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Student Name: Javlonbek Akhmadjonov Student ID: 12194926

Team 1
1) Describe the organizational cultures of both Samsung and LG according to the presentation of
Team 1.
Samsung’s organizational culture is innovation-centered and it consists of the following aspects:
1) Development of opportunities for all employees, 2) Passion for excellence, 3) Constant
Change, 4) Ethical foundation for integrity, and 5) Emphasis on prosperity for all. The
management in Samsung is focused on the top-down approach in which top executives have a
bigger influence in the organization than lower groups
The organizational culture of LG consists of four main aspects which are 1) People-Orientation,
2) Boundaryless, 3) Innovation, and 4) Control. The management in LG is focused on the
bottom-up approach in which lower groups have more influence on the company than a top

Team 5
2) What are the five elements of Corporate Behavior of working at Google company's branch in
Athens, Greece?
The five elements of Google’s corporate behavior in Athens, Greece are 1) Openness, 2) Smart
with emphasis on excellence, 3) Innovation, 4) Hands-On support, 5) Support of small-company-
family rapport

3) What are the four characteristics of Toyota’s organizational culture?
The core elements of Toyota’s organizational culture according to the presentation are
Continuous improvement through learning, Quality, Secrecy, and Teamwork. Teamwork is an
essential part of Toyota’s Organizational Culture; the company believes that synergy in an
organization can greatly contribute to the success of the company. Teamwork in Toyota
encourages their employees to be involved in different team activities. In order to make sure that
they are ready to be a part of Toyota’s organizational culture, they take a team-building training

1) Please select one team you would like to compliment the most: I would like to compliment
the team Central Asia with its project about Yandex Company.
 Reason: The reason is because I think their presentations were well organized in terms of
design, overall structure and the delivery of information, I also liked that they have used the
same design for all of their presentations. The best part of their presentation was the part in
which one presenter described the employees benefits at Yandex, I mostly liked this part of the
2) Pick one of the speakers you would like to compliment the most: I would like to compliment
the speaker from the team South Africa, Guzaloy Makhmudova243
 Reason: The reason is because it seemed to me that the speech was natural, she shared her own
opinions, supported them by facts and even was adding additional specific information that was
not mentioned in the presentation. I think her presentation was more natural to me than the
presentation of other presenters
3) Write down one of the project teams you regretted the most, and briefly give advice
Actually, I did not feel that one certain team did significantly worse than other teams, however,
to be honest the presentation of Sarvarbek was a bit confusing because during the presentation
there were several technical issues, for example, at the middle of the presentation there was a
white screen which went silent for about 2-3 minutes and then Sarvarbek started talking but I did
not get the main idea of his speech at that point. Also, there were parts that I thought he wanted
to cut while editing the presentation but forgot.
Advice: Even though on the whole the presentation was nice, I would suggest Sarvarbek to better
check the technical issues that may appear before uploading the presentation.

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