2sc in st, sc* repeat 2x
29sc (35)
light purple (lp) 49sc (56) (21)
Row 20-21: (lp) 35sc
Row 11: (dp) 7sc, (lp) 49sc (56) Row 5: 5sc * 2sc in st, sc* repeat
Row 22: *decrease, 3sc* repeat
Row 12: (dp)decrease, 6sc, (lp)
7x (28)
*decrease, 6sc* repeat 5x,
Row 23: 28sc
decrease, 5sc, (dp) 1sc (49)
Row 24: *decrease, 2sc* repeat
Row 13: (dp) 9sc (lp)38sc, dp
7x (21)
2sc (49)
Row 25: 21 sc
Row 14: (dp) decrease, 5sc,
Fill up and leave a thread for
decrease, 2sc,(lp) 3sc, *decrease,
sewing head on the body.
5sc* repeat 4x, (dp) 3sc (42)
Row 15: (dp) decrease, 4sc,
decrease, 3sc, (lp),1sc,
*decrease, 4sc* repeat 5x (35)
Row 16: (dp) 7sc, (lp)
28sc (35)
AmiFan Design Netherlands

Ami Fan Design –

3x, 5sc, *2sc in st, sc* repeat 2x, turn (24) That is why the feeth are both
2sc in st (27) Row 18: start in the 2e from the different.
Change color, dark or light crochet hook *decrease, 4sc*
purple. repeat 4x, 1 chain, turn (20)
Row 7: 6sc, *2sc in st* repeat 6x, Row 19: start in the 2e from the
15sc (33)
Row 8: 6sc,2sc in st, 4sc, 2sc in
crochet hook *decrease* repeat
10x , 1 chain, turn (10)
Paws little (4x)
Color: light purple
st, 5sc, 2sc in st, 15sc (36) Row 20: start in the 2e from the
Row 1: 4sc in magic ring (4)
Row 9: 8sc *(pink) 1 puff stitch crochet hook decrease, sc,
Row 2: *2sc in st, sc* repeat 2x
of 5, (lp) 3sc* repeat 3x, 19sc decrease, sc, decrease sc,
(36) decrease 1 chain, turn (7)
Row 3: 6sc
Row 10: 36sc (only on the upper Row 21: start in the 2e losse van
side of the puff stitch) de haaknaald decrease, sc,
Row 11: 9sc, *decrease, 2sc* decrease,sc (4) Paws big (2x)
repeat 3x, 16sc (33) Fill up and End off. Sew the Color: light paars
Row 12: * 4sc, decrease* repeat feeth on the body. On the side, Row 1: 4sc in magic circle (4)
4x, 11sc (29) so it can sit. Row 2: *2sc in st,sc* repeat 2x
Row 13: *decrease, 2sc* repeat (6)
6x, decrease, decrease (21) ATTENTION !!! The other Row 3-5: 6sc
Row 14: *2sc, 2sc in st * repeat feeth you end on the other
3x, 1 chain, turn!!! ( From here side. On Row 14 you do not
NOT Round anymore!!!) (12) end with a chain but go on with
Row 15: start in the 2e chain row 15. So do turn at the end
Paw and arm
You made three paws for both
from crochet hook *3sc, 2sc in off row 15.
hands. Two big and four little.
st* repeat 4x, 1 chain,
Two little and one big
turn (20) You crochet
Paw is becoming one
over the first 12e sc off
hand. Crochet them
Row 14 and eng on
together. How? Lay them
Row 13!
next together. To little
Row 16: start in the 2e
next to one Big. And the
chain from the crochet
other hand upside down.
hook *4sc, 2sc in st*
The big one is the thumb.
repeat 4x, 1 chain, turn
Crochet togehter with 15
Row 17: start in the 2e
sc. Go further with the
chain from the crochet
hook 24sc, 1 chain,
AmiFan Design Netherlands

Ami Fan Design –

Row 1: 15v Fill up with Irion wire. Zazzle is alive!!!
Row 2: 4v, decrease, 5v, Row 46: decrease, 2v, decrease,
decrease , 2v (13) (4) I hope you enjoyed making
Row 3: 11v, decrease (12) Row 47: decrease, decrease (2) Zazzle.
Row 4: 12v End off. Sew Row 1 on the Do you have a question of you
Row 5: *decrease, 2v* repeat 4x body. want to share you Zazzle. Pleas
(8) e let me know! Contact me by
Row 6-14: 8v my blog: http://cute-
Row 15: *2v in st, 2v* repeat 4x
(12) Greetings AmiFan
Sew the head on the body and
Fill up and end off.
Sew on Row 15 on the body.

Row 1: chain of 7 and make a
circle by hsc in 7e en 1e chain.
It is a circle now.
Row 2-45: 7v in sc.
You can make a stripe than
crochet in the inside of the sc.

You are allowed to link to this pattern. Please do not copy or sell this
pattern. Off course you can sell your finished items (based on this pattern)
but please honor me as the designer.

This pattern and other ones can be found at raverly where my name is
AmifanDutch and AmiFan Designs. You can also find me on my blog: cute-

If you have any questions or feedback regarding the pattern, please feel free
to contact me by email:
AmiFan Design Netherlands

Ami Fan Design –


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